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Empirical Software Engineering, Volume 29
Volume 29, Number 1, February 2024
- Mehdi Keshani
, Georgios Gousios, Sebastian Proksch:
Frankenstein: fast and lightweight call graph generation for software builds. 1 - Roger Creus Castanyer
, Silverio Martínez-Fernández
, Xavier Franch
Which design decisions in AI-enabled mobile applications contribute to greener AI? 2 - Maria Teresa Baldassarre, Marcos Kalinowski:
Guest editorial: special issue on empirical software engineering and measurement. 3 - Michael Fu, Chakkrit Tantithamthavorn
, Trung Le, Yuki Kume
, Van Nguyen, Dinh Q. Phung, John C. Grundy:
AIBugHunter: A Practical tool for predicting, classifying and repairing software vulnerabilities. 4 - Wen Siang Tan
, Markus Wagner, Christoph Treude
Detecting outdated code element references in software repository documentation. 5 - Asif Kamal Turzo, Amiangshu Bosu
What makes a code review useful to OpenDev developers? An empirical investigation. 6 - Gunnar Kudrjavets
, Ayushi Rastogi
Does code review speed matter for practitioners? 7 - Arif Ali Khan, Javed Ali Khan
, Muhammad Azeem Akbar, Peng Zhou, Mahdi Fahmideh
Insights into software development approaches: mining Q &A repositories. 8 - Carmine Ferrara
, Giulia Sellitto
, Filomena Ferrucci
, Fabio Palomba
, Andrea De Lucia
Fairness-aware machine learning engineering: how far are we? 9 - Florian Tambon, Amin Nikanjam
, Le An, Foutse Khomh, Giuliano Antoniol:
Silent bugs in deep learning frameworks: an empirical study of Keras and TensorFlow. 10 - Rahul Bajaj
, Eduardo Fernandes
, Bram Adams, Ahmed E. Hassan:
Unreproducible builds: time to fix, causes, and correlation with external ecosystem factors. 11 - Cezar Sas
, Andrea Capiluppi
Multi-granular software annotation using file-level weak labelling. 12 - Majd Soud
, Grischa Liebel
, Mohammad Hamdaqa
A fly in the ointment: an empirical study on the characteristics of Ethereum smart contract code weaknesses. 13 - Mohammad Mehdi Morovati
, Amin Nikanjam
, Florian Tambon, Foutse Khomh, Zhen Ming (Jack) Jiang:
Bug characterization in machine learning-based systems. 14 - Mihaela Todorova Tomova, Martin Hofmann, Constantin Hütterer, Patrick Mäder:
Assessing the utility of text-to-SQL approaches for satisfying software developer information needs. 15 - Iris Reinhartz-Berger
Challenges in software model reuse: cross application domain vs. cross modeling paradigm. 16 - Emitzá Guzmán, Ricarda Anna-Lena Fischer, Janey Kok:
Mind the gap: gender, micro-inequities and barriers in software development. 17 - Quang-Cuong Bui
, Ranindya Paramitha
, Duc-Ly Vu
, Fabio Massacci
, Riccardo Scandariato
APR4Vul: an empirical study of automatic program repair techniques on real-world Java vulnerabilities. 18 - Giovani Guizzo
, Jie M. Zhang, Federica Sarro, Christoph Treude
, Mark Harman:
Mutation analysis for evaluating code translation. 19 - Giammaria Giordano
, Gerardo Festa, Gemma Catolino
, Fabio Palomba
, Filomena Ferrucci
, Carmine Gravino
On the adoption and effects of source code reuse on defect proneness and maintenance effort. 20 - Rasmus Ros, Elizabeth Bjarnason
, Per Runeson
A theory of factors affecting continuous experimentation (FACE). 21 - Moses Openja
, Gabriel Laberge, Foutse Khomh:
Detection and evaluation of bias-inducing features in machine learning. 22 - Önder Babur
, Eleni Constantinou
, Alexander Serebrenik:
Language usage analysis for EMF metamodels on GitHub. 23 - Gustavo Vale
, Heitor A. X. Costa
, Sven Apel
Predicting merge conflicts considering social and technical assets. 24 - Nikolaos Nikolaidis, Nikolaos Mittas, Apostolos Ampatzoglou, Daniel Feitosa
, Alexander Chatzigeorgiou
A metrics-based approach for selecting among various refactoring candidates. 25 - Sotirios Liaskos
On the intuitive comprehensibility of contribution links in goal models: an experimental study. 26 - Abheeshta Putta, Maria Paasivaara, Casper Lassenius:
SAFe transformation in a large financial corporation. 27 - Alireza Ardalani, Saeed Parsa
, Morteza Zakeri Nasrabadi, Alexander Chatzigeorgiou:
Supporting single responsibility through automated extract method refactoring. 28 - Moataz Chouchen
, Ali Ouni:
A multi-objective effort-aware approach for early code review prediction and prioritization. 29 - Diego Marcilio
, Carlo A. Furia:
Lightweight precise automatic extraction of exception preconditions in java methods. 30 - Rui Rua
, João Saraiva
A large-scale empirical study on mobile performance: energy, run-time and memory. 31 - Dulaji Hidellaarachchi
, John C. Grundy, Rashina Hoda, Ingo Mueller:
The Impact of Personality on Requirements Engineering Activities: A Mixed-Methods Study. 32 - Md. Ahasanuzzaman
, Gustavo Ansaldi Oliva, Ahmed E. Hassan:
Using knowledge units of programming languages to recommend reviewers for pull requests: an empirical study. 33 - Akond Rahman
, Dibyendu Brinto Bose, Yue Zhang, Rahul Pandita:
An empirical study of task infections in Ansible scripts. 34 - Wenhan Zhu
, Sebastian Proksch, Daniel M. Germán, Michael W. Godfrey, Li Li, Shane McIntosh:
What is an app store? The software engineering perspective. 35 - Max Hort
, Jie M. Zhang, Federica Sarro, Mark Harman:
Search-based Automatic Repair for Fairness and Accuracy in Decision-making Software. 36
Volume 29, Number 2, April 2024
- Aniruddhan Murali, Gaurav Sahu, Kishanthan Thangarajah, Brian D. Zimmerman, Gema Rodríguez-Pérez
, Meiyappan Nagappan:
Diversity in issue assignment: humans vs bots. 37 - Riccardo Felici, Laura Pozzi, Carlo A. Furia:
HyperPUT: generating synthetic faulty programs to challenge bug-finding tools. 38 - Lu Xiao
, Gengwu Zhao, Xiao Wang, Keye Li, Erick Lim, Chenhao Wei, Tingting Yu, Xiaoyin Wang:
An empirical study on the usage of mocking frameworks in Apache software foundation. 39 - Amador Durán Toro
, Pablo Fernandez
, Beatriz Bernárdez
, Nathaniel Weinman, Aslihan Akalin, Armando Fox
Exploring Gender Bias In Remote Pair Programming Among Software Engineering Students: The twincode Original Study And First External Replication. 40 - Monika Di Angelo
, Thomas Durieux
, João F. Ferreira
, Gernot Salzer
Evolution of automated weakness detection in Ethereum bytecode: a comprehensive study. 41 - David Moreno-Lumbreras
, Gregorio Robles, Daniel Izquierdo, Jesús M. González-Barahona:
Software development metrics: to VR or not to VR. 42 - Ethem Utku Aktas
, Ebru Cakmak
, Mete Cihad Inan
, Cemal Yilmaz
Improving the quality of software issue report descriptions in Turkish: An industrial case study at Softtech. 43 - Mohammad Robati Shirzad
, Patrick Lam
A study of common bug fix patterns in Rust. 44 - Deheng Yang, Kui Liu, Yan Lei
, Li Li, Huan Xie, Chunyan Liu, Zhenyu Wang, Xiaoguang Mao, Tegawendé F. Bissyandé:
Demystifying API misuses in deep learning applications. 45 - Xueyao Yu, Filipe Roseiro Côgo, Shane McIntosh, Michael W. Godfrey:
Studying the impact of risk assessment analytics on risk awareness and code review performance. 46 - Mohammad Hossein Amini, Shervin Naseri, Shiva Nejati
Evaluating the impact of flaky simulators on testing autonomous driving systems. 47 - Saurabh Pujar
, Yunhui Zheng, Luca Buratti, Burn L. Lewis, Yunchung Chen, Jim Laredo, Alessandro Morari, Edward A. Epstein, Tsungnan Lin, Bo Yang, Zhong Su:
Analyzing source code vulnerabilities in the D2A dataset with ML ensembles and C-BERT. 48 - Dongming Xiang, Yuanchang Lin, Liming Nie
, Yaowen Zheng, Zhengzi Xu, Zuohua Ding, Yang Liu:
An empirical study of attack-related events in DeFi projects development. 49 - Fengyu Yang, Fa Zhong
, Guangdong Zeng, Peng Xiao, Wei Zheng:
LineFlowDP: A Deep Learning-Based Two-Phase Approach for Line-Level Defect Prediction. 50 - Suvodeep Majumder
, Joymallya Chakraborty, Tim Menzies
When less is more: on the value of "co-training" for semi-supervised software defect predictors. 51 - Stefan Höppner
, Matthias Tichy:
Traceability and reuse mechanisms, the most important properties of model transformation languages. 52 - Dietmar Winkler
, Pirmin Urbanke, Rudolf Ramler:
Investigating the readability of test code. 53 - Tao Xiao
, Zhili Zeng, Dong Wang, Hideaki Hata
, Shane McIntosh, Kenichi Matsumoto:
Quantifying and characterizing clones of self-admitted technical debt in build systems. 54 - Valeria Pontillo
, Dario Amoroso d'Aragona
, Fabiano Pecorelli
, Dario Di Nucci
, Filomena Ferrucci
, Fabio Palomba
Machine learning-based test smell detection. 55 - Qiong Feng, Shuwen Liu, Huan Ji
, Xiaotian Ma, Peng Liang
An empirical study of untangling patterns of two-class dependency cycles. 56
Volume 29, Number 3, May 2024
- Christopher Steven Timperley
, Gijs van der Hoorn, André Santos, Harshavardhan Deshpande, Andrzej Wasowski:
ROBUST: 221 bugs in the Robot Operating System. 57 - Elgun Jabrayilzade
, Ayda Yurtoglu, Eray Tüzün
Taxonomy of inline code comment smells. 58 - Amal Alazba
, Hamoud Aljamaan, Mohammad R. Alshayeb:
CoRT: Transformer-based code representations with self-supervision by predicting reserved words for code smell detection. 59 - Tuan Dung Lai
, Anj Simmons
, Scott Barnett
, Jean-Guy Schneider
, Rajesh Vasa
Comparative analysis of real issues in open-source machine learning projects. 60 - Manuel De Stefano
, Dario Di Nucci
, Fabio Palomba, Andrea De Lucia:
An empirical study into the effects of transpilation on quantum circuit smells. 61 - Michel Maes-Bermejo
, Alexander Serebrenik, Micael Gallego, Francisco Gortázar
, Gregorio Robles, Jesús M. González-Barahona:
Hunting bugs: Towards an automated approach to identifying which change caused a bug through regression testing. 66 - Aastha Pant
, Rashina Hoda, Chakkrit Tantithamthavorn, Burak Turhan:
Ethics in AI through the practitioner's view: a grounded theory literature review. 67 - Chathrie Wimalasooriya, Sherlock A. Licorish, Daniel Alencar da Costa, Stephen G. MacDonell:
Just-in-Time crash prediction for mobile apps. 68 - Yan Lin
, Trisha Singhal, Debin Gao, David Lo
Analyzing and revivifying function signature inference using deep learning. 69 - Farideh Khalili, Leonardo Mariani, Ali Mohebbi
, Mauro Pezzè
, Valerio Terragni
Semantic matching in GUI test reuse. 70 - Eduardo M. Guerra, Everaldo Gomes, Jeferson Ferreira
, Igor Wiese, Phyllipe Lima, Marco Aurélio Gerosa, Paulo Meirelles
How do annotations affect Java code readability? 62 - Shaoyu Yang, Xiang Chen
, Ke Liu, Guang Yang, Chi Yu:
Automatic bi-modal question title generation for Stack Overflow with prompt learning. 63 - Junren Chen, Cheng Huang
, Jiaxuan Han:
VioDroid-Finder: automated evaluation of compliance and consistency for Android apps. 64 - Kalvin Eng
, Abram Hindle, Eleni Stroulia:
Patterns of multi-container composition for service orchestration with Docker Compose. 65
Volume 29, Number 4, July 2024
- Fabiano Pecorelli
, Giovanni Grano, Fabio Palomba, Harald C. Gall, Andrea De Lucia:
Toward granular search-based automatic unit test case generation. 71 - Matteo Biagiola
, Andrea Stocco, Vincenzo Riccio
, Paolo Tonella:
Two is better than one: digital siblings to improve autonomous driving testing. 72 - William Levén
, Hampus Broman, Terese Besker
, Richard Torkar
The broken windows theory applies to technical debt. 73 - Samuel Idowu
, Osman Osman, Daniel Strüber, Thorsten Berger:
Machine learning experiment management tools: a mixed-methods empirical study. 74 - Christiaan Verwijs, Daniel Russo
Do Agile scaling approaches make a difference? an empirical comparison of team effectiveness across popular scaling approaches. 75 - Akshat Malik
, Bram Adams, Ahmed E. Hassan:
Towards graph-anonymization of software analytics data: empirical study on JIT defect prediction. 76 - Nathan Cassee
, Andrei Agaronian, Eleni Constantinou
, Nicole Novielli
, Alexander Serebrenik
Transformers and meta-tokenization in sentiment analysis for software engineering. 77 - Beiqi Zhang, Liming Fu, Peng Liang
, Jiaxin Yu, Chong Wang:
Demystifying code snippets in code reviews: a study of the OpenStack and Qt communities and a practitioner survey. 78 - Musengamana Jean de Dieu, Peng Liang
, Mojtaba Shahin, Chen Yang, Zengyang Li:
Mining architectural information: A systematic mapping study. 79 - Siyu Jiang
, Yuwen Chen, Zhenhang He, Yunpeng Shang, Le Ma:
Cross-project defect prediction via semantic and syntactic encoding. 80 - Amir Mohammad Ebrahimi
, Bram Adams, Gustavo Ansaldi Oliva, Ahmed E. Hassan:
A large-scale exploratory study on the proxy pattern in Ethereum. 81 - Tavian Barnes, Ken Jen Lee
, Cristina Tavares, Gema Rodríguez-Pérez, Meiyappan Nagappan:
Towards understanding barriers and mitigation strategies of software engineers with non-traditional educational and occupational backgrounds. 82 - Zeyang Ma
, Shouvick Mondal, Tse-Hsun (Peter) Chen
, Haoxiang Zhang, Ahmed E. Hassan:
VulNet: Towards improving vulnerability management in the Maven ecosystem. 83 - Xingfang Wu
, Eric Laufer, Heng Li
, Foutse Khomh
, Santhosh Srinivasan, Jayden Luo:
Characterizing and classifying developer forum posts with their intentions. 84 - Antônio da Silva, Renan Gomes Vieira
, Diego P. P. Mesquita, João Paulo Pordeus Gomes, Lincoln S. Rocha:
Towards automatic labeling of exception handling bugs: A case study of 10 years bug-fixing in Apache Hadoop. 85 - Anuradha Madugalla
, Tanjila Kanij, Rashina Hoda, Dulaji Hidellaarachchi, Aastha Pant, Samia Ferdousi, John C. Grundy:
Challenges, adaptations, and fringe benefits of conducting software engineering research with human participants during the COVID-19 pandemic. 86 - Mohammad Jamil Ahmad
, Katerina Goseva-Popstojanova
, Robyn R. Lutz
The untold impact of learning approaches on software fault-proneness predictions: an analysis of temporal aspects. 87 - Wachiraphan Charoenwet
, Patanamon Thongtanunam
, Van-Thuan Pham
, Christoph Treude
Toward effective secure code reviews: an empirical study of security-related coding weaknesses. 88 - Hiroki Kuramoto, Dong Wang
, Masanari Kondo, Yutaro Kashiwa, Yasutaka Kamei, Naoyasu Ubayashi:
Understanding the characteristics and the role of visual issue reports. 89 - Chaiyong Ragkhitwetsagul
, Jens Krinke
, Morakot Choetkiertikul
, Thanwadee Sunetnanta
, Federica Sarro
Adoption of automated software engineering tools and techniques in Thailand. 90 - Md. Abdullah Al Alamin, Gias Uddin
How far are we with automated machine learning? characterization and challenges of AutoML toolkits. 91 - Mohammad Rezaalipour
, Carlo A. Furia:
An empirical study of fault localization in Python programs. 92 - Lukas Schulte
, Benjamin Ledel, Steffen Herbold
Studying the explanations for the automated prediction of bug and non-bug issues using LIME and SHAP. 93 - Iman Saberi
, Fatemeh H. Fard, Fuxiang Chen:
Utilization of pre-trained language models for adapter-based knowledge transfer in software engineering. 94 - Mohammad Mehdi Morovati
, Florian Tambon, Mina Taraghi, Amin Nikanjam, Foutse Khomh:
Common challenges of deep reinforcement learning applications development: an empirical study. 95 - Muhammad Ilyas Azeem, Sallam Abualhaija
A Multi-solution Study on GDPR AI-enabled Completeness Checking of DPAs. 96 - Rafael Capilla
, Victor Salamanca, Alejandro Valdezate, Gregorio Robles
Can instability variations warn developers when open-source projects boost? 97 - Zhimin Zhao
, Yihao Chen, Abdul Ali Bangash, Bram Adams, Ahmed E. Hassan:
An empirical study of challenges in machine learning asset management. 98 - Sophie Fortz
, Paul Temple
, Xavier Devroey
, Patrick Heymans, Gilles Perrouin
VaryMinions: leveraging RNNs to identify variants in variability-intensive systems' logs. 99 - Harsh Patel
, Bram Adams, Ahmed E. Hassan:
Post deployment recycling of machine learning models. 100 - Fernando Richter Vidal
, Naghmeh Ivaki
, Nuno Laranjeiro
OpenSCV: an open hierarchical taxonomy for smart contract vulnerabilities. 101 - Lissette Almonte
, Esther Guerra
, Iván Cantador
, Juan de Lara
Engineering recommender systems for modelling languages: concept, tool and evaluation. 102 - Mohamed Amine Batoun, Mohammed Sayagh
, Roozbeh Aghili, Ali Ouni, Heng Li:
A literature review and existing challenges on software logging practices. 103
Volume 29, Number 5, September 2024
- Jianyu Wu
, Hao He, Kai Gao, Wenxin Xiao, Jingyue Li, Minghui Zhou:
A comprehensive analysis of challenges and strategies for software release notes on GitHub. 104 - Fatemeh Hadadi
, Joshua Heneage Dawes, Donghwan Shin, Domenico Bianculli, Lionel C. Briand:
Systematic Evaluation of Deep Learning Models for Log-based Failure Prediction. 105 - Mouna Abidi
, Md. Saidur Rahman, Moses Openja, Foutse Khomh:
Design smells in multi-language systems and bug-proneness: a survival analysis. 106 - Amin Ghadesi
, Maxime Lamothe
, Heng Li
What causes exceptions in machine learning applications? Mining machine learning-related stack traces on Stack Overflow. 107 - Giovanni Rosa
, Federico Zappone, Simone Scalabrino, Rocco Oliveto:
Fixing Dockerfile smells: an empirical study. 108 - Ali Arabat
, Mohammed Sayagh:
An empirical study on cross-component dependent changes: A case study on the components of OpenStack. 109 - Shenyu Zheng
, Bram Adams
, Ahmed E. Hassan
Does using Bazel help speed up continuous integration builds? 110 - Yinghua Li
, Xueqi Dang
, Lei Ma, Jacques Klein, Tegawendé F. Bissyandé:
Prioritizing test cases for deep learning-based video classifiers. 111 - Xueqi Dang, Yinghua Li
, Wei Ma, Yuejun Guo, Qiang Hu, Mike Papadakis, Maxime Cordy, Yves Le Traon:
Towards Exploring the Limitations of Test Selection Techniques on Graph Neural Networks: An Empirical Study. 112 - Kollin Napier
, Tanmay Bhowmik, Zhiqian Chen:
Explaining poor performance of text-based machine learning models for vulnerability detection. 113 - Adam Alami
, Raúl Pardo, Johan Linåker:
Free open source communities sustainability: Does it make a difference in software quality? 114 - Pooja Rani
, Fernando Petrulio, Alberto Bacchelli:
On Refining the SZZ Algorithm with Bug Discussion Data. 115 - Matias Martinez, Maria Kechagia, Anjana Perera, Justyna Petke
, Federica Sarro
, Aldeida Aleti:
Test-based patch clustering for automatically-generated patches assessment. 116 - Andrei Arusoaie
, Stefan-Claudiu Susan:
Towards Trusted Smart Contracts: A Comprehensive Test Suite For Vulnerability Detection. 117 - Hongjing Guo
, Chuanqi Tao, Zhiqiu Huang:
Neuron importance-aware coverage analysis for deep neural network testing. 118