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Journal of Nonlinear Science, Volume 30
Volume 30, Number 1, February 2020
- Peter Ashwin
, Sofia B. S. D. Castro
, Alexander Lohse
Almost Complete and Equable Heteroclinic Networks. 1-22 - Hao Wu
, Frank Noé:
Variational Approach for Learning Markov Processes from Time Series Data. 23-66 - Tomoki Ohsawa
Geometric Kinematic Control of a Spherical Rolling Robot. 67-91 - Yong Chen, Lili Huang, Yue Liu:
On the Modelling of Shallow-Water Waves with the Coriolis Effect. 93-135 - Nadejda Drenska
, Robert V. Kohn
Prediction with Expert Advice: A PDE Perspective. 137-173 - Diego Alonso-Orán
, Aythami Bethencourt de León:
On the Well-Posedness of Stochastic Boussinesq Equations with Transport Noise. 175-224 - Rossen I. Ivanov
, Tony Lyons
, Nigel Orr:
Camassa-Holm Cuspons, Solitons and Their Interactions via the Dressing Method. 225-260 - Radu Ignat, Hamdi Zorgati:
Dimension Reduction and Optimality of the Uniform State in a Phase-Field-Crystal Model Involving a Higher-Order Functional. 261-282 - Stefan Klus
, Ingmar Schuster, Krikamol Muandet
Eigendecompositions of Transfer Operators in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces. 283-315 - Xiangming Zhang, Zhihua Liu:
Hopf Bifurcation for a Susceptible-Infective Model with Infection-Age Structure. 317-367 - Qun Liu, Daqing Jiang
, Tasawar Hayat, Ahmed Alsaedi:
Stationary Distribution and Extinction of a Stochastic HIV-1 Infection Model with Distributed Delay and Logistic Growth. 369-395 - Ruth E. Baker, Gergely Röst
Global Dynamics of a Novel Delayed Logistic Equation Arising from Cell Biology. 397-418 - Zhenyu Wang
, Qiang Ma, Zhen Yao, Xiaohua Ding:
The Magnus Expansion for Stochastic Differential Equations. 419-447 - Fuxiang Li, Junli Liu, Xiao-Qiang Zhao:
A West Nile Virus Model with Vertical Transmission and Periodic Time Delays. 449-486 - Sebastian Bauer
A Post-Newtonian Expansion Including Radiation Damping for a Collisionless Plasma. 487-536
Volume 30, Number 2, April 2020
- Ling Xu, Deng-Shan Wang, Xiao-Yong Wen, Yao-Lin Jiang:
Exotic Localized Vector Waves in a Two-Component Nonlinear Wave System. 537-564 - Rui Wang, Xiaoyue Li, George Yin:
Asymptotic Properties of Multi-species Lotka-Volterra Models with Regime Switching Involving Weak and Strong Interactions. 565-601 - Jason J. Bramburger
, Björn Sandstede
Spatially Localized Structures in Lattice Dynamical Systems. 603-644 - Christian Seis
On the Littlewood-Paley Spectrum for Passive Scalar Transport Equations. 645-656 - Fenfen Wang, Hongyu Cheng, Jianguo Si:
Response Solution to Ill-Posed Boussinesq Equation with Quasi-Periodic Forcing of Liouvillean Frequency. 657-710 - Dimitrios Giannakis
, Abbas Ourmazd
, Joanna Slawinska
, Zhizhen Zhao:
Correction to: Spatiotemporal Pattern Extraction by Spectral Analysis of Vector-Valued Observables. 711
Volume 30, Number 3, June 2020
- Jonas Isensee
, George Datseris
, Ulrich Parlitz
Predicting Spatio-temporal Time Series Using Dimension Reduced Local States. 713-735 - Adam Bridgewater, Benoît Huard
, Maia Angelova
Amplitude and Frequency Variation in Nonlinear Glucose Dynamics with Multiple Delays via Periodic Perturbation. 737-766 - Jianzhe Huang
Strange Dynamic Behavior Induced by Time Delay for a Rijke Tube System with Periodic Excitation. 767-791 - André Schlichting
The Exchange-Driven Growth Model: Basic Properties and Longtime Behavior. 793-830 - Vaughn Gzenda, Vakhtang Putkaradze
Integrability and Chaos in Figure Skating. 831-850 - Massimiliano Guzzo
, Christos Efthymiopoulos, Rocío I. Paez:
Semi-analytic Computations of the Speed of Arnold Diffusion Along Single Resonances in A Priori Stable Hamiltonian Systems. 851-901 - Filippo Riva
On the Approximation of Quasistatic Evolutions for the Debonding of a Thin Film via Vanishing Inertia and Viscosity. 903-951 - Meisen Chen
, Engui Fan
Long-Time Asymptotic Behavior for the Discrete Defocusing mKdV Equation. 953-990 - Xianguo Geng
, Ruomeng Li
, Bo Xue
A Vector General Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with (m+n) Components. 991-1013 - Daiyong Wu
, Hongyong Zhao
Spatiotemporal Dynamics of a Diffusive Predator-Prey System with Allee Effect and Threshold Hunting. 1015-1054 - Robert Willie
, Pan Zheng, Nabendra Parumasur, Chunlai Mu:
Asymptotic and Stability Dynamics of an HIV-1-Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes (CTL) Chemotaxis Model. 1055-1080 - John Kaminsky
, Björn Birnir
, Gregory P. Bewley, Michael Sinhuber
Reynolds Number Dependence of the Structure Functions in Homogeneous Turbulence. 1081-1114 - Marius Paicu, Ning Zhu:
On the Striated Regularity for the 2D Anisotropic Boussinesq System. 1115-1164 - Ross G. Lund, Cyrill B. Muratov
, Valeriy V. Slastikov
Edge Domain Walls in Ultrathin Exchange-Biased Films. 1165-1205 - Sean D. Lawley
, Jacob B. Madrid:
A Probabilistic Approach to Extreme Statistics of Brownian Escape Times in Dimensions 1, 2, and 3. 1207-1227 - Elisa Davoli
, Giovanni Di Fratta
Homogenization of Chiral Magnetic Materials: A Mathematical Evidence of Dzyaloshinskii's Predictions on Helical Structures. 1229-1262 - Florian Kogelbauer
Nonexistence of Periodic Orbits for Forced-Damped Potential Systems in Bounded Domains. 1263-1284
Volume 30, Number 4, August 2020
- Giuseppe Maria Coclite, Serena Dipierro
, Francesco Maddalena, Enrico Valdinoci
Singularity Formation in Fractional Burgers' Equations. 1285-1305 - Donghua Shi
, Dmitry V. Zenkov, Anthony M. Bloch:
Hamel's Formalism for Classical Field Theories. 1307-1353 - Elisenda Feliu
, Niclas Kruff, Sebastian Walcher
Tikhonov-Fenichel Reduction for Parameterized Critical Manifolds with Applications to Chemical Reaction Networks. 1355-1380 - Zhipeng An, Shan Gao, Donghua Shi
, Dmitry V. Zenkov:
A Variational Integrator for the Chaplygin-Timoshenko Sleigh. 1381-1419 - Aythami Bethencourt de Léon, Darryl D. Holm
, Erwin Luesink
, So Takao:
Implications of Kunita-Itô-Wentzell Formula for k-Forms in Stochastic Fluid Dynamics. 1421-1454 - Bertrand Lods
, Alessia Nota
, Federica Pezzotti:
A Kac Model for Kinetic Annihilation. 1455-1501 - Dongho Chae, Jörg Wolf:
On Liouville Type Theorem for Stationary Non-Newtonian Fluid Equations. 1503-1517 - Hoong Chieh Yeong
, Ryne T. Beeson
, Navaratnam Sri Namachchivaya, Nicolas Perkowski:
Particle Filters with Nudging in Multiscale Chaotic Systems: With Application to the Lorenz '96 Atmospheric Model. 1519-1552 - Zengji Du, Xiaoni Zhang, Huaiping Zhu
Dynamics of Nonconstant Steady States of the Sel'kov Model with Saturation Effect. 1553-1577 - Yang Wang, Xingfu Zou
On a Predator-Prey System with Digestion Delay and Anti-predation Strategy. 1579-1605 - Andrzej J. Maciejewski
, Maria Przybylska
Integrability Analysis of the Stretch-Twist-Fold Flow. 1607-1649 - Subhrajit Sinha
, Umesh Vaidya
On Data-Driven Computation of Information Transfer for Causal Inference in Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems. 1651-1676 - Margaret Beck, Eric Cooper
, Gabriel J. Lord
, Konstantinos Spiliopoulos:
Selection of Quasi-stationary States in the Stochastically Forced Navier-Stokes Equation on the Torus. 1677-1702 - Moon-Jin Kang, Alexis F. Vasseur:
Global Smooth Solutions for 1D Barotropic Navier-Stokes Equations with a Large Class of Degenerate Viscosities. 1703-1721 - Marco Caroccia
, Riccardo Cristoferi:
On the Gamma Convergence of Functionals Defined Over Pairs of Measures and Energy-Measures. 1723-1769 - Gabriella Pinzari
Perihelion Librations in the Secular Three-Body Problem. 1771-1808 - Steinar Evje, Michael Winkler:
Mathematical Analysis of Two Competing Cancer Cell Migration Mechanisms Driven by Interstitial Fluid Flow. 1809-1847 - Daniel Karrasch
, Johannes Keller:
A Geometric Heat-Flow Theory of Lagrangian Coherent Structures. 1849-1888
Volume 30, Number 5, October 2020
- Gary Froyland
, Eric Kwok
A Dynamic Laplacian for Identifying Lagrangian Coherent Structures on Weighted Riemannian Manifolds. 1889-1971 - Amit Surana:
Koopman Operator Framework for Time Series Modeling and Analysis. 1973-2006 - Nelida Crnjaric-Zic, Senka Macesic
, Igor Mezic:
Koopman Operator Spectrum for Random Dynamical Systems. 2007-2056 - Subhrajit Sinha
, Bowen Huang, Umesh Vaidya
On Robust Computation of Koopman Operator and Prediction in Random Dynamical Systems. 2057-2090 - Igor Mezic
Spectrum of the Koopman Operator, Spectral Expansions in Functional Spaces, and State-Space Geometry. 2091-2145 - Michael Vaiana, Sarah Feldt Muldoon
Multilayer Brain Networks. 2147-2169 - Scott Rich
, Michal Zochowski
, Victoria Booth:
Effects of Neuromodulation on Excitatory-Inhibitory Neural Network Dynamics Depend on Network Connectivity Structure. 2171-2194 - Elena Wu-Yan, Richard F. Betzel, Evelyn Tang
, Shi Gu, Fabio Pasqualetti
, Danielle S. Bassett:
Benchmarking Measures of Network Controllability on Canonical Graph Models. 2195-2233 - Zahra Aminzare, Biswadip Dey
, Elizabeth N. Davison, Naomi Ehrich Leonard:
Cluster Synchronization of Diffusively Coupled Nonlinear Systems: A Contraction-Based Approach. 2235-2257 - Philipp Hövel
, Aline Viol
, Philipp Loske, Leon Merfort, Vesna Vuksanovic
Synchronization in Functional Networks of the Human Brain. 2259-2282 - Joseph Emerson
, Amber Afelin, Viesulas Sliupas, Christian G. Fink
Identifying Influential Nodes in a Network Model of Epilepsy. 2283-2308 - Samira Khorshidi
, Mohammad Al Hasan, George O. Mohler, Martin B. Short
The Role of Graphlets in Viral Processes on Networks. 2309-2324 - Yves van Gennip
An MBO Scheme for Minimizing the Graph Ohta-Kawasaki Functional. 2325-2373 - Abd AlRahman R. AlMomani
, Erik M. Bollt:
Go With the Flow, on Jupiter and Snow. Coherence from Model-Free Video Data Without Trajectories. 2375-2404 - Georgi S. Medvedev
, Xuezhi Tang:
The Kuramoto Model on Power Law Graphs: Synchronization and Contrast States. 2405-2427 - Zachary M. Boyd
, Mason A. Porter, Andrea L. Bertozzi
Stochastic Block Models are a Discrete Surface Tension. 2429-2462
Volume 30, Number 6, December 2020
- K. Uldall Kristiansen
The Regularized Visible Fold Revisited. 2463-2511 - Heinz Hanßmann, Antonella Marchesiello, Giuseppe Pucacco:
On the Detuned $2\!{: }\!4$ Resonance. 2513-2544 - Linhe Zhu
, Mengtian Zhou, Zhengdi Zhang:
Dynamical Analysis and Control Strategies of Rumor Spreading Models in Both Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Networks. 2545-2576 - Brian Seguin, Yi-Chao Chen, Eliot Fried:
Closed Unstretchable Knotless Ribbons and the Wunderlich Functional. 2577-2611 - Paul Carter
Spike-Adding Canard Explosion in a Class of Square-Wave Bursters. 2613-2669 - Pierre Degond
, Antoine Diez, Amic Frouvelle
, Sara Merino Aceituno:
Phase Transitions and Macroscopic Limits in a BGK Model of Body-Attitude Coordination. 2671-2736 - Hildeberto Jardón-Kojakhmetov
, Christian Kuehn
On Fast-Slow Consensus Networks with a Dynamic Weight. 2737-2786 - Gennaro Ciampa
, Gianluca Crippa
, Stefano Spirito:
Weak Solutions Obtained by the Vortex Method for the 2D Euler Equations are Lagrangian and Conserve the Energy. 2787-2820 - Yu Feng
, Yuanyuan Feng, Gautam Iyer
, Jean-Luc Thiffeault
Phase Separation in the Advective Cahn-Hilliard Equation. 2821-2845 - Hao Kang, Xi Huo, Shigui Ruan
Nonlinear Physiologically Structured Population Models with Two Internal Variables. 2847-2884 - Robert J. Martin
, Jendrik Voss, Ionel-Dumitrel Ghiba
, Oliver Sander
, Patrizio Neff:
The Quasiconvex Envelope of Conformally Invariant Planar Energy Functions in Isotropic Hyperelasticity. 2885-2923 - Jaime Burgos-García, Alessandra Celletti, Catalin Gales, Marian Gidea
, Wai-Ting Lam:
Hill Four-Body Problem with Oblate Bodies: An Application to the Sun-Jupiter-Hektor-Skamandrios System. 2925-2970 - Hanna Okrasinska-Plociniczak
, Lukasz Plociniczak
Asymptotic Solution of a Boundary Value Problem for a Spring-Mass Model of Legged Locomotion. 2971-2988 - Karel Hasík, Jana Kopfová, Petra Nábelková, Sergei I. Trofimchuk
On the Geometric Diversity of Wavefronts for the Scalar Kolmogorov Ecological Equation. 2989-3026 - Bo Yang, Junchao Chen, Jianke Yang
Rogue Waves in the Generalized Derivative Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations. 3027-3056 - Rafail V. Abramov
Turbulent Energy Spectrum via an Interaction Potential. 3057-3087 - Guoqiang Zhang, Zhenya Yan
The Derivative Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with Zero/Nonzero Boundary Conditions: Inverse Scattering Transforms and N-Double-Pole Solutions. 3089-3127 - Hongyong Wang, Chunhua Ou
Propagation Speed of the Bistable Traveling Wave to the Lotka-Volterra Competition System in a Periodic Habitat. 3129-3159 - Ian Lizarraga
, Robert Marangell, Martin Wechselberger
Slow Unfoldings of Contact Singularities in Singularly Perturbed Systems Beyond the Standard Form. 3161-3198 - Cristian Guillermo Gebhardt
, Ignacio Romero
The Rotating Rigid Body Model Based on a Non-twisting Frame. 3199-3233 - M. Nicholas J. Moore
, C. Tyler Bolles, Andrew J. Majda, Di Qi:
Anomalous Waves Triggered by Abrupt Depth Changes: Laboratory Experiments and Truncated KdV Statistical Mechanics. 3235-3263 - J. Uria Albizuri
, Mathieu Desroches
, Martin Krupa, Serafim Rodrigues:
Inflection, Canards and Folded Singularities in Excitable Systems: Application to a 3D FitzHugh-Nagumo Model. 3265-3291 - Jack Thomas
Locality of Interatomic Interactions in Self-Consistent Tight Binding Models. 3293-3319 - Luzie Helfmann
, Enric Ribera Borrell
, Christof Schütte, Péter Koltai
Extending Transition Path Theory: Periodically Driven and Finite-Time Dynamics. 3321-3366 - Raghavendra Venkatraman, Vivekanand Dabade, Richard D. James
Bounds on the Energy of a Soft Cubic Ferromagnet with Large Magnetostriction. 3367-3388 - Xinye Li, Christof Melcher:
Lattice Solutions in a Ginzburg-Landau Model for a Chiral Magnet. 3389-3420 - W. A. Clarke, Robert Marangell
A New Evans Function for Quasi-Periodic Solutions of the Linearised Sine-Gordon Equation. 3421-3442 - K. Basnayake, Zeev Schuss, David Holcman:
Correction to: Asymptotic Formulas for Extreme Statistics of Escape Times in 1, 2 and 3-Dimensions. 3443-3444

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