Cologne Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (CTW)

Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (TW)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      18th CTW 2020: Online

      CTW 2020 Home Page

      17th CTW 2019: Enschede, The Netherlands

      CTW 2019 Home Page

      16th CTW 2018: Paris, France

      CTW 2018 Home Page

      Proceedings published in: Discret. Appl. Math. 296

      15th CTW 2017: Cologne, Germany

      CTW 2017 Home Page

      14th CTW 2016: Milan, Italy

      CTW 2016 Home Page

      Proceedings published in: Electron. Notes Discret. Math. 55

      13th CTW 2015: Istanbul, Turkey

      CTW 2015 Home Page

      12th CTW 2013: Enschede, Netherlands

      CTW 2013 Home Page

      11th CTW 2012: Munich, Germany

      CTW 2012 Home Page

      10th CTW 2011: Villa Mondragone, Frascati, Italy

      CTW 2011 Home Page

      9th CTW 2010: Cologne, Germany

      8th CTW 2009: Paris, France

      CTW 2009 Home Page

      7th CTW 2008: Gargnano, Italy

      CTW 2008 Home Page

      6th CTW 2007: Enschede, The Netherlands

      CTW 2007 Home Page

      5th CTW 2006: Lambrecht, Germany

      Proceedings published in: Electron. Notes Discret. Math 25

      4th CTW 2005: Cologne, Germany

      CTW 2005 Home Page

      3rd CTW 2004: Menaggio, Italy

      CTW 2004 Home Page

      2nd CTW 2003: Enschede, the Netherlands

      Proceedings published in: Electron. Notes Discret. Math. 13

      1st CTW 2001: Cologne, Germany

      CTW 2001 Home Page

      Proceedings published in: Electron. Notes Discret. Math. 8