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export results for "Anthony Morse"
@article{DBLP:journals/tamd/HorstTMNC20, author = {Jessica Horst and Katherine E. Twomey and Anthony F. Morse and Rosie Nurse and Angelo Cangelosi}, title = {When Object Color Is a Red Herring: Extraneous Perceptual Information Hinders Word Learning via Referent Selection}, journal = {{IEEE} Trans. Cogn. Dev. Syst.}, volume = {12}, number = {2}, pages = {222--231}, year = {2020} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/icccnt/DeyCB18, author = {Sourya Dey and Keith M. Chugg and Peter A. Beerel}, title = {Morse Code Datasets for Machine Learning}, booktitle = {{ICCCNT}}, pages = {1--7}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2018} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-1807-04239, author = {Sourya Dey and Keith M. Chugg and Peter A. Beerel}, title = {Morse Code Datasets for Machine Learning}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/1807.04239}, year = {2018} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/icdl-epirob/AntunesSMJSC17, author = {Alexandre Antunes and Giovanni Saponaro and Anthony F. Morse and Lorenzo Jamone and Jos{\'{e}} Santos{-}Victor and Angelo Cangelosi}, title = {Learn, plan, remember: {A} developmental robot architecture for task solving}, booktitle = {{ICDL-EPIROB}}, pages = {283--289}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2017} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/robocup/Araiza-IllanPE16, author = {Dejanira Araiza{-}Illan and Anthony G. Pipe and Kerstin Eder}, title = {Intelligent Agent-Based Stimulation for Testing Robotic Software in Human-Robot Interactions}, booktitle = {MORSE@RoboCup}, pages = {9--16}, publisher = {{ACM}}, year = {2016} }
@incollection{DBLP:series/isrl/BelpaemeAGNMC16, author = {Tony Belpaeme and Samantha V. Adams and Joachim de Greeff and Alessandro G. Di Nuovo and Anthony F. Morse and Angelo Cangelosi}, title = {Social Development of Artificial Cognition}, booktitle = {Toward Robotic Socially Believable Behaving Systems {(I)}}, series = {Intelligent Systems Reference Library}, volume = {105}, pages = {53--72}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2016} }
@article{DBLP:journals/ijcla/AguirreMF15, author = {Diego Aguirre and Anthony Morse and Olac Fuentes}, title = {Automated Evaluation of Short Summaries}, journal = {Int. J. Comput. Linguistics Appl.}, volume = {6}, number = {1}, pages = {103--116}, year = {2015} }
@article{DBLP:journals/jpdc/Aartsen15, author = {Mark G. Aartsen and Rasha U. Abbasi and Markus Ackermann and Jenni Adams and Juan Antonio Aguilar S{\'{a}}nchez and Markus Ahlers and David Altmann and Carlos A. Arg{\"{u}}elles Delgado and Jan Auffenberg and Xinhua Bai and Michael F. Baker and Steven W. Barwick and Volker Baum and Ryan Bay and James J. Beatty and Julia K. Becker Tjus and Karl{-}Heinz Becker and Segev BenZvi and Patrick Berghaus and David Berley and Elisa Bernardini and Anna Bernhard and David Z. Besson and G. Binder and Daniel Bindig and Martin Bissok and Erik Blaufuss and Jan Blumenthal and David J. Boersma and Christian Bohm and Debanjan Bose and Sebastian B{\"{o}}ser and Olga Botner and Lionel Brayeur and Hans{-}Peter Bretz and Anthony M. Brown and Ronald Bruijn and James Casey and Martin Casier and Dmitry Chirkin and Asen Christov and Brian John Christy and Ken Clark and Lew Classen and Fabian Clevermann and Stefan Coenders and Shirit Cohen and Doug F. Cowen and Angel H. Cruz Silva and Matthias Danninger and Jacob Daughhetee and James C. Davis and Melanie Day and Catherine De Clercq and Sam De Ridder and Paolo Desiati and Krijn D. de Vries and Meike de With and Tyce DeYoung and Juan Carlos D{\'{\i}}az{-}V{\'{e}}lez and Matthew Dunkman and Ryan Eagan and Benjamin Eberhardt and Bj{\"{o}}rn Eichmann and Jonathan Eisch and Sebastian Euler and Paul A. Evenson and Oladipo O. Fadiran and Ali R. Fazely and Anatoli Fedynitch and Jacob Feintzeig and Tom Feusels and Kirill Filimonov and Chad Finley and Tobias Fischer{-}Wasels and Samuel Flis and Anna Franckowiak and Katharina Frantzen and Tomasz Fuchs and Thomas K. Gaisser and Joseph S. Gallagher and Lisa Marie Gerhardt and Laura E. Gladstone and Thorsten Gl{\"{u}}senkamp and Azriel Goldschmidt and Geraldina Golup and Javier G. Gonz{\'{a}}lez and Jordan A. Goodman and Dariusz G{\'{o}}ra and Dylan T. Grandmont and Darren Grant and Pavel Gretskov and John C. Groh and Andreas Gro{\ss} and Chang Hyon Ha and Abd Al Karim Haj Ismail and Patrick Hallen and Allan Hallgren and Francis Halzen and Kael D. Hanson and Dustin Hebecker and David Heereman and Dirk Heinen and Klaus Helbing and Robert Eugene Hellauer III and Stephanie Virginia Hickford and Gary C. Hill and Kara D. Hoffman and Ruth Hoffmann and Andreas Homeier and Kotoyo Hoshina and Feifei Huang and Warren Huelsnitz and Per Olof Hulth and Klas Hultqvist and Shahid Hussain and Aya Ishihara and Emanuel Jacobi and John E. Jacobsen and Kai Jagielski and George S. Japaridze and Kyle Jero and Ola Jlelati and Basho Kaminsky and Alexander Kappes and Timo Karg and Albrecht Karle and Matthew Kauer and John Lawrence Kelley and Joanna Kiryluk and J. Kl{\"{a}}s and Spencer R. Klein and Jan{-}Hendrik K{\"{o}}hne and Georges Kohnen and Hermann Kolanoski and Lutz K{\"{o}}pke and Claudio Kopper and Sandro Kopper and D. Jason Koskinen and Marek Kowalski and Mark Krasberg and Anna Kriesten and Kai Michael Krings and G{\"{o}}sta Kroll and Jan Kunnen and Naoko Kurahashi and Takao Kuwabara and Mathieu L. M. Labare and Hagar Landsman and Michael James Larson and Mariola Lesiak{-}Bzdak and Martin Leuermann and Julia Leute and Jan L{\"{u}}nemann and Oscar A. Mac{\'{\i}}as{-}Ram{\'{\i}}rez and James Madsen and Giuliano Maggi and Reina Maruyama and Keiichi Mase and Howard S. Matis and Frank McNally and Kevin James Meagher and Martin Merck and Gonzalo Merino Ar{\'{e}}valo and Thomas Meures and Sandra Miarecki and Eike Middell and Natalie Milke and John Lester Miller and Lars Mohrmann and Teresa Montaruli and Robert M. Morse and Rolf Nahnhauer and Uwe Naumann and Hans Niederhausen and Sarah C. Nowicki and David R. Nygren and Anna Obertacke and Sirin Odrowski and Alex Olivas and Ahmad Omairat and Aongus Starbuck {\'{O}} Murchadha and Larissa Paul and Joshua A. Pepper and Carlos P{\'{e}}rez de los Heros and Carl Pfendner and Damian Pieloth and Elisa Pinat and Jonas Posselt and P. Buford Price and Gerald T. Przybylski and Melissa Quinnan and Leif R{\"{a}}del and Ian Rae and Mohamed Rameez and Katherine Rawlins and Peter Christian Redl and Ren{\'{e}} Reimann and Elisa Resconi and Wolfgang Rhode and Mathieu Ribordy and Michael Richman and Benedikt Riedel and J. P. Rodrigues and Carsten Rott and Tim Ruhe and Bakhtiyar Ruzybayev and Dirk Ryckbosch and Sabine M. Saba and Heinz{-}Georg Sander and Juan Marcos Santander and Subir Sarkar and Kai Schatto and Florian Scheriau and Torsten Schmidt and Martin Schmitz and Sebastian Schoenen and Sebastian Sch{\"{o}}neberg and Arne Sch{\"{o}}nwald and Anne Schukraft and Lukas Schulte and David Schultz and Olaf Schulz and David Seckel and Yolanda Sestayo de la Cerra and Surujhdeo Seunarine and Rezo Shanidze and Chris Sheremata and Miles W. E. Smith and Dennis Soldin and Glenn M. Spiczak and Christian Spiering and Michael Stamatikos and Todor Stanev and Nick A. Stanisha and Alexander Stasik and Thorsten Stezelberger and Robert G. Stokstad and Achim St{\"{o}}{\ss}l and Erik A. Strahler and Rickard Str{\"{o}}m and Nora Linn Strotjohann and Gregory W. Sullivan and Henric Taavola and Ignacio J. Taboada and Alessio Tamburro and Andreas Tepe and Samvel Ter{-}Antonyan and Gordana Tesic and Serap Tilav and Patrick A. Toale and Moriah Natasha Tobin and Simona Toscano and Maria Tselengidou and Elisabeth Unger and Marcel Usner and Sofia Vallecorsa and Nick van Eijndhoven and Arne Van Overloop and Jakob van Santen and Markus Vehring and Markus Voge and Matthias Vraeghe and Christian Walck and Tilo Waldenmaier and Marius Wallraff and Christopher N. Weaver and Mark T. Wellons and Christopher H. Wendt and Stefan Westerhoff and Nathan Whitehorn and Klaus Wiebe and Christopher Wiebusch and Dawn R. Williams and Henrike Wissing and Martin Wolf and Terri R. Wood and Kurt Woschnagg and Donglian Xu and Xianwu Xu and Juan Pablo Y{\'{a}}{\~{n}}ez Garza and Gaurang B. Yodh and Shigeru Yoshida and Pavel Zarzhitsky and Jan Ziemann and Simon Zierke and Marcel Zoll}, title = {The IceProd framework: Distributed data processing for the IceCube neutrino observatory}, journal = {J. Parallel Distributed Comput.}, volume = {75}, pages = {198--211}, year = {2015} }
@article{DBLP:journals/topics/BrozNBBDFFFFGGL14, author = {Frank Broz and Chrystopher L. Nehaniv and Tony Belpaeme and Ambra Bisio and Kerstin Dautenhahn and Luciano Fadiga and Tomassino Ferrauto and Kerstin Fischer and Frank F{\"{o}}rster and Onofrio Gigliotta and Sascha S. Griffiths and Hagen Lehmann and Katrin S. Lohan and Caroline Lyon and Davide Marocco and Gianluca Massera and Giorgio Metta and Vishwanathan Mohan and Anthony F. Morse and Stefano Nolfi and Francesco Nori and Martin Peniak and Karola Pitsch and Katharina J. Rohlfing and Gerhard Sagerer and Yo Sato and Joe Saunders and Lars Schillingmann and Alessandra Sciutti and Vadim Tikhanoff and Britta Wrede and Arne Zeschel and Angelo Cangelosi}, title = {The {ITALK} Project: {A} Developmental Robotics Approach to the Study of Individual, Social, and Linguistic Learning}, journal = {Top. Cogn. Sci.}, volume = {6}, number = {3}, pages = {534--544}, year = {2014} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/tpcg/ShinD14, author = {Dongjoe Shin and Neil A. Dodgson}, title = {Segment-based Virtual View Construction Using Discrete Morse Theory}, booktitle = {{TPCG}}, pages = {53--56}, publisher = {Eurographics Association}, year = {2014} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/ClevelandDHHMMRS14, author = {Joseph Cleveland and Jeffrey Dzugan and Jonathan D. Hauenstein and Ian Haywood and Dhagash Mehta and Anthony Morse and Leonardo Robol and Taylor Schlenk}, title = {Certified counting of roots of random univariate polynomials}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/1412.1717}, year = {2014} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/cogsci/SamuelsonMYCH13, author = {Larissa K. Samuelson and Anthony F. Morse and Chen Yu and Eliana Colunga and Thomas T. Hills}, title = {Mechanistic Developmental Process: Rumelhart Prize Symposium in Honor of Linda Smith}, booktitle = {CogSci}, publisher = {}, year = {2013} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/icdl-epirob/PeniakMC13, author = {Martin Peniak and Anthony F. Morse and Angelo Cangelosi}, title = {Aquila 2.0 software architecture for cognitive robotics}, booktitle = {{ICDL-EPIROB}}, pages = {1--6}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2013} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/AartsenA13, author = {Mark G. Aartsen and Rasha U. Abbasi and Markus Ackermann and Jenni Adams and Juan Antonio Aguilar S{\'{a}}nchez and Markus Ahlers and David Altmann and Carlos A. Arg{\"{u}}elles Delgado and Jan Auffenberg and Xinhua Bai and Michael F. Baker and Steven W. Barwick and Volker Baum and Ryan Bay and James J. Beatty and Julia K. Becker Tjus and Karl{-}Heinz Becker and Segev BenZvi and Patrick Berghaus and David Berley and Elisa Bernardini and Anna Bernhard and David Z. Besson and G. Binder and Daniel Bindig and Martin Bissok and Erik Blaufuss and Jan Blumenthal and David J. Boersma and Christian Bohm and Debanjan Bose and Sebastian B{\"{o}}ser and Olga Botner and Lionel Brayeur and Hans{-}Peter Bretz and Anthony M. Brown and Ronald Bruijn and James Casey and Martin Casier and Dmitry Chirkin and Asen Christov and Brian John Christy and Ken Clark and Lew Classen and Fabian Clevermann and Stefan Coenders and Shirit Cohen and Doug F. Cowen and Angel H. Cruz Silva and Matthias Danninger and Jacob Daughhetee and James C. Davis and Melanie Day and Catherine De Clercq and Sam De Ridder and Paolo Desiati and Krijn D. de Vries and Meike de With and Tyce DeYoung and Juan Carlos D{\'{\i}}az{-}V{\'{e}}lez and Matthew Dunkman and Ryan Eagan and Benjamin Eberhardt and Bj{\"{o}}rn Eichmann and Jonathan Eisch and Sebastian Euler and Paul A. Evenson and Oladipo O. Fadiran and Ali R. Fazely and Anatoli Fedynitch and Jacob Feintzeig and Tom Feusels and Kirill Filimonov and Chad Finley and Tobias Fischer{-}Wasels and Samuel Flis and Anna Franckowiak and Katharina Frantzen and Tomasz Fuchs and Thomas K. Gaisser and Joseph S. Gallagher and Lisa Marie Gerhardt and Laura E. Gladstone and Thorsten Gl{\"{u}}senkamp and Azriel Goldschmidt and Geraldina Golup and Javier G. Gonz{\'{a}}lez and Jordan A. Goodman and Dariusz G{\'{o}}ra and Dylan T. Grandmont and Darren Grant and Pavel Gretskov and John C. Groh and Andreas Gro{\ss} and Chang Hyon Ha and Abd Al Karim Haj Ismail and Patrick Hallen and Allan Hallgren and Francis Halzen and Kael D. Hanson and Dustin Hebecker and David Heereman and Dirk Heinen and Klaus Helbing and Robert Eugene Hellauer III and Stephanie Virginia Hickford and Gary C. Hill and Kara D. Hoffman and Ruth Hoffmann and Andreas Homeier and Kotoyo Hoshina and Feifei Huang and Warren Huelsnitz and Per Olof Hulth and Klas Hultqvist and Shahid Hussain and Aya Ishihara and Emanuel Jacobi and John E. Jacobsen and Kai Jagielski and George S. Japaridze and Kyle Jero and Ola Jlelati and Basho Kaminsky and Alexander Kappes and Timo Karg and Albrecht Karle and Matthew Kauer and John Lawrence Kelley and Joanna Kiryluk and J. Kl{\"{a}}s and Spencer R. Klein and Jan{-}Hendrik K{\"{o}}hne and Georges Kohnen and Hermann Kolanoski and Lutz K{\"{o}}pke and Claudio Kopper and Sandro Kopper and D. Jason Koskinen and Marek Kowalski and Mark Krasberg and Anna Kriesten and Kai Michael Krings and G{\"{o}}sta Kroll and Jan Kunnen and Naoko Kurahashi and Takao Kuwabara and Mathieu L. M. Labare and Hagar Landsman and Michael James Larson and Mariola Lesiak{-}Bzdak and Martin Leuermann and Julia Leute and Jan L{\"{u}}nemann and Oscar A. Mac{\'{\i}}as{-}Ram{\'{\i}}rez and James Madsen and Giuliano Maggi and Reina Maruyama and Keiichi Mase and Howard S. Matis and Frank McNally and Kevin James Meagher and Martin Merck and Gonzalo Merino Ar{\'{e}}valo and Thomas Meures and Sandra Miarecki and Eike Middell and Natalie Milke and John Lester Miller and Lars Mohrmann and Teresa Montaruli and Robert M. Morse and Rolf Nahnhauer and Uwe Naumann and Hans Niederhausen and Sarah C. Nowicki and David R. Nygren and Anna Obertacke and Sirin Odrowski and Alex Olivas and Ahmad Omairat and Aongus Starbuck {\'{O}} Murchadha and Larissa Paul and Joshua A. Pepper and Carlos P{\'{e}}rez de los Heros and Carl Pfendner and Damian Pieloth and Elisa Pinat and Jonas Posselt and P. Buford Price and Gerald T. Przybylski and Melissa Quinnan and Leif R{\"{a}}del and Ian Rae and Mohamed Rameez and Katherine Rawlins and Peter Christian Redl and Ren{\'{e}} Reimann and Elisa Resconi and Wolfgang Rhode and Mathieu Ribordy and Michael Richman and Benedikt Riedel and J. P. Rodrigues and Carsten Rott and Tim Ruhe and Bakhtiyar Ruzybayev and Dirk Ryckbosch and Sabine M. Saba and Heinz{-}Georg Sander and Juan Marcos Santander and Subir Sarkar and Kai Schatto and Florian Scheriau and Torsten Schmidt and Martin Schmitz and Sebastian Schoenen and Sebastian Sch{\"{o}}neberg and Arne Sch{\"{o}}nwald and Anne Schukraft and Lukas Schulte and David Schultz and Olaf Schulz and David Seckel and Yolanda Sestayo de la Cerra and Surujhdeo Seunarine and Rezo Shanidze and Chris Sheremata and Miles W. E. Smith and Dennis Soldin and Glenn M. Spiczak and Christian Spiering and Michael Stamatikos and Todor Stanev and Nick A. Stanisha and Alexander Stasik and Thorsten Stezelberger and Robert G. Stokstad and Achim St{\"{o}}{\ss}l and Erik A. Strahler and Rickard Str{\"{o}}m and Nora Linn Strotjohann and Gregory W. Sullivan and Henric Taavola and Ignacio J. Taboada and Alessio Tamburro and Andreas Tepe and Samvel Ter{-}Antonyan and Gordana Tesic and Serap Tilav and Patrick A. Toale and Moriah Natasha Tobin and Simona Toscano and Maria Tselengidou and Elisabeth Unger and Marcel Usner and Sofia Vallecorsa and Nick van Eijndhoven and Arne Van Overloop and Jakob van Santen and Markus Vehring and Markus Voge and Matthias Vraeghe and Christian Walck and Tilo Waldenmaier and Marius Wallraff and Christopher N. Weaver and Mark T. Wellons and Christopher H. Wendt and Stefan Westerhoff and Nathan Whitehorn and Klaus Wiebe and Christopher Wiebusch and Dawn R. Williams and Henrike Wissing and Martin Wolf and Terri R. Wood and Kurt Woschnagg and Donglian Xu and Xianwu Xu and Juan Pablo Y{\'{a}}{\~{n}}ez Garza and Gaurang B. Yodh and Shigeru Yoshida and Pavel Zarzhitsky and Jan Ziemann and Simon Zierke and Marcel Zoll}, title = {The IceProd Framework: Distributed Data Processing for the IceCube Neutrino Observatory}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/1311.5904}, year = {2013} }
@article{DBLP:journals/advcs/BelpaemeM12, author = {Tony Belpaeme and Anthony F. Morse}, title = {Word and Category Learning in a Continuous Semantic Domain: Comparing Cross-Situational and Interactive Learning}, journal = {Adv. Complex Syst.}, volume = {15}, number = {3-4}, year = {2012} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/taros/RuiniAMCEGF12, author = {Fabio Ruini and Jens K. Apel and Anthony F. Morse and Angelo Cangelosi and Rob Ellis and Jeremy Goslin and Martin H. Fischer}, title = {Towards a Bio-inspired Cognitive Architecture for Short-Term Memory in Humanoid Robots}, booktitle = {{TAROS}}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {7429}, pages = {453--454}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2012} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/aaaifs/BaxterWMB11, author = {Paul Baxter and Rachel Wood and Anthony F. Morse and Tony Belpaeme}, title = {Memory-Centred Architectures: Perspectives on Human-Level Cognitive Competencies}, booktitle = {{AAAI} Fall Symposium: Advances in Cognitive Systems}, series = {{AAAI} Technical Report}, volume = {{FS-11-01}}, publisher = {{AAAI}}, year = {2011} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/cogsci/BartolottiMSS11, author = {James Bartolotti and Viorica Marian and Scott Schroeder and Anthony Shook}, title = {Statistical Learning of a Morse Code Language is Improved by Bilingualism and Inhibitory Ability}, booktitle = {CogSci}, publisher = {}, year = {2011} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/cogsci/MorseBCF11, author = {Anthony F. Morse and Tony Belpaeme and Angelo Cangelosi and Caroline Floccia}, title = {Modeling {U} Shaped Performance Curves in Ongoing Development}, booktitle = {CogSci}, publisher = {}, year = {2011} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/icdl-epirob/LarcombeMC11, author = {Christopher Larcombe and Anthony F. Morse and Angelo Cangelosi}, title = {Learning to react to abstractions: Accumulating adaptations in a humanoid embodiment}, booktitle = {{ICDL-EPIROB}}, pages = {1--8}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2011} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/icdl-epirob/MorseBBSC11, author = {Anthony F. Morse and Paul Baxter and Tony Belpaeme and Linda B. Smith and Angelo Cangelosi}, title = {The power of words}, booktitle = {{ICDL-EPIROB}}, pages = {1--6}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2011} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ijcnn/PeniakMLRC11, author = {Martin Peniak and Anthony F. Morse and Christopher Larcombe and Salom{\'{o}}n Ram{\'{\i}}rez{-}Contla and Angelo Cangelosi}, title = {Aquila: An open-source GPU-accelerated toolkit for cognitive and neuro-robotics research}, booktitle = {{IJCNN}}, pages = {1753--1760}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2011} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:series/sapere/Morse13, author = {Anthony F. Morse}, title = {Snapshots of Sensorimotor Perception: Putting the Body Back into Embodiment}, booktitle = {{PT-AI}}, series = {Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics}, volume = {5}, pages = {237--250}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2011} }
@article{DBLP:journals/connection/ZiemkeLM10, author = {Tom Ziemke and Robert Lowe and Anthony F. Morse}, title = {Affective robotics - modelling emotion and motivation}, journal = {Connect. Sci.}, volume = {22}, number = {3}, pages = {193--195}, year = {2010} }
@article{DBLP:journals/tamd/MorseGBC10, author = {Anthony F. Morse and Joachim de Greeff and Tony Belpaeme and Angelo Cangelosi}, title = {Epigenetic Robotics Architecture {(ERA)}}, journal = {{IEEE} Trans. Auton. Ment. Dev.}, volume = {2}, number = {4}, pages = {325--339}, year = {2010} }
@article{DBLP:journals/connection/MorseLZ09, author = {Anthony F. Morse and Robert Lowe and Tom Ziemke}, title = {Manipulating space: modelling the role of transient dynamics in inattentional blindness}, journal = {Connect. Sci.}, volume = {21}, number = {4}, pages = {275--296}, year = {2009} }
@article{DBLP:journals/nn/MorseA09, author = {Anthony F. Morse and Malin Aktius}, title = {Dynamic liquid association: Complex learning without implausible guidance}, journal = {Neural Networks}, volume = {22}, number = {7}, pages = {875--889}, year = {2009} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/abials/MorseLZ08, author = {Anthony F. Morse and Robert Lowe and Tom Ziemke}, title = {A Neurocomputational Model of Anticipation and Sustained Inattentional Blindness in Hierarchies}, booktitle = {ABiALS}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {5499}, pages = {152--169}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2008} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/abials/SvenssonMZ08, author = {Henrik Svensson and Anthony F. Morse and Tom Ziemke}, title = {Neural Pathways of Embodied Simulation}, booktitle = {ABiALS}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {5499}, pages = {95--114}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2008} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/wapcv/LowePMZ07, author = {Robert Lowe and Carlos Herrera P{\'{e}}rez and Anthony F. Morse and Tom Ziemke}, title = {The Embodied Dynamics of Emotion, Appraisal and Attention}, booktitle = {{WAPCV}}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {4840}, pages = {1--20}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2007} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/infocom/GoldenbergKMYYMS05, author = {David Kiyoshi Goldenberg and Arvind Krishnamurthy and Wesley C. Maness and Yang Richard Yang and Anthony Young and A. Stephen Morse and Andreas Savvides and Brian D. O. Anderson}, title = {Network localization in partially localizable networks}, booktitle = {{INFOCOM}}, pages = {313--326}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2005} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/igarss/MorseKAT04, author = {Anthony Morse and William J. Kramber and Richard G. Allen and Masahiro Tasumi}, title = {Use of the {METRIC} evapotranspiration model to compute water use by irrigated agriculture in Idaho}, booktitle = {{IGARSS}}, pages = {2134--2137}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2004} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/igarss/MorseKWAT03, author = {Anthony Morse and William J. Kramber and M. Wilkins and Richard G. Allen and Masahiro Tasumi}, title = {Preliminary computation of evapotranspiration by land cover type using Landsat {TM} data and {SEBAL}}, booktitle = {{IGARSS}}, pages = {2956--2958}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2003} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/igarss/KramberMATTW02, author = {William J. Kramber and Anthony Morse and Richard G. Allen and Masahiro Tasumi and Ricardo Trezza and James L. Wright}, title = {Developing surrogate pixels for comparing {SEBAL} {ET} with lysimeter {ET} measurements}, booktitle = {{IGARSS}}, pages = {119--121}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2002} }
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