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  author       = {Bohdan Zozuliak and
                  Mikolaj P. Karpinski and
                  Pawel Sawicki and
                  Maria Stadnyk},
  title        = {Analysis of Methods and Means of Identifying Infrastructure Anomalies
                  Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Within the Scope of a Smart City},
  booktitle    = {{ACIT}},
  pages        = {715--719},
  publisher    = {{IEEE}},
  year         = {2024}
  author       = {Volodymyr Maksymovych and
                  Mariia Shabatura and
                  Oleh Harasymchuk and
                  Ruslan Shevchuk and
                  Pawel Sawicki and
                  Tomasz Zajac},
  title        = {Combined Pseudo-Random Sequence Generator for Cybersecurity},
  journal      = {Sensors},
  volume       = {22},
  number       = {24},
  pages        = {9700},
  year         = {2022}
  author       = {Yevhenii Pedchenko and
                  Yevheniia Ivanchenko and
                  Ihor Ivanchenko and
                  Iryna Lozova and
                  Daniel Jancarczyk and
                  Pawel Sawicki},
  title        = {Analysis of modern cloud services to ensure cybersecurity},
  booktitle    = {{KES}},
  series       = {Procedia Computer Science},
  volume       = {207},
  pages        = {110--117},
  publisher    = {Elsevier},
  year         = {2022}
  author       = {Pawel Sawicki and
                  Jaroslaw Pykacz and
                  Pawel Bytner},
  title        = {A Note on Berge Equilibria in n-Person 2-Strategy Games},
  journal      = {{IGTR}},
  volume       = {23},
  number       = {2},
  pages        = {2050018:1--2050018:10},
  year         = {2021}
  author       = {Dariusz J. Sawicki and
                  Pawel Tarnowski and
                  Andrzej Majkowski and
                  Marcin Kolodziej and
                  Remigiusz J. Rak},
  title        = {Blink and Wink Detection in a Real Working Environment},
  booktitle    = {{CHIRA}},
  pages        = {78--85},
  publisher    = {ScitePress},
  year         = {2019}
  author       = {Andrzej Majkowski and
                  Marcin Kolodziej and
                  Dariusz J. Sawicki and
                  Pawel Tarnowski and
                  Remigiusz J. Rak and
                  Adam Kukielka},
  title        = {Video Sequence Analysis Using Local Binary Patterns for the Detection
                  of Driver Fatigue Symptoms},
  booktitle    = {{ICAISC} {(2)}},
  series       = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume       = {11509},
  pages        = {48--57},
  publisher    = {Springer},
  year         = {2019}
  author       = {Pawel Sawicki and
                  Jaroslaw Pykacz and
                  Pawel Bytner},
  title        = {Berge equilibria in n-person 2-strategy games},
  journal      = {CoRR},
  volume       = {abs/1904.08228},
  year         = {2019}
  author       = {Tomasz Zyss and
                  Andrzej Krawczyk and
                  Pawel Drzymala and
                  Bartosz Sawicki and
                  Jacek Starzynski},
  title        = {Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation {TMS} Verus Electroconvulsive Therapy
                  {ECT} in Therapy of Depressions - Advantages and Disadvantages of
                  Computer Modeling},
  journal      = {Bio Algorithms Med Syst.},
  volume       = {6},
  number       = {12},
  pages        = {67--73},
  year         = {2010}