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Florian Rabe 0001
Person information
- affiliation: Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany
- affiliation: Univerity of Paris-Sud, LRI, Orsay Cedex, France
- affiliation (PhD 2008): Jacobs University Bremen, School of Engineering and Science, Germany
Other persons with the same name
- Florian Rabe 0002 — KUKA Laboratories GmbH, Siegen, Germany
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2020 – today
- 2024
- [c66]Florian Rabe
A Logical Framework Perspective on Conservativity. CICM 2024: 203-219 - [e8]Florian Rabe, Claudio Sacerdoti Coen:
Proceedings Workshop on Logical Frameworks and Meta-Languages: Theory and Practice, LFMTP@FSCD 2024, Tallinn, Estonia, 8th July 2024. EPTCS 404, 2024 [contents] - 2023
- [c65]Colin Rothgang
, Florian Rabe
, Christoph Benzmüller
Theorem Proving in Dependently-Typed Higher-Order Logic. CADE 2023: 438-455 - [c64]Florian Rabe
, Franziska Weber
Morphism Equality in Theory Graphs. CICM 2023: 174-189 - [c63]Florian Rabe, Stephen M. Watt:
Extracting Theory Graphs from Aldor Libraries. CICM 2023: 315-320 - [i17]Colin Rothgang, Florian Rabe, Christoph Benzmüller
Theorem Proving in Dependently-Typed Higher-Order Logic - Extended Preprint. CoRR abs/2305.15382 (2023) - [i16]Andrej Bauer, Katja Bercic, Florian Rabe, Nicolas M. Thiéry, Jure Taslak:
Automated mathematics: integrating proofs, algorithms and data (Dagstuhl Seminar 23401). Dagstuhl Reports 13(10): 1-23 (2023) - 2021
- [j18]Michael Kohlhase
, Florian Rabe
Experiences from Exporting Major Proof Assistant Libraries. J. Autom. Reason. 65(8): 1265-1298 (2021) - [c62]Colin Rothgang
, Artur Kornilowicz
, Florian Rabe
A New Export of the Mizar Mathematical Library. CICM 2021: 205-210 - [c61]Florian Rabe
A Language with Type-Dependent Equality. CICM 2021: 211-227 - [c60]Florian Rabe, Navid Roux:
Systematic Translation of Formalizations of Type Theory from Intrinsic to Extrinsic Style. LFMTP 2021: 88-103 - 2020
- [j17]Katja Bercic, Michael Kohlhase
, Florian Rabe
(Deep) FAIR mathematics. it Inf. Technol. 62(1): 7-17 (2020) - [c59]Michael Kohlhase, Florian Rabe, Claudio Sacerdoti Coen, Jan Frederik Schaefer:
Logic-Independent Proof Search in Logical Frameworks - (Short Paper). IJCAR (1) 2020: 395-401 - [c58]Katja Bercic
, Michael Kohlhase
, Florian Rabe
Towards a Heterogeneous Query Language for Mathematical Knowledge. CICM 2020: 39-54 - [c57]Cezary Kaliszyk
, Florian Rabe
A Survey of Languages for Formalizing Mathematics. CICM 2020: 138-156 - [c56]Dennis Müller
, Florian Rabe
, Colin Rothgang
, Michael Kohlhase
Representing Structural Language Features in Formal Meta-languages. CICM 2020: 206-221 - [c55]Richard Marcus
, Michael Kohlhase
, Florian Rabe
TGView3D: A System for 3-Dimensional Visualization of Theory Graphs. CICM 2020: 290-296 - [c54]Navid Roux
, Florian Rabe
Structure-Preserving Diagram Operators. WADT 2020: 142-163 - [i15]Katja Bercic, Jacques Carette, William M. Farmer, Michael Kohlhase, Dennis Müller
, Florian Rabe, Yasmine Sharoda:
The Space of Mathematical Software Systems - A Survey of Paradigmatic Systems. CoRR abs/2002.04955 (2020) - [i14]Michael Kohlhase, Florian Rabe:
Experiences from Exporting Major Proof Assistant Libraries. CoRR abs/2005.03089 (2020) - [i13]Michael Kohlhase, Florian Rabe, Makarius Wenzel:
Making Isabelle Content Accessible in Knowledge Representation Formats. CoRR abs/2005.08884 (2020) - [i12]Cezary Kaliszyk, Florian Rabe:
A Survey of Languages for Formalizing Mathematics. CoRR abs/2005.12876 (2020)
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [c53]Katja Bercic
, Michael Kohlhase
, Florian Rabe
Towards a Unified Mathematical Data Infrastructure: Database and Interface Generation. CICM 2019: 28-43 - [c52]Andrea Condoluci
, Michael Kohlhase, Dennis Müller
, Florian Rabe
, Claudio Sacerdoti Coen, Makarius Wenzel:
Relational Data Across Mathematical Libraries. CICM 2019: 61-76 - [c51]Dennis Müller
, Florian Rabe
, Claudio Sacerdoti Coen:
The Coq Library as a Theory Graph. CICM 2019: 171-186 - [c50]Florian Rabe
MMTTeX: Connecting Content and Narration-Oriented Document Formats. CICM 2019: 205-210 - [c49]Florian Rabe
, Yasmine Sharoda:
Diagram Combinators in MMT. CICM 2019: 211-226 - [c48]Kai Amann, Michael Kohlhase, Florian Rabe
, Tom Wiesing:
Integrating Semantic Mathematical Documents and Dynamic Notebooks. CICM 2019: 275-290 - [c47]Richard S. Bird, Florian Rabe
How to Calculate with Nondeterministic Functions. MPC 2019: 138-154 - [c46]Michael Kohlhase
, Florian Rabe, Makarius Wenzel:
Making Isabelle Content Accessible in Knowledge Representation Formats. TYPES 2019: 1:1-1:24 - [c45]Dennis Müller
, Florian Rabe
Rapid Prototyping Formal Systems in MMT: 5 Case Studies. LFMTP@LICS 2019: 40-54 - [e7]Osman Hasan, Abdou Youssef, Adam Naumowicz, William M. Farmer, Cezary Kaliszyk, Diane Gallois-Wong, Florian Rabe, Gabriel Dos Reis, Grant O. Passmore, James H. Davenport, Markus Pfeiffer, Michael Kohlhase, Serge Autexier, Sofiène Tahar, Thomas Koprucki, Umair Siddique, Walther Neuper, Wolfgang Windsteiger, Wolfgang Schreiner, Wolfram Sperber, Zoltán Kovács:
Joint Proceedings of the CME-EI, FMM, CAAT, FVPS, M3SRD, OpenMath Workshops, Doctoral Program and Work in Progress at the Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics 2018 co-located with the 11th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM 2018), Hagenberg, Austria, August 13-17, 2018. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2307, CEUR-WS.org 2019 [contents] - [i11]Jacques Carette, William M. Farmer, Michael Kohlhase, Florian Rabe:
Big Math and the One-Brain Barrier A Position Paper and Architecture Proposal. CoRR abs/1904.10405 (2019) - [i10]Richard Marcus, Michael Kohlhase, Florian Rabe:
TGView3D System Description: 3-Dimensional Visualization of Theory Graphs. CoRR abs/1905.07076 (2019) - 2018
- [j16]Florian Rabe
A Modular Type Reconstruction Algorithm. ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 19(4): 24:1-24:43 (2018) - [c44]Dennis Müller
, Florian Rabe
, Michael Kohlhase:
Theories as Types. IJCAR 2018: 575-590 - [c43]Dennis Müller
, Michael Kohlhase, Florian Rabe
Automatically Finding Theory Morphisms for Knowledge Management. CICM 2018: 209-224 - [c42]Florian Rabe
, Dennis Müller
Structuring Theories with Implicit Morphisms. WADT 2018: 154-173 - [e6]Florian Rabe, William M. Farmer, Grant O. Passmore, Abdou Youssef:
Intelligent Computer Mathematics - 11th International Conference, CICM 2018, Hagenberg, Austria, August 13-17, 2018, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11006, Springer 2018, ISBN 978-3-319-96811-7 [contents] - 2017
- [j15]Florian Rabe
How to identify, translate and combine logics? J. Log. Comput. 27(6): 1753-1798 (2017) - [j14]Florian Rabe
Morphism axioms. Theor. Comput. Sci. 691: 55-80 (2017) - [c41]Michael Kohlhase
, Dennis Müller
, Sam Owre, Florian Rabe
Making PVS Accessible to Generic Services by Interpretation in a Universal Format. ITP 2017: 319-335 - [c40]Michael Kohlhase
, Luca De Feo, Dennis Müller
, Markus Pfeiffer
, Florian Rabe
, Nicolas M. Thiéry
, Victor Vasilyev, Tom Wiesing:
Knowledge-Based Interoperability for Mathematical Software Systems. MACIS 2017: 195-210 - [c39]Tom Wiesing, Michael Kohlhase
, Florian Rabe
Virtual Theories - A Uniform Interface to Mathematical Knowledge Bases. MACIS 2017: 243-257 - [c38]Dennis Müller
, Thibault Gauthier
, Cezary Kaliszyk
, Michael Kohlhase
, Florian Rabe
Classification of Alignments Between Concepts of Formal Mathematical Systems. CICM 2017: 83-98 - [c37]Dennis Müller
, Colin Rothgang
, Yufei Liu, Florian Rabe
Alignment-based Translations Across Formal Systems Using Interface Theories. PxTP 2017: 77-93 - [e5]Herman Geuvers, Matthew England, Osman Hasan, Florian Rabe, Olaf Teschke:
Intelligent Computer Mathematics - 10th International Conference, CICM 2017, Edinburgh, UK, July 17-21, 2017, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10383, Springer 2017, ISBN 978-3-319-62074-9 [contents] - [i9]Till Mossakowski, Florian Rabe, Mihai Codescu:
Canonical Selection of Colimits. CoRR abs/1705.09363 (2017) - 2016
- [j13]Michael Kohlhase, Florian Rabe:
QED Reloaded: Towards a Pluralistic Formal Library of Mathematical Knowledge. J. Formaliz. Reason. 9(1): 201-234 (2016) - [j12]Florian Rabe
The Future of Logic: Foundation-Independence. Logica Universalis 10(1): 1-20 (2016) - [c36]Cezary Kaliszyk, Geoff Sutcliffe, Florian Rabe:
TH1: The TPTP Typed Higher-Order Form with Rank-1 Polymorphism. PAAR@IJCAR 2016: 41-55 - [c35]Cezary Kaliszyk, Michael Kohlhase, Dennis Müller, Florian Rabe:
A Standard for Aligning Mathematical Concepts. FM4M/MathUI/ThEdu/DP/WIP@CIKM 2016: 229-244 - [c34]Paul-Olivier Dehaye
, Mihnea Iancu, Michael Kohlhase
, Alexander Konovalov
, Samuel Lelièvre
, Dennis Müller
, Markus Pfeiffer
, Florian Rabe
, Nicolas M. Thiéry
, Tom Wiesing:
Interoperability in the OpenDreamKit Project: The Math-in-the-Middle Approach. CICM 2016: 117-131 - [c33]Till Mossakowski
, Florian Rabe
, Mihai Codescu
Canonical Selection of Colimits. WADT 2016: 170-188 - [i8]Gilles Dowek, Catherine Dubois, Brigitte Pientka, Florian Rabe:
Universality of Proofs (Dagstuhl Seminar 16421). Dagstuhl Reports 6(10): 75-98 (2016) - 2015
- [j11]Florian Rabe
Lax Theory Morphisms. ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 17(1): 5 (2015) - [c32]Florian Rabe
Generic Literals. CICM 2015: 102-117 - [c31]Feryal Fulya Horozal, Florian Rabe
Formal Logic Definitions for Interchange Languages. CICM 2015: 171-186 - [e4]Manfred Kerber, Jacques Carette
, Cezary Kaliszyk
, Florian Rabe, Volker Sorge:
Intelligent Computer Mathematics - International Conference, CICM 2015, Washington, DC, USA, July 13-17, 2015, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9150, Springer 2015, ISBN 978-3-319-20614-1 [contents] - [e3]Manfred Kerber, Jacques Carette
, Cezary Kaliszyk
, Florian Rabe, Volker Sorge:
CICM 2015 - Informal Work in Progress Proceedings, Washington, DC, USA, July 13-17, 2015. 2015 [contents] - 2014
- [c30]Feryal Fulya Horozal, Florian Rabe
, Michael Kohlhase
Flexary Operators for Formalized Mathematics. CICM 2014: 312-327 - [c29]Cezary Kaliszyk
, Florian Rabe
Towards Knowledge Management for HOL Light. CICM 2014: 357-372 - [c28]Florian Rabe:
MMT Objects. CICM Workshops 2014 - [c27]Florian Rabe
A Logic-Independent IDE. UITP 2014: 48-60 - 2013
- [j10]Florian Rabe
, Michael Kohlhase
A scalable module system. Inf. Comput. 230: 1-54 (2013) - [j9]Mihnea Iancu, Michael Kohlhase
, Florian Rabe
, Josef Urban:
The Mizar Mathematical Library in OMDoc: Translation and Applications. J. Autom. Reason. 50(2): 191-202 (2013) - [j8]Florian Rabe
A logical framework combining model and proof theory. Math. Struct. Comput. Sci. 23(5): 945-1001 (2013) - [j7]Florian Rabe
, Kristina Sojakova:
Logical relations for a logical framework. ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 14(4): 32:1-32:34 (2013) - [c26]Mihnea Iancu, Felix Mance, Florian Rabe:
The Scala-REPL + MMT as a lightweight mathematical user interface. CICM Workshops 2013 - [c25]Michael Kohlhase
, Felix Mance, Florian Rabe
A Universal Machine for Biform Theory Graphs. MKM/Calculemus/DML 2013: 82-97 - [c24]Florian Rabe
The MMT API: A Generic MKM System. MKM/Calculemus/DML 2013: 339-343 - [e2]Christoph Lange, David Aspinall, Jacques Carette, James H. Davenport, Andrea Kohlhase, Michael Kohlhase, Paul Libbrecht, Pedro Quaresma, Florian Rabe, Petr Sojka, Iain Whiteside, Wolfgang Windsteiger:
Joint Proceedings of the MathUI, OpenMath, PLMMS and ThEdu Workshops and Work in Progress at CICM, Bath, UK. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1010, CEUR-WS.org 2013 [contents] - [i7]Michael Kohlhase, Felix Mance, Florian Rabe:
A Universal Machine for Biform Theory Graphs. CoRR abs/1306.3198 (2013) - [i6]Florian Rabe:
The MMT API: A Generic MKM System. CoRR abs/1306.3199 (2013) - 2012
- [j6]Michael Kohlhase
, Florian Rabe
Semantics of OpenMath and MathML3. Math. Comput. Sci. 6(3): 235-260 (2012) - [c23]Feryal Fulya Horozal, Michael Kohlhase
, Florian Rabe
Extending MKM Formats at the Statement Level. AISC/MKM/Calculemus 2012: 65-80 - [c22]Florian Rabe
A Query Language for Formal Mathematical Libraries. AISC/MKM/Calculemus 2012: 143-158 - [c21]Mihnea Iancu, Florian Rabe
Management of Change in Declarative Languages. AISC/MKM/Calculemus 2012: 326-341 - [c20]Mihai Codescu
, Feryal Fulya Horozal, Aivaras Jakubauskas, Till Mossakowski
, Florian Rabe
Compiling Logics. WADT 2012: 111-126 - [i5]Florian Rabe:
A Query Language for Formal Mathematical Libraries. CoRR abs/1204.4685 (2012) - 2011
- [j5]Steven Awodey, Florian Rabe
Kripke Semantics for Martin-Löf's Extensional Type Theory. Log. Methods Comput. Sci. 7(3) (2011) - [j4]Mihnea Iancu, Florian Rabe
Formalising foundations of mathematics. Math. Struct. Comput. Sci. 21(4): 883-911 (2011) - [j3]Feryal Fulya Horozal, Florian Rabe
Representing model theory in a type-theoretical logical framework. Theor. Comput. Sci. 412(37): 4919-4945 (2011) - [c19]Florian Rabe
, Michael Kohlhase
, Claudio Sacerdoti Coen
A Foundational View on Integration Problems. Calculemus/MKM 2011: 107-122 - [c18]Feryal Fulya Horozal, Alin Iacob, Constantin Jucovschi, Michael Kohlhase
, Florian Rabe
Combining Source, Content, Presentation, Narration, and Relational Representation. Calculemus/MKM 2011: 212-227 - [c17]Mihai Codescu
, Feryal Fulya Horozal, Michael Kohlhase
, Till Mossakowski
, Florian Rabe
Project Abstract: Logic Atlas and Integrator (LATIN). Calculemus/MKM 2011: 289-291 - [e1]James H. Davenport
, William M. Farmer, Josef Urban, Florian Rabe:
Intelligent Computer Mathematics - 18th Symposium, Calculemus 2011, and 10th International Conference, MKM 2011, Bertinoro, Italy, July 18-23, 2011. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6824, Springer 2011, ISBN 978-3-642-22672-4 [contents] - [i4]Florian Rabe, Michael Kohlhase:
A Scalable Module System. CoRR abs/1105.0548 (2011) - [i3]Florian Rabe, Michael Kohlhase, Claudio Sacerdoti Coen:
A Foundational View on Integration Problems. CoRR abs/1105.2725 (2011) - 2010
- [c16]Michael Kohlhase
, Florian Rabe
, Vyacheslav Zholudev:
Towards MKM in the Large: Modular Representation and Scalable Software Architecture. AISC/MKM/Calculemus 2010: 370-384 - [c15]Catalin David, Michael Kohlhase
, Christoph Lange
, Florian Rabe
, Nikita Zhiltsov, Vyacheslav Zholudev:
Publishing Math Lecture Notes as Linked Data. ESWC (2) 2010: 370-375 - [c14]Mihai Codescu
, Feryal Fulya Horozal, Michael Kohlhase
, Till Mossakowski
, Florian Rabe
A Proof Theoretic Interpretation of Model Theoretic Hiding. WADT 2010: 118-138 - [c13]Mihai Codescu
, Feryal Fulya Horozal, Michael Kohlhase
, Till Mossakowski
, Florian Rabe
, Kristina Sojakova:
Towards Logical Frameworks in the Heterogeneous Tool Set Hets. WADT 2010: 139-159 - [c12]Florian Rabe
Representing Isabelle in LF. LFMTP 2010: 85-99 - [i2]Catalin David, Michael Kohlhase, Christoph Lange, Florian Rabe, Nikita Zhiltsov, Vyacheslav Zholudev:
Publishing Math Lecture Notes as Linked Data. CoRR abs/1004.3390 (2010) - [i1]Michael Kohlhase, Florian Rabe, Vyacheslav Zholudev:
Towards MKM in the Large: Modular Representation and Scalable Software Architecture. CoRR abs/1005.5232 (2010)
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j2]Florian Rabe
, Petr Pudlák, Geoff Sutcliffe
, Weina Shen:
Solving the $100 modal logic challenge. J. Appl. Log. 7(1): 113-130 (2009) - [c11]Florian Rabe
, Carsten Schürmann:
A practical module system for LF. LFMTP 2009: 40-48 - [c10]Jana Giceva, Christoph Lange
, Florian Rabe
Integrating Web Services into Active Mathematical Documents. Calculemus/MKM 2009: 279-293 - [c9]Steven Awodey, Florian Rabe
Kripke Semantics for Martin-Löf's Extensional Type Theory. TLCA 2009: 249-263 - [c8]Feryal Fulya Horozal, Florian Rabe
Representing Model Theory in a Type-Theoretical Logical Framework. LSFA 2009: 49-65 - 2008
- [b1]Florian Rabe:
Representing logics and logic translations. Jacobs University Bremen, Germany, 2008, pp. 1-180 - [c7]Michael Kohlhase
, Christine Müller, Florian Rabe
Notations for Living Mathematical Documents. AISC/MKM/Calculemus 2008: 504-519 - [c6]Christoph Benzmüller
, Florian Rabe
, Geoff Sutcliffe
THF0 - The Core of the TPTP Language for Higher-Order Logic. IJCAR 2008: 491-506 - [c5]Christoph Benzmüller, Florian Rabe, Carsten Schürmann, Geoff Sutcliffe:
Evaluation of Systems for Higher-order Logic (ESHOL). PAAR/ESHOL 2008 - [c4]Florian Rabe, Michael Kohlhase:
An Exchange Format for Modular Knowledge. LPAR Workshops 2008 - [c3]Christoph Lange, Sean McLaughlin, Florian Rabe:
Flyspeck in a Semantic Wiki. SemWiki 2008 - [c2]Kristina Sojakova, Florian Rabe
Translating a Dependently-Typed Logic to First-Order Logic. WADT 2008: 326-341 - [p1]Florian Rabe:
Repräsentation von Logiken und Logik-Übersetzungen [Representing Logics and Logic Translations]. Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2008: 201-210 - 2007
- [j1]Joseph A. Goguen, Till Mossakowski, Valeria de Paiva, Florian Rabe, Lutz Schröder:
An Institutional View on Categorical Logic. Int. J. Softw. Informatics 1(1): 129-152 (2007) - 2006
- [c1]Florian Rabe:
First-Order Logic with Dependent Types. IJCAR 2006: 377-391
Coauthor Index

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