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Big Data & Society, Volume 8
Volume 8, Number 1, January 2021
- Corrigendum to Editorial: The personalisation of insurance: Data, behaviour and innovation. 205395172098820
- Tommaso Venturini, Mathieu Jacomy, Pablo Jensen:
What do we see when we look at networks: Visual network analysis, relational ambiguity, and force-directed layouts. 205395172110184 - Shea Brown, Jovana Davidovic, Ali Hasan:
The algorithm audit: Scoring the algorithms that score us. 205395172098386 - Erratum. 205395172110277
- Peter S. Bloomfield, Josefine Magnusson, Maeve Walsh, Annemarie Naylor:
Communicating public health during COVID-19, implications for vaccine rollout. 205395172110235 - Andrew McStay, Gilad Rosner:
Emotional artificial intelligence in children's toys and devices: Ethics, governance and practical remedies. 205395172199487 - Lauren E. Bridges:
Digital failure: Unbecoming the "good" data subject through entropic, fugitive, and queer data. 205395172097788 - Olivier Jutel:
Blockchain imperialism in the Pacific. 205395172098524 - Paola Pascual-Ferrá, Neil Alperstein, Daniel J. Barnett, Rajiv N. Rimal:
Toxicity and verbal aggression on social media: Polarized discourse on wearing face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic. 205395172110235 - Nicola Jayne Bingham, Helena Byrne:
Archival strategies for contemporary collecting in a world of big data: Challenges and opportunities with curating the UK web archive. 205395172199040 - Anatoliy A. Gruzd, Manlio De Domenico, Pier Luigi Sacco, Sylvie Briand:
Studying the COVID-19 infodemic at scale. 205395172110211 - Sabina Leonelli, Rebecca Lovell, Benedict W. Wheeler, Lora Fleming, Hywel T. P. Williams:
From FAIR data to fair data use: Methodological data fairness in health-related social media research. 205395172110103 - Becky Kazansky:
'It depends on your threat model': the anticipatory dimensions of resistance to data-driven surveillance. 205395172098555 - Jean-Christophe Plantin:
The data archive as factory: Alienation and resistance of data processors. 205395172110075 - Mark Green, Elena Musi, Francisco Rowe, Darren Charles, Frances Darlington Pollock, Chris Kypridemos, Andrew Morse, Patricia Rossini, John S. P. Tulloch, Andrew Davies, Emily Dearden, Henrdramoorthy Maheswaran, Alex Singleton, Roberto Vivancos, Sally Sheard:
Identifying how COVID-19-related misinformation reacts to the announcement of the UK national lockdown: An interrupted time-series study. 205395172110138 - Hendrik Heuer, Juliane Jarke, Andreas Breiter:
Machine learning in tutorials - Universal applicability, underinformed application, and other misconceptions. 205395172110175 - Myron Anthony Godinho, Ann Borda, Timothy Kariotis, Andreea Molnar, Patty Kostkova, Siaw-Teng Liaw:
Knowledge co-creation in participatory policy and practice: Building community through data-driven direct democracy. 205395172110194 - Rachel Kuo, Matthew Bui:
Against carceral data collection in response to anti-Asian violences. 205395172110282 - Richard Rogers:
Visual media analysis for Instagram and other online platforms. 205395172110223 - Dillon Wamsley, Benjamin Chin-Yee:
COVID-19, digital health technology and the politics of the unprecedented. 205395172110194 - Kacper T. Gradon, Janusz A. Holyst, Wesley R. Moy, Julian Sienkiewicz, Krzysztof Suchecki:
Countering misinformation: A multidisciplinary approach. 205395172110138 - Hossein Kermani, Marzieh Adham:
Mapping Persian Twitter: Networks and mechanism of political communication in Iranian 2017 presidential election. 205395172110255 - Tiên-Dung Hà, Peter A. Chow-White:
The cancer multiple: Producing and translating genomic big data into oncology care. 205395172097899 - Erika Bonnevie, Jennifer Sittig, Joe Smyser:
The case for tracking misinformation the way we track disease. 205395172110138 - Juliane Jarke, Felicitas Macgilchrist:
Dashboard stories: How narratives told by predictive analytics reconfigure roles, risk and sociality in education. 205395172110255 - Kelley Cotter, Mel Medeiros, Chankyung Pak, Kjerstin Thorson:
"Reach the right people": The politics of "interests" in Facebook's classification system for ad targeting. 205395172199604 - Michael Robert Haupt, Jiawei Li, Tim K. Mackey:
Identifying and characterizing scientific authority-related misinformation discourse about hydroxychloroquine on twitter using unsupervised machine learning. 205395172110138 - Chuncheng Liu, Ross Graham:
Making sense of algorithms: Relational perception of contact tracing and risk assessment during COVID-19. 205395172199521 - Chiara Bonacchi, Marta Krzyzanska:
Heritage-based tribalism in Big Data ecologies: Deploying origin myths for antagonistic othering. 205395172110033 - Nathaniel Tkacz, Mário Henrique da Mata Martins, João Porto de Albuquerque, Flávio E. A. Horita, Giovanni Dolif Neto:
Data diaries: A situated approach to the study of data. 205395172199603 - Ben Marwick, Prema Smith:
World Heritage sites on Wikipedia: Cultural heritage activism in a context of constrained agency. 205395172110173 - Sara Dahlman, Ib T. Gulbrandsen, Sine N. Just:
Algorithms as organizational figuration: The sociotechnical arrangements of a fintech start-up. 205395172110267 - Jens Hälterlein:
Epistemologies of predictive policing: Mathematical social science, social physics and machine learning. 205395172110031 - Sarah Lenz:
"More like a support tool": Ambivalences around digital health from medical developers' perspective. 205395172199673 - Simon Aagaard Enni, Maja Bak Herrie:
Turning biases into hypotheses through method: A logic of scientific discovery for machine learning. 205395172110207 - Martin Schweinberger, Michael Haugh, Sam Hames:
Analysing discourse around COVID-19 in the Australian Twittersphere: A real-time corpus-based analysis. 205395172110214 - Kean Birch, D. T. Cochrane, Callum Ward:
Data as asset? The measurement, governance, and valuation of digital personal data by Big Tech. 205395172110173 - Melissa Terras, Stephen Coleman, Steven Drost, Chris Elsden, Ingi Helgason, Susan Lechelt, Nicola Osborne, Inge Panneels, Briana Pegado, Burkhard Schafer, Michael Smyth, Pip Thornton, Chris Speed:
The value of mass-digitised cultural heritage content in creative contexts. 205395172110061 - Fabian Stephany:
One size does not fit all: Constructing complementary digital reskilling strategies using online labour market data. 205395172110031 - Maria I Espinoza, Melissa Aronczyk:
Big data for climate action or climate action for big data? 205395172098203 - Melisa Basol, Jon Roozenbeek, Manon Berriche, Fatih Ünal, William P. McClanahan, Sander van der Linden:
Towards psychological herd immunity: Cross-cultural evidence for two prebunking interventions against COVID-19 misinformation. 205395172110138 - Luca Marelli, Giuseppe Testa, Ine Van Hoyweghen:
Big Tech platforms in health research: Re-purposing big data governance in light of the General Data Protection Regulation's research exemption. 205395172110187 - Isabel Ebert, Isabelle Wildhaber, Jeremias Adams-Prassl:
Big Data in the workplace: Privacy Due Diligence as a human rights-based approach to employee privacy protection. 205395172110130 - Fernando N. van der Vlist, Anne Helmond:
How partners mediate platform power: Mapping business and data partnerships in the social media ecosystem. 205395172110250 - Keren Weitzberg, Margie Cheesman, Aaron Martin, Emrys Schoemaker:
Between surveillance and recognition: Rethinking digital identity in aid. 205395172110067 - Amy Stevens, James Allen-Robertson:
Encrypting human rights: The intertwining of resistant voices in the UK state surveillance debate. 205395172098530 - Adam G. Dunn, Maryke Steffens, Amalie Dyda, Kenneth D. Mandl:
Knowing when to act: A call for an open misinformation library to guide actionable surveillance. 205395172110187 - Gemma Newlands:
Lifting the curtain: Strategic visibility of human labour in AI-as-a-Service. 205395172110160 - Florian Jaton:
Assessing biases, relaxing moralism: On ground-truthing practices in machine learning design and application. 205395172110135 - Kai-Cheng Yang, Francesco Pierri, Pik-Mai Hui, David Axelrod, Christopher Torres-Lugo, John Bryden, Filippo Menczer:
The COVID-19 Infodemic: Twitter versus Facebook. 205395172110138 - Kirsty Anantharajah:
Racial formation, coloniality, and climate finance organizations: Implications for emergent data projects in the Pacific. 205395172110276 - Patrik Hummel, Matthias Braun, Max Tretter, Peter Dabrock:
Data sovereignty: A review. 205395172098201
Volume 8, Number 2, July 2021
- Federica Lucivero, Nina Hallowell:
Digital/computational phenotyping: What are the differences in the science and the ethics? 205395172110628 - Thao Phan, Scott Wark:
Racial formations as data formations. 205395172110463 - Erratum to The digital life of the #migrantcaravan: Contextualizing Twitter as a spatial technology. 205395172110563
- Eleonore Fournier-Tombs:
Towards a United Nations Internal Regulation for Artificial Intelligence. 205395172110394 - Lindsay Poirier:
Reading datasets: Strategies for interpreting the politics of data signification. 205395172110293 - Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi, Gemma Newlands, Min Kyung Lee, Christine T. Wolf, Eliscia Kinder, Will Sutherland:
Algorithmic management in a work context. 205395172110203 - Rebecca Adler-Nissen, Kristin Anabel Eggeling, Patrice Wangen:
Machine Anthropology: A View from International Relations. 205395172110636 - Dieuwertje Luitse, Wiebke Denkena:
The great Transformer: Examining the role of large language models in the political economy of AI. 205395172110477 - Malte Ziewitz, Ranjit Singh:
Critical companionship: Some sensibilities for studying the lived experience of data subjects. 205395172110611 - Bernhard Rieder, Yarden Skop:
The fabrics of machine moderation: Studying the technical, normative, and organizational structure of Perspective API. 205395172110461 - David Mathieu, Jannie Møller Hartley:
Low on trust, high on use: Datafied media, trust and everyday life. 205395172110594 - Mustafa I. Hussain, Geoffrey C. Bowker:
Phenotyping as disciplinary practice: Data infrastructure and the interprofessional conflict over drug use in California. 205395172110312 - Corrigendum to Racial formation, coloniality, and climate finance organizations: Implications for emergent data projects in the Pacific. 205395172110346
- Fieke Jansen, Javier Sánchez-Monedero, Lina Dencik:
Biometric identity systems in law enforcement and the politics of (voice) recognition: The case of SiiP. 205395172110636 - Kathryn Henne, Renee Shelby, Jenna Imad Harb:
The Datafication of #MeToo: Whiteness, Racial Capitalism, and Anti-Violence Technologies. 205395172110558 - Katie Shilton, Emanuel Moss, Sarah A. Gilbert, Matthew J. Bietz, Casey Fiesler, Jacob Metcalf, Jessica Vitak, Michael Zimmer:
Excavating awareness and power in data science: A manifesto for trustworthy pervasive data research. 205395172110407 - Yao-Tai Li:
Accounting for "the social" in contact tracing applications: The paradox between public health governance and mistrust of government's data use. 205395172110542 - Salomé Viljöen, Jake Goldenfein, Lee McGuigan:
Design choices: Mechanism design and platform capitalism. 205395172110343 - Wim Naudé, Ricardo Vinuesa:
Data deprivations, data gaps and digital divides: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic. 205395172110255 - Joseph Donia, James A. Shaw:
Co-design and ethical artificial intelligence for health: An agenda for critical research and practice. 205395172110652 - Marina Charquero-Ballester, Jessica Gabriele Walter, Ida A Nissen, Anja Bechmann:
Different types of COVID-19 misinformation have different emotional valence on Twitter. 205395172110412 - Roderic N. Crooks:
Productive myopia: Racialized organizations and edtech. 205395172110504 - Rasmus Birk, Anna Lavis, Federica Lucivero, Gabrielle Samuel:
For what it's worth. Unearthing the values embedded in digital phenotyping for mental health. 205395172110473 - Clémence Pinel, Mette N. Svendsen:
In search of 'extra data': Making tissues flow from personal to personalised medicine. 205395172110356 - Corelia Baibarac-Duignan, Michiel de Lange:
Controversing the datafied smart city: Conceptualising a 'making-controversial' approach to civic engagement. 205395172110255 - Rachel Rowe:
Social determinants of health in the Big Data mode of population health risk calculation. 205395172110628 - Corrigendum to Heritage transformations. 205395172110487
- Remy Stewart:
Big data and Belmont: On the ethics and research implications of consumer-based datasets. 205395172110481 - Corrigendum to Computational challenges to test and revitalize Claude Lévi-Strauss transformational methodology. 205395172110543
- Jenny L. Davis, Apryl Williams, Michael W. Yang:
Algorithmic reparation. 205395172110448 - Sam Hind:
Dashboard design and the 'datafied' driving experience. 205395172110498 - Bertin Martens, Bo Zhao:
Data access and regime competition: A case study of car data sharing in China. 205395172110463 - Sara Green, Mette N. Svendsen:
Digital phenotyping and data inheritance. 205395172110367 - Zane Griffin Talley Cooper:
Of dog kennels, magnets, and hard drives: Dealing with Big Data peripheries. 205395172110154 - Petter Törnberg, Justus Uitermark:
For a heterodox computational social science. 205395172110477 - Anna Sapienza, Sune Lehmann:
A view from data science. 205395172110401 - Christian Katzenbach:
"AI will fix this" - The Technical, Discursive, and Political Turn to AI in Governing Communication. 205395172110461 - Morgan Klaus Scheuerman, Madeleine Pape, Alex Hanna:
Auto-essentialization: Gender in automated facial analysis as extended colonial project. 205395172110537 - Robert Dorschel:
Discovering needs for digital capitalism: The hybrid profession of data science. 205395172110407 - Fabian Stephany, Otto Kässi, Uma Rani, Vili Lehdonvirta:
Online Labour Index 2020: New ways to measure the world's remote freelancing market. 205395172110432 - Kristoffer Albris, Eva I Otto, Sofie L. Astrupgaard, Emilie Munch Gregersen, Laura Skousgaard Jørgensen, Olivia Jørgensen, Clara Rosa Sandbye, Signe Schønning:
A view from anthropology: Should anthropologists fear the data machines? 205395172110436 - Shiloh Deitz, Amy Lobben, Arielle Alferez:
Squeaky wheels: Missing data, disability, and power in the smart city. 205395172110477 - Chiara Bonacchi:
Heritage transformations. 205395172110343 - Anita Lavorgna, Pamela Ugwudike:
The datafication revolution in criminal justice: An empirical exploration of frames portraying data-driven technologies for crime prevention and control. 205395172110496 - Franziska Martini, Paul Samula, Tobias R. Keller, Ulrike Klinger:
Bot, or not? Comparing three methods for detecting social bots in five political discourses. 205395172110335 - Albert Doja, Laurent Capocchi, Jean François Santucci:
Computational challenges to test and revitalize Claude Lévi-Strauss transformational methodology. 205395172110378 - Sungyong Ahn:
Stream your brain! Speculative economy of the IoT and its pan-kinetic dataveillance. 205395172110519 - Coleen Carrigan, Madison W. Green, Abibat Rahman-Davies:
"The revolution will not be supervised": Consent and open secrets in data science. 205395172110356 - Kaarina Nikunen:
Ghosts of white methods? The challenges of Big Data research in exploring racism in digital context. 205395172110489 - Jana Schaich Borg:
Four investment areas for ethical AI: Transdisciplinary opportunities to close the publication-to-practice gap. 205395172110401 - Renate Baumgartner:
Precision medicine and digital phenotyping: Digital medicine's way from more data to better health. 205395172110664 - Jelena Große-Bley, Genia Kostka:
Big Data Dreams and Reality in Shenzhen: An Investigation of Smart City Implementation in China. 205395172110451 - Emily Denton, Alex Hanna, Razvan Amironesei, Andrew Smart, Hilary Nicole:
On the genealogy of machine learning datasets: A critical history of ImageNet. 205395172110359
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