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The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 11
Volume 11, Number 1, 2004
- Maria Axenovich, Dmitry Fon-Der-Flaass:
On Rainbow Arithmetic Progressions. - Jerrold R. Griggs, Charles E. Killian, Carla D. Savage:
Venn Diagrams and Symmetric Chain Decompositions in the Boolean Lattice. - Manabu Hagiwara:
Minuscule Heaps over Dynkin Diagrams of Type Ã. - Dmitry Fon-Der-Flaass, Douglas B. West:
Graphic and Protographic Lists of Integers. - Benjamin Doerr, Anand Srivastav, Petra Wehr:
Discrepancy of Cartesian Products of Arithmetic Progressions. - Lorenz Halbeisen:
Fans and Bundles in the Graph of Pairwise Sums and Products. - Arne Hoffmann, Lutz Volkmann:
On Regular Factors in Regular Graphs with Small Radius. - Abraham Flaxman, Aram W. Harrow
, Gregory B. Sorkin:
Strings with Maximally Many Distinct Subsequences and Substrings. - Kristina C. Garrett, Kristen Hummel:
A Combinatorial Proof of the Sum of q-Cubes. - Ali Aberkane, James D. Currie:
There Exist Binary Circular 5/2+ Power Free Words of Every Length. - Thomas M. Langley, Jeffrey B. Remmel:
The Plethysm sλ[sμ] at Hook and Near-Hook Shapes. - Feng Ming Dong
, Kee L. Teo, Charles H. C. Little, Michael D. Hendy, Khee Meng Koh:
Chromatically Unique Multibridge Graphs. - Jean-Bernard Zuber:
On the Counting of Fully Packed Loop Configurations: Some New Conjectures. - Christoph Richard, Uwe Grimm:
On the Entropy and Letter Frequencies of Ternary Square-Free Words. - Stefan Felsner:
Lattice Structures from Planar Graphs. - R. A. Leese, Steven D. Noble
Cyclic Labellings with Constraints at Two Distances. - Evan M. Bullock:
Improved Bounds on the Length of Maximal Abelian Square-free Words. - Vania Mascioni:
Equilateral Triangles in Finite Metric Spaces. - Daniel Král:
On Feasible Sets of Mixed Hypergraphs. - Mathieu Dutour
, Michel Deza:
Goldberg-Coxeter Construction for 3- and 4-valent Plane Graphs. - Jason E. Fulman:
A Card Shuffling Analysis of Deformations of the Plancherel Measure of the Symmetric Group. - W. Zudilin:
On a Combinatorial Problem of Asmus Schmidt. - Peter Danziger, Brett Stevens:
Class-Uniformly Resolvable Group Divisible Structures I: Resolvable Group Divisible Designs. - Peter Danziger, Brett Stevens:
Class-Uniformly Resolvable Group Divisible Structures II: Frames. - R. Bruce Richter:
Decomposing Infinite 2-Connected Graphs into 3-Connected Components. - Michael O. Albertson, Glenn G. Chappell, Henry A. Kierstead, André Kündgen, Radhika Ramamurthi:
Coloring with no 2-Colored P4's. - Yeow Meng Chee
Steiner Triple Systems Intersecting in Pairwise Disjoint Blocks. - Georgia Benkart, Oliver Eng:
Weighted Aztec Diamond Graphs and the Weyl Character Formula. - Valery B. Mnukhin, Johannes Siemons:
On the Livingstone-Wagner Theorem. - Johann Linhart, Ronald Ortner
On the Combinatorial Structure of Arrangements of Oriented Pseudocircles. - Michael Mitzenmacher, Roberto Imbuzeiro Oliveira, Joel H. Spencer:
A Scaling Result for Explosive Processes. - Pierre Leroux:
Enumerative Problems Inspired by Mayer's Theory of Cluster Integrals. - Thierry Gensane:
Dense Packings of Equal Spheres in a Cube. - Philippe Flajolet, Bruno Salvy, Gilles Schaeffer:
Airy Phenomena and Analytic Combinatorics of Connected Graphs. - Xiaodong Xu, Xie Zheng, Geoffrey Exoo, Stanislaw P. Radziszowski:
Constructive Lower Bounds on Classical Multicolor Ramsey Numbers. - Kent E. Morrison:
q-Exponential Families. - Leah Wrenn Berman:
Even Astral Configurations. - Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard
On the Associative Nijenhuis Relation. - Peter Hegarty:
Permutations Avoiding Arithmetic Patterns. - Martin Loebl:
Ground State Incongruence in 2D Spin Glasses Revisited. - Michael R. Dransfield, Lengning Liu, Victor W. Marek, Miroslaw Truszczynski:
Satisfiability and Computing van der Waerden Numbers. - Béla Bollobás, Vladimir Nikiforov:
Degree Powers in Graphs with Forbidden Subgraphs. - James A. Sellers, Andrew V. Sills, Gary L. Mullen:
Bijections and Congruences for Generalizations of Partition Identities of Euler and Guy. - Bernd Sturmfels, Josephine Yu
Classification of Six-Point Metrics. - Philip Matchett:
Operations on Well-Covered Graphs and the Roller-Coaster Conjecture. - Alastair Farrugia:
Vertex-Partitioning into Fixed Additive Induced-Hereditary Properties is NP-hard. - Frédéric Jouhet, Bodo Lass, Jiang Zeng:
Sur une Généralisation des Coefficients Binomiaux. - Dan Singer:
A Bijective Proof of Borchardt's Identity. - Jason P. Bell, Stanley Burris:
Partition Identities I: Sandwich Theorems and Logical 0-1 Laws. - Paulette Lieby:
Antichains on Three Levels. - Sergi Elizalde:
Multiple Pattern Avoidance with respect to Fixed Points and Excedances. - Seog-Jin Kim, Alexandr V. Kostochka, Kittikorn Nakprasit:
On the Chromatic Number of Intersection Graphs of Convex Sets in the Plane. - Mohamud Mohammed, Doron Zeilberger:
The Markov-WZ Method. - Robert A. Sulanke:
Generalizing Narayana and Schröder Numbers to Higher Dimensions. - Dhruv Mubayi, Vojtech Rödl:
Uniform Edge Distribution in Hypergraphs is Hereditary. - Anthony Mendes, Jeffrey B. Remmel, Jennifer Wagner:
A lambda-ring Frobenius Characteristic for G wreath Sn. - Jaroslaw Grytczuk
, Mariusz Haluszczak, Henry A. Kierstead:
On-line Ramsey Theory. - Guoce Xin:
A Fast Algorithm for MacMahon's Partition Analysis. - Dudley Stark
Convergence in Distribution for Subset Counts Between Random Sets. - Alberto Del Lungo, Enrica Duchi, Andrea Frosini, Simone Rinaldi:
On the Generation and Enumeration of some Classes of Convex Polyominoes. - Allen Knutson, Terence Tao, Christopher Woodward:
A Positive Proof of the Littlewood-Richardson Rule using the Octahedron Recurrence. - Zeph Landau, Alexander Russell:
Random Cayley Graphs are Expanders: a Simple Proof of the Alon-Roichman Theorem. - Julianna Tymoczko:
Distinguishing Numbers for Graphs Groups. - Philippe Di Francesco, Paul Zinn-Justin, Jean-Bernard Zuber:
A Bijection Between Classes of Fully Packed Loops and Plane Partitions. - Margaret M. Bayer:
Flag Vectors of Multiplicial Polytopes. - Brendan D. McKay
, Nicholas C. Wormald, Beata Wysocka:
Short Cycles in Random Regular Graphs. - Peter Clifford, Richard P. Stanley:
Bottom Schur Functions. - Nicholas A. Loehr, Jeffrey B. Remmel:
Conjectured Combinatorial Models for the Hilbert Series of Generalized Diagonal Harmonics Modules. - Jérémie Bouttier, Philippe Di Francesco, Emmanuel Guitter:
Planar Maps as Labeled Mobiles. - John D. Dixon, Daniel Panario
The Degree of the Splitting Field of a Random Polynomial over a Finite Field. - Michael J. Schlosser:
q-Analogues of the Sums of Consecutive Integers, Squares, Cubes, Quarts and Quints. - Jaume Martí-Farré, Carles Padró:
Secret Sharing Schemes on Sparse Homogeneous Access Structures with Rank Three. - Gabriel D. Carroll, David E. Speyer:
The Cube Recurrence. - Nathan Reading:
The cd-index of Bruhat Intervals. - Axel Hultman:
Directed Subgraph Complexes. - Jan Snellman:
Standard Paths in Another Composition Poset. - Paul R. Hafner:
On the Graphs of Hoffman-Singleton and Higman-Sims. - Vsevolod F. Lev:
Reconstructing Integer Sets From Their Representation Functions. - William McCuaig:
Pólya's Permanent Problem. - Reid W. Barton:
Packing Densities of Patterns. - Éva Czabarka, Ondrej Sýkora, László A. Székely, Imrich Vrt'o:
Outerplanar Crossing Numbers, the Circular Arrangement Problem and Isoperimetric Functions. - David Callan:
A Uniformly Distributed Statistic on a Class of Lattice Paths. - Dan Bernstein:
MacMahon-type Identities for Signed Even Permutations. - Jeffrey B. Remmel, Michelle L. Wachs:
Rook Theory, Generalized Stirling Numbers and (p, q)-Analogues. - Klaus Dohmen, Peter Tittmann:
Bonferroni-Galambos Inequalities for Partition Lattices. - Charles E. Killian, Frank Ruskey
, Carla D. Savage, Mark Weston:
Half-Simple Symmetric Venn Diagrams. - Stefan Gerhold:
On Some Non-Holonomic Sequences. - Valery A. Liskovets:
Enumerative Formulae for Unrooted Planar Maps: a Pattern.
- Justin D. Christian, Bryan L. Shader
Nonexistence Results for Hadamard-like Matrices. - Geoffrey Exoo:
Voltage Graphs, Group Presentations and Cages. - Sebastian M. Cioaba:
Bounds on the Turán Density of PG(3, 2). - Axel Kohnert:
Dominance Order and Graphical Partitions. - V. Dobrynin, M. Pliskin, E. Prosolupov:
On the Functions with Values in [alpha(G), chi(G)]. - Brian Drake, Sean Gerrish, Mark A. Skandera
Two New Criteria for Comparison in the Bruhat Order. - Richard J. Bower, T. S. Michael:
When Can You Tile a Box With Translates of Two Given Rectangular Bricks? - Micah Coleman:
An Answer to a Question by Wilf on Packing Distinct Patterns in a Permutation. - Alon Nilli:
Tight Estimates for Eigenvalues of Regular Graphs. - Manwon Cho, Dongsu Kim, Seunghyun Seo, Heesung Shin:
Colored Prüfer Codes for k-Edge Colored Trees. - Dieter Rautenbach:
Propagation of Mean Degrees. - Dieter Rautenbach:
Rectilinear Spanning Trees Versus Bounding Boxes. - S. Ole Warnaar:
On the q-Analogue of the Sum of Cubes. - A. K. Agarwal:
n-Color Partition Theoretic Interpretations of some Mock Theta Functions. - Wenchang Chu:
A Binomial Coefficient Identity Associated with Beukers' Conjecture on Apery numbers. - Mihail N. Kolountzakis:
Filling a Box with Translates of Two Bricks.
Volume 11, Number 2, 2004
This is a special volume in honor of Richard Stanley on the occasion of his 60th birthday
- George E. Andrews:
On a Partition Function of Richard Stanley. - Persi Diaconis, Alexander Gamburd:
Random Matrices, Magic Squares and Matching Polynomials. - Anders Björner, Michelle L. Wachs:
Geometrically Constructed Bases for Homology of Partition Lattices of Types A, B and D. - Gábor Hetyei:
Orthogonal Polynomials Represented by CW-Spheres. - Christine Bessenrodt, Jørn B. Olsson:
Weights of Partitions and Character Zeros. - Christos A. Athanasiadis:
h*-Vectors, Eulerian Polynomials and Stable Polytopes of Graphs. - Nikolai P. Dolbilin, Egon Schulte:
The Local Theorem for Monotypic Tilings. - Pavlo Pylyavskyy:
On Plethysm Conjectures of Stanley and Foulkes: The 2 × n Case. - Petter Brändén:
Sign-Graded Posets, Unimodality of W-Polynomials and the Charney-Davis Conjecture. - Herbert S. Wilf:
The Redheffer Matrix of a Partially Ordered Set. - Thomas Zaslavsky:
Periodicity in Quasipolynomial Convolution.
Volume 11, Number 2, 2005
- Alexander V. Gnedin, Jim Pitman:
Regenerative Partition Structures. - Nathan Reading, Debra J. Waugh:
The Order Dimension of Bruhat Order on Infinite Coxeter Groups. - John R. Stembridge:
Tight Quotients and Double Quotients in the Bruhat Order. - Marcelo Aguiar, Samuel K. Hsiao:
Canonical Characters on Quasi-Symmetric Functions and Bivariate Catalan Numbers. - Fabrizio Caselli, Christian Krattenthaler, Bodo Lass, Philippe Nadeau:
On the Number of Fully Packed Loop Configurations with a Fixed Associated Matching. - Bridget Eileen Tenner:
Tiling Parity Results and the Holey Square Solution. - Brian Drake, Sean Gerrish, Mark A. Skandera
Monomial Nonnegativity and the Bruhat Order. - Victor J. W. Guo, Jiang Zeng:
A q-Analogue of Faulhaber's Formula for Sums of Powers. - J. Bell, Adriano M. Garsia, Nolan Wallach:
Some New Methods in the Theory of m-Quasi-Invariants. - Peter McNamara, Christophe Reutenauer:
P-Partitions and a Multi-Parameter Klyachko Idempotent. - Dominique Foata, Guo-Niu Han:
Signed Words and Permutations II; The Euler-Mahonian Polynomials. - William Y. C. Chen, Arthur L. B. Yang:
Stable Equivalence over Symmetric Functions. - Tom Halverson, Tim Lewandowski:
RSK Insertion for Set Partitions and Diagram Algebras.
- David G. Wagner:
Matroid Inequalities from Electrical Network Theory. - Philippe Flajolet, Stefan Gerhold, Bruno Salvy:
On the Non-Holonomic Character of Logarithms, Powers, and the nth Prime Function. - Timothy Y. Chow, Henrik Eriksson, C. Kenneth Fan:
Chess Tableaux. - Noam D. Elkies:
New Directions in Enumerative Chess Problems.
- Ezra Miller, Victor Reiner:
Reciprocal Domains and Cohen-Macaulay d-Complexes in Rd. - Miklós Bóna:
A Combinatorial Proof of the Log-Concavity of a Famous Sequence Counting Permutations.