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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, Volume 45
Volume 45, Number 1, 2013
- Martin Kolb
, Mladen Savov
, Achim Wübker:
(Non-)Ergodicity of a Degenerate Diffusion Modeling the Fiber Lay Down Process. 1-13 - Wael W. Mohammed, Dirk Blömker, Konrad Klepel:
Modulation Equation for Stochastic Swift-Hohenberg Equation. 14-30 - Giulio Schimperna
, Irena Pawlow:
On a Class of Cahn-Hilliard Models with Nonlinear Diffusion. 31-63 - Nicolas Bonnotte:
From Knothe's Rearrangement to Brenier's Optimal Transport Map. 64-87 - Michele Di Cristo, C.-L. Lin, Sergio Vessella, Jenn-Nan Wang
Size Estimates of the Inverse Inclusion Problem for the Shallow Shell Equation. 88-100 - Tomás Roubícek
Adhesive Contact of Visco-elastic Bodies and Defect Measures Arising by Vanishing Viscosity. 101-126 - Zuowei Shen
, Zhiqiang Xu:
On B-Spline Framelets Derived from the Unitary Extension Principle. 127-151 - Helge Holden, Kenneth H. Karlsen, Trygve K. Karper:
Operator Splitting for Well-Posed Active Scalar Equations. 152-180 - Hao Wu
, Xiang Xu:
Strong Solutions, Global Regularity, and Stability of a Hydrodynamic System Modeling Vesicle and Fluid Interactions. 181-214 - Trygve K. Karper, Antoine Mellet, Konstantina Trivisa:
Existence of Weak Solutions to Kinetic Flocking Models. 215-243 - Pierre Germain, Nader Masmoudi
, Benoit Pausader:
Nonneutral Global Solutions for the Electron Euler-Poisson System in Three Dimensions. 267-278 - Naoyuki Ichihara, Shuenn-Jyi Sheu:
Large Time Behavior of Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations with Quadratic Nonlinearity in Gradients. 279-306 - Ismaël Bouya:
Instability of the Forced Magnetohydrodynamics System at Small Reynolds Number. 307-323 - Luca Mugnai, Christian Seis:
On the Coarsening Rates for Attachment-Limited Kinetics. 324-344 - Christophe Prange
Asymptotic Analysis of Boundary Layer Correctors in Periodic Homogenization. 345-387 - Yutian Lei:
Qualitative Analysis for the Static Hartree-Type Equations. 388-406 - Christof Melcher, Mariya Ptashnyk
Landau-Lifshitz-Slonczewski Equations: Global Weak and Classical Solutions. 407-429
Volume 45, Number 2, 2013
- Huanyao Wen, Changjiang Zhu
Global Classical Large Solutions to Navier-Stokes Equations for Viscous Compressible and Heat-Conducting Fluids with Vacuum. 431-468 - Frédéric Charve, Boris Haspot:
Existence of a Global Strong Solution and Vanishing Capillarity-Viscosity Limit in One Dimension for the Korteweg System. 469-494 - Ryan Hynd:
Partial Regularity of Weak Solutions of the Viscoelastic Navier-Stokes Equations with Damping. 495-517 - Steinar Evje:
A Compressible Two-Phase Model with Pressure-Dependent Well-Reservoir Interaction. 518-546 - Zhong Tan, Tong Yang
, Huijiang Zhao, Qingyang Zou:
Global Solutions to the One-Dimensional Compressible Navier-Stokes-Poisson Equations with Large Data. 547-571 - Valérie Le Blanc:
Persistence of Generalized Roll-Waves under Viscous Perturbation. 572-599 - Alexandre Nolasco de Carvalho, Jan W. Cholewa
, German Lozada-Cruz, Marcos Roberto Tovani-Palone:
Reduction of Infinite Dimensional Systems to Finite Dimensions: Compact Convergence Approach. 600-638 - András Kroó, Allan Pinkus:
On Stability of the Metric Projection Operator. 639-661 - Patricio Felmer, Miguel Yangari:
Fast Propagation for Fractional KPP Equations with Slowly Decaying Initial Conditions. 662-678 - Elena Beretta
, Maarten V. de Hoop, Lingyun Qiu:
Lipschitz Stability of an Inverse Boundary Value Problem for a Schrödinger-Type Equation. 679-699 - Josephus Hulshof, R. Nolet, Georg Prokert:
Existence of Solutions to the Diffusive VSC Model. 700-727 - Jaywan Chung
, Yong Jung Kim:
Addendum to "Relative Newtonian Potentials of Radial Functions and Asymptotics in Nonlinear Diffusion". 728-731 - Friedrich Littmann:
Quadrature and Extremal Bandlimited Functions. 732-747 - Cristiana Di Russo, Alice Sepe:
Existence and Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions to a Quasi-linear Hyperbolic-Parabolic Model of Vasculogenesis. 748-776 - Toan T. Nguyen, Walter A. Strauss:
Stability Analysis of Collisionless Plasmas with Specularly Reflecting Boundary. 777-808 - Frederic Frank Weller, Maria Neuss-Radu
, Willi Jäger:
Analysis of a Free Boundary Problem Modeling Thrombus Growth. 809-833 - Xueke Pu:
Dispersive Limit of the Euler-Poisson System in Higher Dimensions. 834-878 - Nicola Gigli, Jan Maas
Gromov-Hausdorff Convergence of Discrete Transportation Metrics. 879-899 - Tobias Ramming, Gerhard Rein:
Spherically Symmetric Equilibria for Self-Gravitating Kinetic or Fluid Models in the Nonrelativistic and Relativistic Case - A Simple Proof for Finite Extension. 900-914
Volume 45, Number 3, 2013
- Li Chen, Donatella Donatelli
, Pierangelo Marcati
Incompressible Type Limit Analysis of a Hydrodynamic Model for Charge-Carrier Transport. 915-933 - Jacob Bedrossian, Inwon C. Kim:
Global Existence and Finite Time Blow-Up for Critical Patlak-Keller-Segel Models with Inhomogeneous Diffusion. 934-964 - Maurizio Grasselli, Hao Wu
Long-Time Behavior for a Hydrodynamic Model on Nematic Liquid Crystal Flows with Asymptotic Stabilizing Boundary Condition and External Force. 965-1002 - Lucio Damascelli, Filomena Pacella:
Symmetry Results for Cooperative Elliptic Systems via Linearization. 1003-1026 - Rupert L. Frank
, Hynek Kovarík
Heat Kernels of Metric Trees and Applications. 1027-1046 - Adina Ciomaga, Jean-Michel Morel
A Proof of Equivalence between Level Lines Shortening and Curvature Motion in Image Processing. 1047-1067 - Hermen Jan Hupkes, Erik S. Van Vleck
Negative Diffusion and Traveling Waves in High Dimensional Lattice Systems. 1068-1135 - Grégoire Allaire, Zakaria Habibi:
Homogenization of a Conductive, Convective, and Radiative Heat Transfer Problem in a Heterogeneous Domain. 1136-1178 - Xiuqing Chen, Jian-Guo Liu
Analysis of Polymeric Flow Models and Related Compactness Theorems in Weighted Spaces. 1179-1215 - Yu Hou, Peng Zhao, Engui Fan, Zhijun Qiao:
Algebro-geometric Solutions for the Degasperis-Procesi Hierarchy. 1216-1266 - Mathieu Lewin
, Nicolas Rougerie:
Derivation of Pekar's Polarons from a Microscopic Model of Quantum Crystal. 1267-1301 - Valeria Chiadò Piat, Iryna Pankratova, Andrey Piatnitski
Localization Effect for a Spectral Problem in a Perforated Domain with Fourier Boundary Conditions. 1302-1327 - Pavel Gurevich
, Roman V. Shamin
, Sergey Tikhomirov
Reaction-Diffusion Equations with Spatially Distributed Hysteresis. 1328-1355 - Hai-Liang Li, Xinying Xu, Jianwen Zhang:
Global Classical Solutions to 3D Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic Equations with Large Oscillations and Vacuum. 1356-1387 - Paul Deuring:
Spatial Decay of Time-Dependent Incompressible Navier-Stokes Flows with Nonzero Velocity at Infinity. 1388-1421 - Jiang Xu, Jun Xiong, Shuichi Kawashima:
Global Well-Posedness in Critical Besov Spaces for Two-Fluid Euler-Maxwell Equations. 1422-1447 - Hao Jia, Vladimír Sverák:
Minimal L3-Initial Data for Potential Navier-Stokes Singularities. 1448-1459 - Agnes Lamacz, Ben Schweizer:
Effective Maxwell Equations in a Geometry with Flat Rings of Arbitrary Shape. 1460-1494 - Mikhail Isaev
, Roman G. Novikov
New Global Stability Estimates for Monochromatic Inverse Acoustic Scattering. 1495-1504 - Zheng Han, Daoyuan Fang:
On the Unconditional Uniqueness for NLS in đotHs. 1505-1526 - Romain Veltz, Olivier D. Faugeras:
A Center Manifold Result for Delayed Neural Fields Equations. 1527-1562 - Corrado Lattanzio
, Athanasios E. Tzavaras
Relative Entropy in Diffusive Relaxation. 1563-1584 - Julian Fischer
Advection-Driven Support Shrinking in a Chemotaxis Model with Degenerate Mobility. 1585-1615 - Mikhail Feldman, Adrian Tudorascu
On Lagrangian Solutions for the Semi-geostrophic System with Singular Initial Data. 1616-1640 - Juan Casado-Díaz
, Manuel Luna-Laynez
, Francisco Javier Suárez-Grau
Asymptotic Behavior of the Navier-Stokes System in a Thin Domain with Navier Condition on a Slightly Rough Boundary. 1641-1674 - Patricia Gaitan, Hiroshi Isozaki, Olivier Poisson, Samuli Siltanen
, Janne P. Tamminen:
Inverse Problems for Time-Dependent Singular Heat Conductivities - One-Dimensional Case. 1675-1690 - Yuzhao Wang
Periodic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation in Critical Hs(Tn) Spaces. 1691-1703 - Habib Ammari, Josselin Garnier, Knut Sølna:
Partial Data Resolving Power of Conductivity Imaging from Boundary Measurements. 1704-1722 - Lorenzo Giacomelli, José M. Mazón, Salvador Moll
The 1-Harmonic Flow with Values into S1. 1723-1740 - Feimin Huang, Yi Wang, Yong Wang, Tong Yang
The Limit of the Boltzmann Equation to the Euler Equations for Riemann Problems. 1741-1811 - Guido De Philippis
, Alessio Figalli
Sobolev Regularity for Monge-Ampère Type Equations. 1812-1824 - Paolo Acquistapace, Francesca Bucci
, Irena Lasiecka:
A Theory of the Infinite Horizon LQ-Problem for Composite Systems of PDEs with Boundary Control. 1825-1870 - Claude Bardos, Milton C. Lopes Filho, Dongjuan Niu, Helena J. Nussenzveig Lopes, Edriss S. Titi
Stability of Two-Dimensional Viscous Incompressible Flows under Three-Dimensional Perturbations and Inviscid Symmetry Breaking. 1871-1885 - Marina Ghisi
Asymptotic Limits for Mildly Degenerate Kirchhoff Equations. 1886-1906 - Didier Jesslé, Bum Ja Jin, Antonín Novotný:
Navier-Stokes-Fourier System on Unbounded Domains: Weak Solutions, Relative Entropies, Weak-Strong Uniqueness. 1907-1951 - Giuseppe Maria Capriani, Vesa Julin, Giovanni Pisante
A Quantitative Second Order Minimality Criterion for Cavities in Elastic Bodies. 1952-1991 - Namkwon Kim:
Corrigendum: Large Friction Limit and the Inviscid Limit of 2D Navier-Stokes Equations under Navier Friction Condition. 1992-1994 - Yihong Du
, Zhigui Lin:
Erratum: Spreading-Vanishing Dichotomy in the Diffusive Logistic Model with a Free Boundary. 1995-1996
Volume 45, Number 4, 2013
- Irena Pawlow, Wojciech M. Zajaczkowski:
Global Regular Solutions to a Kelvin-Voigt Type Thermoviscoelastic System. 1997-2045 - Eric Baer, Alexis F. Vasseur:
A Bound from Below on the Temperature for the Navier-Stokes-Fourier System. 2046-2063 - Constantine M. Dafermos:
Long Time Behavior of Periodic Solutions to Scalar Conservation Laws in Several Space Dimensions. 2064-2070 - Eric Joseph Hall
Higher Order Spatial Approximations for Degenerate Parabolic Stochastic Partial Differential Equations. 2071-2098 - Julien Sabin:
Charge Renormalization and Static Electron/Positron Pair Production for a Nonlinear Dirac Model with Weak Interactions. 2099-2147 - Michela Procesi
, Xindong Xu:
Quasi-Töplitz Functions in KAM Theorem. 2148-2181 - Samuel Walsh, Oliver Bühler, Jalal Shatah:
Steady Water Waves in the Presence of Wind. 2182-2227 - Jiaxing Hong, Ge Yang:
On the Regularity of Solutions to FENE Models. 2228-2252 - Jun Chen, Xing-Bin Pan
Functionals with Operator Curl in an Extended Magnetostatic Born-Infeld Model. 2253-2284 - Avner Friedman, Bei Hu
, James P. Keener:
The Diffusion Approximation for Linear Nonautonomous Reaction-Hyperbolic Equations. 2285-2298 - Mingwen Fei, Huicheng Yin:
Bound States of 2-D Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations with Potentials Tending to Zero at Infinity. 2299-2331 - Roberto Gianni
, Fabio Rosso
Modeling Degradating Dispersions in a Three-Dimensional Finite Container under General Boundary Conditions. 2332-2353 - Nicolas Popoff, Nicolas Raymond:
When the 3D Magnetic Laplacian Meets a Curved Edge in the Semiclassical Limit. 2354-2395 - Salah-Eldin A. Mohammed, Tusheng Zhang:
Stochastic Burgers Equation with Random Initial Velocities: A Malliavin Calculus Approach. 2396-2420 - Ansgar Jüngel
, Ines Viktoria Stelzer:
Existence Analysis of Maxwell-Stefan Systems for Multicomponent Mixtures. 2421-2440 - Benjamin J. Fehrman
Stochastic Homogenization of Monotone Systems of Viscous Hamilton-Jacobi Equations with Convex Nonlinearities. 2441-2476 - Chun Fang, Mats Gyllenberg
, Yi Wang:
Floquet Bundles for Tridiagonal Competitive-Cooperative Systems and the Dynamics of Time-Recurrent Systems. 2477-2498 - Nacira Agram, Sven Haadem, Bernt Øksendal, Frank Proske:
A Maximum Principle for Infinite Horizon Delay Equations. 2499-2522 - Sergey A. Nazarov
, Jari Taskinen:
Localization Estimates for Eigenfrequencies of Waves Trapped by a Freely Floating Body in a Channel. 2523-2545 - Asuka Takatsu:
Behaviors of φ-Exponential Distributions in Wasserstein Geometry and an Evolution Equation. 2546-2556 - Brendan Pass:
On a Class of Optimal Transportation Problems with Infinitely Many Marginals. 2557-2575 - Lucas Catão de Freitas Ferreira
, Gabriela Planas
, Elder J. Villamizar-Roa
On the Nonhomogeneous Navier-Stokes System with Navier Friction Boundary Conditions. 2576-2595
Volume 45, Number 5, 2013
- Qiangchang Ju, Fucai Li, Yong Li:
Asymptotic Limits of the Full Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic Equations. 2597-2624 - Michael Herrmann, Karsten Matthies
, Hartmut Schwetlick, Johannes Zimmer
Subsonic Phase Transition Waves in Bistable Lattice Models with Small Spinodal Region. 2625-2645 - Jean-Michel Coron, Zhiqiang Wang:
Output Feedback Stabilization for a Scalar Conservation Law with a Nonlocal Velocity. 2646-2665 - Wendong Wang
, Zhifei Zhang:
On the Interior Regularity Criteria for Suitable Weak Solutions of the Magnetohydrodynamics Equations. 2666-2677 - Xianpeng Hu
, Hao Wu
Global Solution to the Three-Dimensional Compressible Flow of Liquid Crystals. 2678-2699 - Sungwhan Kim, Alexandru Tamasan:
On a Calderón Problem in Frequency Differential Electrical Impedance Tomography. 2700-2709 - Qingshan Chen, Max D. Gunzburger, Mauro Perego:
Well-Posedness Results for a Nonlinear Stokes Problem Arising in Glaciology. 2710-2733 - Benjamin Gess:
Finite Speed of Propagation for Stochastic Porous Media Equations. 2734-2766 - Raluca Felea, Romina Gaburro
, Clifford J. Nolan:
Microlocal Analysis of SAR Imaging of a Dynamic Reflectivity Function. 2767-2789 - Guanggan Chen, Jinqiao Duan
, Jian Zhang:
Approximating Dynamics of a Singularly Perturbed Stochastic Wave Equation with a Random Dynamical Boundary Condition. 2790-2814 - Xianpeng Hu
, Guochun Wu:
Global Existence and Optimal Decay Rates for Three-Dimensional Compressible Viscoelastic Flows. 2815-2833 - Jeremy LeCrone
, Gieri Simonett:
On Well-Posedness, Stability, and Bifurcation for the Axisymmetric Surface Diffusion Flow. 2834-2869 - Shangbin Cui:
Asymptotic Stability of the Stationary Solution for a Parabolic-Hyperbolic Free Boundary Problem Modeling Tumor Growth. 2870-2893 - Steinar Evje:
Genuine Two-Phase Flow Dynamics with a Free Interface Separating Gas-Liquid Mixture from Gas. 2894-2923 - Ovidiu Costin, Saleh Tanveer, Michael I. Weinstein:
The Lifetime of Shape Oscillations of a Bubble in an Unbounded, Inviscid, and Compressible Fluid with Surface Tension. 2924-2936 - Miles H. Wheeler
Large-Amplitude Solitary Water Waves with Vorticity. 2937-2994 - Lincoln Chayes, Inwon Kim, Yao Yao
An Aggregation Equation with Degenerate Diffusion: Qualitative Property of Solutions. 2995-3018 - Xiaodong Li, Vladislav Voroninski:
Sparse Signal Recovery from Quadratic Measurements via Convex Programming. 3019-3033 - Hoai-Minh Nguyen
On a Regularized Scheme for Approximate Acoustic Cloaking Using Transformation Optics. 3034-3049 - Viet Ha Hoang, Christoph Schwab:
Sparse Tensor Galerkin Discretization of Parametric and Random Parabolic PDEs - Analytic Regularity and Generalized Polynomial Chaos Approximation. 3050-3083 - Corrado Mascia
, Marta Strani
Metastability for Nonlinear Parabolic Equations with Application to Scalar Viscous Conservation Laws. 3084-3113 - Xin Yang Lu, Dejan Slepcev
Properties of Minimizers of Average-Distance Problem via Discrete Approximation of Measures. 3114-3131 - Ben Adcock, Anders C. Hansen, Clarice Poon:
Beyond Consistent Reconstructions: Optimality and Sharp Bounds for Generalized Sampling, and Application to the Uniform Resampling Problem. 3132-3167 - Mathew A. Johnson
Stability of Small Periodic Waves in Fractional KdV-Type Equations. 3168-3193 - Quansen Jiu, Yi Wang, Zhouping Xin:
Vacuum Behaviors around Rarefaction Waves to 1D Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Density-Dependent Viscosity. 3194-3228
Volume 45, Number 6, 2013
- Heiko Berninger, Emmanuel Frénod, Martin J. Gander
, Mathias Liebendörfer, Jérôme Michaud
Derivation of the Isotropic Diffusion Source Approximation (IDSA) for Supernova Neutrino Transport by Asymptotic Expansions. 3229-3265 - Paolo Tilli, Davide Zucco
Asymptotics of the First Laplace Eigenvalue with Dirichlet Regions of Prescribed Length. 3266-3282 - Verena Bögelein
, Frank Duzaar
, Ugo Gianazza
Porous Medium Type Equations with Measure Data and Potential Estimates. 3283-3330 - Nicolai V. Krylov:
An Ersatz Existence Theorem for Fully Nonlinear Parabolic Equations without Convexity Assumptions. 3331-3359