Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM)

Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications (SMA)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      24th SPM 2019: Vancouver, BC, Canada

      23rd SPM 2018: Bilbao, Spain

      22nd SPM 2017: Berkeley, California, USA

      SPM proceedings: Computer-Aided Design 90

      21st SPM 2016: Berlin, Germany

      SPM proceedings: Computer-Aided Design 78

      20th SPM 2015: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

      19th SPM 2014: Hong Kong, SAR, China

      SPM proceedings: Computer-Aided Design 58

      18th SPM 2013: Denver, Colorado, USA

      17th SPM 2012: Dijon, France

      16th SPM 2011: Orlando, Florida, USA

      15th SPM 2010: Haifa, Israel

      14th SPM 2009: San Francisco, California, USA

      13th SPM 2008: Stony Brook, New York, USA

      12th SPM 2007: Beijing, China

      11th SPM 2006: Cardiff University, Wales, UK

      10th SPM 2005: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

      9th SMA 2004: Genova, Italy

      8th SMA 2003: Seattle, WA, USA

      7th SMA 2002: Saarbrücken, Germany

      SMA 2002 Home Page

      6th SMA 2001: Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

      5th SMA 1999: Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

      4th SMA 1997: Atlanta, Georgia, USA

      3rd SMA 1995: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

      2nd SMA 1993: Montreal, Canada

      1st SMA 1991: Austin, Texas, USA