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Paul Erdös
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- affiliation: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Mathematical Institute, Budapest, Hungary
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2010 – 2019
- 2015
- [j213]Steve Butler, Paul Erdös, Ron Graham:
Egyptian Fractions with Each Denominator Having Three Distinct Prime Divisors. Integers 15: A51 (2015) - 2013
- [p2]Paul Erdös:
Some of My Favorite Problems and Results. The Mathematics of Paul Erdős I 2013: 51-70 - [p1]Vitaly Bergelson, Paul Erdös, Neil Hindman, Tomasz Luczak
Dense Difference Sets and Their Combinatorial Structure. The Mathematics of Paul Erdős I 2013: 133-146
2000 – 2009
- 2006
- [j212]Paul Erdös, Amram Meir, Vera T. Sós, Paul Turán:
On some applications of graph theory, I. Discret. Math. 306(10-11): 853-866 (2006) - [j211]Paul Erdös, Daniel J. Kleitman:
Extremal problems among subsets of a set. Discret. Math. 306(10-11): 923-931 (2006) - 2003
- [j210]Paul Erdös, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, Renu C. Laskar, Geert C. E. Prins:
On the equality of the partial Grundy and upper ochromatic numbers of graphs. Discret. Math. 272(1): 53-64 (2003) - [j209]Richard A. Duke, Paul Erdös, Vojtech Rödl:
On large intersecting subfamilies of uniform setfamilies. Random Struct. Algorithms 23(4): 351-356 (2003) - 2002
- [j208]Béla Bollobás, Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
Random induced graphs. Discret. Math. 248(1-3): 249-254 (2002) - [j207]Noga Alon, Paul Erdös, David S. Gunderson, Michael Molloy:
A Ramsey-type problem and the Turán numbers. J. Graph Theory 40(2): 120-129 (2002) - 2001
- [j206]Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Ronald J. Gould, Michael S. Jacobson, Jenö Lehel:
Edge disjoint monochromatic triangles in 2-colored graphs. Discret. Math. 231(1-3): 135-141 (2001)
1990 – 1999
- 1999
- [j205]Béla Bollobás, Paul Erdös, Amites Sarkar:
Extremal graphs for weights. Discret. Math. 200(1-3): 5-19 (1999) - [j204]J. Adrian Bondy, Paul Erdös, Siemion Fajtlowicz:
Graphs of diameter two with no 4-circuits. Discret. Math. 200(1-3): 21-25 (1999) - [j203]Marc Deléglise, Paul Erdös, Jean-Louis Nicolas:
Sur les ensembles représentés par les partitions d'un entier n1. Discret. Math. 200(1-3): 27-48 (1999) - [j202]Jean-Marc Deshouillers, Paul Erdös, Giuseppe Melfi
On a question about sum-free sequences. Discret. Math. 200(1-3): 49-54 (1999) - [j201]Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
The number of cycle lengths in graphs of given minimum degree and girth. Discret. Math. 200(1-3): 55-60 (1999) - [j200]Paul Erdös, Zoltán Füredi, Bruce Rothschild, Vera T. Sós:
Induced subgraphs of given sizes. Discret. Math. 200(1-3): 61-77 (1999) - [j199]Paul Erdös, András Gyárfás:
Split and balanced colorings of complete graphs. Discret. Math. 200(1-3): 79-86 (1999) - [j198]Paul Erdös, Richard Roxby Hall:
On the angular distribution of Gaussian integers with fixed norm. Discret. Math. 200(1-3): 87-94 (1999) - [j197]Paul Erdös, Gergely Harcos
, János Pach:
Popular distances in 3-space. Discret. Math. 200(1-3): 95-99 (1999) - [j196]Paul Erdös, Grigori Kolesnik:
Prime power divisors of binomial coefficients. Discret. Math. 200(1-3): 101-117 (1999) - [j195]Paul Erdös, Vsevolod F. Lev, Gerard Rauzy, Csaba Sándor, András Sárközy
Greedy algorithm, arithmetic progressions, subset sums and divisibility. Discret. Math. 200(1-3): 119-135 (1999) - [j194]Paul Erdös, Janice L. Malouf, John L. Selfridge, Esther Szekeres:
Subsets of an interval whose product is a power. Discret. Math. 200(1-3): 137-147 (1999) - [j193]Paul Erdös, Christian Mauduit
, András Sárközy
On arithmetic properties of integers with missing digits II: Prime factors. Discret. Math. 200(1-3): 149-164 (1999) - [j192]Paul Erdös, Péter P. Pálfy:
On the orders of directly indecomposable groups. Discret. Math. 200(1-3): 165-179 (1999) - [j191]Paul Erdös, Gerald Tenenbaum:
Ensembles de multiples de suites finies. Discret. Math. 200(1-3): 181-203 (1999) - [j190]Paul Erdös, Tom Fowler:
Finding Large p-Colored Diameter Two Subgraphs. Graphs Comb. 15(1): 21-27 (1999) - 1998
- [j189]Béla Bollobás, Paul Erdös:
Graphs of Extremal Weights. Ars Comb. 50 (1998) - [j188]Paul Erdös, András Gyárfás, Miklós Ruszinkó:
How to decrease the diameter of triangle-free graphs. Comb. 18(4): 493-501 (1998) - 1997
- [j187]Paul Erdös, András Gyárfás:
A Variant of the Classical Ramsey Problem. Comb. 17(4): 459-467 (1997) - [j186]Paul Erdös, Gábor N. Sárközy:
On cycles in the coprime graph of integers. Electron. J. Comb. 4(2) (1997) - [j185]Paul Erdös, Peter C. Fishburn:
Minimum Planar Sets with Maximum Equidistance Counts. Comput. Geom. 7: 207-218 (1997) - [j184]Paul Erdös:
Some recent problems and results in graph theory. Discret. Math. 164(1-3): 81-85 (1997) - [j183]Paul Erdös:
Some old and new problems in various branches of combinatorics. Discret. Math. 165-166: 227-231 (1997) - [j182]Paul Erdös, László Pyber:
Covering a graph by complete bipartite graphs. Discret. Math. 170(1-3): 249-251 (1997) - [j181]Paul Erdös, Peter C. Fishburn:
Distinct distances in finite planar sets. Discret. Math. 175(1-3): 97-132 (1997) - [j180]Paul Erdös, András Gyárfás, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
The size of the largest bipartite subgraphs. Discret. Math. 177(1-3): 267-271 (1997) - [j179]Guantao Chen, Paul Erdös, András Gyárfás, Richard H. Schelp:
A Class of Edge Critical 4-Chromatic Graphs. Graphs Comb. 13(2): 139-146 (1997) - [j178]Walter A. Deuber, Paul Erdös, David S. Gunderson, Alexandr V. Kostochka, A. G. Meyer:
Intersection Statements for Systems of Sets. J. Comb. Theory A 79(1): 118-132 (1997) - [j177]Neil J. Calkin
, Paul Erdös, Craig A. Tovey:
New Ramsey Bounds from Cyclic Graphs of Prime Order. SIAM J. Discret. Math. 10(3): 381-387 (1997) - 1996
- [j176]Paul Erdös, Tibor Gallai, Zsolt Tuza:
Covering and independence in triangle structures. Discret. Math. 150(1-3): 89-101 (1996) - [j175]Paul Erdös, András Gyárfás, Tomasz Luczak
Graphs in which each C4 spans K4. Discret. Math. 154(1-3): 263-268 (1996) - [j174]Paul Erdös, Talmage James Reid, Richard H. Schelp, William Staton:
Sizes of graphs with induced subgraphs of large maximum degree. Discret. Math. 158(1-3): 283-286 (1996) - [j173]Paul Erdös, Peter C. Fishburn:
Maximum planar sets that determine k distances. Discret. Math. 160(1-3): 115-125 (1996) - [j172]Paul Erdös, Zsolt Tuza, Pavel Valtr:
Ramsey-remainder. Eur. J. Comb. 17(6): 519-532 (1996) - [j171]Guantao Chen, Paul Erdös, William Staton:
Proof of a Conjecture of Bollob's on Nested Cycles. J. Comb. Theory B 66(1): 38-43 (1996) - [j170]Noga Alon, Paul Erdös, Ron Holzman, Michael Krivelevich:
On k-saturated graphs with restrictions on the degrees. J. Graph Theory 23(1): 1-20 (1996) - [j169]Paul Erdös, Peter Hamburger, Raymond E. Pippert, William D. Weakley:
Hypercube subgraphs with minimal detours. J. Graph Theory 23(2): 119-128 (1996) - [j168]Paul Erdös, Mordechai Lewin:
d-complete sequences of integers. Math. Comput. 65(214): 837-840 (1996) - 1995
- [j167]Paul Erdös, Peter C. Fishburn:
Multiplicities of Interpoint Distances in Finite Planar Sets. Discret. Appl. Math. 60(1-3): 141-147 (1995) - [j166]Paul Erdös, Peter C. Fishburn:
Intervertex Distances in Convex Polygons. Discret. Appl. Math. 60(1-3): 149-158 (1995) - [j165]Paul Erdös, George B. Purdy:
Two Combinatorial Problems in the Plane. Discret. Comput. Geom. 13: 441-443 (1995) - [j164]Arie Bialostocki, Paul Erdös, Hanno Lefmann:
Monochromatic and zero-sum sets of nondecreasing diameter. Discret. Math. 137(1-3): 19-34 (1995) - [j163]Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Talmage James Reid, Richard H. Schelp, William Staton:
Degree sequence and independence in K(4)-free graphs. Discret. Math. 141(1-3): 285-290 (1995) - [j162]Paul Erdös, András Sárközy
, Vera T. Sós:
On product representations of powers, I. Eur. J. Comb. 16(6): 567-588 (1995) - [j161]Paul Erdös, Zoltán Füredi, Ronald J. Gould, David S. Gunderson:
Extremal Graphs for Intersecting Triangles. J. Comb. Theory B 64(1): 89-100 (1995) - [j160]Paul Erdös, Stephen Suen, Peter Winkler:
On the Size of a Random Maximal Graph. Random Struct. Algorithms 6(2/3): 309-318 (1995) - [j159]Paul Erdös, Vojtech Rödl:
Covering of r-Graphs by Complete r-Partite Subgraphs. Random Struct. Algorithms 6(2/3): 319-322 (1995) - 1994
- [j158]Boris Aronov
, Paul Erdös, Wayne Goddard, Daniel J. Kleitman, Michael Klugerman, János Pach, Leonard J. Schulman
Crossing Families. Comb. 14(2): 127-134 (1994) - [j157]Paul Erdös, András Gyárfás, Tomasz Luczak
Independet Transversals in Sparse Partite Hypergraphs. Comb. Probab. Comput. 3: 293-296 (1994) - [j156]Paul Erdös, András Hajnal, Miklós Simonovits, Vera T. Sós, Endre Szemerédi:
Turán-Ramsey Theorems and Kp-Independence Numbers. Comb. Probab. Comput. 3: 297-325 (1994) - [j155]Paul Erdös, Peter C. Fishburn:
A Postscript on Distances in Convex n-Gons. Discret. Comput. Geom. 11: 111-117 (1994) - [j154]Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau:
Extremal problems and generalized degrees. Discret. Math. 127(1-3): 139-152 (1994) - [j153]Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
A local density condition for triangles. Discret. Math. 127(1-3): 153-161 (1994) - [j152]Paul Erdös:
Problems and results in discrete mathematics. Discret. Math. 136(1-3): 53-73 (1994) - [j151]Paul Erdös, András Sárközy
, Vera T. Sós:
On additive properties of general sequences. Discret. Math. 136(1-3): 75-99 (1994) - [j150]Edward A. Bertram, Paul Erdös, Peter Horák, Jozef Sirán, Zsolt Tuza:
Local and global average degree in graphs and multigraphs. J. Graph Theory 18(7): 647-661 (1994) - [j149]Paul Erdös, Tomasz Luczak
Change of Leadership in a Random Graph Process. Random Struct. Algorithms 5(1): 243-252 (1994) - 1993
- [j148]Béla Bollobás, Paul Erdös, Joel Spencer, Douglas B. West:
Clique coverings of the edges of a random graph. Comb. 13(1): 1-5 (1993) - [j147]Paul Erdös, András Hajnal, Miklós Simonovits, Vera T. Sós, Endre Szemerédi:
Turán-Ramsey theorems and simple asymptotically extremal structures. Comb. 13(1): 31-56 (1993) - [j146]Paul Erdös, L. Bruce Richmond:
On graphical partitions. Comb. 13(1): 57-63 (1993) - [j145]Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
Ramsey Size Linear Graphs. Comb. Probab. Comput. 2: 389-399 (1993) - [j144]Paul Erdös, Endre Makai, János Pach:
Nearly Equal Distances in the Plane. Comb. Probab. Comput. 2: 401-408 (1993) - [j143]Paul Erdös, Edward T. Ordman, Yechezkel Zalcstein:
Clique Partitions of Chordal Graphs. Comb. Probab. Comput. 2: 409-415 (1993) - [j142]Paul Erdös, Zoltán Füredi, János Pach, Imre Z. Ruzsa:
The grid revisted. Discret. Math. 111(1-3): 189-196 (1993) - [j141]Paul Erdös, Fred Galvin:
Monochromatic infinite paths. Discret. Math. 113(1-3): 59-70 (1993) - [j140]Paul Erdös, Cecil C. Rousseau:
The size Ramsey number of a complete bipartite graph. Discret. Math. 113(1-3): 259-262 (1993) - [j139]Paul Erdös, Guantao Chen, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
Ramsey Problems Involving Degrees in Edge-colored Complete Graphs of Vertices Belonging to Monochromatic Subgraphs. Eur. J. Comb. 14(3): 183-189 (1993) - 1992
- [j138]Paul Erdös, Ronald L. Graham, Imre Z. Ruzsa, Herbert Taylor:
Bounds for arrays of dots with distinct slopes or lengths. Comb. 12(1): 39-44 (1992) - [j137]Paul Erdös:
In memory of Tibor Gallai. Comb. 12(4): 373-374 (1992) - [j136]Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau:
Extremal problems involving vertices and edges on odd cycles. Discret. Math. 101(1-3): 23-31 (1992) - [j135]Paul Erdös, András Sárközy
Arithmetic progressions in subset sums. Discret. Math. 102(3): 249-264 (1992) - [j134]Richard A. Duke, Paul Erdös, Vojtech Rödl:
Cycle-connected graphs. Discret. Math. 108(1-3): 261-278 (1992) - [j133]Paul Erdös, Tibor Gallai, Zsolt Tuza:
Covering the cliques of a graph with vertices. Discret. Math. 108(1-3): 279-289 (1992) - [j132]Andreas Blass, Paul Erdös, Alan D. Taylor:
Diverse Homogeneous Sets. J. Comb. Theory A 59(2): 312-317 (1992) - [j131]Paul Erdös:
An Extremal Problem. SIAM Rev. 34(2): 308 (1992) - [j130]Paul Erdös:
Optimum Multiple Access Coding (D.B. Jevtić). SIAM Rev. 34(2): 309-310 (1992) - [j129]Paul Erdös, D. Frank Hsu:
Distributed Loop Network with Minimum Transmission Delay. Theor. Comput. Sci. 100(1): 223-241 (1992) - 1991
- [j128]David Avis, Paul Erdös, János Pach:
Distinct Distances Determined By Subsets of a Point Set in Space. Comput. Geom. 1: 1-11 (1991) - [j127]Paul Erdös, Joel Spencer:
Lopsided Lovász Local Lemma and Latin transversals. Discret. Appl. Math. 30(2-3): 151-154 (1991) - [j126]Paul Erdös, Fred Galvin:
Some Ramsey-type theorems. Discret. Math. 87(3): 261-269 (1991) - [j125]Paul Erdös, Siemion Fajtlowicz, William Staton:
Degree sequences in triangle-free graphs. Discret. Math. 92(1-3): 85-88 (1991) - [j124]Paul Erdös, Jean A. Larson:
Matchings from a set below to a set above. Discret. Math. 95(1-3): 169-182 (1991) - [j123]Paul Erdös, Zoltán Füredi, Zsolt Tuza:
Saturated r-uniform hypergraphs. Discret. Math. 98(2): 95-104 (1991) - [j122]Paul Erdös, András Gyárfás, László Pyber:
Vertex coverings by monochromatic cycles and trees. J. Comb. Theory B 51(1): 90-95 (1991) - [j121]Paul Erdös, András Hajnal, Zsolt Tuza:
Local constraints ensuring small representing sets. J. Comb. Theory A 58(1): 78-84 (1991) - [j120]Paul Erdös, John G. Gimbel, Dieter Kratsch:
Some extremal results in cochromatic and dichromatic theory. J. Graph Theory 15(6): 579-585 (1991) - [j119]Paul Erdös, Henry A. Kierstead, William T. Trotter:
The Dimension of Random Ordered Sets. Random Struct. Algorithms 2(3): 254-276 (1991) - [j118]Paul Erdös, Peter C. Fishburn, Zoltán Füredi:
Midpoints of Diagonals of Convex n-GONS. SIAM J. Discret. Math. 4(3): 329-341 (1991) - [c4]Boris Aronov
, Paul Erdös, Wayne Goddard, Daniel J. Kleitman, Michael Klugerman, János Pach, Leonard J. Schulman:
Crossing Families. SCG 1991: 351-356 - 1990
- [j117]Paul Erdös, János Pach:
Variation on the theme of repeated distances. Comb. 10(3): 261-269 (1990) - [j116]Paul Erdös, Péter Komjáth:
Countable Decompositions of R2 and R3. Discret. Comput. Geom. 5: 325-331 (1990) - [j115]Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, Cecil C. Rousseau, Richard H. Schelp:
Subgraphs of minimal degree k. Discret. Math. 85(1): 53-58 (1990) - [j114]Paul Erdös, John Gimbel, H. Joseph Straight:
Chromatic Number Versus Cochromatic Number in Graphs with Bounded Clique Number. Eur. J. Comb. 11(3): 235-240 (1990) - [j113]Roger B. Eggleton, Paul Erdös, D. K. Skilton:
Colouring prime distance graphs. Graphs Comb. 6(1): 17-32 (1990) - [j112]Tom C. Brown, Paul Erdös, Allen R. Freedman:
Quasi-progressions and descending waves. J. Comb. Theory A 53(1): 81-95 (1990) - [j111]Paul Erdös, Prasad Tetali:
Representations of Integers as the Sum of k Terms. Random Struct. Algorithms 1(3): 245-262 (1990) - [c3]Paul Erdös, Endre Makai, János Pach, Joel H. Spencer:
Gaps in Difference Sets, and the Graph of Nearly Equal Distances. Applied Geometry And Discrete Mathematics 1990: 265-274
1980 – 1989
- 1989
- [j110]Paul Erdös, András Gyárfás, Edward T. Ordman, Yechezkel Zalcstein:
The size of chordal, interval and threshold subgraphs. Comb. 9(3): 245-253 (1989) - [j109]Paul Erdös, András Hajnal:
Ramsey-type theorems. Discret. Appl. Math. 25(1-2): 37-52 (1989) - [j108]Noga Alon, Paul Erdös:
Disjoint Edges in Geometric Graphs. Discret. Comput. Geom. 4: 287-290 (1989) - [j107]Paul Erdös, László Lovász, Katalin Vesztergombi:
On the Graph of Large Distance. Discret. Comput. Geom. 4: 541-549 (1989) - [j106]Paul Erdös, András Hajnal:
On the number of distinct induced subgraphs of a graph. Discret. Math. 75(1-3): 145-154 (1989) - [j105]Paul Erdös, Jean-Louis Nicolas, András Sárközy
On the number of partitions of n without a given subsum (I). Discret. Math. 75(1-3): 155-166 (1989) - [j104]Paul Erdös, János Pach, Richard Pollack, Zsolt Tuza:
Radius, diameter, and minimum degree. J. Comb. Theory B 47(1): 73-79 (1989) - [j103]Paul Erdös, Joel H. Spencer:
Monochromatic sumsets. J. Comb. Theory A 50(1): 162-163 (1989) - [j102]Stefan A. Burr, Paul Erdös, Ronald L. Graham, Vera T. Sós:
Maximal antiramsey graphs and the strong chromatic number. J. Graph Theory 13(3): 263-282 (1989) - [j101]Carsten Thomassen, Paul Erdös, Yousef Alavi, Paresh J. Malde, Allen J. Schwenk:
Tight bounds on the chromatic sum of a connected graph. J. Graph Theory 13(3): 353-357 (1989) - [j100]Paul Erdös, Anthony B. Evans:
Representations of graphs and orthogonal latin square graphs. J. Graph Theory 13(5): 593-595 (1989) - [j99]Paul Erdös, Ralph J. Faudree, András Gyárfás, Richard H. Schelp:
Domination in colored complete graphs. J. Graph Theory 13(6): 713-718 (1989) - 1988
- [j98]