12. iiWAS 2010: Paris, France

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Web services 1

Web services 2


Web applications 1

Security issues

Social networks and mashups

Web databases

Semantic web

Education and learning

Context-aware systems

Web applications 2


Information retrieval

Real-time and stream applications


Short papers

Workshop on the Internet of Services (IoS)

Workshop on applications of information management and integration in digital ecosystems (AIIDE)

Emerging research projects applications symposium (ERPAS): mobile and ubiquitous systems

Emerging research projects applications symposium (ERPAS): mobile services

Emerging research projects applications symposium (ERPAS): mobile multimedia and networks

Emerging research projects applications symposium (ERPAS): web technology

Emerging research projects applications symposium (ERPAS): intelligent systems

Emerging research projects applications symposium (ERPAS): web services and ontologies

Master and doctoral colloquium (MDC)