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New Media & Society, Volume 24
Volume 24, Number 1, January 2022
- Steve Jones, David W. Park:
Editorial. 3-4 - Thomas Colley, Martin Moore:
The challenges of studying 4chan and the Alt-Right: 'Come on in the water's fine'. 5-30 - Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol, Francesca Belotti, Francesca Ieracitano, Simone Mulargia, Andrea Rosales, Francesca Comunello:
"I do it my way": Idioms of practice and digital media ideologies of adolescents and older adults. 31-49 - Caroline Keen:
Apathy, convenience or irrelevance? Identifying conceptual barriers to safeguarding children's data privacy. 50-69 - Ben Egliston, Marcus Carter:
Oculus imaginaries: The promises and perils of Facebook's virtual reality. 70-89 - Hollis Griffin:
The Politics of Merely Following: Witnessing AIDS on Instagram. 90-104 - Kimery S. Lynch:
Fans as transcultural gatekeepers: The hierarchy of BTS' Anglophone Reddit fandom and the digital East-West media flow. 105-121 - Rikke Amundsen:
Hetero-sexting as mediated intimacy work: 'Putting something on the line'. 122-137 - Kaitlyn Regehr:
In(cel)doctrination: How technologically facilitated misogyny moves violence off screens and on to streets. 138-155 - Sara Erreygers, Michelle Symons, Heidi Vandebosch, Sara Pabian:
Fictitious online victimization: Exploration and creation of a measurement instrument. 156-177 - Sangwon Lee, Michael Xenos:
Incidental news exposure via social media and political participation: Evidence of reciprocal effects. 178-201 - Lital Henig, Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann:
Witnessing Eva Stories: Media witnessing and self-inscription in social media memory. 202-226 - Anders Olof Larsson:
Picture-perfect populism: Tracing the rise of European populist parties on Facebook. 227-245 - Abby Youran Qin:
Book Review: The Evolution of the Chinese Internet: Creative Visibility in the Digital Age. 246-248 - Cameron Kunzelman:
Book Review: Against Flow: Video Games and the Flowing Subject. 248-249 - Pablo Gracia:
Book Review: The Digital Disconnect: The Social Causes and Consequences of Digital Inequalities. 250-251 - Reviewer acknowledgements for volume 23. 252-267
Volume 24, Number 2, February 2022
- Panayiota Tsatsou:
Editor's introduction. 271-278 - Axelle Asmar, Ilse Mariën, Leo Van Audenhove:
No one-size-fits-all! Eight profiles of digital inequalities for customized inclusion strategies. 279-310 - Phoebe Elers, Mohan J. Dutta, Steve Elers:
Culturally centring digital inclusion and marginality: A case study in Aotearoa New Zealand. 311-327 - Azeta Hatef:
"The Facebook is a state of Roma": Negotiating identities, building communities, and belongingness online among Roma in the Czech Republic. 328-344 - Holly A. Ritchie:
An institutional perspective to bridging the divide: The case of Somali women refugees fostering digital inclusion in the volatile context of urban Kenya. 345-364 - Zach Bastick, Marie Mallet-Garcia:
Double lockdown: The effects of digital exclusion on undocumented immigrants during the COVID-19 pandemic. 365-383 - Gerard Goggin, Karen Soldatic:
Automated decision-making, digital inclusion and intersectional disabilities. 384-400 - Nomy Bitman:
"Authentic" digital inclusion? Dis/ability performances on social media by users with concealable communicative disabilities. 401-419 - Herminder Kaur, Paula Saukko:
Social access: role of digital media in social relations of young people with disabilities. 420-436 - Giovanna Mascheroni, Davide Cino, Jakub Mikuska, David Smahel:
Explaining inequalities in vulnerable children's digital skills: The effect of individual and social discrimination. 437-457 - Arul Chib, Ming Wei Ang, Yingqin Zheng, Sarah Hoan Nguyen:
Subverted agency: The dilemmas of disempowerment in digital practices. 458-477 - Bianca C. Reisdorf, Julia R. Decook:
Locked up and left out: Formerly incarcerated people in the context of digital inclusion. 478-495 - Filippo Trevisan:
Beyond accessibility: Exploring digital inclusivity in US progressive politics. 496-513 - Fanny A. Ramirez:
The digital divide in the US criminal justice system. 514-529 - Patti M. Valkenburg, Irene I. van Driel, Ine Beyens:
The associations of active and passive social media use with well-being: A critical scoping review. 530-549 - Heath Row:
Book Review: The Voice Catchers: How Marketers Listen in to Exploit Your Feelings, Your Privacy, and Your Wallet. 550-552 - Weijuan Hu:
Book Review: The social structure of online communities. 552-554
Volume 24, Number 3, March 2022
- Laura Savolainen, Justus Uitermark, John D. Boy:
Filtering feminisms: Emergent feminist visibilities on Instagram. 557-579 - Seungae Lee, Lucy Atkinson, Yoon Hi Sung:
Online bandwagon effects: Quantitative versus qualitative cues in online comments sections. 580-599 - Sarah Mosseri:
Being watched and being seen: Negotiating visibility in the NYC ride-hail circuit. 600-620 - Joseph Seering, Geoff Kaufman, Stevie Chancellor:
Metaphors in moderation. 621-640 - Hyunjin Seo, Hannah Britton, Megha Ramaswamy, Darcey Altschwager, Mathew Blomberg, Shola Aromona, Bernard Schuster, Ellie Booton, Marilyn Ault, Joi Wickliffe:
Returning to the digital world: Digital technology use and privacy management of women transitioning from incarceration. 641-666 - Ingrid Richardson, Larissa Hjorth, Jordi Piera-Jimenez:
The emergent potential of mundane media: Playing Pokémon GO in Badalona, Spain. 667-683 - Sylvia Chan-Olmsted, Rang Wang:
Understanding podcast users: Consumption motives and behaviors. 684-704 - Sandra Banjac, Folker Hanusch:
A question of perspective: Exploring audiences' views of journalistic boundaries. 705-723 - Lauren B. McInroy, Oliver Wj Beer:
Wands up! Internet-mediated social advocacy organizations and youth-oriented connective action. 724-740 - Muira McCammon:
Tweeted, deleted: An exploratory study of the US government's digital memory holes. 741-759 - Manuel Goyanes, Márton Demeter:
Beyond positive or negative: Understanding the phenomenology, typologies and impact of incidental news exposure on citizens' daily lives. 760-777 - Edson C. Tandoc Jr., James Chong Boi Lee:
When viruses and misinformation spread: How young Singaporeans navigated uncertainty in the early stages of the COVID-19 outbreak. 778-796 - Kristina Stenström:
Involuntary childlessness online: Digital lifelines through blogs and Instagram. 797-814 - Amina Tariq, Diego Muñoz Sáez, Shanchita R. Khan:
Social media use and family connectedness: A systematic review of quantitative literature. 815-832
Volume 24, Number 4, April 2022
- Daria Gritsenko, Annette N. Markham, Holger Pötzsch, Mariëlle Wijermars:
Algorithms, contexts, governance: An introduction to the special issue. 835-844 - Anu Masso, Martha Chukwu, Stefano Calzati:
(Non)negotiable spaces of algorithmic governance: Perceptions on the Ubenwa health app as a 'relocated' solution. 845-865 - Krishnan Vasudevan, Ngai Keung Chan:
Gamification and work games: Examining consent and resistance among Uber drivers. 866-886 - Bidisha Chaudhuri:
Programmed welfare: An ethnographic account of algorithmic practices in the public distribution system in India. 887-902 - Lisa Reutter:
Constraining context: Situating datafication in public administration. 903-921 - Tiziano Bonini, Eleonora Maria Mazzoli:
A convivial-agonistic framework to theorise public service media platforms and their governing systems. 922-941 - Mariëlle Wijermars, Mykola Makhortykh:
Sociotechnical imaginaries of algorithmic governance in EU policy on online disinformation and FinTech. 942-963 - Mykola Makhortykh, Aleksandra Urman, Felix Victor Münch, Amélie Heldt, Stephan Dreyer, Matthias C. Kettemann:
Not all who are bots are evil: A cross-platform analysis of automated agent governance. 964-981 - Loup Cellard:
Algorithms as figures: Towards a post-digital ethnography of algorithmic contexts. 982-1000 - Stuart Gordon Spicer, Laura Louise Nicklin, Maria Uther, Joanne Lloyd, Helen Lloyd, James Close:
Loot boxes, problem gambling and problem video gaming: A systematic review and meta-synthesis. 1001-1022 - Josephine Hoy, Caitlin Lustig, Daniela K. Rosner:
Book Review: Failure. 1023-1026 - Sienna Helena Parker:
Book Review: An Internet for the People: The Politics and Promise of Craigslist. 1026-1028 - Sam Hunter:
Book Review: Image Objects: An Archeology of Computer Graphics. 1028-1030
Volume 24, Number 5, May 2022
- Ping Sun, Guoning Zhao, Zhen Liu, Xiaoting Li, Yunze Zhao:
Toward discourse involution within China's Internet: Class, voice, and social media. 1033-1052 - Riie Heikkilä, Adrian Leguina, Semi Purhonen:
The stratification of media usage in Finland, 2007-2018: Signs of socio-political polarization? 1053-1075 - Dafne Calvo:
Free software meets Facebook: Placing digital platforms' usage by free culture communities. 1076-1096 - Jan Svelch, Jaroslav Svelch:
"Definitive playthrough": Behind-the-scenes narratives in let's plays and streaming content by video game voice actors. 1097-1115 - Jessica Austin:
"I suppose I'll be patching you up, as usual": Women's roles and normative femininity in a team-based video game. 1116-1132 - Antonio Pineda, Elena Bellido-Pérez, Ana I. Barragán-Romero:
"Backstage moments during the campaign": The interactive use of Instagram by Spanish political leaders. 1133-1160 - Allwell Okechukwu Nwankwo:
Connectivity and communion: The mobile phone and the Christian religious experience in Nigeria. 1161-1178 - Colten Meisner, Andrew M. Ledbetter:
Participatory branding on social media: The affordances of live streaming for creative labor. 1179-1195 - Julia Jakob:
Supporting digital discourse? The deliberative function of links on Twitter. 1196-1215 - Sharon Ringel, Roei Davidson:
Proactive ephemerality: How journalists use automated and manual tweet deletion to minimize risk and its consequences for social media as a public archive. 1216-1233 - Joseph Downing, Richard Dron:
Theorising the 'Security Influencer': Speaking security, terror and Muslims on social media during the Manchester bombings. 1234-1257 - Erik Hermann:
Artificial intelligence and mass personalization of communication content - An ethical and literacy perspective. 1258-1277
Volume 24, Number 6, June 2022
- Tanja Aitamurto, Laura Aymerich-Franch, Jorge Saldivar, Catherine Kircos, Yasamin Sadeghi, Sukolsak Sakshuwong:
Examining augmented reality in journalism: Presence, knowledge gain, and perceived visual authenticity. 1281-1302 - Sacha Altay, Anne-Sophie Hacquin, Hugo Mercier:
Why do so few people share fake news? It hurts their reputation. 1303-1324 - Thomas Olesen:
Greta Thunberg's iconicity: Performance and co-performance in the social media ecology. 1325-1342 - Tal Morse, Michael Birnhack:
The posthumous privacy paradox: Privacy preferences and behavior regarding digital remains. 1343-1362 - Andreas Widholm, Ester Appelgren:
A softer kind of hard news? Data journalism and the digital renewal of public service news in Sweden. 1363-1381 - Evie Psarras:
"It's a mix of authenticity and complete fabrication" Emotional camping: The cross-platform labor of the Real Housewives. 1382-1398 - Luke Munn:
Thinking through silicon: Cables and servers as epistemic infrastructures. 1399-1416 - Verity Anne Trott:
'Gillette: The best a beta can get': Networking hegemonic masculinity in the digital sphere. 1417-1434 - Mayya Azarova, Michael Hazoglou, Eliah Aronoff Spencer:
Just slack it: A study of multidisciplinary teamwork based on ethnography and data from online collaborative software. 1435-1458 - Elena Pilipets, Susanna Paasonen:
Nipples, memes, and algorithmic failure: NSFW critique of Tumblr censorship. 1459-1480 - Johann Gründl:
Populist ideas on social media: A dictionary-based measurement of populist communication. 1481-1499 - Cristiane Melchior, Mírian Oliveira:
Health-related fake news on social media platforms: A systematic literature review. 1500-1522 - Jun Chen:
Book Review: Approaches to Internet Pragmatics: Theory and Practice. 1523-1526 - Rachel Anna Billington:
Book Review: Affective Politics of Digital Media: Propaganda by Other Means. 1526-1529 - Siwen Lu:
Book Review: The Routledge handbook of translation and media. 1529-1531
Volume 24, Number 7, July 2022
- Winifred R. Poster:
Introduction to special issue on scams, fakes, and frauds. 1535-1547 - Julia Ticona:
Red flags, sob stories, and scams: The contested meaning of governance on carework labor platforms. 1548-1566 - Elizabeth Anne Watkins:
"Have you learned your lesson?" Communities of practice under algorithmic competition. 1567-1590 - Alexandrea J. Ravenelle, Erica Janko, Ken Cai Kowalski:
Good jobs, scam jobs: Detecting, normalizing, and internalizing online job scams during the COVID-19 pandemic. 1591-1610 - Rafael Grohmann, Gabriel Pereira, Abel Guerra, Ludmila Costhek Abilio, Bruno Moreschi, Amanda Jurno:
Platform scams: Brazilian workers' experiences of dishonest and uncertain algorithmic management. 1611-1631 - Rebecca Lewis, Angèle Christin:
Platform drama: "Cancel culture, " celebrity, and the struggle for accountability on YouTube. 1632-1656 - Brooke Erin Duffy, Kate M. Miltner, Amanda Wahlstedt:
Policing "Fake" Femininity: Authenticity, Accountability, and Influencer Antifandom. 1657-1676 - Jasmine E. McNealy:
Platforms as phish farms: Deceptive social engineering at scale. 1677-1694 - Lana Swartz:
Theorizing the 2017 blockchain ICO bubble as a network scam. 1695-1713 - Pamela Camille Perrimon:
Book Review: Virtual Menageries: Animals as Mediators in Network Cultures. 1714-1716 - Carol Anderson-Reinhardt:
Book Review: Atlas of AI: Power, Politics, and the Planetary Costs of Artificial Intelligence. 1716-1718 - Liu Na:
Book Review: Trust and Communication: Findings and Implications of Trust Research. 1719-1722 - Amy Denmeade:
Book Review: How Artifacts Afford: The Power and Politics of Everyday Things. 1722-1724 - Mohammed Alrmizan:
Book Review: The Transformation of the Media System in Turkey: Citizenship, Communication, and Convergence. 1724-1726
Volume 24, Number 8, August 2022
- Catherine V. Talbot, Amelia Talbot, Danielle J. Roe, Pam Briggs:
The management of LGBTQ+ identities on social media: A student perspective. 1729-1750 - Christian Wiencierz, Marco Lünich:
Trust in open data applications through transparency. 1751-1770 - Dan Mercea:
Tying transnational activism to national protest: Facebook event pages in the 2017 Romanian #rezist demonstrations. 1771-1790 - Shira Dvir-Gvirsman:
Understanding news engagement on social media: A media repertoire approach. 1791-1812 - Paula Saukko, Amie Weedon:
Self-tracking of/and time: From technological to biographical and political temporalities of work and sitting. 1813-1829 - Teodora Mihailova:
Navigating ambiguous negativity: A case study of live chats. 1830-1851 - Katarzyna Gruszka, Madeleine Böhm:
Out of sight, out of mind? (In)visibility of/in platform-mediated work. 1852-1871 - Diana Zulli, David James Zulli:
Extending the Internet meme: Conceptualizing technological mimesis and imitation publics on the TikTok platform. 1872-1890 - Sarah Myers West:
Survival of the cryptic: Tracing technological imaginaries across ideologies, infrastructures, and community practices. 1891-1911 - Salla-Maaria Laaksonen, Joonas Koivukoski, Merja Porttikivi:
Clowning around a polarized issue: Rhetorical strategies and communicative outcomes of a political parody performance by Loldiers of Odin. 1912-1931 - Leon A. Salter:
#IamMetiria: A qualitative case study of agonistic welfare policy debates on Twitter. 1932-1949 - Paul Atkinson:
Book Review: Are Filter Bubbles Real? 1950-1952 - Jan Svelch:
Book Review: Creator Culture: An Introduction to Global Social Media Entertainment. 1952-1954 - Luca Carbone:
Book Review: Getting Signed: Record Contracts, Musicians, and Power in Society. 1954-1957 - Heath Row:
Book Review: Four internets: Data, geopolitics, and the governance of cyberspace. 1957-1960 - Krishnan Vasudevan:
Book Review: The Platform Economy: How Japan Transformed the Consumer Internet. 1960-1962
Volume 24, Number 9, September 2022
- Nathan Schneider:
Admins, mods, and benevolent dictators for life: The implicit feudalism of online communities. 1965-1985 - Alison Harvey:
Making the grade: Feminine lack, inclusion, and coping strategies in digital games higher education. 1986-2002 - James J. Cummings, Mina Tsay-Vogel, Tiernan J. Cahill, Li Zhang:
Effects of immersive storytelling on affective, cognitive, and associative empathy: The mediating role of presence. 2003-2026 - Maria Castaldo, Tommaso Venturini, Paolo Frasca, Floriana Gargiulo:
Junk news bubbles modelling the rise and fall of attention in online arenas. 2027-2045 - Minh Hao Nguyen, Jonathan Gruber, Will Marler, Amanda Hunsaker, Jaelle Fuchs, Eszter Hargittai:
Staying connected while physically apart: Digital communication when face-to-face interactions are limited. 2046-2067 - Yu Xu:
Evolution of audience duplication networks among social networking sites: Exploring the influences of preferential attachment, audience size, and niche width. 2068-2087 - Kaitlyn Burnell, Allycen R. Kurup, Marion K. Underwood:
Snapchat lenses and body image concerns. 2088-2106 - Naomi Barnes:
Parents, carers, and policy labor: Policy networks and new media. 2107-2126 - Pihla Toivanen, Matti Nelimarkka, Katja Valaskivi:
Remediation in the hybrid media environment: Understanding countermedia in context. 2127-2152 - Carla Anne Roos, Namkje Koudenburg, Tom Postmes:
Dealing with disagreement: The depolarizing effects of everyday diplomatic skills face-to-face and online. 2153-2176 - Lucas Graves:
Book Review: All the News That's Fit to Click: How Metrics Are Transforming the Work of Journalists. 2177-2179 - Meaghan McKasy:
Book Review: Media Reform and the Climate Emergency: Rethinking Communication in the Struggle for a Sustainable Future. 2179-2181 - Dooley Murphy:
Book Review: Reality Media: Augmented and Virtual Reality. 2181-2183 - Meryl Alper:
Book Review: Diminished faculties: A political phenomenology of impairment. 2184-2186 - Shasha Li, Yinchun Bai:
Book Review: Text as Data: A New Framework for Machine Learning and the Social Sciences. 2186-2188
Volume 24, Number 10, October 2022
- Jaana Davidjants, Katrin Tiidenberg:
Activist memory narration on social media: Armenian genocide on Instagram. 2191-2206 - Frank Mangold, Sebastian Stier, Johannes Breuer, Michael Scharkow:
The overstated generational gap in online news use? A consolidated infrastructural perspective. 2207-2226 - Rotem Medzini:
Enhanced self-regulation: The case of Facebook's content governance. 2227-2251 - Stephanie Orme:
"Just watching": A qualitative analysis of non-players' motivations for video game spectatorship. 2252-2269 - Yilang Peng, Tian Yang:
Anatomy of audience duplication networks: How individual characteristics differentially contribute to fragmentation in news consumption and trust. 2270-2290 - Soledad Altrudi, Christina Dunbar-Hester, Kate M. Miltner:
"Chinese Elm 1030595 . . . (or can I call you Dale??)": Communication and representation in mediated encounters with nonhuman others. 2291-2310 - Jeanna Sybert:
The demise of #NSFW: Contested platform governance and Tumblr's 2018 adult content ban. 2311-2331 - Louis-Etienne Dubois, Johanna Weststar:
Games-as-a-service: Conflicted identities on the new front-line of video game development. 2332-2353 - Emily K. Vraga, Melissa Tully, Leticia Bode:
Assessing the relative merits of news literacy and corrections in responding to misinformation on Twitter. 2354-2371 - Indira Neill Hoch:
Book Review: tumblr. 2372-2374 - David Myles Gustavsen:
Book Review: Why Hackers Win: Power and Disruption in the Network Society. 2374-2376 - Ruyi Wei, Changpeng Huan:
Book Review: The Language of Violent Jihad. 2376-2378 - Yiming Chen, Liming Liu:
Book Review: Artificial Intelligence in Cultural Production: Critical Perspectives on Digital Platforms. 2378-2380 - Corrigendum to "Proactive ephemerality: How journalists use automated and manual tweet deletion to minimize risk and its consequences for social media as a public archive". 2381
Volume 24, Number 11, November 2022
- Karin Fast, Pablo Abend:
Introduction to geomedia histories. 2385-2395 - Scott McQuire:
The city without qualities: Inventing urban computing. 2396-2418 - Steffen Krämer:
Revisiting the 'Epistemization' of Overlaying: The computerized mapping of disease project (MOD), 1965-1968. 2419-2437 - Tristan Thielmann:
Environmental conditioning: Mobile geomedia and their lines of becoming in the air, on land, and on water. 2438-2467 - Hendrik Bender, Max Kanderske:
Co-operative aerial images: A geomedia history of the view from above. 2468-2492 - Christoph Borbach:
An interlude in navigation: Submarine signaling as a sonic geomedia infrastructure. 2493-2513 - Jordan Frith:
A genealogy of social geomedia: The life, death, and (possible) afterlife of location-based social networks. 2514-2530 - Rowan Wilken, Julian Thomas:
Vertical geomediation: The automation and platformization of photogrammetry. 2531-2547 - Didem Özkul, Lee Humphreys:
Mobile times and temporalities: Histories of geomediation of time. 2548-2566 - Feng Zhu:
Book Review: Fun, Taste, & Games: An Aesthetics of the Idle, Unproductive, and Otherwise Playful. 2567-2569 - Morten Bay:
Book Review: Digital Media Ethics. 2569-2571 - Sijing Lu:
Book Review: Digital Media and Participatory Cultures of Health and Illness. 2571-2573 - Vikas Pathe:
Book Review: Social Media and Hate. 2573-2575 - Shaoqiang Zhang, Jiahua Bu:
Book Review: Translation and Social Media Communication in the Age of the Pandemic. 2575-2578
Volume 24, Number 12, December 2022
- Håkan Johansson, Gabriella Scaramuzzino:
The Phoenix syndrome: Netroots organizations strategies to gain and maintain digital resource abundance. 2581-2597 - Henrik Rydenfelt:
Transforming media agency? Approaches to automation in Finnish legacy media. 2598-2613 - Dam Hee Kim, Nicole B. Ellison:
From observation on social media to offline political participation: The social media affordances approach. 2614-2634 - Emily L. Matheson, Harriet G. Smith, Helena Lewis-Smith, Robert E. Arbon, Phillippa C. Diedrichs:
Game on! A randomised controlled trial evaluation of playable technology in improving body satisfaction and negative affect among adolescents. 2635-2658 - Qinfeng Zhu, Marko M. Skoric:
Political implications of disconnection on social media: A study of politically motivated unfriending. 2659-2679 - Donghee Shin:
The perception of humanness in conversational journalism: An algorithmic information-processing perspective. 2680-2704 - Jason Anthony Cain, Iveta Imre:
Everybody wants some: Collection and control of personal information, privacy concerns, and social media use. 2705-2724 - Pablo Boczkowski, Facundo Suenzo, Eugenia Mitchelstein, Neta Kligler-Vilenchik, Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt, Kaori Hayashi, Mikko Villi:
From the barbecue to the sauna: A comparative account of the folding of media reception into the everyday life. 2725-2742 - Jan P. Kluck, Nicole C. Krämer:
"What an idiot!" - How the appraisal of the writer of an uncivil comment impacts discussion behavior. 2743-2762 - Abby Youran Qin:
What about this blockchain thing? 2763-2770 - Lida Zeitlin-Wu:
Book Review: Safety Orange. 2771-2773 - Leslie Regan Shade:
Book Review: Privacy Is Hard and Seven Other Myths: Achieving Privacy Through Careful Design. 2773-2775
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