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CoRR, February 2007
- Pierre N. Robillard, Patrick d'Astous, Françoise Détienne, Willemien Visser:
Measuring Cognitive Activities in Software Engineering. - Jean-Marie Burkhardt, Françoise Détienne, Susan Wiedenbeck:
The Effect of Object-Oriented Programming Expertise in Several Dimensions of Comprehension Strategies. - Françoise Détienne:
Expert Programming Knowledge: a Schema-Based Approach. - Françoise Détienne:
What model(s) for program understanding? - Jean-Marie Burkhardt, Françoise Détienne:
An empirical study of software reuse by experts in object-oriented design. - Géraldine Martin, Françoise Détienne, Elisabeth Lavigne:
Negotiation in collaborative assessment of design solutions: an empirical study on a Concurrent Engineering process. - Prasanna Chaporkar, Kimmo Kansanen, Ralf R. Müller:
Power Optimal Scheduling for Guaranteed Throughput in Multi-access Fading Channels. - G. Susinder Rajan, B. Sundar Rajan:
MMSE Optimal Algebraic Space-Time Codes. - Ramji Venkataramanan, S. Sandeep Pradhan:
On Evaluating the Rate-Distortion Function of Sources with Feed-Forward and the Capacity of Channels with Feedback. - Jacques Carette:
A canonical form for some piecewise defined functions. - Joseph Y. Halpern, Riccardo Pucella:
Dealing With Logical Omniscience: Expressiveness and Pragmatics. - Daria Sorokina, Johannes Gehrke, Simeon Warner, Paul Ginsparg:
Plagiarism Detection in arXiv. - Leonid Gurvits:
Polynomial time algorithms to approximate mixed volumes within a simply exponential factor. - Constantinos Daskalakis, Alexandros G. Dimakis, Richard M. Karp, Martin J. Wainwright:
Probabilistic Analysis of Linear Programming Decoding. - Alexandros G. Dimakis, Brighten Godfrey, Martin J. Wainwright, Kannan Ramchandran:
Network Coding for Distributed Storage Systems. - Bruno Courcelle:
A multivariate interlace polynomial. - Tor Aulin:
Comment on Improved Analysis of List Decoding and Its Application to Convolutional Codes and Turbo Codes. - Matthew T. Harrison, Ioannis Kontoyiannis:
Estimation of the Rate-Distortion Function. - Maxime Gariel, John-Paul Clarke, Eric Feron:
A Dynamic I/O Model for TRACON Traffic Management. - Qinqin Yang, Zhongping Qin:
Construction of Minimal Tail-Biting Trellises for Codes over Finite Abelian Groups. - Xing M. Wang
Probability Bracket Notation, Probability Vectors, Markov Chains and Stochastic Processes. - Chunxi Li, Changjia Chen:
Gnutella: Topology Dynamics On Phase Space. - Sanjay Karmakar, B. Sundar Rajan:
High-rate, Multi-Symbol-Decodable STBCs from Clifford Algebras. - Michael Chertkov, Mikhail G. Stepanov:
Searching for low weight pseudo-codewords. - Markus Püschel, José M. F. Moura:
Algebraic Signal Processing Theory: Cooley-Tukey Type Algorithms for DCTs and DSTs. - Ravi Shankar Gautam:
Shape preservation behavior of spline curves. - Andrew Gacek:
The Suspension Calculus and its Relationship to Other Explicit Treatments of Substitution in Lambda Calculi. - Florentin Smarandache
, Jean Dezert:
Uniform and Partially Uniform Redistribution Rules. - Mario Szegedy, Mikkel Thorup:
On the variance of subset sum estimation. - Nihar Jindal, Jeffrey G. Andrews, Steven Weber:
Optimizing the SINR operating point of spatial networks. - Giuseppe Caire, Nihar Jindal, Mari Kobayashi, Niranjay Ravindran:
Quantized vs. Analog Feedback for the MIMO Downlink: A Comparison between Zero-Forcing Based Achievable Rates. - Reid Andersen:
Finding large and small dense subgraphs. - Alexander Barg, Punarbasu Purkayastha:
Bounds on ordered codes and orthogonal arrays. - L. Jeganathan, Raghavan Rama:
Graph Splicing System. - Samar Agnihotri:
New Models for the Correlation in Sensor Data. - Clare Dixon, Michael Fisher, Boris Konev
, Alexei Lisitsa:
Efficient First-Order Temporal Logic for Infinite-State Systems. - Minkyu Kim, Muriel Médard, Varun Aggarwal, Una-May O'Reilly, Wonsik Kim, Chang Wook Ahn, Michelle Effros:
Evolutionary Approaches to Minimizing Network Coding Resources. - Minkyu Kim, Varun Aggarwal, Una-May O'Reilly, Muriel Médard, Wonsik Kim:
Genetic Representations for Evolutionary Minimization of Network Coding Resources. - Otfried Cheong, Xavier Goaoc, Andreas F. Holmsen, Sylvain Petitjean:
Hadwiger and Helly-type theorems for disjoint unit spheres. - Yves Guiraud:
Polygraphs for termination of left-linear term rewriting systems. - Robert Brijder, Hendrik Jan Hoogeboom:
The Fibers and Range of Reduction Graphs in Ciliates. - Luís M. B. Lopes, Francisco Martins, Miguel S. Silva, João Barros:
A Formal Model for Programming Wireless Sensor Networks. - Chính T. Hoàng, Marcin Kaminski, Vadim V. Lozin, Joe Sawada, Xiao Shu:
Deciding k-colourability of P_5-free graphs in polynomial time. - Andrew M. Hunter, Jeffrey G. Andrews, Steven Weber:
Capacity Scaling of Ad Hoc Networks with Spatial Diversity. - Raúl H. Etkin, David Tse, Hua Wang:
Gaussian Interference Channel Capacity to Within One Bit. - Shenghui Su, Shuwang Lü:
The Design, Analysis and Optimization of the REESSE1+ Public-key Cryptosystem. - Holger Spakowski, Rahul Tripathi:
Hierarchical Unambiguity. - Ken Wakita, Toshiyuki Tsurumi:
Finding Community Structure in Mega-scale Social Networks. - Noga Alon, Fedor V. Fomin, Gregory Z. Gutin, Michael Krivelevich, Saket Saurabh:
Parameterized Algorithms for Directed Maximum Leaf Problems. - Thorsten Hehn, Olgica Milenkovic, Stefan Laendner, Johannes B. Huber:
Permutation Decoding and the Stopping Redundancy Hierarchy of Linear Block Codes. - Ender Tekin, Aylin Yener:
The Gaussian multiple access wire-tap channel: wireless secrecy and cooperative jamming. - Adrià Tauste Campo, Alex J. Grant:
On Random Network Coding for Multicast. - Andrew Badr, Ian Shipman:
The DFAs of Finitely Different Languages. - Christoph Dürr, Kim Thang Nguyen:
Nash equilibria in Voronoi games on graphs. - A. V. Paraskevov:
On the possibility of making the complete computer model of a human brain. - Hanene Mohamed:
A probabilistic analysis of a leader election algorithm. - Mohsen Bahramgiri, Salman Beigi:
An Efficient Algorithm to Recognize Locally Equivalent Graphs in Non-Binary Case. - Kia Kai Li:
Exploring k-Colorability. - Michael B. Baer:
Bounds on Generalized Huffman Codes. - Gwénaël Richomme:
A local balance property of episturmian words. - Gwénaël Richomme:
Sudo-Lyndon. - Luca Gammaitoni:
Noise Limited Computational Speed. - Terence Chan, Alex J. Grant:
Entropy vectors and network codes. - Terence H. Chan:
Group characterizable entropy functions. - Raouf Dridi, Michel Petitot:
Towards a New ODE Solver Based on Cartan's Equivalence Method. - Matthieu Gallet, Yves Robert, Frédéric Vivien:
Comments on "Design and performance evaluation of load distribution strategies for multiple loads on heterogeneous linear daisy chain networks". - Fionn Murtagh:
The Haar Wavelet Transform of a Dendrogram: Additional Notes. - Gesualdo Scutari, Sergio Barbarossa, Loreto Pescosolido:
Distributed Decision Through Self-Synchronizing Sensor Networks in the Presence of Propagation Delays and Nonreciprocal Channels. - Roberto M. Amadio, Frédéric Dabrowski:
Feasible reactivity in a synchronous pi-calculus. - Maria Fresia, Giuseppe Caire:
A Practical Approach to Lossy Joint Source-Channel Coding. - Pulkit Grover, Anant Sahai:
What is needed to exploit knowledge of primary transmissions? - Michael Codish, Vitaly Lagoon, Peter J. Stuckey:
Logic Programming with Satisfiability. - Pulkit Grover:
Tradeoff between decoding complexity and rate for codes on graphs. - Josep Díaz, Dieter Mitsche, Xavier Pérez-Giménez:
Dynamic Random Geometric Graphs. - Maurice H. T. Ling:
Firebird Database Backup by Serialized Database Table Dump. - Lionel Eyraud-Dubois, Arnaud Legrand, Martin Quinson, Frédéric Vivien:
A First Step Towards Automatically Building Network Representations. - Maximilien Gadouleau, Zhiyuan Yan:
Properties of Rank Metric Codes. - Reid Andersen:
A Local Algorithm for Finding Dense Subgraphs. - Otfried Cheong, Mira Lee:
The Hadwiger Number of Jordan Regions is Unbounded. - Boris Aronov, Mark de Berg, Otfried Cheong, Joachim Gudmundsson, Herman J. Haverkort, Michiel H. M. Smid, Antoine Vigneron:
Sparse geometric graphs with small dilation. - Rick Dale:
Random Sentences from a Generalized Phrase-Structure Grammar Interpreter. - Ivan Tyukin, Tatiana Tyukina, Cees van Leeuwen:
Invariant template matching in systems with spatiotemporal coding: a vote for instability. - Alexander Serebrenik, Tom Schrijvers, Bart Demoen:
Improving Prolog programs: Refactoring for Prolog. - Bozidar Radunovic, Jean-Yves Le Boudec, Raymond Knopp:
Performance of Ultra-Wideband Impulse Radio in Presence of Impulsive Interference. - Vincenza Carchiolo, Michele Malgeri, Giuseppe Mangioni, Vincenzo Nicosia:
Social Behaviours Applied to P2P Systems: An efficient Algorithm for Resource Organisation. - Nicolai Kuntze, Andreas U. Schmidt:
Protection of DVB Systems by Trusted Computing. - Marc Glisse, Sylvain Lazard:
An Upper Bound on the Average Size of Silhouettes. - Xi Chen, Shang-Hua Teng:
Paths Beyond Local Search: A Nearly Tight Bound for Randomized Fixed-Point Computation. - C. Maria Keet:
Mapping the Object-Role Modeling language ORM2 into Description Logic language DLRifd. - Hee-Kap Ahn, Sang Won Bae, Otfried Cheong, Joachim Gudmundsson:
Aperture-Angle and Hausdorff-Approximation of Convex Figures. - Raphaël M. Jungers, Vincent D. Blondel:
Observable Graphs. - Yucel Altug, N. Polat Ayerden, Mehmet Kivanç Mihçak, Emin Anarim:
A Note on the Periodicity and the Output Rate of Bit Search Type Generators. - Ashish Khisti, Aslan Tchamkerten, Gregory W. Wornell:
Secure Broadcasting. - Darko Fuduric, Marko Horvat, Mario Zagar:
Authentication via wireless networks. - Ayan Mahalanobis:
A note on using finite non-abelian p-groups in the MOR cryptosystem. - David Iclanzan, Dan Dumitrescu:
Overcoming Hierarchical Difficulty by Hill-Climbing the Building Block Structure. - M. D. Atkinson, Hans P. van Ditmarsch, Sigrid Roehling:
Avoiding bias in cards cryptography. - Jari Salo:
A Sum-Product Model as a Physical Basis for Shadow Fading. - Ruoheng Liu, Ivana Maric, Predrag Spasojevic, Roy D. Yates:
Discrete Memoryless Interference and Broadcast Channels with Confidential Messages: Secrecy Rate Regions. - Sundaram Vanka, Mohamad Javad Dehghani, K. M. M. Prabhu, R. Aravind:
A Class of Multi-Channel Cosine Modulated IIR Filter Banks. - Neri Merhav:
An identity of Chernoff bounds with an interpretation in statistical physics and applications in information theory. - Bruce E. Hajek, Kevin Mitzel, Sichao Yang:
Paging and Registration in Cellular Networks: Jointly Optimal Policies and an Iterative Algorithm. - Dirk Lewandowski, Philipp Mayr:
Exploring the academic invisible web. - Ioannis Chatzigeorgiou, Miguel R. D. Rodrigues, Ian J. Wassell, Rolando A. Carrasco:
A Union Bound Approximation for Rapid Performance Evaluation of Punctured Turbo Codes. - David L. Donoho, Hossein Kakavand, James Mammen:
The Simplest Solution to an Underdetermined System of Linear Equations. - Robert Charles, Adigun Ranmi:
Wild, Wild Wikis: A way forward. - Charles A. Robert:
AMIEDoT: An annotation model for document tracking and recommendation service. - Wenyi Zhang, Urbashi Mitra:
Orthogonal Codes for Robust Low-Cost Communication. - Charles A. Robert, Amos David:
AMIE: An annotation model for information research. - Saltuk Aksahin:
Security Implications of Converged Networks and Protecting Them, without Compromising Efficiency. - Andres I. Vila Casado, Miguel Griot, Richard D. Wesel:
Informed Dynamic Scheduling for Belief-Propagation Decoding of LDPC Codes. - Ender Tekin, Aylin Yener:
The General Gaussian Multiple Access and Two-Way Wire-Tap Channels: Achievable Rates and Cooperative Jamming. - David Pritchard:
How to Use Random Circulations to Find Small Cuts. - David Pritchard:
Nearest Neighbor Network Traversal. - Rajesh Sundaresan:
Guessing based on length functions. - David Baelde, Andrew Gacek, Dale Miller, Gopalan Nadathur, Alwen Tiu:
The Bedwyr system for model checking over syntactic expressions. - Prosenjit Bose, Paz Carmi, Mathieu Couture, Michiel H. M. Smid, Daming Xu:
On a family of strong geometric spanners that admit local routing strategies. - Kwankyu Lee:
Interpolation-based Decoding of Alternant Codes. - (Withdrawn) Solution of Ulam's Conjecture for Connected Graphs.
- Joël Ouaknine, James Worrell:
On the decidability and complexity of Metric Temporal Logic over finite words. - Xing M. Wang
Induced Hilbert Space, Markov Chain, Diffusion Map and Fock Space in Thermophysics. - Thomas Michel, Gerhard Wunder:
Transmitter and Precoding Order Optimization for Nonlinear Downlink Beamforming. - Slavcho Shtrakov, Vladimir Shtrakov:
Tree automata and separable sets of input variables. - Mohsen Bayati, Jeong Han Kim, Amin Saberi:
A Sequential Algorithm for Generating Random Graphs. - Philipp Pluch, Samo Wakounig:
Bayesian Network Tomography and Inference. - Vincenzo Nicosia, Giuseppe Mangioni, Vincenza Carchiolo, Michele Malgeri:
Efficient Searching and Retrieval of Documents in PROSA. - Vincenzo Nicosia, Giuseppe Mangioni, Vincenza Carchiolo, Michele Malgeri:
Exploiting social networks dynamics for P2P resource organisation. - Xiangao Huang, Wei Huang, Xiaozhou Liu, Chao Wang, Zhu jing Wang, Tao Wang:
Reconstructing the Nonlinear Filter Function of LILI-128 Stream Cipher Based on Complexity. - Slavcho Shtrakov:
Tree Automata and Essential Input Variables. - Georg Schmidt, Vladimir Sidorenko, Martin Bossert:
Syndrome Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes Beyond Half the Minimum Distance based on Shift-Register Synthesis. - Graham B. Macpherson, Jason M. Reese:
AICA: a New Pair Force Evaluation Method for Parallel Molecular Dynamics in Arbitrary Geometries. - Vikram Chandrasekhar, Jeffrey G. Andrews:
Uplink Capacity and Interference Avoidance for Two-Tier Femtocell Networks. - Vadim Yatsenko:
Fast Exact Method for Solving the Travelling Salesman Problem. - (Withdrawn) Patterns of technological progress: A Predictability-Based Perspective.
- Simon Portegies Zwart, Robert G. Belleman, Peter Geldof:
High Performance Direct Gravitational N-body Simulations on Graphics Processing Units. - Ivo Damyanov, Slavcho Shtrakov:
Essential Inputs and Minimal Tree Automata. - Slavcho Shtrakov:
Tree Automata and Essential Subtrees. - Joakim Jaldén, Björn E. Ottersten:
On the Maximal Diversity Order of Spatial Multiplexing with Transmit Antenna Selection.