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Author search results

Exact matches

  • — disambiguation page
  • [0000-0002-9979-0561]
    Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Computing Technology, Beijing, China
  • [0000-0003-4625-9520]
    Southeast University, School of Electrical Engineering, Nanjing, China
  • [0000-0002-5706-1483]
    Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology, Beijing, China
  • [0000-0002-2941-4376]
    University of Oregon, Charles H. Lundquist School of Business, Eugene, OR, USA
  • [0000-0003-0956-8164]
    Air Force Engineering University, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering, Xi'an, China
  • [0000-0003-1930-0372]
    University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, School of Optical-Electrical and Computer Engineering, China

  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
  • [0000-0003-0093-3292]
    Zhejiang University, School of Software Technology, Ningbo, China
  • [0000-0001-5242-4460]
    University of Toronto, Canada

Likely matches

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