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  author       = {Karl Kreiner and
                  Georg Neubauer},
  editor       = {Petr Doucek and
                  Gerhard Chroust and
                  V{\'{a}}clav Oskrdal},
  title        = {Social Media for Crisis Management: Problems and Challenges from an
  booktitle    = {{ICT} Support for Complex Systems - 20th Interdisciplinary Information
                  Management Talks, {IDIMT} 2012, Jindrichuv Hradec, Czech Republic,
                  September 12-14, 2012},
  series       = {Schriftenreihe Informatik},
  volume       = {38},
  pages        = {25--32},
  publisher    = {Trauner},
  year         = {2012},
  timestamp    = {Wed, 10 Jun 2020 16:10:25 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}