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SN Computer Science, Volume 1
Volume 1, Number 1, January 2020
- Trong Nhan Phan, Tran Khanh Dang
A Lightweight Indexing Approach for Efficient Batch Similarity Processing with MapReduce. 1:1-1:16 - Thanh-Nghi Do
Automatic Learning Algorithms for Local Support Vector Machines. 2:1-2:11 - Thomas I. Tegou
, Aristeides D. Papadopoulos, Ilias Kalamaras, Konstantinos Votis, Dimitrios Tzovaras
Using Auditory Features for WiFi Channel State Information Activity Recognition. 3:1-3:11 - Ha Manh Tran
, Son Thanh Le, Van Sinh Nguyen, Phong Thanh Ho:
An Analysis of Software Bug Reports Using Machine Learning Techniques. 4:1-4:11 - Stefano Ceri
, Pietro Pinoli
Data Science for Genomic Data Management: Challenges, Resources, Experiences. 5:1-5:7 - Partha Pratim Ray
Energy Packet Networks: an Annotated Bibliography. 6:1-6:10 - Anh Duc Le, Hung Tuan Nguyen, Masaki Nakagawa:
An End-to-End Recognition System for Unconstrained Vietnamese Handwriting. 7:1-7:8 - Sumitra Binu
, Mohammed Misbahuddin
, Joy Paulose
A Signature-Based Mutual Authentication Protocol for Remote Health Monitoring. 8:1-8:14 - Cuong Ngoc Tran, Vitalian A. Danciu:
A General Approach to Conflict Detection in Software-Defined Networks. 9:1-9:14 - H. K. Dai
, Michel Toulouse
Lower-Bound Study for Function Computation in Distributed Networks via Vertex-Eccentricity. 10:1-10:14 - S. Chanti
, T. Chithralekha:
Classification of Anti-phishing Solutions. 11:1-11:18 - Victor Rivera
, Bertrand Meyer:
AutoAlias: Automatic Variable-Precision Alias Analysis for Object-Oriented Programs. 12:1-12:15 - K. Prabha
Performance Assessment and Comparison of Efficient Ad Hoc Reactive and Proactive Network Routing Protocols. 13:1-13:7 - Lam-Son Lê:
Diagramming Multi-Level Service-Oriented Enterprise Architecture. 14:1-14:25 - Andrzej Blikle:
An Experiment with Denotational Semantics. 15:1-15:31 - R. Niranjana, V. Anil Kumar, Shina Sheen:
Darknet Traffic Analysis and Classification Using Numerical AGM and Mean Shift Clustering Algorithm. 16:1-16:10 - Emmanuel Masabo
, Kyanda Swaib Kaawaase, Julianne Sansa-Otim, John Ngubiri, Damien Hanyurwimfura
Improvement of Malware Classification Using Hybrid Feature Engineering. 17:1-17:14 - Sampsa Latvala, Mohit Sethi
, Tuomas Aura
Evaluation of Out-of-Band Channels for IoT Security. 18:1-18:17 - Richard Hua
, Michael J. Dinneen
Improved QUBO Formulation of the Graph Isomorphism Problem. 19:1-19:18 - Ali Ghorashi, Mehrdaad Ghorashi
Theoretical and Computational Analysis of the Falling Ladder Problem. 20:1-20:11 - Khadizah Ghazali
, Jumat Sulaiman, Yosza Dasril, Darmesah Gabda:
Newton-2EGSOR Method for Unconstrained Optimization Problems with a Block Diagonal Hessian. 21:1-21:11 - Sudipta Paul
, Subhankar Mishra
ARA: Aggregated RAPPOR and Analysis for Centralized Differential Privacy. 22:1-22:10 - George Nagy
Green Information Extraction from Family Books. 23:1-23:12 - Alban Gabillon
, Romane Gallier
, Emmanuel Bruno
Access Controls for IoT Networks. 24:1-24:13 - Arthita Ghosh
, Rama Chellappa:
Single-Shot 3D Mesh Estimation via Adversarial Domain Adaptation - Learning Directly from Synthetic Data. 25:1-25:21 - David M. Marciel
Characterization of a New Potential Family of Organic-Like Pattern-Generating Dynamical Systems. 26:1-26:16 - Waeal J. Obidallah
, Bijan Raahemi, Umar Ruhi:
Clustering and Association Rules for Web Service Discovery and Recommendation: A Systematic Literature Review. 27:1-27:33 - Jean-Michel Fourneau:
Modeling Green Data-Centers and Jobs Balancing with Energy Packet Networks and Interrupted Poisson Energy Arrivals. 28:1-28:6 - Xiang Niu, György Korniss
, Boleslaw K. Szymanski
Supervised Learning of the Global Risk Network Activation from Media Event Reports. 29:1-29:11 - Artur Rataj:
Random Neural Networks with Hierarchical Committees for Improved Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks with Interference. 30:1-30:7 - Michal Gorawski
, Krzysztof Grochla:
Performance Tests of Smart City IoT Data Repositories for Universal Linear Infrastructure Data and Graph Databases. 31:1-31:7 - Artur Rataj, Amira Kamli, Tülin Atmaca:
Analysis of a Frequency Response of a Noisy Optical Network for Its Self-adaptation. 32:1-32:8 - Laszlo Gyongyosi, Sándor Imre:
Secret Key Rate Adaption for Multicarrier Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution. 33:1-33:17 - Goldwayne Smith Leh, Jian Wu, Sambit Shukla, Matthew K. Farrens, Dipak Ghosal:
Model-Driven Joint Optimization of Power and Latency Guarantee in Data center Applications. 34:1-34:14 - Tien Cuong Phi
, Alexandre Muzy, Patricia Reynaud-Bouret:
Event-Scheduling Algorithms with Kalikow Decomposition for Simulating Potentially Infinite Neuronal Networks. 35:1-35:10 - Cristian S. Calude, Monica Dumitrescu:
Infinitesimal Probabilities Based on Grossone. 36:1-36:8 - Udit Narayana Kar
, Debarshi Kumar Sanyal:
A Critical Review of 3GPP Standardization of Device-to-Device Communication in Cellular Networks. 37:1-37:18 - Karol Niedzielewski, Maciej E. Marchwiany, Radoslaw Piliszek, Marek T. Michalewicz
, Witold R. Rudnicki
Multidimensional Feature Selection and High Performance ParalleX - A tool for detection of informative variables for big data. 40:1-40:7 - Leonardo Arcari, Marco Gribaudo
, Gianluca Palermo, Giuseppe Serazzi:
Performance-Driven Analysis for an Adaptive Car-Navigation Service on HPC Systems. 41:1-41:8 - Jakub Zielinski
, Jedrzej M. Nowosielski:
Finet's Law as a Special Case of the Generalised Murray's Law. 42:1-42:6 - Adam Domanski, Joanna Domanska
, Tadeusz Czachórski
, Jerzy Klamka, Jakub Szygula, Dariusz Marek
Diffusion Approximation Model of TCP NewReno Congestion Control Mechanism. 43:1-43:8 - Erol Gelenbe:
Introduction to the Special Issue on the French-Polish Collaboration in Mathematical Models of Computer Systems, Networks and Bioinformatics. 44:1-44:10 - Rajakumaran Gayathri, Neelanarayanan Venkataraman, Raghava Rao Mukkamala:
Denial of Service Attack Prediction Using Gradient Descent Algorithm. 45:1-45:8 - Anoop Kumar Pandey
, Balaji Rajendran
, Kumari Roshni V. S:
AutoAdd: Automated Bootstrapping of an IoT Device on a Network. 46:1-46:5 - Seung-Woo Choi, Aviv Segev:
Finding Informative Comments for Video Viewing. 47:1-47:14 - Thomas Baruchel
Flattening Karatsuba's Recursion Tree into a Single Summation. 48:1-48:9 - Michael A. Lones
Mitigating Metaphors: A Comprehensible Guide to Recent Nature-Inspired Algorithms. 49:1-49:12 - Emmanuel Barbieri, Laurent Capocchi
, Jean François Santucci:
Discrete-Event Simulation-Based Q-Learning Algorithm Applied to Financial Leverage Effect. 50 - Emmanuel Fouotsa
, Laurian Azebaze Guimagang:
Fast Hashing to ${\mathbb {G}}_{2}$ on Aurifeuillean Pairing-Friendly Elliptic Curves. 51 - Alireza Darbandi, Seyed Abolghasem Mirroshandel
A Novel Rubik's Cube Problem Solver by Combining Group Theory and Genetic Algorithm. 52 - Antonia Arvanitaki, Nikolaos Pappas
, Parthajit Mohapatra, Niklas Carlsson:
Delay Performance of a Two-User Broadcast Channel with Security Constraints. 53 - Rui Chen
, Lihao Xu:
Practical Performance Evaluation of Space Optimal Erasure Codes for High-Speed Data Storage Systems. 54 - Somnath Banerjee
, Monojit Choudhury, Kunal Chakma
, Sudip Kumar Naskar, Amitava Das, Sivaji Bandyopadhyay, Paolo Rosso:
MSIR@FIRE: A Comprehensive Report from 2013 to 2016. 55 - Yunxiao Zhang
G-Networks and the Performance of ICT with Renewable Energy. 56 - Anjan Dutta
, Atreyee Mondal, Nilanjan Dey, Soumya Sen, Luminita Moraru, Aboul Ella Hassanien:
Vision Tracking: A Survey of the State-of-the-Art. 57 - Shaojing Fan
, Bryan L. Koenig, Qi Zhao, Mohan S. Kankanhalli
A Deeper Look at Human Visual Perception of Images. 58 - Emer Bernal, Oscar Castillo
, José Soria, Fevrier Valdez:
Fuzzy Galactic Swarm Optimization with Dynamic Adjustment of Parameters Based on Fuzzy Logic. 59 - James McDermott
When and Why Metaheuristics Researchers can Ignore "No Free Lunch" Theorems. 60 - Moumita Basu, Kripabandhu Ghosh, Saptarshi Ghosh:
Information Retrieval from Microblogs During Disasters: In the Light of IRMiDis Task. 61 - Vijay Kumar Peddinti, Ramdas Kumaresan, Peter Cariani:
Improved Auditory-Inspired Signal Processing Algorithm Design for Tracking Multiple Frequency Components. 62 - Soma Datta, Nabendu Chaki, Biswajit Modak:
Neutrosophic Set-Based Caries Lesion Detection Method to Avoid Perception Error. 63 - Mohammad S. Rahman
, Gholamreza Haffari:
A Statistically Efficient and Scalable Method for Exploratory Analysis of High-Dimensional Data. 64 - Cristina Tortora
, Paul D. McNicholas, Francesco Palumbo
A Probabilistic Distance Clustering Algorithm Using Gaussian and Student-t Multivariate Density Distributions. 65 - Netzahualcóyotl Hernández
, Jens Lundström, Jesús Favela, Ian R. McChesney, Bert Arnrich
Literature Review on Transfer Learning for Human Activity Recognition Using Mobile and Wearable Devices with Environmental Technology. 66 - Mahipal Jetta
, Satyanarayana Chirala
On Multi-Quadric Based RBF-FD Method for Second-Order Diffusion Filters. 38 - Sakshi Srivastava, Prince Kumar, Vaishali Chaudhry, Anuj Singh:
Detection of Ovarian Cyst in Ultrasound Images Using Fine-Tuned VGG-16 Deep Learning Network. 39 - A. Revathi, C. Ravichandran, P. Saisiddarth, G. S. Rajendra Prasad:
Isolated Command Recognition Using MFCC and Clustering Algorithm. 81 - Tanveer Mustafa, Sunita Dhavale, M. M. Kuber:
Performance Analysis of Inception-v2 and Yolov3-Based Human Activity Recognition in Videos. 82 - Yasaman Samadi
, Midia Reshadi:
Improving the Network Life Time in Smart Grid Sensor Nodes by Considering Nodes Usage. 119 - Natasha M. Astudillo, Reginald Bolman, Nikolay Metodiev Sirakov:
Classification with Stochastic Learning Methods and Convolutional Neural Networks. 138 - Janani Rajaraman
, Thirunavukkarasu Indiran
, Eadala Sarath Yadav, Shanmuga Priya Selvanathan:
Modeling and Control of Tray Temperature Along with Column Pressure in a Pilot Plant Distillation Column. 330 - Anh Truong:
Automated Analysis of Access Control Policies Based on Model Checking. 331 - Chandan Kumar Sahoo, Kailash Chandra Paul
, Surendra Kumar:
Two Warehouses EOQ Inventory Model of Degrading Matter Having Exponential Decreasing Order, Limited Suspension in Price Including Salvage Value. 332 - Garima Verma
, Sandhya Adhikari
Cloud Computing Security Issues: a Stakeholder's Perspective. 334 - D. Ya. Kopats, Mikhail A. Matalytski:
Diffusion Approximation for an Open Queueing Network with Limited Number of Customers and Time-Dependent Service. 437
Volume 1, Number 2, March 2020
- Ravinder Kumar
Orientation Local Binary Pattern Based Fingerprint Matching. 67 - Fuad Aleskerov
, Sergey Demin
, Sergey Shvydun
Superposition of Choice Functions and Its Application to Tornado Prediction and Search Problems. 68 - Naoki Hayashi
, Sumio Watanabe:
Asymptotic Bayesian Generalization Error in Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Stochastic Matrix Factorization. 69 - Hyemin Han
, Kangwook Lee, Firat Soylu
Applying the Deep Learning Method for Simulating Outcomes of Educational Interventions. 70 - Wanwan Zheng
, Mingzhe Jin:
The Effects of Class Imbalance and Training Data Size on Classifier Learning: An Empirical Study. 71 - Paolo Rosso, Francisco M. Rangel Pardo
Author Profiling Tracks at FIRE. 72 - Ikhlasse Hamzaoui, Benjamin Duthil, Vincent Courboulay, Hicham Medromi:
A Survey on the Current Challenges of Energy-Efficient Cloud Resources Management. 73 - Sharat Sachin, Abha Tripathi, Navya Mahajan, Shivani Aggarwal, Preeti Nagrath:
Sentiment Analysis Using Gated Recurrent Neural Networks. 74 - Jainisha Sankhavara
Feature Weighting in Finding Feedback Documents for Query Expansion in Biomedical Document Retrieval. 75 - Nijaguna Gollara Siddappa
, Thippeswamy Kampalappa:
Imbalance Data Classification Using Local Mahalanobis Distance Learning Based on Nearest Neighbor. 76 - Patrick Schlachter
, Yiwen Liao, Bin Yang:
Deep Open Set Recognition Using Dynamic Intra-class Splitting. 77 - Viktor Voss, Liudmyla Nechepurenko
, Rudi Schaefer, Steffen Bauer:
Playing a Strategy Game with Knowledge-Based Reinforcement Learning. 78 - Dhananjay Theckedath, R. R. Sedamkar:
Detecting Affect States Using VGG16, ResNet50 and SE-ResNet50 Networks. 79 - Mieczyslaw A. Klopotek
An Aposteriorical Clusterability Criterion for k-Means++ and Simplicity of Clustering. 80 - C. Anand Deva Durai
, M. Azath, J. S. C. Jeniffer:
Integrated Search Method for Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem Using HHS-ALNS Algorithm. 83 - M. Latha, M. Shivakumar, R. Manjula:
Performance Analysis of Kannada Phonetics: Vowels, Fricatives and Stop Consonants Using LP Spectrum. 84 - Ravin Kumar
Cerebral LSTM: A Better Alternative for Single- and Multi-Stacked LSTM Cell-Based RNNs. 85 - Ravin Kumar
A Generalized Quantum Algorithm for Assuring Fairness in Random Selection Among 2N Participants. 86 - Sakshi Srivastava, Prince Kumar, Noor Mohd, Anuj Singh, Fateh Singh Gill:
A Novel Deep Learning Framework Approach for Sugarcane Disease Detection. 87 - C. P. Vandana, Ajeet A. Chikkamannur:
S-COAP: Semantic Enrichment of COAP for Resource Discovery. 88 - C. Monica, N. Nagarathna
Detection of Fake Tweets Using Sentiment Analysis. 89 - A. A. Gurav, Manisha J. Nene:
Weakly Supervised Learning-based Table Detection. 90 - K. Aruna, G. Pradeep:
Performance and Scalability Improvement Using IoT-Based Edge Computing Container Technologies. 91 - Arvind P. Kadam, S. G. Ankaliki:
Robust Smart Grid Monitoring Network Based on Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Intelligence. 92 - M. Brenda, L. FranklinTelfer, E. Preethi, Uddandam Vijay Kumar, Chinnappannagari Hithasree:
Circular Planar Pac-man Antenna Toward Multiband Operations. 93 - K. B. Jithendra, Shahana Thottathikkulam Kassim:
New Biclique Cryptanalysis on Full-Round PRESENT-80 Block Cipher. 94 - Amrita Chatterjee, Eunjin Kim, Hassan Reza:
Adaptive Dynamic Probabilistic Elitist Ant Colony Optimization in Traveling Salesman Problem. 95 - Mahesh Mardolkar, N. Kumaran:
Forecasting and Avoiding Student Dropout Using the K-Nearest Neighbor Approach. 96 - Sazeen T. Abdulrazzaq, Mohammed M. Siddeq, Marcos A. Rodrigues:
A Novel Steganography Approach for Audio Files. 97 - D. C. Vinutha
, G. T. Raju:
In-Memory Cache and Intra-Node Combiner Approaches for Optimizing Execution Time in High-Performance Computing. 98 - M. Deepa, P. Krishnapriya, S. Sivakumar:
QoS-Enabled Optimized Adaptive Multipath AODV Protocol. 99 - Gitimayee Sahu, Sanjay S. Pawar:
An Approach to Reduce Interference Using FFR in Heterogeneous Network. 100 - Kashi Sai Prasad
, N. Chandra Sekhar Reddy, B. N. Puneeth:
A Framework for Diagnosing Kidney Disease in Diabetes Patients Using Classification Algorithms. 101 - K. Manjula
, S. Meenakshi Sundaram:
Optimized Approach (SPCA) for Load Balancing in Distributed HDFS Cluster. 102 - B. S. Renuka
, G. T. Prafulla Shashikiran:
Model of Load Distribution Between Web Proxy Servers Using Network Traffic Analysis. 103 - Vivek Balasubramanian, Travis Jensen, Matteo Turilli
, Peter M. Kasson, Michael R. Shirts
, Shantenu Jha
Adaptive Ensemble Biomolecular Applications at Scale. 104 - Sandip Modha, Thomas Mandl, Prasenjit Majumder, Daksh Patel:
Tracking Hate in Social Media: Evaluation, Challenges and Approaches. 105 - Beibei Cui
, Jean-Charles Créput:
A Systematic Algorithm for Moving Object Detection with Application in Real-Time Surveillance. 106 - Mithun Roy, Indrajit Pan
Lazy Forward Differential Evolution for Influence Maximization in Large Data Network. 107 - Thanh Tung Khuat
, My Hanh Le
Evaluation of Sampling-Based Ensembles of Classifiers on Imbalanced Data for Software Defect Prediction Problems. 108 - Anna Rotondo
, Fergus Quilligan
Evolution Paths for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Process Models. 109 - R. Jagadeesha, Thippeswamy Kampalappa:
Energy-Efficient Mobile Node in Multicast Batch Verification. 110 - Prem Prakash Vuppuluri
, C. Patvardhan:
Novel Heuristics for the Euclidean Leaf-Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem. 111 - Olufunke R. Vincent, T. M. Okediran, Adebayo Abayomi-Alli
, Olusola John Adeniran:
An Identity-Based Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Mobile Payment Security. 112 - Mahdieh Atashkar, Faramarz Safi-Esfahani
Item-Based Recommender Systems Applying Social-Economic Indicators. 113 - H. T. M. Gamage
, H. D. Weerasinghe, N. G. J. Dias:
A Survey on Blockchain Technology Concepts, Applications, and Issues. 114 - Dejan Zivkovic
A Note on the Stable Marriage Problem. 115 - Goon Li Hung, Mohamad Safwan Bin Sahimi, Hussein Samma, Tarik Adnan Almohamad
, Badr Lahasan:
Faster R-CNN Deep Learning Model for Pedestrian Detection from Drone Images. 116