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IEEE Software, Volume 33
Volume 33, Number 1, January - February 2016
- Diomidis Spinellis
Developer, Debug Thyself. 3-5 - Grady Booch:
Remembrance of Things Past. 10-12 - Olaf Zimmermann, Cesare Pautasso, Gregor Hohpe, Bobby Woolf:
A Decade of Enterprise Integration Patterns: A Conversation with the Authors. 13-19 - John Klein:
What Makes an Architect Successful? 20-22 - Gerard J. Holzmann:
Tiny Tools. 24-28 - Les Hatton, Michiel van Genuchten:
When Software Crosses a Line. 29-31 - Forrest Shull, Anita D. Carleton, S. Jeromy Carrière, Rafael Prikladnicki, Dongmei Zhang:
The Future of Software Engineering. 32-35 - Andrew W. Moore, Tim O'Reilly, Paul D. Nielsen, Kevin Fall:
Four Thought Leaders on Where the Industry Is Headed. 36-39 - Zhengrong Tang, Melissa Yang, Joshua Xiang, John Liu:
The Future of Chinese Software Development. 40-44 - Claudia de O. Melo, Ronaldo Ferraz, Rebecca J. Parsons:
Brazil and the Emerging Future of Software Engineering. 45-47 - Walid Maalej, Maleknaz Nayebi, Timo Johann, Guenther Ruhe:
Toward Data-Driven Requirements Engineering. 48-54 - Christoph Becker, Stefanie Betz, Ruzanna Chitchyan
, Leticia Duboc, Steve M. Easterbrook
, Birgit Penzenstadler, Norbert Seyff, Colin C. Venters
Requirements: The Key to Sustainability. 56-65 - Paris Avgeriou
, Philippe Kruchten
, Robert L. Nord, Ipek Ozkaya
, Carolyn B. Seaman:
Reducing Friction in Software Development. 66-73 - Thomas D. LaToza, André van der Hoek:
Crowdsourcing in Software Engineering: Models, Motivations, and Challenges. 74-80 - Jan Bosch:
Speed, Data, and Ecosystems: The Future of Software Engineering. 82-88 - James D. Herbsleb, Christian Kästner
, Christopher Bogart
Intelligently Transparent Software Ecosystems. 89-96 - Emily Hill, Philip M. Johnson, Daniel Port:
Is an Athletic Approach the Future of Software Engineering Education? 97-100 - George F. Hurlburt
, Jeffrey M. Voas:
Software is Driving Software Engineering? 101-104 - Christof Ebert, Marco Kuhrmann
, Rafael Prikladnicki:
Global Software Engineering: An Industry Perspective. 105-108 - Jane Cleland-Huang:
Requirements That Reflect Social Responsibility. 109-111 - Michael Weyrich
, Christof Ebert:
Reference Architectures for the Internet of Things. 112-116 - Jeff Meyerson:
Ben Hindman on Apache Mesos. 117-120
Volume 33, Number 2, March - April 2016
- Diomidis Spinellis
Serving Professionals. 4-6 - Grady Booch:
The Computational Human. 8-10 - Thomas Ronzon:
Software Retrofit in High-Availability Systems: When Uptime Matters. 11-17 - Rabih Bashroush, Eoin Woods, Adel Noureddine
Data Center Energy Demand: What Got Us Here Won't Get Us There. 18-21 - Gerard J. Holzmann:
Code Clarity. 22-25 - Jeffrey C. Carver, Jordi Cabot
, Leandro L. Minku
, Marco Torchiano
Regression Testing, Spoken Language, Crash-Inducing Commits, UML, and Legal Policy. 26-28 - Jane Cleland-Huang:
Stakeholders on the Prowl. 29-31 - Ian Gorton, Ayse Basar Bener
, Audris Mockus
Software Engineering for Big Data Systems. 32-35 - Hong-Mei Chen, Rick Kazman, Serge Haziyev:
Strategic Prototyping for Developing Big Data Systems. 36-43 - Weishan Zhang
, Liang Xu, Zhongwei Li, Qinghua Lu, Yan Liu:
A Deep-Intelligence Framework for Online Video Processing. 44-51 - Andriy V. Miranskyy, Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj
, Enzo Cialini, Alf Larsson
Operational-Log Analysis for Big Data Systems: Challenges and Solutions. 52-59 - Dongyao Wu, Liming Zhu
, Xiwei Xu, Sherif Sakr
, Daniel Sun, Qinghua Lu:
Building Pipelines for Heterogeneous Execution Environments for Big Data Processing. 60-67 - Clemens A. Szyperski
, Martin Petitclerc, Roger S. Barga:
Three Experts on Big Data Engineering. 68-72 - Israel J. Mojica Ruiz, Meiyappan Nagappan, Bram Adams
, Thorsten Berger, Steffen Dienst, Ahmed E. Hassan:
Analyzing Ad Library Updates in Android Apps. 74-80 - Attila Baksa, András Balázs, Zoltan Pálos, Péter Spányi, Sándor Szalai
, Laszlo Várhalmi:
Software on a Comet: The Philae Lander's Central Onboard Computer. 81-84 - Xabier Larrucea, Rory V. O'Connor, Ricardo Colomo Palacios, Claude Y. Laporte:
Software Process Improvement in Very Small Organizations. 85-89 - Ian Sommerville:
IEEE Software and Professional Development. 90-92 - Panos Louridas:
Component Stacks for Enterprise Applications. 93-98 - Felienne Hermans, Janet Siegmund, Thomas Fritz, Gabriele Bavota
, Meiyappan Nagappan, Abram Hindle, Yasutaka Kamei, Ali Mesbah
, Bram Adams
Leaders of Tomorrow on the Future of Software Engineering: A Roundtable. 99-104 - Sven Johann:
Dave Thomas on Innovating Legacy Systems. 105-108
Volume 33, Number 3, May - June 2016
- Diomidis Spinellis
Being a DevOps Developer. 4-5 - Grady Booch:
It Is Cold. And Lonely. 7-9 - Gerard J. Holzmann:
Frequently Unanswered Questions. 10-12 - Jochem Schulenklopper, Eelco Rommes:
Why They Just Don't Get It: Communicating about Architecture with Business Stakeholders. 13-19 - Eoin Woods:
Operational: The Forgotten Architectural View. 20-23 - Jane Cleland-Huang, Tamara Denning, Tadayoshi Kohno, Forrest Shull, Samuel Weber:
Keeping Ahead of Our Adversaries. 24-28 - Jeffrey C. Carver, Eduardo Santana de Almeida, Rafael Capilla
, Leandro L. Minku
, Henry Muccini
, Birgit Penzenstadler:
Product Lines, Energy Conservation, Use Cases, Agile Development, and Infotainment. 29-31 - Liming Zhu
, Len Bass, George Champlin-Scharff:
DevOps and Its Practices. 32-34 - Ali Basiri, Niosha Behnam, Ruud de Rooij, Lorin Hochstein, Luke Kosewski, Justin Reynolds, Casey Rosenthal:
Chaos Engineering. 35-41 - Armin Balalaie, Abbas Heydarnoori
, Pooyan Jamshidi
Microservices Architecture Enables DevOps: Migration to a Cloud-Native Architecture. 42-52 - Matt Callanan, Alexandra Spillane:
DevOps: Making It Easy to Do the Right Thing. 53-59 - Konstantinos Fysarakis
, Damianos Mylonakis, Charalampos Manifavas, Ioannis Papaefstathiou
Node.DPWS: Efficient Web Services for the Internet of Things. 60-67 - Vahid Garousi
, Michael Felderer:
Developing, Verifying, and Maintaining High-Quality Automated Test Scripts. 68-75 - Urska Lah, James R. Lewis
How Expertise Affects a Digital-Rights-Management-Sharing Application's Usability. 76-82 - Candy Pang, Abram Hindle, Bram Adams
, Ahmed E. Hassan:
What Do Programmers Know about Software Energy Consumption? 83-89 - Raphael Pereira de Oliveira
, Eduardo Santana de Almeida:
Evaluating Lehman's Laws of Software Evolution for Software Product Lines. 90-93 - Christof Ebert, Gorka Gallardo, Josune Hernantes
, Nicolás Serrano
DevOps. 94-100 - Anne-Françoise Rutkowski:
Work Substitution: A Neo-Luddite Look at Software Growth. 101-104 - Bonita Sharif
, Timothy Shaffer, Jenna L. Wise
, Jonathan I. Maletic:
Tracking Developers' Eyes in the IDE. 105-108 - Stefan Tilkov:
Vaughn Vernon on Reactive Programming with the Actor Model. 109-112
Volume 33, Number 4, July - August 2016
- Diomidis Spinellis
Reflecting on Quality. 4-5 - Grady Booch:
Disrupting the Disrupters. 6-8 - Susanne Braun, Ralf Carbon, Matthias Naab:
Piloting a Mobile-App Ecosystem for Smart Farming. 9-14 - Eoin Woods:
Harnessing the Power of Architectural Design Principles. 15-17 - Gerard J. Holzmann:
The Weakest Link. 18-21 - Michael W. Whalen, Darren D. Cofer, Andrew Gacek:
Requirements and Architectures for Secure Vehicles. 22-25 - Henrik Leopold, Jan Mendling, Oliver Günther
Learning from Quality Issues of BPMN Models from Industry. 26-33 - Hammad Khalid, Meiyappan Nagappan, Ahmed E. Hassan:
Examining the Relationship between FindBugs Warnings and App Ratings. 34-39 - Randy L. Hackbarth, Audris Mockus
, John Douglas Palframan, Ravi Sethi:
Improving Software Quality as Customers Perceive It. 40-45 - George Hatzivasilis, Ioannis Papaefstathiou
, Charalampos Manifavas:
Software Security, Privacy, and Dependability: Metrics and Measurement. 46-54 - Yudi Zheng, Stephen Kell, Lubomír Bulej, Haiyang Sun, Walter Binder
Comprehensive Multiplatform Dynamic Program Analysis for Java and Android. 55-63 - Maryam Razavian
, Patricia Lago:
Feminine Expertise in Architecting Teams. 64-71 - Wenying Nan Sun, George M. Marakas
, Miguel I. Aguirre-Urreta
The Effectiveness of Pair Programming: Software Professionals' Perceptions. 72-79 - Ivan Srba
, Mária Bieliková:
Why is Stack Overflow Failing? Preserving Sustainability in Community Question Answering. 80-89 - Juha Itkonen, Mika V. Mäntylä
, Casper Lassenius:
Test Better by Exploring: Harnessing Human Skills and Knowledge. 90-96 - Carlo Pinciroli, Giovanni Beltrame:
Buzz: A Programming Language for Robot Swarms. 97-100 - Janos Nagy, Kalman Balajthy, Sándor Szalai
, Bálint Sódor, István Horváth, Csaba Sándor Lipusz:
Obstanovka: Exploring Nearby Space. 101-105 - Torgeir Dingsøyr
, Tor Erlend Fægri, Tore Dybå, Børge Haugset, Yngve Lindsjørn:
Team Performance in Software Development: Research Results versus Agile Principles. 106-110 - Jens Heidrich
, Adam Trendowicz, Christof Ebert:
Exploiting Big Data's Benefits. 111-116 - Robert Blumen:
Jürgen Laartz and Alexander Budzier on Why Large IT Projects Fail. 117-120
Volume 33, Number 5, September - October 2016
- Diomidis Spinellis
Managing a Software Business. 4-7 - Grady Booch:
No Laughing Matter. 9-11 - Jeffrey C. Carver, Maria Paasivaara, Birgit Penzenstadler:
Probing Questions, Participatory Democracy, Quality Assurance, and Customer Data. 12-14 - Daniel Lübke, Tammo van Lessen:
Modeling Test Cases in BPMN for Behavior-Driven Development. 15-21 - Michael Vierhauser
, Rick Rabiser
, Paul Grünbacher
Monitoring Requirements in Systems of Systems. 22-24 - Simon Portegies Zwart
, Jeroen Bédorf
Creating the Virtual Universe. 25-29 - Murat Erder, Pierre Pureur:
What's the Architect's Role in an Agile, Cloud-Centric World? 30-33 - Gerard J. Holzmann:
Brace Yourself. 34-37 - Ricardo Eito-Brun
, Miguel-Ángel Sicilia
Innovation-Driven Software Development: Leveraging Small Companies' Product-Development Capabilities. 38-46 - Magne Jørgensen:
Better Selection of Software Providers through Trialsourcing. 48-53 - Juho Lindman, Tomi Kinnari, Matti Rossi:
Business Roles in the Emerging Open-Data Ecosystem. 54-59 - Darja Smite, Rini van Solingen:
What's the True Hourly Cost of Offshoring? 60-70 - Amany R. Elbanna, Suprateek Sarker:
The Risks of Agile Software Development: Learning from Adopters. 72-79 - Harry M. Sneed, Chris Verhoef:
From Software Development to Software Assembly. 80-85 - Leo R. Vijayasarathy, Charles W. Butler:
Choice of Software Development Methodologies: Do Organizational, Project, and Team Characteristics Matter? 86-94 - Murray Cantor, Bruce MacIsaac, Rosanna Mannan:
Steering Software Development Workflow: Lessons from the Internet. 96-102 - Matt Gatrell:
The Value of a Single Solution for End-to-End ALM Tool Support. 103-105 - Fabio Q. B. da Silva
, Cleviton V. F. Monteiro, Igor Ebrahim dos Santos, Luiz Fernando Capretz:
How Software Development Group Leaders Influence Team Members' Innovative Behavior. 106-109 - Panos Louridas, Christof Ebert:
Machine Learning. 110-115 - Stefan Tilkov:
Jay Fields on Working with Unit Tests. 117-120
Volume 33, Number 6, November - December 2016
- Diomidis Spinellis
The Changing Role of the Software Architect. 4-6 - Grady Booch:
Once upon a Time. 8-10 - Eltjo R. Poort:
Just Enough Anticipation: Architect Your Time Dimension. 11-15 - Nancy L. Laplante, Phillip A. Laplante, Jeffrey M. Voas:
Caring: An Undiscovered "Super -ility" of Smart Healthcare. 16-19 - Rafael Prikladnicki, Casper Lassenius, Evelyn Tian, Jeffrey C. Carver:
Trends in Agile: Perspectives from the Practitioners. 20-22 - Edleno Silva de Moura, Mauro Rojas Herrera, Leonardo Santos, Tayana Conte
When Software Impacts the Economy and Environment. 23-26 - Christof Ebert, James Cain:
Cyclomatic Complexity. 27-29 - Gregor Hohpe, Ipek Ozkaya
, Uwe Zdun, Olaf Zimmermann:
The Software Architect's Role in the Digital Age. 30-39 - Sören Frey, Lambros Charissis, Jens Nahm:
How Software Architects Drive Connected Vehicles. 41-47 - Ricardo Britto, Darja Smite, Lars-Ola Damm:
Software Architects in Large-Scale Distributed Projects: An Ericsson Case Study. 48-55 - Pablo Oliveira Antonino, Andreas Morgenstern, Thomas Kuhn:
Embedded-Software Architects: It's Not Only about the Software. 56-62 - Rainer Weinreich
, Iris Groher
The Architect's Role in Practice: From Decision Maker to Knowledge Manager? 63-69 - Damian A. Tamburri
, Rick Kazman, Hamed Fahimi:
The Architect's Role in Community Shepherding. 70-79 - Shinil Kwon, Sung Deok Cha:
A Paradigm Shift for the CAPTCHA Race: Adding Uncertainty to the Process. 80-85 - Israel J. Mojica Ruiz, Meiyappan Nagappan, Bram Adams
, Thorsten Berger, Steffen Dienst, Ahmed E. Hassan:
Examining the Rating System Used in Mobile-App Stores. 86-92 - Eoin Woods:
Software Architecture in a Changing World. 94-97 - Gerard J. Holzmann:
Hi Maintenance. 98-101 - Michele Lanza, Andrea Mocci
, Luca Ponzanelli
The Tragedy of Defect Prediction, Prince of Empirical Software Engineering Research. 102-105 - Raoul Vallon, Stefan Strobl, Mario Bernhart, Rafael Prikladnicki, Thomas Grechenig:
ADAPT: A Framework for Agile Distributed Software Development. 106-111 - Alexandre Lazaretti Zanatta, Letícia Machado, Graziela Pereira, Rafael Prikladnicki, Erran Carmel:
Software Crowdsourcing Platforms. 112-116 - Charles Anderson:
James Phillips on Service Discovery. 117-120

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