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Author search results
Exact matches
Likely matches
- Chris Cornelis
Ghent University, Belgium - Christine Collet
Institut polytechnique de Grenoble, France - Christophe Collet 0001
Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France - Christopher Collins 0001
aka: Christopher M. Collins 0001
Ontario Tech University, vialab, Oshawa, ON, Canada - Christian Colombo 0001
University of Malta
All 518 matches
- Christine M. Anderson-Cook
Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM, USA - Christine Azevedo
aka: Christine Azevedo-Coste - Chris Colin Baillie
- Cornelis Christiaan Berg
- Christian Bowman-Colin
- Christohper Colburn Brown
- Cornelis Christiaan Bultink
- Christelle Combe Celik
- Connor Chrismond
- Constantine Christakos
- Constantine K. Christakos
- Christiano Coletto Christakou
- Cody Christensen
- Conrad Christensen
- Courtney Christensen
- Max la Cour Christensen
- Colton Christian
- Constantinos Christidis
- Cole Christie
- Cole H. Christie
- Colin W. Christie
- Corey Christie
- Conny Christl
- Constantin Christmann
- Constantin Christof
- Constantinos Christofi
- Costis Christogiannis
aka: Costas Christogiannis - Cody James Christopher
- Colin Christopher
- Connor Christopherson
- Costas A. Christophi
- Constantinos Christopoulos
- Constantinos Christou
- Costas F. Christoyannis
- Christian Collins C. Chua
- Chris Co
- Christopher S. Co
- Chris Coakley
- Christopher James Coakley
- Christopher Coat
- Christopher B. Cobar
- Christian W. Cobaugh
- Christian Nii Aflah Cobblah
- Christoph Cobet
- Chris Cobo-Kroenke
- Christian Cobos-Maldonado
- Christopher Cocca
- Christelle Cocco
- Christopher Cochella
- Christian Cochin
- Christopher Cochrane
- Christina Cociancig
- Christian De Cock
- Christopher Coco
- Christopher Coco Jr.
- Chris A. Cocosco
- Christiane Cocozza-Thivent
- Christian Coddet
- Christopher Codella
- Christopher F. Codella
- Christophe Codemard
- Christian Codognet
- Christa Cody
- Christopher L. Coe
- Chris Coelho
- Chrisel Coelho
- Christianne C. S. R. Coelho
- Christopher Coelho
- Christopher Coello
- Christoph Coen
- Christopher T. Coen
- Chris Coene
- Christiane Coenen
- Christopher Coenen
- Christian Coester
University of Oxford, UK - Christophe Coeur
- Chris Coey
- Christopher Coey
- Chris Coffey
- Christopher Coffey
- Christopher S. Coffey
- Chris Coffin
- Christina Coffin
- Christopher Coffin
- Chris Coggins
- Christy A. Coghlan
- Christophe Cognard
- Chris W. Cohrs
- Christian Cohrs
- Jan-Christopher Cohrs
- Christoph Coijanovic
- Christophe Coinon
- Christian Cojocaru
- Christiaan A. Cokas
- Christopher M. Colangelo
aka: Chris Colangelo - Christophe Colas
- Christina Colasanto
- Christian Colautti
- Christine Colavitti
- Christian Colberg
- S. Chris Colbert
- Christopher J. Colbourn
aka: Chris Colbourn - Christopher Colburn
- Chris Colby
- Christopher Colby
- Christian Colceriu
- Christina Colcernian
- Christopher Coldren
- Chris Cole
- Chris A. Cole
- Christian Cole
- Christina M. Cole
- Christopher Cole
- Christopher A. Cole
- Christopher B. Cole
- Christopher J. Cole
- Christopher R. Cole
- Christian Colella
- Christopher Coleman
- Christopher M. Coleman
- Chris Colen
- Christopher John Coles
- Christian T. Coletti
- Christopher J. Coley
United States Air Force Academy, CO, USA - Christopher M. Coley
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA - Christian Colin
- Christelle M. Colin-Leitzinger
- Christos I. Colios
- Christine M. Collaco
- Christopher Collander
aka: Chris Collander - Christophe Collard
- Christian S. Collberg
University of Arizona, Tucson, USA - Chris Colleran
- Christelle Collet
- Christian Collet
- Christine Collet
Institut polytechnique de Grenoble, France - Christophe Collet 0001
Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France - Christophe Collet 0002
Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France - Christophe Collette
- Christophe Collewet
- Christopher Collier
- Christopher M. Collier
- Chris Collins
- Christopher Collins — disambiguation page
- Christopher Collins 0001
aka: Christopher M. Collins 0001
Ontario Tech University, vialab, Oshawa, ON, Canada - Christopher Collins 0003
Mississippi State University, USA - Christopher M. Collins 0002
New York University, NY, USA - Christopher M. Collins 0003
University of Liverpool, Department of Chemistry, UK - Christopher N. Collins
IBM Systems and Technology Group, Hopewell Junction, NY, USA - Christopher R. Collins
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA - Chris Collinsworth
- Christy Collis
- Christopher J. Collison
- Christian Colmsee
- Michael C. W. Coln
aka: Michael Christian Wohnsen Coln - Christopher B. Colohan
- Christian Colombo 0001
University of Malta - Christian Colombo 0002
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy - Christopher Colombo
- Chris Colonna
- Christian Colonna
- Christian Colot
- Chris Colquitt
- Christine Colson
- Christopher D. Coltman
- C. Christopher Columbus
- Christopher Daniel Colvett
- Christopher J. Colvin
- Christine Colvis
- Christa L. Colyer
- Christian Comaschi
- Christophe Combari
- Christophe Combastel
- Chris Comber
- Christian Comberg
- Christelle Combescure
- Christophe Combet
- Christophe Combettes
- Christopher Comer
- Chris Comfort
- Chris Comis
- Christian Commault
- J. Chris Commons
- Christian Monzio Compagnoni
aka: C. Monzio Compagnoni - Christian Compton
- Christopher Compton
- Christopher Comstock
- Christopher E. Comstock
- Christophe Comte
- Jean-Christophe Comte
- Christie L. Comunale
- Christophe Conan
- Christopher R. Conant
- Christian Conaway
- Christopher Conca
- Christian Condevaux-Lanloy
- Chris Condit
- Christopher Condit
- Chris Condon
- Christian Erik Condori-Mamani
- Chris Condos
- Christopher Condrat
- Christine Conelea
- Christophe Conessa
- Christian Confavreux
- Christian Conficoni
- Chris Conger
- Christopher L. Conger
- Christopher Congleton
- Chris J. Conidis
- Christophe Coniglio
- Chris J. Conklin
- Christopher J. Conklin
- Christopher R. Conklin
- Chris Conlan
- Chris Conley
- Christian Conley
- Christopher J. Conley
- Christopher Conlon
- Christopher Conly
- Chris Connaboy
- Christopher Connaboy
- Chris Conne
- Chris Connell
- Chris Connelly
- Christopher Connelly
- Christopher R. Conner
- Christian Pascal Connette
- Chris Connolly
- Christine Connolly
- Christopher Connolly
- Christopher I. Connolly
- Christopher M. Connolly
- Chris Connor
- Christopher W. Connor
- Christine Connors
- Christopher Connors
- Christopher D. Connors
- Chris Conoley
- Christos Conomis
- Christian Conoscenti
- Chris Conow
- Christian Conrad
- Christina Conrad
- Christine L. Conrad
- Christopher Conrad
- Christopher P. Conrad
- Lena-Christin Conradi
- Christoph Conrads
- Chris Conrady
- Christopher R. Conrady
- Christian Conroy
- Christophe Conséjo
- Christopher J. Conselice
- Christian Considine
- Christos Consoulas
- Christian Constanda
University of Tulsa, Department of Mathematics, OK, USA - Christophe Constantin
- Christakis Constantinides
- Christodoulos Constantinides
- Christos Constantinides
- Christina Constantinidis
- Christodoulos Constantinou
- Christos Constantinou
- Christos C. Constantinou
- Christos E. Constantinou
- Christoph von Conta
- Christopher H. Contag
- Christian Contarino
- Christian Conte
- Christian Conti
- Christina Conti
- Christopher J. Conti
- Christopher Continanza
- Christian Contini
- Christophe Contreras
- Christina Convertino
- Christian Convey
- Chris Conway
- Christopher Conway
- Christopher L. Conway
- Christopher M. Conway
- Christopher G. Coogan
- Chris Cook
- Chrissy Cook
- Christa Cook
- Christine Linda Cook
- Christopher D. Cook
- Christopher J. Cook
- Christopher V. Cook
- Christa Cooke
- Christopher Cooke
- Christopher J. Cookson
- Christopher Cooley
- Christopher J. Coomber
- Christopher Coomes
- Chris Cooney
- Christopher R. Cooney
- Chris Cooper
- Chris E. Cooper
- Christine Cooper
- Christopher B. Cooper
- Christopher D. Cooper
- Christopher I Cooper
- Christopher J. Cooper
- Christopher S. Cooper
- Christopher Coors
- Christopher P. Cop
- Chris Cope
- Chris J. Cope
- Chris J. Copeland
- Christian Coppeneur-Guelz
- Christophe Coppens
- J. Chris Coppick
- Chris Coppins
- Christophe Coquelet
- Chris Corallo
- Christina Corbane
- Christopher R. Corbeil
- Chris Corbett
- Christopher Corbett
- Christian H. Corbex
- Christophe Corbier
- Christine R. Corbly
- Christopher Corbo
- Christopher Corcoran
- Christopher D. Corcoran
- Christian Corda
- Anna Christine Azevedo Cordeiro
- Christine Cordeiro
- Christophe Cordero
- Christian Cordes
- Christina Cordes
- Christopher Cordi
- Christophe Cordier
- Christopher Cordingley
- Chris Cordola
- Christian Cordova
- Christophe Coreixas
- Christelle N. Corella
- Chris Corey
- Chris Corfe
- Christian Corinth
- Chris Cork
- Christopher Corless
- Simon Christian Corlett
- Christopher S. Corley
- Chris Corman
- Chris Cormier
- Christian Cormier
- Chris Cornaby
- Christophe Corne
- Christin Cornel
- Chris Cornelis
Ghent University, Belgium - Christian Cornesse
- Christian Cornet
- Christophe Cornet
- Christian L. F. Corniaux
- Jean-Christophe Cornily
- Chris Cornish
- Christine Cornish
- Christopher Cornwell
- Christy M. Cornwell
- Christian Corrêa Coronel
- Christian Coronel-Guerrero
- Christophe Coroyer
- Christopher C. Corral
- Christian Corre
- Christina Corre
- Christophe Corre
- Christian Correa
- Christopher Correa
- Christopher J. Correia
- Christoph U. Correll
- Chris Corrigan
- Christof W. Corsel
- Christian Corsi
- Christopher Corsi
- Christopher Corsia
- Christopher D. Corso
- Christian Corsten
RWTH Aachen University, Germany - Christoph Corten
- Christian Cortes
- Christian A. Cortes
- Christian M. Cortis
- Chris Corum
- Sifra Corver
aka: Sifra Christina Corver - Christian Corvino
- Jean-Christophe Corvol
- Christian Corwel
- Chris L. S. Coryn
- Christopher Coscia
- Christopher V. Cosgriff
- Christian Cosgrove
- Chris Cosner
- Christophe Cossou
- Christian S. Costa
- Christiano Costa
- Christina Costa
- Christine Böhm da Costa
- Christopher Costa
- Christopher R. Costa
- Marie-Christine Costa
- Christian Costante
- Christian Costanza
- Chris Costello
- Christine M. Costello
- Christopher Costello
- Christopher John Costello
- Christopher S. Costello
- Christian Costermans
- Christian Cote
- Christian Côté
- Christopher Coté
- Christopher M. Cotnoir
- Chris Cotoi
- Chris Cotsapas
- Christopher J. Cottee
- Christopher A. Cotteleer
- Christopher S. Cotton
- Christiana Cottrell
- Christophe Coudrain
- Christophe Coué
- Christopher Coufal
- Chris Coughlan
- Christine Coughlin
- Christopher Coughlin
- Christine Couldrey
- G. Christine Coulibaly
- Christopher Coulombe
- Christian Coulon
- Gary Christopher Coulson
- Chris Coulston
- Christopher S. Coulston
- Chris W. Coultas
- Marie Christine Counilh
- Jean Christophe Counio
- Chris Countryman
- Christophe Coupé
- Christine Coupland
- Christophe Courbage
- Christophe Couronne
- Jean-Christophe Courrège
- Christa D. Court
- Christophe Courtin
- Christie Courtnage
- Christopher G. Courtney
- Christian Courtois
- Christina Courtright
- Christian A. Cousin
- Jean Christophe Cousin
- Christophe Coustet
- Christopher Couthon
- Christian Marlon Souza Couto
- Christian Couturier
- Christophe Couturier
- Christophe Couvreur
- Christine M. Covas
- Christine Marie Covas-Smith
- Christopher Cover
- Christian M. Coviello
- Christian Covington
- Chris Cowan
- Christopher Cowan
- Chris Coward
aka: Christopher Coward - Chris Cowden
- Christopher Cowell-Shah
- Christopher Cowie
- Christopher J. A. Cowie
- Chris K. Cowley
aka: Christopher K. Cowley - Chris Cox
- Chris D. Cox
- Chris R. Cox
- Chris S. Cox
- Christina B. Cox
- Christine Cox
- Christine L. Cox
- Christopher Cox
- Christopher B. Cox
- Christopher D. Cox
- Christopher L. Cox
- Christopher R. Cox
- K. Christopher Cox
- Christopher Coyle
- Christopher J. Coyne
- Christopher Coyte
- Christine Coz
- Christoph-Cordt von Egidy
- Christophe Elie-Dit-Cosaque
- Corinna A. Faust-Christmann
aka: Corinna A. Christmann - Christophe Costa Florêncio
University of Amsterdam, Informatics Institute - Christian Cortés García
- Cord-Christian Gaus
- Christiano Couto Gava
- Christine Cong Guo
QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Herston, QLD, Australia - Colin Christopher Hand
- Conny Christoffer Tobias Hansson
- Christian Kleine-Cosack
- Christian G. Cossio Mercado
- Christoph Cornelius Miething
- Christian E. Coronado Mondragon
- Christian Xavier Navarro-Cota
- Christian O'Connell
- Chris O'Connor
- Christina O'Connor
- Christopher O'Connor
- Christopher D. O'Connor
- Christopher L. O'Connor
- Christopher M. O'Connor
- Christopher P. O'Connor
- Christopher S. O'Connor
- Chrissy Pretious-Cooney
- Christopher J. Rodríguez-Cortés
- Cord-Christian Rossow
German Aerospace Center (DLF), Braunschweig, Germany - Christian Sanchez-Costa
- Christina Colaluca Sørensen
- Christopher Ulloa-Correa
- Christian José Correa Villalón
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retrieved on 2024-09-10 22:18 CEST from data curated by the dblp team
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