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The American Mathematical Monthly, Volume 107
Volume 107, Number 1, January 2000
- Phillip A. Griffiths:
Mathematics at the Turn of the Millennium. 1-14 - Charles W. Groetsch:
The Commandant's Corollary. 15-23 - Jerome P. Reiter:
Using Statistics to Determine Causal Relationships. 24-32 - James Case:
Paradoxes Involving Conflicts of Interest. 33-43 - James E. McClure:
Start Where They Are: Geometry as an Introduction to Proof. 44-52
- Jerzy Tyszkiewicz:
A Simple Construction for Tournaments with Every k Players Beaten by a Single Player. 53-54 - Maria Suzuki:
Alternative Formulations of the Twin Prime Problem. 55-56 - Alexander Russell:
An Easy Reduction of an Isoperimetric Inequality on the Sphere to Extremal Set Theory. 57-59 - Peter Malcolmson, Frank Okoh:
Rings without Maximal Ideals. 60-61 - Thomas R. Hagedorn:
A Proof of a Conjecture on Egyptian Fractions. 62-63
- S. S. Demidov, Abe Shenitzer:
Two Letters by N. N. Luzin to M. Ya. Vygodskii. 64-82
- Catalin Zara:
Problem 10774. 83 - Hadi Salmasian:
Problem 10775. 83 - Yongge Tian:
Problem 10776. 83 - Zafar Ahmed:
Problem 10777. 83 - Paul Bateman, Dennis Eichhorn:
Problem 10778. 83 - Andrei Jorza:
Problem 10779. 83 - Kiran S. Kedlaya:
Problem 10780. 84
- John P. Robertson:
Elliptic Curves to the Rescue: 10612. 84-86 - George E. Andrews, John Henry Steelman, G. L. Body, David Callan, Robin J. Chapman, Kee-Wai Lau, J. T. Lewis, John H. Lindsey II, G. Lord, J. G. Merickel:
Rogers-Ramanujan Partitions: 10627. 86 - George E. Andrews, Kee-Wai Lau, G. L. Body, David Callan, Robin J. Chapman, G. Lord, Heinz-Jürgen Seiffert, Doron Zeilberger:
Partitions and Pentagonal Numbers: 10628. 86-87 - Frank Schmidt, Peter Mork, David Beckwith, David Callan, D. J. Chapman, G. Lord, Cecil C. Rousseau, Plamen Simeonov, John Henry Steelman:
Interrupted Partitions: 10629. 87-88 - David Callan, Robin J. Chapman, John H. Lindsey II, Danrun Huang:
The Value of Primitive Words: 10636. 88-89 - Marcin Mazur, Roy Barbara, Jean Anglesio, Robin J. Chapman, N. Lakshmanan, John Melville, G. Peng, C. R. Pranesachar:
Quadrilaterals in an Isosceles Triangle: 10653. 89-91 - Michael Golomb, G. Donald Chakerian, Robin J. Chapman, John H. Lindsey II, O. P. Lossers, Albert Nijenhuis:
Points That Form Simplices of Equal Volume: 10685. 91
- John P. Pratt:
Mapping Time: The Calendar and Its History. by E. G. Richards. 92-99 - Arnold Ostebee:
Telegraphic Reviews. 100-102
Volume 107, Number 2, February 2000
- James A. Donaldson, Richard J. Fleming:
Elbert F. Cox: An Early Pioneer. 105-128 - Bennett Eisenberg, Rosemary Sullivan:
Crofton's Differential Equation. 129-139 - Allen J. Schwenk:
What is the Correct Way to Seed a Knockout Tournament? 140-150 - Ali Enayat:
δ as a Continuous Function of x and ε. 151-155 - Frank R. Pfaff:
A Commutative Multiplication of Number Triplets. 156-162
- Carsten Thomassen:
The Rendezvous Number of a Symmetric Matrix and a Compact Connected Metric Space. 163-166 - Tamás Erdélyi:
On the Equation a(a + d)(a + 2d)(a + 3d) = x2. 166-169 - Gerd Herzog:
On Nonlinear Summability. 170-171 - Florian Luca:
The Anti-Social Fermat Number. 171-173 - Anatole Beck:
A Fractal Example in Ordinary Differential Equations. 174-175
- Leonard Smiley:
Problem 10781. 176 - Douglas Iannucci:
Problem 10782. 176 - Wu Wei Chao:
Problem 10783. 176 - Alberto Facchini, Francesco Barioli:
Problem 10784. 176 - Emeric Deutsch:
Problem 10785. 176 - Leroy Quet:
Problem 10786. 177 - Juan Arias de Reyna:
Problem 10787. 177
- Warren Koepp, Robin Chapman, John H. Lindsey II:
On the Intersection of Zn with a Hyperplane: 10639. 177 - Michael Filaseta, Allen Stenger, David Callan, Zachary Franco:
When a Multiple of π/2 is Close to an Integer: 10640. 177-179 - Jerrold R. Griggs, Michael Woltermann, B. Borchers, David Callan, Robin J. Chapman, J. Chilcott, Paul Cull, A. Ferguson, K. Martin, G. G. Gagola, Solomon W. Golomb, J. Guilford, S. Louis Hakimi, Edward F. Schmeichel, J. K. Haugland, C. H. Jepson, R. Johnsonbaugh, André Kündgen, S. Levandosky, J. T. Lewis, John H. Lindsey II, O. P. Lossers, Reiner Martin, R. Morris, Gerald Myerson, José Heber Nieto, E. Rykken, J. Sorensen, J. Schlosberg, W. Seaman, J. T. Ward, Z. Zeuge:
Tiling Rectangles with Trominoes: 10641. 179 - Jürgen Groß, Götz Trenkler, S.-O. Troschke, William F. Trench, David Callan, Grace Wahba, Robin J. Chapman, Luz M. DeAlba, John H. Lindsey II:
A Property of Some Normal Matrices: 10645. 179-180 - Marcin Mazur, Kit Hanes, Jean Anglesio, M. Benedicty, Shalosh B. Ekhad, N. Lakshmanan, Albert Nijenhuis, John H. Smith:
Tangent Lines and Collinear Points: 10673. 180-181 - Ioan Tomescu, Kee-Wai Lau, O. P. Lossers, Kenneth F. Andersen, Robin J. Chapman, Óscar Ciaurri, E. Fernandez, Valerio De Angelis, Emeric Deutsch, G. Will, M. Falkowitz, Zachary Franco, C. Georghiou, J. Lewandowski, Albert Nijenhuis, Timothy S. Norfolk, Allen Stenger:
Complex Roots of a Polynomial: 10688. 181-182 - Robert Helmbold, Wook Kim, Robert A. Agnew, Zafar Ahmed, Saïd Amghibech, Kenneth F. Andersen, P. J. Anderson, G. Bower, Bruce S. Burdick, Robin J. Chapman, Daniele Donini, Patrick J. Fitzsimmons, Richard A. Groeneveld, V. Hernandez, J. Martin, Ellen Hertz, Barthel Wayne Huff, Gregory Keselman, S. S. Kim, R. A. Leslie, John H. Lindsey II, O. P. Lossers, Reiner Martin, Darryl K. Nester, G. Peng, Volkhard Schindler, L. Scribani, Heinz-Jürgen Seiffert, Plamen Simeonov, A. H. Stein, Douglas B. Tyler, Erik I. Verriest:
The Variance of Logarithms: 10690. 182 - Wu Wei Chao, Michael Reid, F. Bellot Rosado, Robin J. Chapman, Daniele Donini, Shalosh B. Ekhad, N. Lakshmanan, O. P. Lossers, Albert Nijenhuis, Peter Nüesch, C. G. Petalas:
Incenters and Excenters: 10693. 182-184 - Gerald Heuer, Kenneth F. Andersen, Patrick J. Fitzsimmons, Karl Heuer, S. S. Kim, John H. Lindsey II, O. P. Lossers, K. Poelladennou, K. Schilling, L. Scribani, Plamen Simeonov:
A Square Game: 10696. 184
- Francis Edward Su:
Cake-Cutting Algorithms: Be Fair if You Can. by Jack Robertson; William Webb. 185-188
Volume 107, Number 3, March 2000
- Andrew M. Gleason:
Yueh-Gin Gung and Dr. Charles Y. Hu Award for Distinguished Service to Paul R. Halmos. 193-194 - Chris Freiling, Robert Hunter, Cynthia Turner, Russell Wheeler:
Tiling with Squares and Anti-Squares. 195-204 - Luis Verde-Star:
Solving Linear Differential-Like Equations. 205-218 - Garry Helzer:
Special Relativity with Acceleration. 219-237 - Bjorn Poonen, Fernando Rodriguez-Villegas:
Lattice Polygons and the Number 12. 238-250
- Tom Sibley, Stan Wagon:
Rhombic Penrose Tilings Can be 3-Colored. 251-253 - Ming-Chang Kang:
Cubic Fields and Radical Extensions. 254-256 - Lee Badger:
Generating the Measures of n-Balls. 256-258 - Omar H. Karam:
The Volume of the Unit Ball in Cn. 259 - Michael D. Hirschhorn:
Partial Fractions and Four Classical Theorems of Number Theory. 260-264 - Sung S. Kim, Kil H. Kwon:
Smooth (C∞) but Nowhere Analytic Functions. 264-266
- Detlef Laugwitz:
Comments on the Paper "Two Letters by N. N. Luzin to M. Ya. Vygodskii". 267-276
- Howard M. Taylor:
Problem 10788. 277 - Robin Chapman:
Problem 10789. 277 - Jean Anglesio:
Problem 10790. 277 - Antal Fekete:
Problem 10791. 277 - Harold G. Diamond, Ferrell S. Wheeler:
Problem 10792. 278 - Florian Luca:
Problem 10793. 278 - David S. Hough, Rodica Simion:
Problem 10794. 278
- David Callan, Knut Dale, Ivar Skau, John Henry Steelman, Jany C. Binz, Robin J. Chapman, F. Herzig, André Kündgen, Reiner Martin, José Heber Nieto, O. A. Saleh, S. Byrd, Edward F. Schmeichel, Isaac Sofair, Michael Vowe:
An Identity Involving Derangements: 10643. 278-279 - Emeric Deutsch, John H. Lindsey II, Michael H. Andreoli, Robert A. Agnew, Robin J. Chapman, Michael P. Cohen, M. N. Deshpande, M. D. Ernst, Ellen Hertz, L. R. Ivory, Walther Janous, Gregory Keselman, R. G. Mosier, José Heber Nieto, R. Pinkham, S. D. Sarti, Plamen Simeonov, W. R. Smythe, Albert Stadler, John Henry Steelman, William F. Trench, J. T. Ward, Michael Woltermann:
How Far Does the First Element Dominate?: 10649. 279-280 - David Callan, Robin Chapman, John H. Lindsey II, J. Parkinson, Volkhard Schindler, Plamen Simeonov:
Analysis of a French Inheritance Law: 10652. 280-281 - Mihály Bencze, Dan Saracino, Allen Stenger, S. Amghibech, Jean Anglesio, R. Bauer, A. Siegel, David M. Bloom, G. L. Body, David Callan, Robin J. Chapman, Kevin Ford, Stephen M. Gagola Jr., N. Gauthier, W. V. Grounds, T. Hagedorn, R. T. Koether, N. Komanda, R. N. Krishnan, K.-W. Lau, John H. Lindsey II, L. E. Mattics, C. A. Minh, H. N. Ozsoylev, C. Y. Yildirim, P. G. Poonacha, N. R. Sanjeev, C. Popescu, J. Robertson, H.-J. Sieffert, Jeffrey O. Shallit, N. C. Singer, Albert Stadler, D. C. Terr, T. V. Triff, T. Trimble, Pavel Trojovský:
A Recurrence Generating Multiples of Primes: 10655. 281-282 - James C. Owings Jr., Jeremy E. Dawson, Robin J. Chapman, Darryl K. Nester, Robert A. Agnew, John Beebee, David Callan, R. Garcia-Pelayo, V. Hernandez, J. Martin, J. Hickman, D. Jones, S. S. Kim, Olaf Krafft, Martin Schaefer, G. Letac, John H. Lindsey II, O. P. Lossers, K. Poelladennou, K. Schilling, M. Shemesh:
A Sum of Chebyshev Inequalities: 10687. 282-283 - Hassan Ali Shah Ali, John H. Lindsey II:
Extrema for Constrained Elementary Symmetric Functions: 10694. 283 - Jose L. Diaz, Tewodros Amdeberhan, Erik I. Verriest:
A Rational Identity: 10697. 283-284 - Abram Kagan, Colin L. Mallows, Larry A. Shepp, John H. Lindsey II:
Bernoulli Component of a Sum: 10699. 284 - Jean Anglesio, Shalosh B. Ekhad:
Four More Distinguished Points of a Triangle: 10703. 285
- Gerald B. Folland:
[untitled]. 286-291 - Arnold Ostebee:
Telegraphic Reviews. 292-294
Volume 107, Number 4, April 2000
- Michael C. Sullivan:
Knot Factoring. 297-315 - Robert S. Strichartz:
Evaluating Integrals Using Self-Similarity. 316-326 - Joel L. Weiner:
How Helical Can a Closed, Twisted Space Curve be? 327-333 - Chi-Kwong Li:
Norms, Isometries, and Isometry Groups. 334-340 - Francesc Aguiló, Miguel Angel Fiol, Maria Lluisa Fiol:
Periodic Tilings as a Dissection Method. 341-352
- Rajendra Bhatia, Chandler Davis:
A Better Bound on the Variance. 353-357 - J. N. Ridley:
An Elementary Proof on Location of Zeros. 357-360 - Neil J. Calkin, Herbert S. Wilf:
Recounting the Rationals. 360-363 - Stephen E. Wright:
A Note on Positively Spanning Sets. 364-366
- Emeric Deutsch:
Problem 10795. 367 - Floor van Lamoen:
Problem 10796. 367 - Paul Bateman, Jeffrey Kalb:
Problem 10797. 367 - Edward Neuman:
Problem 10798. 367 - Curtis Herink, Gary Gruenhage:
Problem 10799. 367 - Douglas Iannucci:
Problem 10800. 368 - Paul R. Pudaite, Glen Ellyn:
Problem 10801. 368
- Richard P. Stanley, Richard Ehrenborg, Stephen M. Gagola Jr., Robin J. Chapman, John H. Lindsey II:
Pairs with Equal Squares: 10654. 368 - Emeric Deutsch, David Callan, M. Beck, David Beckwith, W. Bohm, Richard F. McCoart:
Another Type of Lattice Path: 10658. 368-370 - Erwin Just, Allan Berele, J. Bergen, Keith A. Kearnes, G. Marks, Gregory P. Wene:
A Sufficient Condition for Commutativity: 10661. 370 - Emeric Deutsch, Harris Kwong, Cecil C. Rousseau, Paul K. Stockmeyer:
A Formula for the Pell Sequence: 10663. 370-371 - Zoltán Sasvári, Jerrold W. Grossman, Sung Soo Kim:
Avoiding Uncountably Many Subsets: 10667. 371-372 - John Isbell, Stephen H. Schanuel, Stephen M. Gagola Jr., Mowaffaq Hajja:
Fixed Points of Iterated Cyclic Difference Operators: 10676. 372-373 - Clark Kimberling, Peter Yff, Vasile Mihai:
Another Set of Concurrent Cevians: 10678. 373 - James Gary Propp, Keith A. Kearnes:
An Application of Sperner's Theorem: 10679. 374 - Kevin Ford, Kee-Wai Lau:
Asymptotics of a Recurrent Sequence: 10682. 374-375 - D. W. Brown, John Cobb:
A Countable Hausdorff Space with the Fixed Point Property: 10705. 375-376 - Zoltán Sasvári, John H. Lindsey II:
An Estimate for the Normal Distribution: 10709. 376-377 - David P. Bellamy, Felix Lazebnik, Ray Redheffer:
Characterizing Solutions to Simple Differential Equations: 10729. 377
- Julian F. Fleron:
[untitled]. 378-384 - Thomas W. Cusick:
[untitled]. 384-386 - Roger A. Horn:
Editor's Endnotes. 387
Volume 107, Number 5, May 2000
- Andrew Browder:
Topology in the Complex Plane. 393-401 - Keith Kendig:
Is a 2000-Year-Old Formula Still Keeping Some Secrets? 402-415 - Joseph B. Keller:
Optimal Running Strategy to Escape from Pursuers. 416-421 - Michael Frame, Brenda Johnson, Jim Sauerberg:
Fixed Points and Fermat: A Dynamical Systems Approach to Number Theory. 422-428 - Laurent Bartholdi:
Lamps, Factorizations, and Finite Fields. 429-436
- Raymond T. Boute:
Zeroless Positional Number Representation and String Ordering. 437-444 - Kevin A. Broughan, Nan Zhu:
An Integer Programming Problem with a Linear Programming Solution. 444-446 - Terence Jackson:
A Short Proof That Every Prime Is of the Form x2 + 2y2. 447 - Jean-Paul Allouche, Michel Cosnard:
The Komornik-Loreti Constant Is Transcendental. 448-449 - Liu Wen:
A Nowhere Differentiable Continuous Function. 450-453
- Jacques Tits, John Stillwell:
Symmetry. 454-461
- Doru Caragea, Viviana Ene:
Problem 10802. 462 - Stephen G. Penrice:
Problem 10803. 462 - Achilleas Sinefakopoulos:
Problem 10804. 462 - Antal Fekete:
Problem 10805. 462 - Hassan Ali Shah Ali:
Problem 10806. 462 - Marc Deléglise:
Problem 10807. 463 - Enrico Valdinoci:
Problem 10808. 463
- Paul Deiermann, Rick Mabry, Alain Tissier:
Intersecting Curves: 10712. 463-464 - Juan-Bosco Romero Márquez, Heinz-Jürgen Seiffert:
A Cute Characterization of Acute Triangles: 10713. 464 - Roger Cuculière, Albert Stadler:
Successful Bootstrapping: 10715. 465-466 - Marcin Mazur, Robin Chapman, Petr Lisonek, Robert B. Israel, Murray S. Klamkin:
Rigid and Very Rigid Tetrahedra: 10717. 466-467 - Daniel A. Sidney:
Integrals and Sines: 10721. 468-469 - Donald E. Knuth, Darin Stephenson:
The Probability of Being in a State: 10726. 469-470 - Walther Janous, Enrico Valdinoci:
The Best Constant in an Inequality: 10730. 470
- Allen C. Hibbard:
[untitled]. 471-474 - Mic Jackson:
[untitled]. 474-478 - Arnold Ostebee:
Telegraphic Reviews. 479-481
Volume 107, Number 6, June - July 2000
- Edward R. Scheinerman:
When Close Enough is Close Enough. 489-499 - K. Robin McLean:
Loops of Regular Polygons. 500-510