BibTeX record journals/fini/VaccarinoDSAABD18

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  author       = {Anthony L. Vaccarino and
                  Moyez Dharsee and
                  Stephen C. Strother and
                  Don Aldridge and
                  Stephen R. Arnott and
                  Brendan Behan and
                  Costas Dafnas and
                  Fan Dong and
                  Kenneth Edgecombe and
                  Rachad El{-}Badrawi and
                  Khaled El Emam and
                  Tom Gee and
                  Susan G. Evans and
                  Mojib Javadi and
                  Francis Jeanson and
                  Shannon Lefaivre and
                  Kristen Lutz and
                  F. Chris MacPhee and
                  Jordan Mikkelsen and
                  Tom Mikkelsen and
                  Nicholas Mirotchnick and
                  Tanya Schmah and
                  Christa M. Studzinski and
                  Donald T. Stuss and
                  Elizabeth Theriault and
                  Kenneth R. Evans},
  title        = {Brain-CODE: {A} Secure Neuroinformatics Platform for Management, Federation,
                  Sharing and Analysis of Multi-Dimensional Neuroscience Data},
  journal      = {Frontiers Neuroinformatics},
  volume       = {12},
  pages        = {28},
  year         = {2018},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.3389/FNINF.2018.00028},
  timestamp    = {Tue, 28 Jul 2020 09:14:51 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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