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IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Volume 67
Volume 67, Number 1, January 2022
- Mahyar Fazlyab
, Manfred Morari, George J. Pappas
Safety Verification and Robustness Analysis of Neural Networks via Quadratic Constraints and Semidefinite Programming. 1-15 - Mohsen Barforooshan
, Milan S. Derpich
, Photios A. Stavrou
, Jan Østergaard
The Effect of Time Delay on the Average Data Rate and Performance in Networked Control Systems. 16-31 - Gustav Nilsson
, Giacomo Como
Generalized Proportional Allocation Policies for Robust Control of Dynamical Flow Networks. 32-47 - Pablo Krupa
, Daniel Limón
, Teodoro Alamo
Harmonic Based Model Predictive Control for Set-Point Tracking. 48-62 - La Mi
, Leonid Mirkin
$H_\infty$ Event-Triggered Control With Performance Guarantees Vis-à-Vis the Optimal Periodic Solution. 63-74 - Aleksandra Jovanovic
, Didier Lime
, Olivier H. Roux
Control of Real-Time Systems With Integer Parameters. 75-88 - Vasileios Tzoumas
, Ali Jadbabaie
, George J. Pappas
Robust and Adaptive Sequential Submodular Optimization. 89-104 - Axel Ringh
, Johan Karlsson
, Anders Lindquist
An Analytic Interpolation Approach to Stability Margins With Emphasis on Time Delay. 105-120 - Marco A. Gómez
, Raphaël M. Jungers
, Wim Michiels
On the Strong $\mathcal {H}_2$ Norm of Differential Algebraic Systems With Multiple Delays: Finiteness Criteria, Regularization, and Computation. 121-133 - Haavard Holta
, Ole Morten Aamo
Observer Design for a Class of Semilinear Hyperbolic PDEs With Distributed Sensing and Parametric Uncertainties. 134-145 - Yuanjiu Wang
, Wei Lin
Input Delay Tolerance of Nonlinear Systems Under Smooth Feedback: A Semiglobal Control Framework. 146-161 - Henk J. van Waarde
, M. Kanat Camlibel
, Mehran Mesbahi
From Noisy Data to Feedback Controllers: Nonconservative Design via a Matrix S-Lemma. 162-175 - Kim Peter Wabersich
, Lukas Hewing
, Andrea Carron
, Melanie N. Zeilinger
Probabilistic Model Predictive Safety Certification for Learning-Based Control. 176-188 - Siyu Xie
, Shu Liang
, Le Yi Wang
, Gang George Yin
, Wen Chen
Stochastic Adaptive Optimization With Dithers. 189-202 - Mohamad T. Shahab
, Daniel E. Miller
Asymptotic Tracking and Linear-Like Behavior Using Multi-Model Adaptive Control. 203-219 - Ji Wang
, Miroslav Krstic
Event-Triggered Output-Feedback Backstepping Control of Sandwich Hyperbolic PDE Systems. 220-235 - Liangliang Hao
, Yunjian Xu
, Lang Tong
Asymptotically Optimal Lagrangian Priority Policy for Deadline Scheduling With Processing Rate Limits. 236-250 - Paul Nathaniel Beuchat
, Joseph Warrington
, John Lygeros
Accelerated Point-Wise Maximum Approach to Approximate Dynamic Programming. 251-266 - Fengjiao Liu
, A. Stephen Morse
Structural Completeness of a Multichannel Linear System With Dependent Parameters. 267-278 - Yuqian Guo
, Zhitao Li
, Yang Liu
, Weihua Gui
Asymptotical Stability and Stabilization of Continuous-Time Probabilistic Logic Networks. 279-291 - Constantinos Kitsos
, Gildas Besançon
, Christophe Prieur
High-Gain Observer Design for a Class of Quasi-Linear Integro-Differential Hyperbolic Systems - Application to an Epidemic Model. 292-303 - Lei Zou
, Zidong Wang
, Jun Hu
, Hongli Dong
Ultimately Bounded Filtering Subject to Impulsive Measurement Outliers. 304-319 - Shane T. Barratt
, Stephen P. Boyd
Stochastic Control With Affine Dynamics and Extended Quadratic Costs. 320-335 - Laura Menini
, Corrado Possieri
, Antonio Tornambè
On the Use of the Time-Integrals of the Output in Observer Design for Nonlinear Autonomous Systems. 336-343 - Patrícia N. Pena
, Juliana Nogueira Vilela
, Michel R. C. Alves
, Gustavo C. Rafael
Abstraction of the Supervisory Control Solution to Deal With Planning Problems in Manufacturing Systems. 344-350 - Jin Zhang
, Emilia Fridman
Digital Implementation of Derivative-Dependent Control by Using Delays for Stochastic Multiagents. 351-358 - Seong-Jin Park
, Kwang-Hyun Cho
Discrete Event Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of the Democratic Progress in a Society Controlled by Networked Agents. 359-365 - Gennady Yu. Kulikov
, Maria V. Kulikova
Hyperbolic-SVD-Based Square-Root Unscented Kalman Filters in Continuous-Discrete Target Tracking Scenarios. 366-373 - Hao Zhu
, Guorui Zhang
, Yongfu Li
, Henry Leung
An Adaptive Kalman Filter With Inaccurate Noise Covariances in the Presence of Outliers. 374-381 - Dipankar Maity
, Panagiotis Tsiotras
Optimal Controller Synthesis and Dynamic Quantizer Switching for Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian Systems. 382-389 - Gang Chen
, Qing Yang
, Yongduan Song
, Frank L. Lewis
Fixed-Time Projection Algorithm for Distributed Constrained Optimization on Time-Varying Digraphs. 390-397 - Lingying Huang
, Junfeng Wu
, Yilin Mo
, Ling Shi
Joint Sensor and Actuator Placement for Infinite-Horizon LQG Control. 398-405 - Shixian Luo
, Feiqi Deng
, Xinghuo Yu
Unified Stability Analysis for Itô Stochastic Systems: From Almost Surely Asymptotic to Finite-Time Convergence. 406-412 - Andrea Camisa
, Ivano Notarnicola
, Giuseppe Notarstefano
Distributed Primal Decomposition for Large-Scale MILPs. 413-420 - Qishao Wang
, Zhisheng Duan
, Jingyao Wang
, Qingyun Wang
, Guanrong Chen
An Accelerated Algorithm for Linear Quadratic Optimal Consensus of Heterogeneous Multiagent Systems. 421-428 - Sudin Kadam
, Karmvir Singh Phogat
, Ravi N. Banavar
, Debasish Chatterjee
Exact Isoholonomic Motion of the Planar Purcell's Swimmer. 429-435 - Philip James McCarthy, Christopher Nielsen
Global Sampled-Data Regulation of a Class of Fully Actuated Invariant Systems on Simply Connected Nilpotent Matrix Lie Groups. 436-442 - Mohamed Serry
, Gunther Reissig
Overapproximating Reachable Tubes of Linear Time-Varying Systems. 443-450 - Joachim Deutscher
Robust Cooperative Output Regulation for a Network of Parabolic PDE Systems. 451-459 - Liwei An
, Guang-Hong Yang
Collisions-Free Distributed Optimal Coordination for Multiple Euler-Lagrangian Systems. 460-467 - Geethu Joseph
Controllability of a Linear System With Nonnegative Sparse Controls. 468-473 - Jenq-Lang Wu
Design of Optimal Static Output Feedback Controllers for Linear Control Systems Subject to General Structural Constraints. 474-480 - Hong Lin
, Yuman Li
, James Lam
, Zheng-Guang Wu
Multi-sensor Optimal Linear Estimation With Unobservable Measurement Losses. 481-488 - Martin Steinberger
, Martin Horn
, Antonella Ferrara
Adaptive Control of Multivariable Networked Systems With Uncertain Time Delays. 489-496 - Jun Liu
Converse Barrier Functions via Lyapunov Functions. 497-503 - Bo Pang
, Tao Bian
, Zhong-Ping Jiang
Robust Policy Iteration for Continuous-Time Linear Quadratic Regulation. 504-511 - Soulaimane Berkane
, Andrea Bisoffi
, Dimos V. Dimarogonas
Obstacle Avoidance via Hybrid Feedback. 512-519 - Vasili A. Zaitsev
Continuous-Time Linear Periodic Systems: A Note on the Controllability Interval Length. 520-525 - Christian Grussler
, Tobias Damm
, Rodolphe Sepulchre
Balanced Truncation of $k$-Positive Systems. 526-531 - Arjan van der Schaft
, Dimitri Jeltsema
Limits to Energy Conversion. 532-538 - Sei Zhen Khong
, Chung-Yao Kao
Addendum to "Converse Theorems for Integral Quadratic Constraints". 539-540
Volume 67, Number 2, February 2022
- Giordano Scarciotti
, Andrew R. Teel
On Moment Matching for Stochastic Systems. 541-556 - Bin Zhou
, Wim Michiels
, Jie Chen
Fixed-Time Stabilization of Linear Delay Systems by Smooth Periodic Delayed Feedback. 557-573 - Ye Tian
, Peng Jia
, Anahita Mirtabatabaei
, Long Wang
, Noah E. Friedkin
, Francesco Bullo
Social Power Evolution in Influence Networks With Stubborn Individuals. 574-588 - Rohit Parasnis, Massimo Franceschetti
, Behrouz Touri
On the Convergence Properties of Social Hegselmann-Krause Dynamics. 589-604 - Frédéric Lehmann, Wojciech Pieczynski
Reduced-Dimension Filtering in Triplet Markov Models. 605-617 - Dario Paccagnan
, Jason R. Marden
Utility Design for Distributed Resource Allocation - Part II: Applications to Submodular, Covering, and Supermodular Problems. 618-632 - Kevin D. Smith
, Saber Jafarpour
, Francesco Bullo
Transient Stability of Droop-Controlled Inverter Networks With Operating Constraints. 633-645 - Jordan J. Romvary
, Giulio Ferro
, Rabab Haider
, Anuradha M. Annaswamy
A Proximal Atomic Coordination Algorithm for Distributed Optimization. 646-661 - Shixiang Chen
, Alfredo García
, Shahin Shahrampour
On Distributed Nonconvex Optimization: Projected Subgradient Method for Weakly Convex Problems in Networks. 662-675 - Tengfei Liu
, Zhengyan Qin
, Yiguang Hong
, Zhong-Ping Jiang
Distributed Optimization of Nonlinear Multiagent Systems: A Small-Gain Approach. 676-691 - Xiaodong Cheng
, Shengling Shi
, Paul M. J. Van den Hof
Allocation of Excitation Signals for Generic Identifiability of Linear Dynamic Networks. 692-705 - Jorge I. Poveda
, Mouhacine Benosman
, Andrew R. Teel
, Ricardo G. Sanfelice
Robust Coordinated Hybrid Source Seeking With Obstacle Avoidance in Multivehicle Autonomous Systems. 706-721 - Tie Ding
, Shanying Zhu
, Jianping He
, Cailian Chen
, Xinping Guan
Differentially Private Distributed Optimization via State and Direction Perturbation in Multiagent Systems. 722-737 - Mustafa O. Karabag
, Melkior Ornik
, Ufuk Topcu
Deception in Supervisory Control. 738-753 - Miel Sharf
, Anne Koch
, Daniel Zelazo
, Frank Allgöwer
Model-Free Practical Cooperative Control for Diffusively Coupled Systems. 754-766 - Jun Li
, Dimitri Lefebvre
, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis
, Zhiwu Li
Observers for a Class of Timed Automata Based on Elapsed Time Graphs. 767-779 - Rafael Rodrigues da Silva
, Vince Kurtz
, Hai Lin
Automatic Trajectory Synthesis for Real-Time Temporal Logic. 780-794 - Yohei Hosoe
, Tomomichi Hagiwara
On Second-Moment Stability of Discrete-Time Linear Systems With General Stochastic Dynamics. 795-809 - Boyang Zhang
, Henri P. Gavin
Gauss's Principle With Inequality Constraints for Multiagent Navigation and Control. 810-823 - Daniele Astolfi
, Pauline Bernard
, Romain Postoyan
, Lorenzo Marconi
Constrained State Estimation for Nonlinear Systems: A Redesign Approach Based on Convexity. 824-839 - Gangshan Jing
, Changhuang Wan
, Ran Dai
Angle-Based Sensor Network Localization. 840-855 - Ugo Rosolia
, Xiaojing Zhang
, Francesco Borrelli
Robust Learning Model-Predictive Control for Linear Systems Performing Iterative Tasks. 856-869 - Bram van der Sanden
, Marc Geilen
, Michel A. Reniers
, Twan Basten
Partial-Order Reduction for Supervisory Controller Synthesis. 870-885 - Peter Benner
, Pawan Goyal
, Igor Pontes Duff
Gramians, Energy Functionals, and Balanced Truncation for Linear Dynamical Systems With Quadratic Outputs. 886-893 - Diganta Bhattacharjee
, Kamesh Subbarao
Set-Membership Filter for Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems Using State-Dependent Coefficient Parameterization. 894-901 - B. Ross Barmish
, James A. Primbs
, Sean Warnick
On Feedforward Stock Trading Control Using a New Transaction Level Price Trend Model. 902-909 - William Paul Heath
, Joaquín Carrasco
, Dmitry A. Altshuller:
Multipliers for Nonlinearities With Monotone Bounds. 910-917 - Adel Aghajan
, Behrouz Touri
Ergodicity of Continuous-Time Distributed Averaging Dynamics: A Spanning Directed Rooted Tree Approach. 918-925 - Yuhang Xu
, Hao Yang
, Bin Jiang, Marios M. Polycarpou
Distributed Optimal Fault Estimation and Fault-Tolerant Control for Interconnected Systems: A Stackelberg Differential Graphical Game Approach. 926-933 - Weijian Li
, Xianlin Zeng
, Shu Liang
, Yiguang Hong
Exponentially Convergent Algorithm Design for Constrained Distributed Optimization via Nonsmooth Approach. 934-940 - Youfeng Su
, Ti-Chung Lee
Output Feedback Synthesis of Multiagent Systems With Jointly Connected Switching Networks: A Separation Principle Approach. 941-948 - Liang Sun
, Jingjing Jiang
Adaptive State-Feedback Shared Control for Constrained Uncertain Mechanical Systems. 949-956 - Zhan Yu
, Daniel W. C. Ho
, Deming Yuan
Distributed Randomized Gradient-Free Mirror Descent Algorithm for Constrained Optimization. 957-964 - Filippo Fabiani
, Mohammad Amin Tajeddini
, Hamed Kebriaei
, Sergio Grammatico
Local Stackelberg Equilibrium Seeking in Generalized Aggregative Games. 965-970 - Surong You
, Liangjian Hu
, Jianqiu Lu
, Xuerong Mao
Stabilization in Distribution by Delay Feedback Control for Hybrid Stochastic Differential Equations. 971-977 - Rui-Qi Dong
, Ai-Guo Wu
, Ying Zhang
Anti-Unwinding Sliding Mode Attitude Maneuver Control for Rigid Spacecraft. 978-985 - Luis Ovalle
, Héctor Ríos
, Miguel A. Llama
, Leonid M. Fridman
Continuous Sliding-Mode Output-Feedback Control for Stabilization of a Class of Underactuated Systems. 986-992 - Yu-Chen Sung
, Sagar V. Patil
, Michael G. Safonov
Robustness of Uncertain Switching Nonlinear Feedback Systems Against Large Time-Variation. 993-1000 - Dan Zhao
, Yuezu Lv
, Xinghuo Yu
, Guanghui Wen
, Guanrong Chen
Resilient Consensus of Higher Order Multiagent Networks: An Attack Isolation-Based Approach. 1001-1007 - Liwei Kou
, Zhiyong Chen
, Ji Xiang
Cooperative Fencing Control of Multiple Vehicles for a Moving Target With an Unknown Velocity. 1008-1015 - Lin Lin
, Jinde Cao
, Shiyong Zhu
, Peng Shi
Synchronization Analysis for Stochastic Networks Through Finite Fields. 1016-1022 - Max Whitby
, Luca Cardelli
, Marta Kwiatkowska
, Luca Laurenti
, Mirco Tribastone
, Max Tschaikowski
PID Control of Biochemical Reaction Networks. 1023-1030 - Kexue Zhang
, Bahman Gharesifard
, Elena Braverman
Event-Triggered Control for Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems. 1031-1037 - Mario Di Ferdinando
, Pierdomenico Pepe
, Stefano Di Gennaro
A New Approach to the Design of Sampled-Data Dynamic Output Feedback Stabilizers. 1038-1045 - Qifeng Ren
, Yonggui Kao
, Changhong Wang
, Hongwei Xia
, Xiaoli Wang
New Results on the Generalized Discrete Reaching Law With Positive or Negative Decay Factors. 1046-1052 - Bai Xue
, Naijun Zhan
Robust Invariant Sets Computation for Discrete-Time Perturbed Nonlinear Systems. 1053-1060 - Emmanuel Moulay
, Vincent Léchappé
, Emmanuel Bernuau
, Franck Plestan
Robust Fixed-Time Stability: Application to Sliding-Mode Control. 1061-1066 - Xiuxia Yin
, Zhiwei Gao
, Zili Chen
, Yichuan Fu
Nonexistence of the Asymptotic Flocking in the Cucker$-$Smale Model With Short Range Communication Weights. 1067-1072
Volume 67, Number 3, March 2022
- Quan Nguyen
, Koushil Sreenath
Robust Safety-Critical Control for Dynamic Robotics. 1073-1088 - Deming Yuan
, Alexandre Proutière
, Guodong Shi
Distributed Online Optimization With Long-Term Constraints. 1089-1104 - Hamidreza Tavafoghi
, Yi Ouyang
, Demosthenis Teneketzis
A Unified Approach to Dynamic Decision Problems With Asymmetric Information: Nonstrategic Agents. 1105-1119 - Jun-Jun Liu
, Bao-Zhu Guo
Robust Tracking Error Feedback Control for a One-Dimensional Schrödinger Equation. 1120-1134 - Cong Wei
, Herbert G. Tanner
Synchronization of Geophysically Driven Oscillators With Short-Range Interaction. 1135-1146 - Graziano Chesi
Exact LMI Conditions for Stability and $\mathcal {L}_2$ Gain Analysis of 2-D Mixed Continuous-Discrete Time Systems via Quadratically Frequency-Dependent Lyapunov Functions. 1147-1162 - Kenneth F. Caluya
, Abhishek Halder
Wasserstein Proximal Algorithms for the Schrödinger Bridge Problem: Density Control With Nonlinear Drift. 1163-1178 - Wuquan Li
, Miroslav Krstic
Stochastic Nonlinear Prescribed-Time Stabilization and Inverse Optimality. 1179-1193 - Jianqi Chen
, Dan Ma
, Yong Xu
, Jie Chen
Delay Robustness of PID Control of Second-Order Systems: Pseudoconcavity, Exact Delay Margin, and Performance Tradeoff. 1194-1209 - Dong Zhao
, Bin Jiang, Hao Yang
Backstepping-Based Decentralized Fault-Tolerant Control of Hypersonic Vehicles in PDE-ODE Form. 1210-1225 - Xueyan Zhao
, Feiqi Deng
Time-Varying Halanay Inequalities With Application to Stability and Control of Delayed Stochastic Systems. 1226-1240 - Muhammed O. Sayin
, Tamer Basar
Bayesian Persuasion With State-Dependent Quadratic Cost Measures. 1241-1252 - Marianne Souaiby
, Aneel Tanwani
, Didier Henrion
Cone-Copositive Lyapunov Functions for Complementarity Systems: Converse Result and Polynomial Approximation. 1253-1268 - Yu Zhao
, Chengxin Xian
, Guanghui Wen
, Panfeng Huang
, Wei Ren
Design of Distributed Event-Triggered Average Tracking Algorithms for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Multiagent Systems. 1269-1284 - Saber Jafarpour
, Pedro Cisneros-Velarde
, Francesco Bullo
Weak and Semi-Contraction for Network Systems and Diffusively Coupled Oscillators. 1285-1300 - Liudmila Tumash
, Carlos Canudas-de-Wit
, Maria Laura Delle Monache
Boundary Control Design for Traffic With Nonlinear Dynamics. 1301-1313 - Wen Kang
, Emilia Fridman
Sampled-Data Control of 2-D Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation. 1314-1326 - Chao Huang
, Gang Feng
, Hao Zhang
, Zhuping Wang
System Identification Based on Invariant Subspace. 1327-1341 - Jun Fu
, Chi Zhang
Optimal Control of Path-Constrained Switched Systems With Guaranteed Feasibility. 1342-1355