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International Journal of Medical Informatics, Volume 129
Volume 129, September 2019
- Xiyue Wang
, Sen Yang, Ming Tang, Heng Yin, Hua Huang, Ling He:
HypernasalityNet: Deep recurrent neural network for automatic hypernasality detection. 1-12
- Stéphane M. Meystre
, Paul M. Heider
, Youngjun Kim
, Daniel B. Aruch, Carolyn D. Britten:
Automatic trial eligibility surveillance based on unstructured clinical data. 13-19 - Yarden Raiskin
, Carsten Eickhoff
, Patrick E. Beeler
Categorization of free-text drug orders using character-level recurrent neural networks. 20-28
- Elizabeth Stevens, Dennis Dixon
, Marlena Novack, Doreen Granpeesheh, Tristram H. Smith
, Erik Linstead:
Identification and analysis of behavioral phenotypes in autism spectrum disorder via unsupervised machine learning. 29-36 - Tiffany Kindratt, Librada Callender, Marjan Cobbaert, Jordan Wondrack
, Frank Bandiera, Deborah Salvo
Health information technology use and influenza vaccine uptake among US adults. 37-42 - Judith P. Monestime
, Adam I. Biener
, Monica Wolford, Patricia Mason:
Characteristics of office-based providers associated with secure electronic messaging use: Achieving meaningful use. 43-48
- Aitziber Atutxa
, Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza, Koldo Gojenola
, Maite Oronoz
, Olatz Perez-de-Viñaspre
Interpretable deep learning to map diagnostic texts to ICD-10 codes. 49-59
- Gonçalo Pimentel, Susana Rodrigues
, Pedro Alberto Silva
, António Vilarinho, Rui Vaz
, João Paulo Silva Cunha
A wearable approach for intraoperative physiological stress monitoring of multiple cooperative surgeons. 60-68 - Jennifer A. Villwock
, Mark R. Villwock
, Jacob New
, Gregory Ator:
The false vital sign: When pain levels are not predictive of discharge opioid prescriptions. 69-74 - Henk Scheper, Roxanne Derogee
, R. Mahdad, Robert J. P. van der Wal, Rob G. H. H. Nelissen, Leo G. Visser
, Mark G. J. de Boer
A mobile app for postoperative wound care after arthroplasty: Ease of use and perceived usefulness. 75-80
- Gaurav Trivedi
, Charmgil Hong, Esmaeel R. Dadashzadeh, Robert M. Handzel
, Harry Hochheiser
, Shyam Visweswaran:
Identifying incidental findings from radiology reports of trauma patients: An evaluation of automated feature representation methods. 81-87
- April Savoy
, Laura G. Militello
, Julie Diiulio, Amanda M. Midboe, Michael Weiner
, Hamed Abbaszadegan, Jennifer Herout:
Cognitive requirements for primary care providers during the referral process: Information needed from and interactions with an electronic health record system. 88-94 - Rubén Martín Payo
, M. M. Fernandez Álvarez, María Blanco Díaz
, M. Cuesta Izquierdo, Stoyan R. Stoyanov
, E. Llaneza Suárez:
Spanish adaptation and validation of the Mobile Application Rating Scale questionnaire. 95-99
- Arantza Casillas
, Nerea Ezeiza
, Iakes Goenaga, Alicia Pérez
, Xabier Soto
Measuring the effect of different types of unsupervised word representations on Medical Named Entity Recognition. 100-106
- Martin Lademann, Mette Lademann
, Anders Boeck Jensen, Søren Brunak:
Incorporating symptom data in longitudinal disease trajectories for more detailed patient stratification. 107-113
- Christian Gulden, Melanie Kirchner, Christina Schüttler
, Marc Hinderer, Marvin O. Kampf
, Hans-Ulrich Prokosch, Dennis Toddenroth:
Extractive summarization of clinical trial descriptions. 114-121 - Hong-Jie Dai
, Chen-Kai Wang:
Classifying adverse drug reactions from imbalanced twitter data. 122-132
- Shujaat Hussain
, Maqbool Hussain
, Muhammad Afzal
, Jamil Hussain
, Jae Hun Bang, Hyonwoo Seung, Sungyoung Lee:
Semantic preservation of standardized healthcare documents in big data. 133-145 - Kristie E. N. Clarke
, Caroline Phiri Chibawe, Idongesit Essiet-Gibson, Francis Dien Mwansa, Sara Jacenko, Chulwoo Rhee, Maggy Kwendakwape, Andrew Kashoka
, Adam MacNeil:
Strengths, pitfalls, and lessons learned in implementing electronic collection of childhood vaccination data in Zambia: The SmartCare experience. 146-153
- Rajat Kumar Behera, Pradip Kumar Bala, Amandeep Dhir
The emerging role of cognitive computing in healthcare: A systematic literature review. 154-166
- Tahseen Jilani, Gemma Housley, Grazziela P. Figueredo
, Pui-Shan Tang, Jim Hatton, Dominick Shaw:
Short and Long term predictions of Hospital emergency department attendances. 167-174 - Shanshan Liu, Fengyi Zhang, Lingling Xie, Ying Wang, Qiufen Xiang, Zhiying Yue, Yue Feng, Yanmeng Yang, Junying Li, Li Luo, Chunhua Yu:
Machine learning approaches for risk assessment of peripherally inserted Central catheter-related vein thrombosis in hospitalized patients with cancer. 175-183 - Nicholas W. Sterling, Rachel E. Patzer, Mengyu Di
, Justin D. Schrager:
Prediction of emergency department patient disposition based on natural language processing of triage notes. 184-188 - Gema Hernandez-Ibarburu
, David Pérez-Rey, Enrique Alonso-Oset, Raúl Alonso-Calvo
, Kristof de Schepper, Laura Meloni, Brecht Claerhout:
ICD-10-CM extension with ICD-9 diagnosis codes to support integrated access to clinical legacy data. 189-197 - Alberto de Ramón-Fernández
, Daniel Ruiz Fernández
, María Teresa Prieto Sánchez
A decision support system for predicting the treatment of ectopic pregnancies. 198-204 - Joshua R. Vest, Ofir Ben-Assuli
Prediction of emergency department revisits using area-level social determinants of health measures and health information exchange information. 205-210 - Gillian Strudwick, Lynn M. Nagle, Alicia Morgan, Margaret Ann Kennedy, Leanne M. Currie, Brian Lo, Peggy A. White:
Adapting and validating informatics competencies for senior nurse leaders in the Canadian context: Results of a Delphi study. 211-218 - Mahmoud Nadar
, Philippe Jouvet, Marisa Tucci, Baruch Toledano, Martin Cyr, Claude Sicotte:
The implementation of a synchronous telemedicine platform linking off-site pediatric intensivists and on-site fellows in a pediatric intensive care unit: A feasibility study. 219-225
- Hugo J. Th. van Mens
, Ruben D. Duijm, Remko Nienhuis, Nicolette F. de Keizer, Ronald Cornet
Determinants and outcomes of patient access to medical records: Systematic review of systematic reviews. 226-233
- Lei Liu
, Yizhao Ni
, Nanhua Zhang
, J. Nick Pratap
Mining patient-specific and contextual data with machine learning technologies to predict cancellation of children's surgery. 234-241
- Nicole A. Maher, Joeky Tamba Senders, Alexander F. C. Hulsbergen, Nayan Lamba, Michael Parker, Jukka-Pekka Onnela, Annelien L. Bredenoord, Timothy R. Smith, Marike Lianne Daphne Broekman:
Passive data collection and use in healthcare: A systematic review of ethical issues. 242-247
- Venancio García Calderón, Iván Alejandro Figueiras Huante, Miguel Carbajal Martínez, Reyna Elizabeth Yacaman Handal, Diana Palami Antunez, Maria Elena Soto
, Solange Gabriela Koretzky:
The impact of improving the quality of coding in the utilities of Diagnosis Related Groups system in a private healthcare institution. 14-year experience. 248-252 - Johanna I. Westbrook
, Ling Li
, Sonal Shah, Elin C. Lehnbom
, Mirela Prgomet
, Behnaz Schofield, Kathrin M. Cresswell, Ann Slee, Jamie J. Coleman
, Lucy McCloughan, Aziz Sheikh
A cross-country time and motion study to measure the impact of electronic medication management systems on the work of hospital pharmacists in Australia and England. 253-259 - Young-Rock Hong
, Kea Turner, Sandhya Yadav
, Jinhai Huo, Arch G. Mainous III:
Trends in e-visit adoption among U.S. office-based physicians: Evidence from the 2011-2015 NAMCS. 260-266 - Emanuele Frontoni, Adriano Mancini, Marco Baldi, Marina Paolanti, Sara Moccia
, Primo Zingaretti, Vincenzo Landro, Paolo Misericordia:
Sharing health data among general practitioners: The Nu.Sa. project. 267-274
- Mirela Prgomet
, Julie Li, Ling Li
, Andrew Georgiou
, Johanna I. Westbrook
The impact of electronic meal ordering systems on hospital and patient outcomes: A systematic review. 275-284 - Bethany A. Van Dort
, Wu Yi Zheng, Melissa T. Baysari
Prescriber perceptions of medication-related computerized decision support systems in hospitals: A synthesis of qualitative research. 285-295
- Caren Serra Bavaresco, Silvana Bragança, Vithória Vencato, Brenda Feltes, Giordano Santana Sória, Myrian Camara Brew, Flávio Renato de Moura
, Otávio Pereira D'Ávila, Roberto Nunes Umpierre, Erno Harzheim, Jonas Almeida Rodrigues
Performance of primary healthcare dentists in a distance learning course in pediatric dentistry. 296-302 - Ricardo Kleinlein, David Riaño
Persistence of data-driven knowledge to predict breast cancer survival. 303-311 - Morten Hertzum
, Gunnar Ellingsen:
The implementation of an electronic health record: Comparing preparations for Epic in Norway with experiences from the UK and Denmark. 312-317 - James Todd, Adrian Gepp
, Brent Richards
, Bruce James Vanstone
Improving mortality models in the ICU with high-frequency data. 318-323
- Antonios Tsertsidis
, Ella Kolkowska, Karin Hedström
Factors influencing seniors' acceptance of technology for ageing in place in the post-implementation stage: A literature review. 324-333
- Tielman T. Van Vleck, Lili Chan, Steven G. Coca, Catherine K. Craven, Ron Do, Stephen B. Ellis, Joseph L. Kannry, Ruth J. F. Loos
, Peter A. Bonis, Judy Cho, Girish N. Nadkarni:
Augmented intelligence with natural language processing applied to electronic health records for identifying patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease at risk for disease progression. 334-341 - Maria Jacobs
, Liesbeth J. Boersma, Rachelle Swart, Rob Mannens, Bart Reymen, Fred Körver, Frits van Merode
, Andre Dekker
Electronic Health Record implementation in a large academic radiotherapy department: Temporarily disruptions but long-term benefits. 342-348 - Julian Hamm, Arthur G. Money
, Anita Atwal:
Guidetomeasure-OT: A mobile 3D application to improve the accuracy, consistency, and efficiency of clinician-led home-based falls-risk assessments. 349-365 - Hwayoung Cho
, Dakota Powell, Adrienne Pichon, Lisa M. Kuhns, Robert Garofalo
, Rebecca Schnall
Eye-tracking retrospective think-aloud as a novel approach for a usability evaluation. 366-373 - Lina Zhou, Tariq Siddiqui, Stephen L. Seliger, Jacob B. Blumenthal, Yin Kang, Rebecca Doerfler, Jeffrey C. Fink:
Text preprocessing for improving hypoglycemia detection from clinical notes - A case study of patients with diabetes. 374-380 - Tariq Osman Andersen
, Karen Dam Nielsen, Jonas Moll, Jesper Hastrup Svendsen
Unpacking telemonitoring work: Workload and telephone calls to patients in implanted cardiac device care. 381-387 - Tomasz Jadczyk
, Oskar Kiwic, Raj M. Khandwalla, Krzysztof Grabowski
, Slawomir Rudawski, Przemyslaw Magaczewski, Hafidha Benyahia, Wojciech Wojakowski, Timothy D. Henry:
Feasibility of a voice-enabled automated platform for medical data collection: CardioCube. 388-393
- April W. Savoy
, Laura G. Militello
, Julie DiIulio, Amanda M. Midboe, Michael Weiner, Hamed Abbaszadegan, Jennifer Herout:
Erratum to "Cognitive requirements for primary care providers during the referral process: Information needed from and interactions with an electronic health record system" [Int. J. Med. Inform. 129 (2019) 88-94]. 394
- Ainhoa Yera
, Javier Muguerza
, Olatz Arbelaitz
, Iñigo Perona
, Richard Keers
, Darren Ashcroft
, Richard Williams
, Niels Peek, Caroline Jay
, Markel Vigo
Modelling the interactive behaviour of users with a medication safety dashboard in a primary care setting. 395-403 - Elisa Maria Zini, Giordano Lanzola, Silvana Quaglini, Paolo Bossi
, Lisa Licitra
, Carlo Resteghini
A pilot study of a smartphone-based monitoring intervention on head and neck cancer patients undergoing concurrent chemo-radiotherapy. 404-412
- Juri Yanase
, Evangelos Triantaphyllou
The seven key challenges for the future of computer-aided diagnosis in medicine. 413-422
- Joanna Abraham, Joanna Jaros, Imade Ihianle, Karl Kochendorfer
, Thomas George Kannampallil
Impact of EHR-based rounding tools on interactive communication: A prospective observational study. 423-429 - Rachida Parks, Rolf T. Wigand, Mohammed Bennani Othmani, Zineb Serhier, Omar Bouhaddou:
Electronic health records implementation in Morocco: Challenges of silo efforts and recommendations for improvements. 430-437

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