2 and rate-limiting step on the kinetics of C3 and C4 photosynthesis from gas exchange" [Bio Systems 103 (2) (2011) 265-284].">2 and rate-limiting step on the kinetics of C3 and C4 photosynthesis from gas exchange" [Bio Systems 103 (2) (2011) 265-284]., dblp, computer science, bibliography, author, editor, publication, conference, journal, book, thesis, collection, open data, bibtex">

"Corrigendum to "The single-process biochemical reaction of Rubisco: A ..."

Hadi Farazdaghi (2012)

Details and statistics

DOI: 10.1016/J.BIOSYSTEMS.2011.11.002

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type: Journal Article

metadata version: 2020-02-20

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