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Werner Kießling
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- affiliation: University of Augsburg, Germany
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2010 – 2019
- 2017
- [c69]Johannes Kastner, Markus Endres, Werner Kießling:
A Pareto-Dominant Clustering Approach for Pareto-Frontiers. EDBT/ICDT Workshops 2017 - 2016
- [c68]Florian Wenzel, Werner Kießling:
A Preference-Driven Database Approach to Reciprocal User Recommendations in Online Social Networks. DEXA (2) 2016: 3-10 - [c67]Lena Rudenko, Markus Endres, Patrick Roocks, Werner Kießling:
A Preference-based Stream Analyzer. STREAMEVOLV@ECML-PKDD 2016 - 2015
- [j15]Markus Endres, Werner Kießling:
Parallel Skyline Computation Exploiting the Lattice Structure. J. Database Manag. 26(4): 18-43 (2015) - [c66]Stefan Mandl, Oleksandr Kozachuk, Markus Endres, Werner Kießling:
Preference Analytics in EXASolution. BTW 2015: 613-632 - [c65]Markus Endres, Patrick Roocks, Werner Kießling:
Scalagon: An Efficient Skyline Algorithm for All Seasons. DASFAA (2) 2015: 292-308 - 2014
- [c64]Markus Endres, Patrick Roocks, Manuel Huber, Werner Kießling:
Grouping Queries with SV-Semantics in Preference SQL. MPREF@AAAI 2014 - [c63]Markus Endres, Werner Kießling:
High Parallel Skyline Computation over Low-Cardinality Domains. ADBIS 2014: 97-111 - [c62]Markus Endres, Patrick Roocks, Werner Kießling:
Algebraic optimization of grouped preference queries. IDEAS 2014: 247-256 - [c61]Florian Wenzel, Werner Kießling:
Aggregation and Analysis of Enriched Spatial User Models from Location-Based Social Networks. GeoRich@SIGMOD 2014: 8:1-8:6 - 2013
- [c60]Patrick Roocks, Werner Kießling:
R-Pref: Rapid Prototyping of Database Preference Queries in R. DATA 2013: 104-111 - [c59]Florian Wenzel, Dominik Köppl, Werner Kießling:
Interactive Toolbox for Spatial-Textual Preference Queries. SSTD 2013: 462-466 - [i4]Helmut Thöne, Ulrich Güntzer, Werner Kießling:
Towards Precision of Probabilistic Bounds Propagation. CoRR abs/1303.5434 (2013) - 2012
- [j14]Patrick Roocks, Markus Endres, Alfons Huhn, Werner Kießling, Stefan Mandl:
Design and Implementation of a Framework for Context-Aware Preference Queries. J. Comput. Sci. Eng. 6(4): 243-256 (2012) - [j13]Florian Wenzel, Markus Endres, Stefan Mandl, Werner Kießling:
Complex Preference Queries Supporting Spatial Applications for User Groups. Proc. VLDB Endow. 5(12): 1946-1949 (2012) - [c58]Patrick Roocks, Markus Endres, Stefan Mandl, Werner Kießling:
Composition and Efficient Evaluation of Context-Aware Preference Queries. DASFAA (2) 2012: 81-95 - 2011
- [j12]Werner Kießling, Markus Endres, Florian Wenzel:
The Preference SQL System - An Overview. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 34(2): 11-18 (2011) - [c57]Markus Endres, Werner Kießling:
Semi-Skyline Optimization of Constrained Skyline Queries. ADC 2011: 7-16 - [c56]Markus Endres, Werner Kießling:
Skyline Snippets. FQAS 2011: 246-257 - 2010
- [c55]Werner Kießling:
Preference Handling in Database Systems - Achievements and Challenges. Grundlagen von Datenbanken 2010 - [c54]Florian Wenzel, Werner Kießling:
Group Preferences in Social Network Services. Grundlagen von Datenbanken 2010
2000 – 2009
- 2008
- [c53]Markus Endres, Werner Kießling:
Optimization of Preference Queries with Multiple Constraints. PersDB 2008: 25-32 - 2007
- [c52]Werner Kießling:
Ziele und Ergebnisse von FORSIP im Überblick. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2007: 251-254 - [c51]Sven Döring, Werner Kießling:
COSIMA - Personalisierte Angebotserstellung in der Touristik. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2007: 267-270 - 2006
- [j11]Sven Döring, Werner Kießling, Timotheus Preisinger, Stefan Fischer:
Evaluation and optimization of the catalog search process of e-procurement platforms. Electron. Commer. Res. Appl. 5(1): 44-56 (2006) - [c50]Benjamin Satzger, Markus Endres, Werner Kießling:
A Preference-Based Recommender System. EC-Web 2006: 31-40 - [e1]Gianni Bosi, Ronen I. Brafman, Jan Chomicki, Werner Kießling:
Preferences: Specification, Inference, Applications, 27. June - 2. July 2004. Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 04271, IBFI, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2006 [contents] - 2005
- [c49]Bernd Hafenrichter, Werner Kießling:
Optimization of Relational Preference Queries. ADC 2005: 175-184 - [c48]Werner Kießling:
Preference Queries with SV-Semantics. COMAD 2005: 15-26 - [c47]Sven Döring, Stefan Fischer, Werner Kießling, Timotheus Preisinger:
Optimizing the Catalog Search Process for E-Procurement Platforms. DEEC 2005: 39-48 - [c46]Alfons Huhn, Peter Höfner, Werner Kießling:
Towards Evaluating the Impact of Ontologies on the Quality of a Digital Library Alerting System. ECDL 2005: 498-499 - 2004
- [j10]Stefan Holland, Werner Kießling:
User preference mining techniques for personalized applications. Wirtschaftsinf. 46(6): 439-445 (2004) - [c45]Stefan Holland, Werner Kießling:
Situated Preferences and Preference Repositories for Personalized Database Applications. ER 2004: 511-523 - [c44]Qiuyue Wang, Wolf-Tilo Balke, Werner Kießling, Alfons Huhn:
P-News: Deeply Personalized News Dissemination for MPEG-7 Based Digital Libraries. ECDL 2004: 256-268 - [c43]Werner Kießling, Stefan Fischer, Sven Döring:
COSIMAB2B - Sales Automation for E-Procurement. CEC 2004: 59-68 - [i3]Gianni Bosi, Ronen I. Brafman, Jan Chomicki, Werner Kießling:
04271 Abstracts Collection - Preferences: Specification, Inference, Applications. Preferences 2004 - 2003
- [c42]Wolf-Tilo Balke, Werner Kießling, Christoph Unbehend:
A Situation-aware Mobile Traffic Information System. HICSS 2003: 292 - [c41]Wolf-Tilo Balke, Werner Kießling, Christoph Unbehend:
Personalized Services for Mobile Route Planning. ICDE 2003: 771-773 - [c40]Stefan Holland, Martin Ester, Werner Kießling:
Preference Mining: A Novel Approach on Mining User Preferences for Personalized Applications. PKDD 2003: 204-216 - [c39]Wolf-Tilo Balke, Werner Kießling, Christoph Unbehend:
Performance and Quality Evaluation of a Personalized Route Planning System. SBBD 2003: 328-340 - 2002
- [c38]Stefan Fischer, Werner Kießling, Stefan Holland, Michael Fleder:
The COSIMA prototype for multi-objective bargaining. AAMAS 2002: 1364-1371 - [c37]Werner Kießling, Bernd Hafenrichter:
Optimizing Preference Queries for Personalized Web Services. Communications, Internet, and Information Technology 2002: 461-466 - [c36]Wolf-Tilo Balke, Ulrich Güntzer, Werner Kießling:
On Real-Time Top k Querying for Mobile Services. OTM 2002: 125-143 - [c35]Achim Leubner, Werner Kießling:
Personalized Keyword Search with Partial-Order Preferences. SBBD 2002: 181-193 - [c34]Werner Kießling:
Foundations of Preferences in Database Systems. VLDB 2002: 311-322 - [c33]Werner Kießling, Gerhard Köstler:
Preference SQL - Design, Implementation, Experiences. VLDB 2002: 990-1001 - [c32]Matthias Wagner, Werner Kießling, Wolf-Tilo Balke:
Progressive Content Delivery for Mobile E-services. WAIM 2002: 225-235 - 2001
- [c31]Matthias Wagner, Wolf-Tilo Balke, Werner Kießling:
An XML-Based Multimedia Middleware for Mobile Online Auctions. ICEIS (2) 2001: 934-944 - [c30]Ulrich Güntzer, Wolf-Tilo Balke, Werner Kießling:
Towards Efficient Multi-Feature Queries in Heterogeneous Environments. ITCC 2001: 622-628 - [c29]Werner Kießling, Stefan Holland, Stefan Fischer, Thorsten Ehm:
COSIMA - Your Smart, Speaking E-Salesperson. SIGMOD Conference 2001: 600 - [c28]Werner Kießling, Stefan Fischer, Stefan Holland, Thorsten Ehm:
Design and Implementation of COSIMA - A Smart and Speaking E-Sales Assistant. WECWIS 2001: 21-30 - [c27]Werner Kießling, Bernd Hafenrichter, Stefan Fischer, Stefan Holland:
Preference XPATH: A Query Language for E-Commerce. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2001: 32 - 2000
- [j9]Werner Kießling, Wolf-Tilo Balke, Thomas Birke, Katharina Urch, Matthias Wagner:
Das HERON-Projekt - Middleware für Image Retrieval (The HERON-Project - Middleware for Image Retrieval). Informationstechnik Tech. Inform. 42(6): 28-33 (2000) - [c26]Wolf-Tilo Balke, Werner Kießling, Ulrich Güntzer:
Applications of Quick-Combine for Ranked Query Models. DELOS 2000 - [c25]Jürgen Vogel, Wolf-Tilo Balke, Werner Kießling:
(Semi-) Automatic Segmentation in Historic Collections of Heraldic Images. ICPR 2000: 1478-1481 - [c24]Matthias Wagner, Stefan Holland, Werner Kießling:
Efficient and Flexible Web Access to Art-Historical Image Collections. SAC (2) 2000: 915-921 - [c23]Ulrich Güntzer, Wolf-Tilo Balke, Werner Kießling:
Optimizing Multi-Feature Queries for Image Databases. VLDB 2000: 419-428
1990 – 1999
- 1998
- [b2]Werner Kießling, Gerhard Köstler:
Multimedia-Kurs Datenbanksysteme. Springer 1998, ISBN 978-3-540-63836-0, pp. I-XVI, 1-391 - [c22]Werner Kießling, Katharina Erber-Urch, Wolf-Tilo Balke, Thomas Birke, Matthias Wagner:
The HERON Project - Multimedia Database Support for History and Human Sciences. GI Jahrestagung 1998: 309-318 - 1997
- [j8]Helmut Thöne, Ulrich Güntzer, Werner Kießling:
Increased robustness of Bayesian networks through probability intervals. Int. J. Approx. Reason. 17(1): 37-76 (1997) - [c21]Gerhard Köstler, Wolfgang L. J. Kowarschick, Werner Kießling:
Client-Server Optimization for Multimedia Document Exchange. DASFAA 1997: 135-144 - 1996
- [c20]Wolfgang L. J. Kowarschick, Gerhard Köstler, Werner Kießling:
Subtyping by Constraints in Object-Oriented Databases. ISOTAS 1996: 287-307 - 1995
- [j7]Helmut Thöne, Werner Kießling, Ulrich Güntzer:
On cautious probabilistic inference and default detachment. Ann. Oper. Res. 55(1): 195-224 (1995) - [j6]Gerhard Köstler, Werner Kießling, Helmut Thöne, Ulrich Güntzer:
Fixpoint Iteration with Subsumption in Deductive Databases. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 4(2): 123-148 (1995) - [c19]Thomas Lukasiewicz, Werner Kießling, Gerhard Köstler, Ulrich Güntzer:
Taxonomic and Uncertain Integrity Constraints in Object-Oriented Databases - the TOP Approach. CIKM 1995: 241-249 - [c18]Helmut Thöne, Ulrich Güntzer, Werner Kießling:
Modeling, Chaining and Fusion of Uncertain Knowledge. DASFAA 1995: 197-205 - [c17]Johann Kempe, Wolfgang L. J. Kowarschick, Werner Kießling, Robert Hitzelberger, Felix Dutkowski:
Benchmarking Object-Oriented Database Systems for CAD. DEXA 1995: 167-176 - 1994
- [j5]Werner Kießling, Helmut Schmidt, Werner Strauß, Gerhard Dünzinger:
DECLARE and SDS: Early Efforts to Commercialize Deductive Database Technology. VLDB J. 3(2): 211-243 (1994) - [c16]Werner Kießling, Ulrich Güntzer:
Database Reasoning - A Deductive Framework for Solving Large and Complex Problems by Means of Subsumption. IS/KI 1994: 118-138 - 1993
- [c15]Werner Kießling, Gerhard Köstler, Ulrich Güntzer:
Fixpoint Evaluation with Subsumption for Probabilistic Uncertainty. BTW 1993: 316-333 - [c14]Gerhard Köstler, Werner Kießling, Helmut Thöne, Ulrich Güntzer:
The Differential Fixpoint Operator with Subsumption. DOOD 1993: 35-48 - 1992
- [j4]Werner Kießling:
A Complex Benchmark for Logic Programming and Deductive Databases, or Who Can Beat the N-Queens ? SIGMOD Rec. 21(4): 28-34 (1992) - [c13]Werner Kießling, Helmut Thöne, Ulrich Güntzer:
Database Support for Problematic Knowledge. EDBT 1992: 421-436 - [c12]Helmut Thöne, Ulrich Güntzer, Werner Kießling:
Towards Precision of Probabilistic Bounds Propagation. UAI 1992: 315-322 - [i2]Werner Kießling, Gerhard Köstler, Ulrich Güntzer:
Fixpoint evaluation with subsumption for probabilistic uncertainty. Forschungsberichte, TU Munich TUM I 9237: 1-32 (1992) - 1991
- [c11]Helmut Thöne, Ulrich Güntzer, Werner Kießling:
Probabilistic Reasoning With Facts And Rules In Deductive Databases. ECSQARU 1991: 333-337 - [c10]Ulrich Güntzer, Werner Kießling, Helmut Thöne:
New Directions For Uncertainty Reasoning In Deductive Databases. SIGMOD Conference 1991: 178-187 - [i1]Werner Kießling, Helmut Thöne, Ulrich Güntzer:
Database support for problematic knowledge. Forschungsberichte, TU Munich TUM I 9109: 1-31 (1991) - 1990
- [j3]Werner Kießling, Ulrich Güntzer:
Deduktive Datenbanksysteme auf dem Weg zur Praxis. Inform. Forsch. Entwickl. 5(4): 177-187 (1990)
1980 – 1989
- 1989
- [c9]Helmut Schmidt, Werner Kießling, Ulrich Güntzer, Rudolf Bayer:
DBA*: Solving Combinatorial Problems with Deductive Databases. BTW 1989: 196-215 - [c8]Helmut Schmidt, Nikolaus Steger, Ulrich Güntzer, Werner Kießling, Rüdiger Azone, Rudolf Bayer:
Combining Deduction by Certainty with the Power of Magic. DOOD 1989: 103-122 - [c7]Nikolaus Steger, Helmut Schmidt, Ulrich Güntzer, Werner Kießling:
Semantics and Efficient Compilation for Quantitative Deductive Databases. ICDE 1989: 660-669 - 1988
- [j2]Werner Kießling:
Access Path Selection in Databases with Intelligent Disc Subsystems. Comput. J. 31(1): 41-50 (1988) - 1987
- [c6]Rudolf Bayer, Ulrich Güntzer, Werner Kießling, Werner Strauß:
Deduktions- und Datenbankunterstützung für Expertensysteme. BTW 1987: 1-16 - [c5]Ulrich Güntzer, Werner Kießling, Rudolf Bayer:
On the Evaluation of Recursion in (Deductive) Database Systems by Efficient Differential Fixpoint Iteration. ICDE 1987: 120-129 - [c4]Helmut Schmidt, Werner Kießling, Ulrich Güntzer, Rudolf Bayer:
Compiling Exploratory and Goal-Directed Deduction into Sloppy Delta-Iteration. SLP 1987: 234-243 - 1985
- [c3]Werner Kießling, Harald Pfeiffer:
A Comprehensive Analysis of Concurrency Control Performance for Centralized Databases. IWDM 1985: 277-299 - [c2]Werner Kießling:
On Semantic Reefs and Efficient Processing of Correlation Queries with Aggregates. VLDB 1985: 241-250 - 1984
- [j1]Rudolf Bayer, Klaus Elhardt, Werner Kießling, Dieter Killar:
Verteilte Datenbanksysteme. Eine Übersicht über den heutigen Entwicklungsstand. Inform. Spektrum 7(1): 1-19 (1984) - 1983
- [b1]Werner Kießling:
Datenbanksysteme für Rechenanlagen mit intelligenten Subsystemen: Architektur, Algorithmen, Optimierung. Technical University Munich, Germany, 1983, pp. 1-214 - [c1]Werner Kießling, G. Landherr:
A Quantitative Comparison of Lockprotocols for Centralized Databases. VLDB 1983: 120-130
Coauthor Index
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