25th MODELS 2022: Montreal, Quebec, Canada - Companion Proceedings

Refine list

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Tools and demonstration track

Posters track

Educators symposium

Doctoral symposium

ACM student research competition

14th System analysis and modelling conference (SAM)

4th MDE intelligence workshop (MDE intelligence)

9th International workshop on multi-level modelling

2nd International workshop on model-driven engineering for digital twins (ModDiT 2022)

Workshop on models and evolution (ME 2022)

Modeling in automotive system and software engineering workshop (MASE 2022)

19th Workshop on model driven engineering, verification and validation (MoDeVVa 2022)

4th Multi-paradigm modeling for cyber-physical systems workshop (MPM4CPS 2022)

4th International workshop on modeling language engineering (MLE 2022)

3rd DevOps at MODELS workshop

3rd LowCode workshop (LowCode 2022)

21st International workshop on OCL and textual modeling (OCL 2022)

6th International workshop on human factors in modeling / modeling of human factors (HuFaMo 2022)

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