VLDB 1999: 10-Year Award



The programme committee is pleased to recognise the significant contribution of the VLDB'89 paper "Exploiting the ARIES recovery algorithms for Nested Transactions" - C. Mohan & Kurt Rothermel by awarding it the prestigious Ten Year Paper Award.

The techniques of logical log records, log compensation records and re-establishing the state prior to a crash, before undoing the work of transactions that do not complete, has proved to be of wide-ranging importance and significance, for instance, in enhancing the robustness of Lotus Notes as well as many major DBMS.

We are delighted that the creator of ARIES, C. Mohan presented an invited talk "Repeating History Beyond ARIES" which will explain why ARIES has had such an impact, and will examine the way ahead for durable and recoverable systems.

This talk reviews the history of logging and recovery in DBMSs and explains what led to the development of the original ARIES recovery method and briefly introduces the various recovery and concurrency control methods in the ARIES family. In ARIES, the concept of repeating history turned out to be an important paradigm. Examining where transaction management is headed in the world of the Internet, history has repeated itself in the sense of requirements that used to be considered significant in the mainframe world (e.g., performance, availability) are now becoming important requirements in the broader information technology community as well. The talk also discusses some of the recent developments affecting the transaction management area and what these mean for the future.

Dr. C. Mohan joined IBM Almaden Research Center in 1981. He was named an IBM Fellow in 1997 for being recognised worldwide as a leading innovator in transaction management. He received the 1996 ACM SIGMOD Innovations Award in recognition of his innovative contributions to the development and use of database systems. He has received from IBM 1 Corporate and 7 Outstanding Innovation Awards. He is an IBM Master Inventor with 32 patents. His research results are implemented in numerous IBM and non-IBM products and prototypes. He is the primary inventor of the ARIES family of recovery and locking methods, and the industry-standard Presumed Abort commit protocol. He was Program Chair for VLDB96 and HPTS87. He is an editor of VLDB Journal, and Distributed and Parallel Databases - An International Journal. He received a BTech (1977) from IIT Madras and a PhD (1981) from UT Austin.

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