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IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications, Volume 4
Volume 4, Number 1, January 2017
- Sophie Pinchinat, François Schwarzentruber:
Preface. - Anna Zamansky:
Teaching Logic to Information Systems Student: A Student-centric Approach. - Gilles Dowek:
Rules and Derivations in an Elementary Logic Course. - Johan van Benthem:
An Old Discipline with a New Twist: The Course "Logic in Action". - Jørgen Villadsen, Alexander Birch Jensen, Anders Schlichtkrull:
NaDeA: A Natural Deduction Assistant with a Formalization in Isabelle. - María Manzano, Nitsa Movshovitz-Hadar, Diane Resek:
Leon Henkin: A Logician's View on Mathematics Education. - Ryo Hatano, Katsuhiko Sano, Satoshi Tojo:
Teaching Modal Logic from the Linear Algebraic Viewpoint. - Patrick Blackburn:
The New Trivium. - John Slaney:
Logic for Fun: An Online Tool for Logical Modelling. - Declan Thompson, Jeremy Seligman:
Teaching Natural Deduction in the Right Order with Natural Deduction Planner.
Volume 4, Number 2, March 2017
- Stergios Chatzikyriakidis, Fabio Pasquali, Christian Retoré:
Introduction to "Hilbert's epsilon and tau in Logic, Informatics and Linguistics". - Claus-Peter Wirth:
Barry Hartley Slater (1936-2016): A Logical Obituary. - Stergios Chatzikyriakidis, Fabio Pasquali, Christian Retoré:
From Logical and Linguistic Generics to Hilbert's tau and epsilon Quantifiers. - V. Michele Abrusci:
Hilbert's tau and epsilon in Proof Theoretical Foundations of Mathematics: An Introduction. - Hartley Slater:
(∃y)(y = exFx). - David DeVidi, Corey Mulvihill:
Buying Logical Principles with Ontological Coin: The Metaphysical Lessons of Adding epsilon to Intuitionistic Logic. - Nissim Francez, Bartosz Wieckowski:
A Proof Theory for First-order Logic with Definiteness. - Norbert Gratzl, Georg Schiemer:
Two Types of Indefinites: Hilbert & Russell. - Hans Leiß:
On Equality of Contexts and Completeness of the Indexed epsilon-Calculus. - Sumiyo Nishiguchi:
Noun Phrases in Japanese and epsilon-iota-tau Calculi. - Fabio Pasquali:
Hilbert's epsilon-operator in Doctrines. - Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo, Giselle Reis:
Epsilon Terms in Intuitionistic Sequent Calculus. - Sergei Soloviev:
Studies of Hilbert's epsilon-operator in the USSR. - Claus-Peter Wirth:
A Simplified and Improved Free-variable Framework for Hilbert's epsilon as an Operator of Indefinite Committed Choice. - Claus-Peter Wirth:
The Explicit Definition of Quantifiers via Hilbert's epsilon is Confluent and Terminating.
Volume 4, Number 3, April 2017
- Katalin Bimbó, J. Michael Dunn:
Introduction. - Katalin Bimbó, J. Michael Dunn:
The Emergence of Set-theoretical Semantics for Relevance Logics around 1970. - Alasdair Urquhart:
The Geometry of Relevant Implication. - Arnon Avron:
Cut-elimination in RM Proved Semantically. - Guillermo Badia:
Model Definability in Relevant Logic. - Chrysafis Hartonas:
Kripke-Galois Frames and their Logics. - Edwin D. Mares, Shawn Standefer:
The Relevant Logic E and Some Close Neighbours: A Reinterpretation. - Andrew Tedder:
Channel Composition and Ternary Relation Semantics. - Ross T. Brady:
Some Concerns Regarding Ternary-relation Semantics and Truth-theoretic Semantics in General. - Bryson Brown:
A Preservationist Perspective on Relevance Logic. - Nicholas Ferenz:
Ambiguity and the Semantics of Relevant Logic.
Volume 4, Number 4, November 2017
- Sara Negri:
Correction note to "Proof theory for non-normal modal logics: The neighbourhood formalism". - A. Burdman Feferman, Vladimir Lifschitz:
In Memoriam: Grigori E. Mints, 1939-2014. - Sergei Soloviev:
Grigori Mints, a Proof Theorist in the USSR: Some Personal Recollections in a Scientific Context. - Anatoly M. Vershik:
About Grisha Mints. - Theodora Achourioti, Michiel van Lambalgen:
Kant'sLogicRevisited. - Ryota Akiyoshi:
An Ordinal-free Proof of the Complete Cut-elimination Theorem for \Pi^1_1-CA+BI with the omega-rule. - Paola D'Aquino, Angus Macintyre:
Model Theory of Some Local Rings. - Matthias Baaz, Alexander Leitsch:
On the Complexity of Translations from Classical to Intuitionistic Proofs. - Stepan I. Bashmakov, Anna V. Kosheleva, Vladimir V. Rybakov:
Unification for Multi-Agent Temporal Logics with Universal Modality. - Marcos Cramer:
Implicit Dynamic Function Introduction and Ackermann-like FunctionTheory. - Michel De Glas:
Locology and Localistic Logic: MathematicalandEpistemologicalAspects. - Dima Grigoriev, Vladimir Shpilrain:
Secure Multiparty Computation without One-way Functions. - Jaakko Hintikka:
IF Logic and Linguistic Theory. - Gabriel Sandu:
Commentary on Jaakko Hintikka's "IF Logic and Linguistic Theory". - Spencer Johnston, Wilfrid Hodges:
Medieval Modalities and Modern Method: Avicenna and Buridan. - Rosalie Iemhoff:
On the Existence of Alternative Skolemization Methods. - Reinhard Kahle:
The logical Cone. - Makoto Kanazawa:
Parsing and Generation as Datalog Query Evaluation. - Yuri I. Manin:
Foundations as Superstructure (Reflections of a practicing mathematician). - Grigori Mints:
Classical and Intuitionistic Geometric Logic. - Roy Dyckhoff, Sara Negri:
Commentary on Grigori Mints' "Classical and Intuitionistic Geometric Logic". - Sara Negri:
Proof Theory for Non-normal Modal Logics: The Neighbourhood Formalism and Basic Results. - Valeria de Paiva, Harley Eades III:
Constructive Temporal Logic, Categorically. - Andrei Patkul:
The Historical Role of Kant's Views on Logic. - Francis Jeffry Pelletier:
The Logic for Metaphysical Conceptions of Vagueness. - Graham Priest:
A Note on the Axiom of Countability. - Oleg Prosorov:
Topologies and Sheaves Appeared as Syntax and Semantics of Natural Language. - Michael Rathjen:
Long Sequences of Descending Theories and other Miscellanea on Slow Consistency. - Andrei Rodin:
Venus Homotopically. - Gabriel Sandu:
On a Combination of Truth and Probability: Probabilistic IF Logic. - Anatol Slissenko:
Towards Analysis of Information Structure of Computations. - Vladimir L. Vasyukov:
Horizons of Scientific Pluralism: Logics, Ontology, Mathematics.
Volume 4, Number 5, June 2017
- Dov M. Gabbay, Jörg H. Siekmann:
Algorithms in Philosophy, Informatics and Logic. A Position Manifesto 2017. - J Strother Moore, Claus-Peter Wirth:
Automation of Mathematical Induction as part of the History of Logic.
Volume 4, Number 6, July 2017
- Dov M. Gabbay, Lydia Rivlin:
HEAL2100: Human Effective Argumentation and Logic for the 21st Century. The Next Step in the Evolution of Logic. - Dov M. Gabbay, Gadi Rozenberg:
Reasoning Schemes, Expert Opinion and Critical Questions. Sex Offenders Case Study. - Dov M. Gabbay, Gadi Rozenberg, Lydia Rivlin:
Reasoning under the Influence of Universal Distortion. Sex Offenders Case Study.
Volume 4, Number 7, August 2017
- Thomas Lukasiewicz, Rafael Peñaloza, Anni-Yasmin Turhan:
Preface to the Speical Issue on Reasoning about Preferences, Uncertainty, and Vagueness. - David Mitchell:
Resolution and Clause-Learning with Restarts for Signed CNF Formulas. - Joohyung Lee, Yi Wang:
Fuzzy Propositional Formulas under the Stable Model Semantics. - Erman Acar, Manuel Fink, Christian Meilicke, Camilo Thorne, Heiner Stuckenschmidt:
Multi-Attribute Decision Making with Weighted Description Logics. - Nic Wilson, Anne-Marie George, Barry O'Sullivan:
Preference Inference Based on Hierarchical and Simple Lexiographic Models. - Alireza Ensan, Eugenia Ternovska:
A Semantic Approach to Combining Preference Formalisms. - Christoph Beierle, Marc Finthammer, Nico Potyka, Julian Varghese, Gabriele Kern-Isberner:
A Framework for Versatile Knowledge and Belief Management Operations in a Probabilistic Conditional Logic.
Volume 4, Number 8, September 2017
- Pietro Baroni, Dov M. Gabbay, Massimiliano Giacomin, Leon van der Torre:
Editorial. - Frans H. van Eemeren, Bart Verheij:
Argumentation Theory in Formal and Computational Perspective. - Henry Prakken:
Historical Overview of Formal Argumentation. - Gerhard Brewka, Stefan Ellmauthaler, Hannes Strass, Johannes Peter Wallner, Stefan Woltran:
Abstract Dialectical Frameworks. An Overview. - Sanjay Modgil, Henry Prakken:
Abstract Rule-Based Argumentation. - Kristijonas Cyras, Xiuyi Fan, Claudia Schulz, Francesca Toni:
Assumption-based Argumentation: Disputes, Explanations, Preferences. - Martin Caminada:
Argumentation Semantics as Formal Discussion. - Fabrizio Macagno, Douglas Walton, Chris Reed:
Argumentation Schemes. History, Classifications, and Computational Applications. - Wolfgang Dvorák, Paul E. Dunne:
Computational Problems in Formal Argumentation and their Complexity. - Federico Cerutti, Sarah Alice Gaggl, Matthias Thimm, Johannes Peter Wallner:
Foundations of Implementations for Formal Argumentation. - Martin Caminada:
Rationality Postulates: Applying Argumentation Theory for Non-monotonic Reasoning. - Leon van der Torre, Srdjan Vesic:
The Principle-Based Approach to Abstract Argumentation Semantics. - Ringo Baumann:
On the Nature of Argumentation Semantics: Existence and Uniqueness, Expressibility, and Replaceability. - Alexander Bochman:
Argumentation, Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Logic.
Volume 4, Number 9, October 2017
- Gabriella Pigozzi, Leendert W. N. van der Torre:
Editorial. 2927-2928 - Gabriella Pigozzi, Leendert W. N. van der Torre:
Multiagent Deontic Logic and its Challenges from a Normative Systems Perspective. 2929-2993 - Xavier Parent, Leendert W. N. van der Torre:
Detachment in Normative Systems: Examples, Inference Patterns, Properties. 2995-3038 - Célia da Costa Pereira, Beishui Liao, Alessandra Malerba, Antonino Rotolo, Andrea G. B. Tettamanzi, Leendert W. N. van der Torre, Serena Villata:
Handling Norms in Multi-agent Systems by Means of Formal Argumentation. 3039-3073 - Emiliano Lorini:
Logics for Games, Emotions and Institutions. 3075-3113
Volume 4, Number 10, November 2017
- Matthias Baaz:
Preface. 3117-3126 - Cyril Cohen, Thierry Coquand, Simon Huber, Anders Mörtberg:
Cubical Type Theory: A Constructive Interpretation of the Univalence Axiom. 3127-3170 - Peter Koellner:
Themes from Gödel: Some Recent Developments. 3171-3236 - Andrey Bovykin, Michiel De Smet:
A Glimpse at Polynomials with Quantifiers. 3237 - Pavel Hrubes:
On Families of Anticommuting Matrices. 3261-3276 - David Fernández-Duque:
Worms and Spiders: Reflection Calculi and Ordinal Notation Systems. 3277-3356 - Ulrich Kohlenbach:
Recent Progress in Proof Mining in Nonlinear Analysis. 3357-3406 - Maryanthe Malliaris:
The Clique Covering Problem and Other Questions. 3407-3426 - Matteo Viale:
Useful Axioms. 3427-3462 - Sean Walsh:
The Strength of Abstraction with Predicative Comprehension. 3463-3482 - Danko Ilik:
Perspectives for Proof Unwinding by Programming Languages Techniques. 3483-3504 - Matteo Mio:
Regular Languages of Infinite Trees and Probability. 3505-3516 - Marcin Sabok:
Orbit Equivalence Relations. 3517-3528 - Gianuigi Greco:
Reasoning about Coalition Structures in Social Environments via Weighted Propositional Logic. 3529-3559
Volume 4, Number 11, December 2017
- John Woods:
Editor's Note. 3557-3558 - John Woods:
Dale Jacquette: An Appreciation. 3559-3570 - Jean-Yves Béziau:
Identification of Identity. 3571-3582 - Filippo Casati, Graham Priest:
Inside Außersein. 3583-3596 - Dagfinn Føllesdal:
Truth and Interpretation . 3597-3608 - Guillaume Fréchette:
Content and Object in Brentano. 3609-3628 - Nicholas Griffin:
Nuclear and Extra-nuclear Properties. 3629-3658 - Gudio Imaguire:
On the Existential Import of General Germs. 3659-3682 - Manuel Gustavo Isaac:
How do we Know Things with Signs? A Model of Semiotic Intentionality. 3683-3704 - Christopher Janaway:
Schopenhauer's Consoling View of Death. 3705-3718 - Frederik Kroon:
Taming the Existent Golden Mountain: the Nuclear Option. 3719-3734 - Nicholas Rescher:
Reminiscences of Alonzo Church. 3735-3838 - Tom Schoonen, Franz Berto:
Noneism and Allism on the Objects of Thought . 3739-3758 - Peter M. Simons:
Why Nothing Fails to Exist . 3759-3772 - Tina Jacquette:
Closing Words. 3773-3774 - Tina Jacquette:
Dale Jacquette. Publications. 3775-3834
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