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Communications of the ACM (CACM), Volume 4, 1961
Volume 4, Number 1, January 1961
- Harry D. Huskey:
From the president of ACM. 1 - Harry D. Huskey, Willard H. Wattenburg:
A basic compiler for arithmetic expressions. 3-9 - Albert A. Grau:
Recursive processes and ALGOL translation. 10-15 - H. Bottenbruch:
Use of magnetic tape for data storage in the ORACLE-ALGOL translator. 15-19 - Donald E. Englund, Ellen R. Clark:
The CLIP translator. 19-22 - Thomas E. Cheatham Jr., G. O. Collins Jr., Gene F. Leonard:
CL-I, an environment for a compiler. 23-28 - Bruce W. Arden, Bernard A. Galler, Robert M. Graham:
The internal organization of the MAD translator. 28-31 - Mark B. Wells:
MADCAP: a scientific compiler for a displayed formula textbook language. 31-36 - Arthur Evans Jr., Alan J. Perlis, H. Van Zoeren:
The use of threaded lists in constructing a combined ALGOL and machine-like assembly processor. 36-41 - Robert W. Floyd:
An algorithm for coding efficient arithmetic operations. 42-51 - Edgar T. Irons:
A Syntax Directed Compiler for ALGOL 60. 51-55 - Peter Zilahy Ingerman:
Thunks: a way of compiling procedure statements with some comments on procedure declarations. 55-58 - Peter Zilahy Ingerman:
Dynamic declarations. 59-60 - Kirk Sattley:
Allocation of storage for arrays in ALGOL 60. 60-65 - Edgar T. Irons, Wallace Feurzeig:
Comments on the implementation of recursive procedures and blocks in ALGOL 60. 65-69 - Harry D. Huskey, Willard H. Wattenburg:
Compiling techniques for Boolean expressions and conditional statements in ALGOL 60. 70-75 - Robert A. Sibley:
The SLANG system. 75-84
Volume 4, Number 2, February 1961
- Mandalay Grems:
A card format for reference files in information processing. 90-98 - Philip Rabinowitz:
Multiple-precision division. 98 - Kenneth W. Ellenberger:
"On programming the numerical solution of polynomial equations". 98 - B. L. Ryle:
Multiple programming data processing. 99-101 - John W. Carr III, James W. Hanson:
Two subroutines for symbol manipulation with an algebraic compiler. 102-103 - M. R. Nekora:
Comment on a paper on parallel processing. 103 - Richard B. Smith:
The BKS system for the Philco-2000. 104 - Robert M. Collinge:
Algorithm 31: Gamma functions. 105 - S. Peavy:
Remark on Algorithm 20: Real exponential integral. 105 - James Vandergraft:
Certification of Algorithm 3: Solution of polynomial equations by Bairstow Hitchcock method. 105 - P. J. Rader, Henry C. Thacher Jr.:
Certification of Algorithm 13: Complex exponential integral. 105 - R. Don Freeman Jr.:
Algorithm 32: MULTINT. 106 - M. F. Lipp:
Algorithm 34: Gamma function. 106 - Tom Caldwell:
On finding minimum routes in a network with turn penalties. 107-108 - Norman Bush:
Statistical programs at the University of North Carolina. 108-113 - Ned Chapin:
Symbolic analysis methods for information systems. 114 - B. A. Batchelder:
ADAM (Attrition Damage Assessment Model. 114 - Allen Kent:
Mathematical model for a documentation system. 114
Volume 4, Number 3, March 1961
- C. A. Piper:
Letters to the editor: round-off. 13 - Harry D. Huskey:
From the President of ACM. 136 - Aiko M. Hormann:
Computer languages for heuristic processes. 138 - W. B. Dobrusky, Thomas B. Steel Jr.:
Universal computer-oriented language. 138 - Roy Goldfinger:
Problem-oriented programming language structure. 138 - Syndey P. Levine:
Logical structure of compilers. 139 - John A. Swets:
Sound learning: an application of a computer to automated teaching. 139 - B. A. Batchelder:
CAIN - a bombing mission planning tool. 139-140 - Harvey Bratman:
Automatic coding. 140 - Robert F. Simmons:
Synthex. 140 - Charles E. Clark:
Monte Carlo. 141 - Harvey Bratman:
A alternate form of the "UNCOL diagram". 142 - Christopher S. Strachey:
Bitwise operations. 146 - Douglas T. Ross:
A generalized technique for symbol manipulation and numerical calculation. 147-150 - T. C. Wood:
Algorithm 35: Sieve. 151 - K. A. Brons:
Algorithm 37: telescope 1. 151 - K. A. Brons:
Algorithm 38: telescope 2. 151-152 - A. J. Gianni:
Algorithm 36: tchebycheff. 151 - Burt M. Leavenworth:
Algorithm 40: critical path scheduling. 152-153 - Papken Sassouni:
Algorithm 39: correlation coefficients with matrix multipliation. 152 - James Hardy Wilkinson:
Remarks on algorithms 2 and 3. 153 - Patty Jane Rader:
Certification of algorithm 4: bisection routine. 153 - Henry C. Thacher Jr.:
Remark on algorithm 16: CROUT with pivoting. 154 - Robert M. Collinge:
Remark on algorithm 25: real zeros of an arbitrary function. 154
Volume 4, Number 4, April 1961
- Harry D. Huskey:
From the President of ACM. 165 - Editor's note. 166
- Daniel J. Lasser:
Topological ordering of a list of randomly-numbered elements of a network. 167-168 - Oliver K. Smith:
Eigenvalues of a symmetric 3 × 3 matrix. 168 - R. E. Nather:
On the compilation of subscripted variables. 169-171 - Marion C. Gray:
Bessel functions of integral order and complex argument. 169 - E. Karst:
An approximating transcendental numbers by continued fractions. 171 - Philip M. Sherman:
Table look-at techniques. 172-173 - Gerald M. Weinberg:
Programmed error correction on a decimal computer. 174 - Henry C. Thacher Jr.:
Algorithm 43: CROUT with pivoting II. 176-177 - T. C. Wood:
Algorithm 42: invert. 176 - Josef G. Solomon:
Algorithms 41: Evaluation of determinant. 176 - Maria E. Wojcicki:
Algorithm 44: Bessel Functions computed recursively. 177-178 - Peter Zilahy Ingerman:
Algorithm 45: interest. 178 - John R. Herndon:
Algorithm 47: associated Legendre functions of the first kind for real or imaginary arguments. 178-179 - John R. Herndon:
Algorithm 46: exponential of a complex number. 178 - John R. Herndon:
Algorithm 50: Inverse of a finite segment of the Hilbert matrix. 179 - John R. Herndon:
ACM Algorithm 49: Spherical Neumann Function. 179 - John R. Herndon:
Algorithm 48: logarithm of a complex number. 179 - John R. Herndon:
Algorithm 51: adjust inverse of a matrix when an element is perturbed. 180 - John R. Herndon:
Algorithm 52: a set of test matrices. 180 - John R. Herndon:
Algorithm 56: complete elliptic integral of the second kind. 180-181 - John R. Herndon:
Algorithm 55: complete elliptic integral of the first kind. 180 - John R. Herndon:
Algorithm 54: Gamma function for range 1 to 2. 180 - John R. Herndon:
Algorithm 53: Nth roots of a complex number. 180 - John R. Herndon:
Certification of algorithm 3: solution of polynomial equation by Barstow-Hitchcock. 181 - John R. Herndon:
Algorithm 57: BER or BEI function. 181 - W. Börsch-Supan:
Remark: on frequently occurring errors in Algol-60 programs. 181 - John R. Herndon:
Certification of algorithm 13: Legendre polynomial. 181 - Henry C. Thacher Jr.:
Certification of algorithm 43: CROUT II. 182 - H. McGregor Ross:
Further survey of punched card codes. 182-183 - William J. Alexander:
Certification of algorithm 20: real exponential integral. 182 - Helene E. Kulsrud:
A practical technique for the determination of the optimum relaxation factor of the successive over-relaxation method. 184-187 - Richard Bellman, Mario L. Juncosa, Robert Kalaba:
Some numerical experiments using Newton's method for nonlinear parabolic and elliptic boundary-value problems. 187-191 - Morton Nadler:
Division and square root in the quarter-imaginary number system. 192-193 - Sydney C. Rome:
Laviathan studies. 194 - R. A. Brouse:
Advanced computers. 194 - Thomas N. Hibbard:
Theory of programmed processes. 195 - Lauren B. Doyle:
Information retrieval. 195 - Seymour Ginsburg:
Theory of abstract machines. 195
Volume 4, Number 5, May 1961
- Harry D. Huskey:
From the President of ACM. 205 - Kirk Sattley:
Letters to the editor: corrections to Sattley paper in January communications. 211 - Robert W. Bemer, Howard J. Smith Jr., Francis A. Williams:
Design of an improved transmission/data processing code. 212-217 - L. R. Johnson:
An indirect chaining method for addressing on secondary keys. 218-222 - Richard Bellman:
Successive approximations and computer storage problems in ordinary differential equations. 222-223 - Frank B. Baker:
A method for evaluating the area of the normal function. 224 - H. P. Edmundson, R. E. Wyllys:
Automatic abstracting and indexing - survey and recommendations. 226-234 - Douglas T. Ross:
Computer-aided design. 235 - Edward M. Bennett, Rollin P. Mayer, Philip R. Bagley:
Man-machine communication via simplified English. 235-236 - Donald Cohen:
Algorithm 58: matrix inversion. 236 - Fred M. Tonge:
Targeteer. 236 - Erwin H. Bareiss, Mary Anne Fisherkeller:
Algorithm 59: zeros of a real polynomial by resultant procedure. 236 - Russell W. Ranshaw:
Certification of algorithm 23: MATHSORT. 238 - William J. Alexander:
Certification of algorithm 30: numerical solution of the polynomial equation. 238 - George H. Mealy:
Letters to the editor: Boolean rings. 250
Volume 4, Number 6, June 1961
- Martin Hershkowitz:
Letters to the editor: negative binomial probability distribution tables. 252 - Mario L. Juncosa:
Letters to the editor: concerning Ferguson's paper on Fibonaccian searching. 252 - Gerald M. Weinberg:
Letters to the editor: ALGOL: pleasure through pain. 252 - Thomas B. Steel Jr.:
SHARE committee. 252 - Gilbert A. Bachelor:
Letters to the editor: on Grau's recursive processes and on compiling expressions in ALGOL. 252-253 - George E. Reynolds:
Letters to the editor: a program rack. 253 - Harry D. Huskey:
Letter from the president of ACM. 254 - Friedrich L. Bauer:
Algorithm 60: Romberg integration. 255 - Nelson M. Blachman:
The state of digital computer technology in Europe. 256 - George F. Ryckman:
Operational compatability of systems - conventions. 266-267 - Donald E. Knuth, Jack N. Merner:
ALGOL 60 confidential. 268-272 - H. N. Cantrell, J. King, F. E. H. King:
Logic-structure tables. 272-275 - Joseph F. Traub:
On a class of iteration formulas and some historical notes. 276-278 - C. M. Fischer:
Combat vehicle firing stability (active suspension). 279-283 - Brian H. Mayoh:
Letter to the editor: Irons' procedure DIAGRAM. 284 - Richard Bellman:
On the approximation of curves by line segments using dynamic programming. 284
Volume 4, Number 7, July 1961
- Bruce W. Arden, Bernard A. Galler, Robert M. Graham:
Letter to the editor: criticisms of ALGOL 60. 309 - Bruce W. Arden, Bernard A. Galler, Robert M. Graham:
An algorithm for equivalence declarations. 310-314 - William K. Clarkson, Benjamin M. Prince:
Divisionless method of integer conversion. 315-316 - J. N. Bramhall:
An iterative method for inversion of power series. 317-318 - Allan Gibb:
Algorithm 61: procedures for range arithmetic. 319-320 - John R. Herndon:
Algorithm 62: a set of associative Legendre polynomials of the second kind. 320-321 - C. A. R. Hoare:
Algorithm 63: partition. 321 - C. A. R. Hoare:
Algorithm 65: find. 321-322