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IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Volume 14
Volume 14, Number 1, January 1992
- Anil K. Jain:
Editor's Notice. 1-2
- Hin Leong Tan, Saul B. Gelfand, Edward J. Delp
A Cost Minimization Approach to Edge Detection Using Simulated Annealing. 3-18 - Xinhua Zhuang, Tao Wang, Peng Zhang:
A Highly Robust Estimator Through Partially Likelihood Function Modeling and Its Application in Computer Vision. 19-35 - Sarvajit S. Sinha, Brian G. Schunck:
A Two-Stage Algorithm for Discontinuity-Preserving Surface Reconstruction. 36-55 - Frederic F. Leymarie
, Martin D. Levine:
Simulating the Grassfire Transform Using an Active Contour Model. 56-75 - Marco Gori, Alberto Tesi
On the Problem of Local Minima in Backpropagation. 76-86
- Santosh S. Venkatesh, Demetri Psaltis:
On Reliable Computation With Formal Neurons. 87-91
Volume 14, Number 2, February 1992
- W. Eric L. Grimson, Daniel P. Huttenlocher:
Introduction to the Special Issue on Interpretation of 3-D Scenes. 97-98
- Edward H. Adelson, John Y. A. Wang:
Single Lens Stereo with a Plenoptic Camera. 99-106 - Michael Seibert, Allen M. Waxman:
Adaptive 3-D Object Recognition from Multiple Views. 107-124 - Fridtjof Stein, Gérard G. Medioni:
Structural Indexing: Efficient 3-D Object Recognition. 125-145 - Aaron F. Bobick, Robert C. Bolles:
The Representation Space Paradigm of Concurrent Evolving Object Descriptions. 146-156 - Régis Vaillant, Olivier D. Faugeras:
Using Extremal Boundaries for 3-D Object Modeling. 157-173 - Sven J. Dickinson, Alex Pentland, Azriel Rosenfeld:
3-D Shape Recovery Using Distributed Aspect Matching. 174-198 - Ernst D. Dickmanns, Birger D. Mysliwetz:
Recursive 3-D Road and Relative Ego-State Recognition. 199-213 - Yuan C. Hsieh, David M. McKeown, Frederic P. Perlant:
Performance Evaluation of Scene Registration and Stereo Matching for Artographic Feature Extraction. 214-238 - Paul J. Besl, Neil D. McKay:
A Method for Registration of 3-D Shapes. 239-256
- Hiroshi Ishiguro, Masashi Yamamoto, Saburo Tsuji:
Omni-Directional Stereo. 257-262 - Réjean Baribeau, Marc Rioux, Guy Godin:
Color Reflectance Modeling Using a Polychromatic Laser Range Sensor. 263-269 - Henri Maître, Wei Luo:
Using Models to Improve Stereo Reconstruction. 269-277 - In-So Kweon, Takeo Kanade:
High-Resolution Terrain Map from Multiple Sensor Data. 278-292 - Takeshi Shakunaga:
3-D Corridor Modeling from a Single View Under Natural Lighting Conditions. 293-298 - Marco Straforini, C. Coelho, Marco Campani
, Vincent Torre:
The Recovery and Understanding of a Line Drawing from Indoor Scenes. 298-303 - Prasanna G. Mulgaonkar, Cregg K. Cowan, Jeff L. DeCurtins:
Understanding Object Configurations using Range Images. 303-307
Volume 14, Number 3, March 1992
- Peter T. Sander, Steven W. Zucker:
Singularities of Principal Direction Fields from 3-D Images. 309-317 - Juyang Weng, Thomas S. Huang, Narendra Ahuja:
Motion and Structure from Line Correspondences; Closed-Form Solution, Uniqueness, and Optimization. 318-336 - Margaret M. Fleck:
Some Defects in Finite-Difference Edge Finders. 337-345 - James H. Duncan
, Tsai-Chia Chou:
On the Detection of Motion and the Computation of Optical Flow. 346-352 - Radu S. Jasinschi:
Intrinsic Constraints in Space-Time Filtering: A New Approach to Representing Uncertainty in Low-Level Vision. 353-366 - Donald Geman, George Reynolds:
Constrained Restoration and the Recovery of Discontinuities. 367-383
- Roland Wilson, Abhir Bhalerao:
Kernel Designs for Efficient Multiresolution Edge Detection and Orientation Estimation. 384-390 - Floriana Esposito
, Donato Malerba
, Giovanni Semeraro
Classification in Noisy Environments Using a Distance Measure Between Structural Symbolic Descriptions. 390-402
Volume 14, Number 4, April 1992
- Shang-Hong Lai
, Chang-Wu Fu, Shyang Chang:
A Generalized Depth Estimation Algorithm with a Single Image. 405-411 - Margaret M. Fleck:
Multiple Widths Yield Reliable Finite Differences (Computer Vision). 412-429 - Anothai Rattarangsi, Roland T. Chin:
Scale-Based Detection of Corners of Planar Curves. 430-449 - Yi Lu, Ramesh C. Jain:
Reasoning About Edges in Scale Space. 450-468 - Raghu Karinthi, Dana S. Nau:
An Algebraic Approach to Feature Interactions. 469-484
- Julian R. Ullmann:
Analysis of 2-D Occlusion by Subtracting Out. 485-489 - Iwao Sekita, Takio Kurita
, Nobuyuki Otsu:
Complex Autoregressive Model for Shape Recognition. 489-496 - Nahum Kiryati
, Alfred M. Bruckstein:
What's in a Set of Points? (Straight Line Fitting). 496-500
Volume 14, Number 5, May 1992
- Anil K. Jain:
Editor's Notice. 501
- James S. Duncan, Thomas Birkhölzer:
Reinforcement of Linear Structure using Parametrized Relaxation Labeling. 502-515 - Hirobumi Nishida, Shunji Mori:
Algebraic Description of Curve Structure. 516-533 - Ruud M. Bolle, Andrea Califano
, Rick Kjeldsen:
A Complete and Extendable Approach to Visual Recognition. 534-548 - Peter D. Holmes, Erland Jungert:
Symbolic and Geometric Connectivity Graph Methods for Route Planning in Digitized Maps. 549-565
- Nasser M. Nasrabadi:
A Stereo Vision Technique Using Curve-Segments and Relaxation Matching. 566-572 - Yuan-Fang Wang, Jih-Fang Wang:
Surface Reconstruction Using Deformable Models with Interior and Boundary Constraints. 572-579 - Hong Jeong, Chang-Ik Kim:
Adaptive Determination of Filter Scales for Edge Detection. 579-585 - Hermann Ney:
A Comparative Study of Two Search Strategies for Connected Word Recognition: Dynamic Programming and Heuristic Search. 586-595
Volume 14, Number 6, June 1992
- Jan J. Koenderink, Andrea J. van Doorn:
Generic Neighborhood Operators. 597-605 - James W. Modestino, Jun Zhang:
A Markov Random Field Model-Based Approach to Image Interpretation. 606-615 - Rakesh Mohan, Ramakant Nevatia:
Perceptual Organization for Scene Segmentation and Description. 616-635 - Stephen S. Wilson:
Theory of Matrix Morphology. 636-652 - Liang Ji, Jim Piper:
Fast Homotopy-Preserving Skeletons Using Mathematical Morphology. 653-664
- Behzad Kamgar-Parsi, Behrooz Kamgar-Parsi:
Quantization Error in Hexagonal Sensory Configurations. 665-671 - Robert A. Boie, Ingemar J. Cox
An Analysis of Camera Noise. 671-674 - H. S. Mallikarjuna, Luis F. Chaparro:
Iterative Composite Filtering for Image Restoration. 674-678 - Zi-Cai Li, Ching Y. Suen, Tien Dai Bui, Yuan Yan Tang, Quan Lin Gu:
Splitting-Integrating Method for Normalizing Images by Inverse Transformations. 678-686 - Dennis W. Ruck, Steven K. Rogers, Matthew Kabrisky, Peter S. Maybeck, Mark E. Oxley:
Comparative Analysis of Backpropagation and the Extended Kalman Filter for Training Multilayer Perceptrons. 686-691 - Roland Kuhn, Renato de Mori:
Corrections to "A Cache-Based Language Model for Speech Recognition". 691-692
Volume 14, Number 7, July 1992
- A. Ravishankar Rao, Ramesh C. Jain:
Computerized Flow Field Analysis: Oriented Texture Fields. 693-709 - Stéphane Mallat, Sifen Zhong:
Characterization of Signals from Multiscale Edges. 710-732 - Michail K. Tsatsanis, Georgios B. Giannakis
Object and Texture Classification Using Higher Order Statistics. 733-750 - John B. Hampshire II, Alex Waibel:
The Meta-Pi Network: Building Distributed Knowledge Representations for Robust Multisource Pattern Recognition. 751-769
- Noah S. Friedland, Azriel Rosenfeld:
Compact Object Recognition Using Energy-Function-Based Optimization. 770-777 - Ramakrishna Kakarala, Alfred O. Hero III:
On Achievable Accuracy in Edge Localization. 777-781 - Gabor T. Herman, K. T. Daniel Yeung:
On Piecewise-Linear Classification. 782-786
Volume 14, Number 8, August 1992
- Farzin Mokhtarian, Alan K. Mackworth:
A Theory of Multiscale, Curvature-Based Shape Representation for Planar Curves. 789-805 - Juyang Weng, Narendra Ahuja, Thomas S. Huang:
Matching Two Perspective Views. 806-825
- Mark Nitzberg, Takahiro Shiota:
Nonlinear Image Filtering with Edge and Corner Enhancement. 826-833 - Ernest M. Stokely, Shang You Wu:
Surface Parametrization and Curvature Measurement of Arbitrary 3-D Objects: Five Practical Methods. 833-840 - Chen-Chau Chu, Jake K. Aggarwal:
Image Interpretation Using Multiple Sensing Modalities. 840-847 - M. Ali Taalebinezhaad:
Direct Recovery of Motion and Shape in the General Case by Fixation. 847-853 - H. Al-Yousefi, S. S. Upda:
Recognition of Arabic Characters. 853-857 - Jun Gu, Wei Wang:
A Novel Discrete Relaxation Architecture. 857-865
Volume 14, Number 9, September 1992
- Louisa Lam, Seong-Whan Lee, Ching Y. Suen:
Thinning Methodologies - A Comprehensive Survey. 869-885 - James R. Bergen, Peter J. Burt, Rajesh Hingorani, Shmuel Peleg:
A Three-Frame Algorithm for Estimating Two-Component Image Motion. 886-896 - Robert L. Stevenson, Edward J. Delp
Viewpoint Invariant Recovery of Visual Surfaces from Sparse Data. 897-909 - Janusz Konrad, Eric Dubois:
Bayesian Estimation of Motion Vector Fields. 910-927 - S. H. Joseph, Tony P. Pridmore:
Knowledge-Directed Interpretation of Mechanical Engineering Drawings. 928-940
- Hiroshi Mitsumoto, Shinichi Tamura, Kozo Okazaki, Naoki Kajimi, Yutaka Fukui:
3-D Reconstruction Using Mirror Images Based on a Plane Symmetry Recovering Method. 941-946 - Lars Westberg:
Hierarchical Contour-Based Segmentation of Dynamic Scenes. 946-952 - Adrie C. M. Dumay, Mariëlle N. A. J. Claessens, Cees Roos, Jan J. Gerbrands, Johan H. C. Reiber:
Object Delineation in Noisy Images by a Modified Policy-Iteration Method. 952-958 - Minas E. Spetsakis, Yiannis Aloimonos:
Optimal Visual Motion Estimation: A Note. 959-964
Volume 14, Number 10, October 1992
- Juyang Weng, Paul R. Cohen, Marc Herniou:
Camera Calibration with Distortion Models and Accuracy Evaluation. 965-980 - Steven D. Cochran, Gérard G. Medioni:
3-D Surface Description from Binocular Stereo. 981-994 - Gem-Sun Jason Young, Rama Chellappa:
Statistical Analysis of Inherent Ambiguities in Recovering 3-D Motion from a Noisy Flow Field. 995-1013 - Hussein M. Alnuweiri, Viktor K. Prasanna:
Parallel Architectures and Algorithms for Image Component Labeling. 1014-1034
- Wu Wang, S. Sitharama Iyengar
Efficient Data Structures for Model-Based 3-D Object Recognition and Localization from Range Images. 1035-1045 - Hiroshi Murase:
Surface Shape Reconstruction of a Nonrigid Transport Object Using Refraction and Motion. 1045-1052 - S. J. Wan, S. K. Michael Wong:
A Partially Supervised Learning Algorithm for Linearly Separable Systems. 1052-1056 - Fionn Murtagh:
Comments on 'Parallel Algorithms for Hierarchical Clustering and Cluster Validity'. 1056-1057
Volume 14, Number 11, November 1992
- Lawrence H. Staib
, James S. Duncan:
Boundary Finding with Parametrically Deformable Models. 1061-1075 - Derek C. W. Pao
, Hon Fung Li, R. Jayakumar:
Shapes Recognition Using the Straight Line Hough Transform: Theory and Generalization. 1076-1089
- Mohammed Atiquzzaman
Multiresolution Hough Transform-An Efficient Method of Detecting Patterns in Images. 1090-1095 - Yoshihiko Nomura, Michihiro Sagara, Hiroshi Naruse, Atsushi Ide:
Simple Calibration Algorithm for High-Distortion Lens Camera. 1095-1099 - Daniel DeMenthon, Larry S. Davis:
Exact and Approximate Solutions of the Perspective-Three-Point Problem. 1100-1105 - Hayit Greenspan, Moshe Porat, Yehoshua Y. Zeevi:
Projection-Based Approach to Image Analysis: Pattern Recognition and Representation in the Position-Orientation Space. 1105-1110 - V. Venkateswar, Rama Chellappa:
Extraction of Straight Lines in Aerial Images. 1111-1114 - Xiaoli Wang, Gilles Bertrand
Some Sequential Algorithms for a Generalized Distance Transformation Based on Minkowski Operations. 1114-1121 - Kyoon Ha Lee, Kie-Bum Eom, Rangasami L. Kashyap:
Character Recognition Based on Attribute-Dependent Programmed Grammar. 1122-1128 - Ben-Kwei Jang, Roland T. Chin:
One-Pass Parallel Thinning: Analysis, Properties, and Quantitative Evaluation. 1129-1140
Volume 14, Number 12, December 1992
- Zhengyou Zhang, Olivier D. Faugeras:
Estimation of Displacements from Two 3-D Frames Obtained From Stereo. 1141-1156 - Andrea Califano
, Ruud M. Bolle:
The Multiple Window Parameter Transform. 1157-1170 - Joseph Segman, Jacob Rubinstein, Yehoshua Y. Zeevi:
The Canonical Coordinates Method for Pattern Deformation: Theoretical and Computational Considerations. 1171-1183
- Arun P. Tirumalai, Brian G. Schunck, Ramesh C. Jain:
Dynamic Stereo with Self-Calibration. 1184-1189 - Francis Y. L. Chin, Andrew Choi, Yuhua Luo:
Optimal Generating Kernels for Image Pyramids by Piecewise Fitting. 1190-1198 - Fridtjof Stein, Gérard G. Medioni:
Structural Indexing: Efficient 2D Object Recognition. 1198-1204 - Krishnan Rangarajan
, Mubarak Shah:
Interpretation of Motion Trajectories using Focus of Expansion. 1205-1210 - Michael P. Eckert, Gershon Buchsbaum, Andrew B. Watson:
Separability of Spatiotemporal Spectra of Image Sequences. 1210-1213 - Joseph H. Nurre, Ernest L. Hall
Encoded Moire Inspection Based on a Computer Solid Model. 1214-1218 - Jing-Fu Jenq, Sartaj Sahni:
Serial and Parallel Algorithms for the Medial Axis Transform. 1218-1224

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