BibTeX record conf/isipta/Strobl05

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  author       = {Carolin Strobl},
  editor       = {F{\'{a}}bio Gagliardi Cozman and
                  Robert Nau and
                  Teddy Seidenfeld},
  title        = {Variable Selection in Classification Trees Based on Imprecise Probabilities},
  booktitle    = {{ISIPTA} '05, Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on
                  Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications, Carnegie Mellon University,
                  Pittsburgh, PA, USA, July 20-23 2005},
  pages        = {340--348},
  publisher    = {{SIPTA}},
  year         = {2005},
  timestamp    = {Fri, 06 Mar 2015 14:11:06 +0100},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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