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@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ACMdis/ZhouY0GXLHO024, author = {Chen Zhou and Zihan Yan and Ashwin Ram and Yue Gu and Yan Xiang and Can Liu and Yun Huang and Wei Tsang Ooi and Shengdong Zhao}, title = {GlassMail: Towards Personalised Wearable Assistant for On-the-Go Email Creation on Smart Glasses}, booktitle = {Conference on Designing Interactive Systems}, publisher = {{ACM}}, year = {2024} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/sds2/GuptaJ24, author = {Sarang Gupta and Niti Jain}, title = {VoucherGPT: {A} Novel Approach for Personal Email Voucher Management Using Large Language Models}, booktitle = {{SDS}}, pages = {167--173}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2024} }
@article{DBLP:journals/comsis/SosicG22, author = {Milena Sosic and Jelena Graovac}, title = {Effective methods for email classification: Is it a business or personal email?}, journal = {Comput. Sci. Inf. Syst.}, volume = {19}, number = {3}, pages = {1155--1175}, year = {2022} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/bwcca/GuoCWLF22, author = {Shih{-}Wei Guo and Tzu{-}Chi Chen and Hui{-}Juan Wang and Fang{-}Yie Leu and Yao{-}Chung Fan}, title = {Generating Personalized Phishing Emails for Social Engineering Training Based on Neural Language Models}, booktitle = {{BWCCA}}, series = {Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems}, volume = {570}, pages = {270--281}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2022} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/wsdm/BenderskyWNM22, author = {Michael Bendersky and Xuanhui Wang and Marc Najork and Donald Metzler}, title = {Search and Discovery in Personal Email Collections}, booktitle = {{WSDM}}, pages = {1617--1619}, publisher = {{ACM}}, year = {2022} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2202-00146, author = {Aleksey A. Kocherzhenko and Nirmal Sobha Kartha and Tengfei Li and Hsin{-}Yi Shih and Marco Mandic and Mike Fuller and Arshak Navruzyan}, title = {Evaluating Deep Vs. Wide {\&} Deep Learners As Contextual Bandits For Personalized Email Promo Recommendations}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/2202.00146}, year = {2022} }
@article{DBLP:journals/ftir/BenderskyWNM21, author = {Michael Bendersky and Xuanhui Wang and Marc Najork and Donald Metzler}, title = {Search and Discovery in Personal Email Collections}, journal = {Found. Trends Inf. Retr.}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, pages = {1--133}, year = {2021} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/chi/KimLSC21, author = {Young{-}Ho Kim and Bongshin Lee and Arjun Srinivasan and Eun Kyoung Choe}, title = {[email protected]: Fostering Visual Exploration of Personal Data on Smartphones Leveraging Speech and Touch Interaction}, booktitle = {{CHI}}, pages = {462:1--462:17}, publisher = {{ACM}}, year = {2021} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/sac/StojkovskiLK21, author = {Borce Stojkovski and Gabriele Lenzini and Vincent Koenig}, title = {"I personally relate it to the traffic light": a user study on security {\&} privacy indicators in a secure email system committed to \emph{privacy by default}}, booktitle = {{SAC}}, pages = {1235--1246}, publisher = {{ACM}}, year = {2021} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/www/BiMLB21, author = {Keping Bi and Pavel Metrikov and Chunyuan Li and Byungki Byun}, title = {Leveraging User Behavior History for Personalized Email Search}, booktitle = {{WWW}}, pages = {2858--2868}, publisher = {{ACM} / {IW3C2}}, year = {2021} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2102-07279, author = {Keping Bi and Pavel Metrikov and Chunyuan Li and Byungki Byun}, title = {Leveraging User Behavior History for Personalized Email Search}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/2102.07279}, year = {2021} }
@article{DBLP:journals/chb/RussellW20, author = {Emma Russell and Stephen A. Woods}, title = {Personality differences as predictors of action-goal relationships in work-email activity}, journal = {Comput. Hum. Behav.}, volume = {103}, pages = {67--79}, year = {2020} }
@article{DBLP:journals/igpl/EzpeletaMHZ20, author = {Enaitz Ezpeleta and I{\~{n}}aki V{\'{e}}lez de Mendizabal and Jos{\'{e}} Mar{\'{\i}}a G{\'{o}}mez Hidalgo and Urko Zurutuza}, title = {Novel email spam detection method using sentiment analysis and personality recognition}, journal = {Log. J. {IGPL}}, volume = {28}, number = {1}, pages = {83--94}, year = {2020} }
@article{DBLP:journals/mktsci/MunzJA20, author = {Kurt P. Munz and Minah H. Jung and Adam L. Alter}, title = {Name Similarity Encourages Generosity: {A} Field Experiment in Email Personalization}, journal = {Mark. Sci.}, volume = {39}, number = {6}, pages = {1071--1091}, year = {2020} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ACMse/VoghoeiTYSFA20, author = {Sahar Voghoei and Navid Hashemi Tonekaboni and Delaram Yazdansepas and Saber Soleymani and Abolfazl Farahani and Hamid R. Arabnia}, title = {Personalized Feedback Emails: {A} Case Study on Online Introductory Computer Science Courses}, booktitle = {{ACM} Southeast Regional Conference}, pages = {18--25}, publisher = {{ACM}}, year = {2020} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/aina/UeharaNYKN20, author = {Kota Uehara and Hiroki Nishikawa and Takumi Yamamoto and Kiyoto Kawauchi and Masakatsu Nishigaki}, title = {Analysis of the Relationship Between Psychological Manipulation Techniques and Both Personality Factors and Behavioral Characteristics in Targeted Email}, booktitle = {{AINA}}, series = {Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing}, volume = {1151}, pages = {1278--1290}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2020} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/sigcse/TonekaboniVY20, author = {Navid Hashemi Tonekaboni and Sahar Voghoei and Delaram Yazdansepas}, title = {How Personalized Feedback Emails Can Enhance Participation Rate in Online Courses}, booktitle = {{SIGCSE}}, pages = {1376}, publisher = {{ACM}}, year = {2020} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/wsdm/MengKZM20, author = {Yu Meng and Maryam Karimzadehgan and Honglei Zhuang and Donald Metzler}, title = {Separate and Attend in Personal Email Search}, booktitle = {{WSDM}}, pages = {429--437}, publisher = {{ACM}}, year = {2020} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/bwcca/UeharaNYKN19, author = {Kota Uehara and Hiroki Nishikawa and Takumi Yamamoto and Kiyoto Kawauchi and Masakatsu Nishigaki}, title = {Analysis of the Relationship Between Psychological Manipulation Techniques and Personality Factors in Targeted Emails}, booktitle = {{BWCCA}}, series = {Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems}, volume = {97}, pages = {338--351}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2019} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-1911-09732, author = {Yu Meng and Maryam Karimzadehgan and Honglei Zhuang and Donald Metzler}, title = {Separate and Attend in Personal Email Search}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/1911.09732}, year = {2019} }
@article{DBLP:journals/mktsci/SahniWC18, author = {Navdeep S. Sahni and S. Christian Wheeler and Pradeep Chintagunta}, title = {Personalization in Email Marketing: The Role of Noninformative Advertising Content}, journal = {Mark. Sci.}, volume = {37}, number = {2}, pages = {236--258}, year = {2018} }
@article{DBLP:journals/puc/BergmanY18, author = {Ofer Bergman and Nimrod Yanai}, title = {Personal information retrieval: smartphones vs. computers, emails vs. files}, journal = {Pers. Ubiquitous Comput.}, volume = {22}, number = {4}, pages = {621--632}, year = {2018} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/chi/KokkalisFRBK17, author = {Nicolas Kokkalis and Chengdiao Fan and Johannes Roith and Michael S. Bernstein and Scott R. Klemmer}, title = {MyriadHub: Efficiently Scaling Personalized Email Conversations with Valet Crowdsourcing}, booktitle = {{CHI}}, pages = {73--84}, publisher = {{ACM}}, year = {2017} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/chiir/BotaBAD17, author = {Horatiu S. Bota and Paul N. Bennett and Ahmed Hassan Awadallah and Susan T. Dumais}, title = {Self-Es: The Role of Emails-to-Self in Personal Information Management}, booktitle = {{CHIIR}}, pages = {205--214}, publisher = {{ACM}}, year = {2017} }
@article{DBLP:journals/eswa/NawazKL16, author = {Waqas Nawaz and Kifayat{-}Ullah Khan and Young{-}Koo Lee}, title = {A multi-user perspective for personalized email communities}, journal = {Expert Syst. Appl.}, volume = {54}, pages = {265--283}, year = {2016} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/aaai/ZhaoAK16, author = {Mengchen Zhao and Bo An and Christopher Kiekintveld}, title = {Optimizing Personalized Email Filtering Thresholds to Mitigate Sequential Spear Phishing Attacks}, booktitle = {{AAAI}}, pages = {658--665}, publisher = {{AAAI} Press}, year = {2016} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/iccasa/ThanhDA16, author = {Ha{-}Nguyen Thanh and Quan Dang Dinh and Quang Anh Tran}, title = {Personalized Email User Action Prediction Based on SpamAssassin}, booktitle = {{ICCASA}}, series = {Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering}, volume = {193}, pages = {161--171}, year = {2016} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/iwbis/GunawanTS16, author = {Alexander Agung Santoso Gunawan and Tania and Derwin Suhartono}, title = {Developing recommender systems for personalized email with big data}, booktitle = {{IWBIS}}, pages = {77--82}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2016} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/www/WangEBZGC16, author = {Beidou Wang and Martin Ester and Jiajun Bu and Yu Zhu and Ziyu Guan and Deng Cai}, title = {Which to View: Personalized Prioritization for Broadcast Emails}, booktitle = {{WWW}}, pages = {1181--1190}, publisher = {{ACM}}, year = {2016} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/NawazKL16, author = {Waqas Nawaz and Kifayat{-}Ullah Khan and Young{-}Koo Lee}, title = {A Multi-User Perspective for Personalized Email Communities}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/1602.00479}, year = {2016} }
@article{DBLP:journals/jisis/NurseEGC15, author = {Jason R. C. Nurse and Arnau Erola and Michael Goldsmith and Sadie Creese}, title = {Investigating the leakage of sensitive personal and organisational information in email headers}, journal = {J. Internet Serv. Inf. Secur.}, volume = {5}, number = {1}, pages = {70--84}, year = {2015} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/iconip/SinghC15, author = {Lavneet Singh and Girija Chetty}, title = {Email Personalization and User Profiling Using {RANSAC} Multi Model Response Regression Based Optimized Pruning Extreme Learning Machines and Gradient Boosting Trees}, booktitle = {{ICONIP} {(1)}}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {9489}, pages = {302--309}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2015} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/semco/DingPLMH15, author = {Ke Ding and Nicholas Pantic and You Lu and Sukanya Manna and Mohammad Iftekhar Husain}, title = {Towards building a word similarity dictionary for personality bias classification of phishing email contents}, booktitle = {{ICSC}}, pages = {252--259}, publisher = {{IEEE} Computer Society}, year = {2015} }
@article{DBLP:journals/chb/ReinkeC14, author = {Kathrin Reinke and Tomas Chamorro{-}Premuzic}, title = {When email use gets out of control: Understanding the relationship between personality and email overload and their impact on burnout and work engagement}, journal = {Comput. Hum. Behav.}, volume = {36}, pages = {502--509}, year = {2014} }
@article{DBLP:journals/isr/TanSPG14, author = {Chuan{-}Hoo Tan and Juliana Sutanto and Chee Wei Phang and Anar Gasimov}, title = {Using Personal Communication Technologies for Commercial Communications: {A} Cross-Country Investigation of Email and {SMS}}, journal = {Inf. Syst. Res.}, volume = {25}, number = {2}, pages = {307--327}, year = {2014} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ht/AlquaddoomiKE14, author = {Faisal Alquaddoomi and Cameron Ketcham and Deborah Estrin}, title = {The Email Analysis Framework: Aiding the Analysis of Personal Natural Language Texts}, booktitle = {{HT} (Doctoral Consortium / Late-breaking Results / Workshops)}, series = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings}, volume = {1210}, publisher = {}, year = {2014} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/um/ShenBL13, author = {Jianqiang Shen and Oliver Brdiczka and Juan Liu}, title = {Understanding Email Writers: Personality Prediction from Email Messages}, booktitle = {{UMAP}}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {7899}, pages = {318--330}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2013} }
@incollection{DBLP:series/lnsn/Rivera-PelayoBRWH13, author = {Ver{\'{o}}nica Rivera{-}Pelayo and Simone Braun and Uwe V. Riss and Hans Friedrich Witschel and Bo Hu}, title = {Building Expert Recommenders from Email-Based Personal Social Networks}, booktitle = {The Influence of Technology on Social Network Analysis and Mining}, series = {Lecture Notes in Social Networks}, volume = {6}, pages = {129--156}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2013} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/NawazHKL13, author = {Waqas Nawaz and Yongkoo Han and Kifayat{-}Ullah Khan and Young{-}Koo Lee}, title = {Personalized Email Community Detection using Collaborative Similarity Measure}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/1306.1300}, year = {2013} }
@phdthesis{DBLP:phd/basesearch/Mojdeh12, author = {Mona Mojdeh}, title = {Personal Email Spam Filtering with Minimal User Interaction}, school = {University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada}, year = {2012} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/seal/HaTL12, author = {Quang Minh Ha and Quang{-}Anh Tran and Thu Trang Luyen}, title = {Personalized Email Recommender System Based on User Actions}, booktitle = {{SEAL}}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {7673}, pages = {280--289}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2012} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ceas/Kaplan11, author = {Michael G. Kaplan}, title = {Automatic authentication of email servers and personal computers independent of the active participation of server administrators or personal computer users}, booktitle = {{CEAS}}, pages = {38--45}, publisher = {{ACM}}, year = {2011} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/cikm/YooYC11, author = {Shinjae Yoo and Yiming Yang and Jaime G. Carbonell}, title = {Modeling personalized email prioritization: classification-based and regression-based approaches}, booktitle = {{CIKM}}, pages = {729--738}, publisher = {{ACM}}, year = {2011} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/kes/SchwarzMM11, author = {Sven Schwarz and Frank Marmann and Heiko Maus}, title = {Extracting Personal Concepts from Users' Emails to Initialize Their Personal Information Models}, booktitle = {{KES} {(2)}}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {6882}, pages = {430--439}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2011} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/nas/SrinivasanWMY11, author = {Jagan Srinivasan and Wei Wei and Xiaosong Ma and Ting Yu}, title = {{EMFS:} Email-based Personal Cloud Storage}, booktitle = {{NAS}}, pages = {248--257}, publisher = {{IEEE} Computer Society}, year = {2011} }
@article{DBLP:journals/expert/YangYLM10, author = {Yiming Yang and Shinjae Yoo and Frank Lin and Il{-}Chul Moon}, title = {Personalized Email Prioritization Based on Content and Social Network Analysis}, journal = {{IEEE} Intell. Syst.}, volume = {25}, number = {4}, pages = {12--18}, year = {2010} }
@article{DBLP:journals/www/LiZYL09, author = {Wenbin Li and Ning Zhong and Yiyu Yao and Jiming Liu}, title = {An Operable Email Based Intelligent Personal Assistant}, journal = {World Wide Web}, volume = {12}, number = {2}, pages = {125--147}, year = {2009} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/amcis/SevincD09, author = {Gokturk Sevinc and John D'Ambra}, title = {Exploring the Relationship Between Personality Traits, eMail Overload and Productivity in the Workplace}, booktitle = {{AMCIS}}, pages = {233}, publisher = {Association for Information Systems}, year = {2009} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/kdd/YooYLM09, author = {Shinjae Yoo and Yiming Yang and Frank Lin and Il{-}Chul Moon}, title = {Mining social networks for personalized email prioritization}, booktitle = {{KDD}}, pages = {967--976}, publisher = {{ACM}}, year = {2009} }
@article{DBLP:journals/bjet/KimK08, author = {ChanMin Kim and John M. Keller}, title = {Effects of motivational and volitional email messages {(MVEM)} with personal messages on undergraduate students' motivation, study habits and achievement}, journal = {Br. J. Educ. Technol.}, volume = {39}, number = {1}, pages = {36--51}, year = {2008} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/aaai/FreedCGHMSSST08, author = {Michael Freed and Jaime G. Carbonell and Geoffrey J. Gordon and Jordan Hayes and Brad A. Myers and Daniel P. Siewiorek and Stephen F. Smith and Aaron Steinfeld and Anthony Tomasic}, title = {{RADAR:} {A} Personal Assistant that Learns to Reduce Email Overload}, booktitle = {{AAAI}}, pages = {1287--1293}, publisher = {{AAAI} Press}, year = {2008} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/acl/ElsayedON08, author = {Tamer Elsayed and Douglas W. Oard and Galileo Namata}, title = {Resolving Personal Names in Email Using Context Expansion}, booktitle = {{ACL}}, pages = {941--949}, publisher = {The Association for Computer Linguistics}, year = {2008} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/adma/GengKWWLY08, author = {Liqiang Geng and Larry Korba and Xin Wang and Yunli Wang and Hongyu Liu and Yonghua You}, title = {Using Data Mining Methods to Predict Personally Identifiable Information in Emails}, booktitle = {{ADMA}}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {5139}, pages = {272--281}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2008} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/iui/Scerri08, author = {Simon Scerri}, title = {Semanta: your personal email semantic assistant}, booktitle = {{IUI}}, pages = {429--430}, publisher = {{ACM}}, year = {2008} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/sofsem/KazienkoM08, author = {Przemyslaw Kazienko and Katarzyna Musial}, title = {Mining Personal Social Features in the Community of Email Users}, booktitle = {{SOFSEM}}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {4910}, pages = {708--719}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2008} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/winsys/LinCS07, author = {Chih{-}Yin Lin and Shih{-}Fang Chang and Chen{-}Hwa Song}, title = {A Personal File System over Email Storages - Developing Towards a Persistent Internet Storage for Mobile Users}, booktitle = {{WINSYS}}, pages = {211--216}, publisher = {{INSTICC} Press}, year = {2007} }
@article{DBLP:journals/cacm/WhittakerBG06, author = {Steve Whittaker and Victoria Bellotti and Jacek Gwizdka}, title = {Email in personal information management}, journal = {Commun. {ACM}}, volume = {49}, number = {1}, pages = {68--73}, year = {2006} }
@article{DBLP:journals/jcmc/HeislerC06, author = {Jennifer M. Heisler and Scott L. Crabill}, title = {Who are "stinkybug" and "Packerfan4"? Email Pseudonyms and Participants' Perceptions of Demography, Productivity, and Personality}, journal = {J. Comput. Mediat. Commun.}, volume = {12}, number = {1}, pages = {114--135}, year = {2006} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/acl/JabbariAGG06, author = {Sanaz Jabbari and Ben Allison and David Guthrie and Louise Guthrie}, title = {Towards the Orwellian Nightmare: Separation of Business and Personal Emails}, booktitle = {{ACL}}, publisher = {The Association for Computer Linguistics}, year = {2006} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/asist/WingetCT06, author = {Megan A. Winget and Kimberly Chang and Helen Tibbo}, title = {Personal Email Management on the University Digital Desktop: User Behaviors vs. Archival Best Practices}, booktitle = {{ASIST}}, series = {Proc. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol.}, volume = {43}, number = {1}, pages = {1--13}, publisher = {Wiley}, year = {2006} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ecir/KeBO06, author = {Shih{-}Wen Ke and Chris Bowerman and Michael P. Oakes}, title = {{PERC:} {A} Personal Email Classifier}, booktitle = {{ECIR}}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {3936}, pages = {460--463}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2006} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/rskt/LiZL06, author = {Wenbin Li and Ning Zhong and Chunnian Liu}, title = {{ECPIA:} An Email-Centric Personal Intelligent Assistant}, booktitle = {{RSKT}}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {4062}, pages = {502--509}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2006} }
@article{DBLP:journals/internet/RaviSX05, author = {Jayashree Ravi and Weisong Shi and Cheng{-}Zhong Xu}, title = {Personalized Email Management at Network Edges}, journal = {{IEEE} Internet Comput.}, volume = {9}, number = {2}, pages = {54--60}, year = {2005} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ceas/SurendranPR05, author = {Arun C. Surendran and John C. Platt and Erin Renshaw}, title = {Automatic Discovery of Personal Topics to Organize Email}, booktitle = {{CEAS}}, year = {2005} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/naacl/MinkovWC05, author = {Einat Minkov and Richard C. Wang and William W. Cohen}, title = {Extracting Personal Names from Email: Applying Named Entity Recognition to Informal Text}, booktitle = {{HLT/EMNLP}}, pages = {443--450}, publisher = {The Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2005} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/cond-mat-0402143, author = {P. Oscar Boykin and Vwani P. Roychowdhury}, title = {Personal Email Networks: An Effective Anti-Spam Tool}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {cond-mat/0402143}, year = {2004} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/icadl/Gross02, author = {Benjamin M. Gross}, title = {Navigation, Organization, and Retrieval in Personal Digital Libraries of Email}, booktitle = {{ICADL}}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {2555}, pages = {258--259}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2002} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/chi/WhittakerS96, author = {Steve Whittaker and Candace L. Sidner}, title = {Email Overload: Exploring Personal Information Management of Email}, booktitle = {{CHI}}, pages = {276--283}, publisher = {{ACM}}, year = {1996} }
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