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IEEE Communications Magazine, Volume 42
Volume 42, Number 1, January 2004
- Piotr Pacyna:
IS-IS deployment in IP networks [Book Review]. 8 - Piotr Cholda:
Reliability, survivability, and quality of large scale telecommunications systems [Book Review]. 8-10 - Andrzej Jajszczyk:
Managing IP networks: challenges and opportunities [Book Review]. 10-12 - Marcus Brunner, Hussein T. Mouftah, Mehmet Ulema:
Management of optical networks and services. 34-35 - Wissam Fawaz
, Belkacem Daheb, Olivier Audouin, Michel Du-Pond, Guy Pujolle:
Service level agreement and provisioning in optical networks. 36-43 - Wojciech M. Golab, Raouf Boutaba:
Policy-driven automated reconfiguration for performance management in WDM optical networks. 44-51 - Wesam Alanqar, Admela Jukan:
Extending end-to-end optical service provisioning and restoration in carrier networks: opportunities, issues, and challenges. 52-60 - Wayne D. Grover:
The protected working capacity envelope concept: an alternate paradigm for automated service provisioning. 62-69 - Pin-Han Ho, Hussein T. Mouftah:
Shared protection in mesh WDM networks. 70-76 - Lei Lei
, Aibo Liu, Yuefeng Ji:
A joint resilience scheme with interlayer backup resource sharing in IP over WDM networks. 78-84 - Han-Chieh Chao, Heinrich J. Stüttgen, Daniel G. Waddington:
IPv6: the basis for the next generation internet. 86-87 - Mallik Tatipamula, Patrick Grossetete, Hiroshi Esaki:
IPv6 integration and coexistence strategies for next-generation networks. 88-96 - Yann Adam, Bruno Fillinger, Isabelle Astic, Abdelkader Lahmadi, Patrick Brigant:
Deployment and test of IPv6 services in the VTHD network. 98-104 - David Fernández
, Tomás de Miguel, Fermín Galán:
Study and emulation of IPv6 Internet-exchange-based addressing models. 105-112 - Stefano M. Faccin, Poornima Lalwaney, Basavaraj Patil:
IP multimedia services: analysis of mobile IP and SIP interactions in 3G networks. 113-120 - Stefan Egger, Torsten Braun
Multicast for small conferences: a scalable multicast mechanism on IPv6. 121-126 - Scott Weber, Liang Cheng:
A survey of anycast in IPv6 networks. 127-132
Volume 42, Number 2, February 2004
- Stamatios V. Kartalopoulos, Chunming Qiao:
Our first anniversary issue. - Ransom Stephens:
Analyzing jitter at high data rates. - Muhammad Ali:
Shareability in optical networks: beyond bandwidth optimization. - Georgios Ellinas
, Jean-François P. Labourdette, J. A. Walker, Sid Chaudhuri, Lih Lin, Evan Goldstein, Krishna Bala:
Network control and management challenges in opaque networks utilizing transparent optical switches. - Oleg Stoukatch, Alexander Alexandrovich Shelupanov
, Evgeniy Goloivn:
Student paper contest on Information Security SIBINFO. 27-30 - Madanmohan Rao:
Asia: center of the world's wireless explosion. 28-29 - Álvaro Suárez Sarmiento, Elsa M. Macías
The Fourth Conference on Telematics Engineering (JITEL 2003). 29 - Yurdaer N. Doganata:
8th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'03). 30 - Prathima Agrawal, Mooi Choo Chuah, Jens Zander:
Guest Editorial: Multimedia multicast/broadcast services in 3G/4G networks. 62-63 - Ashutosh Dutta, Henning Schulzrinne:
MarconiNet: overlay mobile content distribution network. 64-75 - Jun Wang, Ragulan Sinnarajah, Tao Chen, Yongbin Wei, Edward Tiedemann:
Broadcast and multicast services in cdma2000. 76-82 - Parag Agashe, Ramin Rezaiifar, Paul Bender:
cdma2000® high rate broadcast packet data air interface design. 83-89 - Steven S. Gorshe, Zdzislaw Papir:
Guest editorial: Broadband access varieties. 90 - John D. Angelopoulos, Helen-Catherine Leligou
, Theodore Argyriou, Stelios Zontos, Edwin Ringoot, Tom Van Caenegem:
Efficient transport of packets with QoS in an FSAN-aligned GPON. 92-98 - Mingliu Zhang, Richard S. Wolff:
Crossing the digital divide: cost-effective broadband wireless access for rural and remote areas. 99-105 - Shahid H. Bokhari, Masood Ahmed, Saqib bin Sohail, Rizwan H. Khan, Jalil A. Mirza, Muhammad Ali:
A networking laboratory for the developing world. 106-113 - Jan Cheyns, Chris Develder
, Erik Van Breusegem, Didier Colle, Filip De Turck, Paul Lagasse, Mario Pickavet
, Piet Demeester:
Clos lives on in optical packet switching. 114-121 - Ajay Dholakia, Evangelos Eleftheriou, Thomas Mittelholzer, Marc P. C. Fossorier:
Capacity-approaching codes: can they be applied to the magnetic recording channel? 122-130 - Alex Hills, Jon Schlegel:
Rollabout: a wireless design tool. 132-138
Volume 42, Number 3, March 2004
- Nicolae Oacã:
Wireless Access: A Solution For Late Liberalized And Price Sensitive Markets!? 1-4 - Roch H. Glitho, Andrzej Jajszczyk:
Welcome to the inaugural issue of IEEE Radio Communications Supplement. - Joseph Mitola III:
Introducing the Radio Communications Supplement. - Timo Weiss, Friedrich K. Jondral:
Spectrum pooling: an innovative strategy for the enhancement of spectrum efficiency. - Luis Alonso
, Ramón Agustí
Automatic rate adaptation and energy-saving mechanisms based on cross-layer information for packet-switched data networks. - Lee Pucker, Geoff Holt:
Extending the SCA core framework inside the modem architecture of a software defined radio. - Jim Hoffmeyer, Il-Pyung Park, Milap Majmundar, Stephen Blust:
Radio software download for commercial wireless reconfigurable devices. - Steven S. Gorshe, Glenn Parsons, Michael W. Truskowski, Maarten Vissers:
Ethernet WAN transport. 62-63 - Vish Ramamurti, John Siwko, George Young, Mike Pepe:
Initial implementations of point-to-point Ethernet over SONET/SDH transport. 64-70 - Dirceu Cavendish:
Operation, administration, and maintenance of Ethernet services in wide area networks. 72-79 - Girish Chiruvolu, An Ge, David Elie-Dit-Cosaque, Maher Ali, Jessy Rouyer:
Issues and approaches on extending Ethernet beyond LANs. 80-86 - Lothar Zier, Wolfgang Fischer, Frank Brockners:
Ethernet-based public communication services: challenge and opportunity. 88-95 - Sonia Bot:
Key technical considerations when using Ethernet solutions in existing ATM and frame relay networks. 96-102 - Enrique Hernandez-Valencia, Gady Rosenfeld:
The building blocks of a data-aware transport network: deploying viable Ethernet and virtual wire services via multiservice ADMs. 104-111 - Fredrik Davik, Mete Yilmaz, Stein Gjessing, Necdet Uzun
IEEE 802.17 resilient packet ring tutorial. 112-118 - Thomas Afferton, Robert D. Doverspike, Charles R. Kalmanek, K. K. Ramakrishnan:
Packet-aware transport for metro networks. 120-127 - Ian F. Akyildiz, Yücel Altunbasak, Faramarz Fekri
, Raghupathy Sivakumar:
AdaptNet: an adaptive protocol suite for the next-generation wireless Internet. 128-136 - Petri Mähönen, Janne Riihijärvi, Marina Petrova, Zach Shelby:
Hop-by-hop toward future mobile broadband IP. 138-146
Volume 42, Number 4, April 2004
- Hikmet Sari:
DLT in Latin America. 21-24 - Arturo Azcorra, Ignacio Soto
, Iván Vidal
, Carlos García García, Francisco Valera
, Rafael Sánchez
, Angel Perez:
Designing an advanced regional research network. 22-23 - Maja Matijasevic, Igor S. Pandzic, Algirdas Pakstas:
Guest editorial - Networked virtual environments. 26-27 - Chris Joslin, Thomas Di Giacomo, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann:
Collaborative virtual environments: from birth to standardization. 28-33 - Emmanuel Frécon:
DIVE: communication architecture and programming model. 34-40 - Denis Gracanin
, Yunxian Zhou, Luiz A. DaSilva:
Quality of service for networked virtual environments. 42-48 - Lea Skorin-Kapov, Darko Huljenic, Dario Mikic, Danko Vilendecic:
Analysis of end-to-end QoS for networked virtual reality services in UMTS. 49-55 - Radha Telikepalli, Tadeusz Drwiega, James Yan:
Storage area network extension solutions and their performance assessment. 56-63 - Shaojian Fu, Mohammed Atiquzzaman
SCTP: state of the art in research, products, and technical challenges. 64-76 - Matthias Götz, Manuel Rapp, Klaus Dostert:
Power line channel characteristics and their effect on communication system design. 78-86 - Evangelos Eleftheriou, Sedat Ölçer, Hamid R. Sadjadpour:
Application of capacity approaching coding techniques to digital subscriber lines. 88-94
Volume 42, Number 5, May 2004
- Debbie Kedar, Shlomi Arnon
Urban optical wireless communication networks: the main challenges and possible solutions. - Chava Vijaya Saradhi, Gurusamy Mohan
, Luying Zhou:
Differentiated QoS for survivable WDM optical networks. - Fei Xue, S. J. Ben Yoo:
High-capacity multiservice optical label switching for the next-generation Internet. - Roberto de Marca:
Society news - Candidates announced for board of governors. 8-14 - Ellis Pines:
Conference preview - SUPERCOMM 2004: milestone on the road to recovery. 18-19 - Giuliano Di Vitantonio:
Global communications newsletter - The new imperative for innovation in II: measurable business value. 29-32 - Boris I. Krouk, Olga B. Zhuravleva:
A distance learning program to raise skills of managers from russian telecommunication enterprises. 30-31 - Bartolomé Arroyo-Fernández, José Fernandes, Ramjee Prasad:
Guest Editorial - Composite reconfigurable wireless networks: the EU R&D path toward 4G. 62-63 - Luis Muñoz
, Ramón Agüero
, Johnny Choque
, Jose Angel Irastorza
, Luis Sánchez
, Marina Petrova, Petri Mähönen:
Empowering next-generation wireless personal communication networks. 64-70 - Paul Leaves, Klaus Moessner
, Rahim Tafazolli, David Grandblaise, Didier Bourse, Ralf Tönjes, Michele Breveglieri:
Dynamic spectrum allocation in composite reconfigurable wireless networks. 72-81 - Omar Benali, Karim El-Khazen, David Garrec, Michel Guiraudou, Georges Martinez:
A framework for an evolutionary path toward 4G by means of cooperation of networks. 82-89 - Panagiotis Demestichas, Guillaume Vivier, Karim El-Khazen, Michael E. Theologou:
Evolution in wireless systems management concepts: from composite radio environments to reconfigurability. 90-98 - Nikos Georganopoulos, Tim Farnham, Rollo Burgess, Thorsten Schöler, Juergen Sessler, Zoran Golubicic, Soodesh Buljore:
Terminal-centric view of software. reconfigurable system architecture and enabling components and technologies. 100-110 - Dave Marples, Stan Moyer:
Guest editorial - Topics i n consumer communications and networking. 112-113 - Sean Rooney, Daniel Bauer, Rudy Deydier:
A federated peer-to-peer network game architecture. 114-122 - Tom D. Lookabaugh, Douglas C. Sicker
Selective encryption for consumer applications. 124-129 - Qi He, Dapeng Oliver Wu
, Pradeep K. Khosla:
The quest for personal control over mobile location privacy. 130-136 - Frank T. H. den Hartog, Mike Balm, Cécile M. de Jong, J. J. B. Kwaaitaai:
Convergence of residential gateway technology. 138-143 - Richard S. Hall, Humberto Cervantes
Challenges in building service-oriented applications for OSGi. 144-149 - Mohammed Atiquzzaman
, Mohsen Guizani:
Guest editorial - Topics in internet technology. 150 - Hussein M. Alnuweiri, Lai-Yat Kelvin Wong, Tariq Al-Khasib:
Performance of new link state advertisement mechanisms in routing protocols with traffic engineering extensions. 151-162 - Satoshi Doi, Shingo Ata, Hiroshi Kitamura, Masayuki Murata
IPv6 anycast for simple and effective service-oriented communications. 163-171
Volume 42, Number 6, June 2004
- Curtis A. Siller Jr.:
The president's page - Legions of volunteers, bedrocks of the society. 6-7 - Christian Allegre, Omar Cherkaoui:
RISQ 2003/CANARIE'S 2003 Advanced Network Workshop Joint Event [Global Communications NewsIetter]. 25 - Matteo Gumier, Riccardo Scopigno:
HPSR 2003: Marconi's ultimate steps in quality and security for carrier-class multimedia over IP services [Global Communications NewsIetter]. 26-28 - Josemaria Malgosa-Sanahuja, Joan García-Haro:
The directive on the patentability of computer-implemented inventions [Global Communications NewsIetter]. 28 - Stephan Lang, Raghu Mysore Rao, Babak Daneshrad:
Design and development of a 5.25 GHz software defined wireless OFDM communication platform. - Mehmet Kemal Özdemir, Ercument Arvas, Hüseyin Arslan
Dynamics of spatial correlation and implications on MIMO systems. - Weidong Xiang, Thomas G. Pratt, Xudong Wang:
A software radio testbed for two-transmitter two-receiver space-time coding OFDM wireless LAN. - Kamya Yekeh Yazdandoost, Ryuji Kohno:
Ultra wideband antenna. - Pascal Lorenz
, Abbas Jamalipour, Denis A. Khotimsky:
Guest editorial: Quality of service in IP and wireless networks. 70-71 - Joachim Hillebrand
, Christian Prehofer, Roland Bless, Martina Zitterbart:
Quality-of-service signaling for next-generation IP-based mobile networks. 72-79 - Sotiris Maniatis, Eugenia G. Nikolouzou, Iakovos S. Venieris:
End-to-end QoS specification issues in the converged all-IP wired and wireless environment. 80-86 - Algimantas Kajackas, Vaidas Batkauskas, Arturas Medeisis
Individual QoS rating for voice services in cellular networks. 88-93 - Yang Xu, Martin Westhead, Fred Baker:
An investigation of multilevel service provision for voice over IP under catastrophic congestion. 94-100 - Gero Schollmeier, Christian Winkler:
Providing sustainable QoS in next-generation networks. 102-107 - Kartik Gopalan
, Tzi-cker Chiueh, Yow-Jian Lin:
Load balancing routing with bandwidth-delay guarantees. 108-113 - Yoichi Maeda:
Guest editorial: Standards for virtual private networks. 114-115 - Marco Carugi, Jeremy De Clercq:
Virtual private network services: scenarios, requirements and architectural constructs from a standardization perspective. 116-122 - Paul Knight, Chris Lewis:
Layer 2 and 3 virtual private networks: taxonomy, technology, and standardization efforts. 124-131 - Tomonori Takeda, Ichiro Inoue, Raymond Aubin, Marco Carugi:
Layer 1 virtual private networks: service concepts, architecture requirements, and related advances in standardization. 132-138 - Jianliang Zheng, Myung J. Lee:
Will IEEE 802.15.4 make ubiquitous networking a reality?: a discussion on a potential low power, low bit rate standard. 140-146
Volume 42, Number 7, July 2004
- Klaus-Dieter Hackbarth, Roberto Ortiz, Carlos Diaz:
Global communications newsletter - Services and their customization for a DVB-S network (The reposit project). 21-22 - Andrzej Jajszczyk:
Digital Bridges: Developing Countries in the Knowledge Economy -[Book Review]. 22-24 - Christos V. Verikoukis, Zoi Mili, Pantelis Angelidis:
Developments of the telecommunications regulation framework in the western balkans. 23-24 - Koichi Asatani, Hiromi Ueda, Clayton M. Lockhart:
Guest editorial - voice over IP and quality of service. 26 - Akira Takahashi, Hideaki Yoshino, Nobuhiko Kitawaki:
Perceptual QoS assessment technologies for VoIP. 28-34 - J. H. James, Bing Chen, Laurie Garrison:
Implementing VoIP: a voice transmission performance progress report. 36-41 - Kenichi Mase:
Toward scalable admission control for VoIP networks. 42-47 - Carolyn R. Johnson, Yaakov Kogan, Yonatan Levy, Farhad Saheban, Percy Tarapore:
VoIP reliability: a service provider's perspective. 48-54 - Aiko Pras, Jürgen Schönwälder
, Olivier Festor:
Guest editorial - XML-based management of networks and services. 56-57 - George Pavlou, Paris Flegkas, Stelios Gouveris, Antonio Liotta
On management technologies and the potential of Web services. 58-66 - Jorge E. López de Vergara
, Víctor A. Villagrá
, Julio Berrocal:
Applying the Web ontology language to management information definitions. 68-74 - Torsten Klie, Frank Strauß:
Integrating SNMP agents with XML-based management systems. 76-83 - Mi-Jung Choi, Hyoun-Mi Choi, James W. Hong, Hong-Taek Ju:
XML-based configuration management for IP network devices. 84-91 - Lawrence E. Menten:
Experiences in the application of XML for device management. 92-100