IEICE Transactions on Communications, Volume 99-B

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Volume 99-B, Number 1, January 2016

Special Section on Recent Progress in Antennas, Propagation and Wireless Systems Related to Topics in ISAP2014 Regular Section

Volume 99-B, Number 2, February 2016

Special Section on Management for the Era of Internet of Things and Big Data Regular Section

Volume 99-B, Number 3, March 2016

Special Section on Information and Communication Technology for Healthcare and Medical Applications in Conjunction with Main Topics of ISMICT2015 Regular Section

Volume 99-B, Number 4, April 2016

Special Section on Autonomous Decentralized Systems Technologies and Applications for Next-Generation Social Infrastructure Regular Section

Volume 99-B, Number 5, May 2016

Special Section on Internet Architectures and Management Methods that Enable Flexible and Secure Deployment of Network Services Regular Section

Volume 99-B, Number 6, June 2016

Special Section on European ICT R&D Project Activities on Broadband Access Technologies in Conjunction with Main Topics of 2015 IEICE ICT Forum Regular Section

Volume 99-B, Number 7, July 2016

Regular Section

Volume 99-B, Number 8, August 2016

Special Section on Advanced Information and Communication Technologies and Services in Conjunction with Main Topics of APCC2015 Regular Section

Volume 99-B, Number 9, September 2016

Special Section on Integration Technologies of Ambient Intelligence and Sensor Networks Regular Section

Volume 99-B, Number 10, October 2016

Special Section on Satellite Communication Technologies in Conjunction with Main Topics of JC-SAT2015 Regular Section

Volume 99-B, Number 11, November 2016

Special Section on Deepening and Expanding of Information Network Science Regular Section

Volume 99-B, Number 12, December 2016

Special Section on Information Centric Networking: Paradigms, Technologies, and Applications Regular Section