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Automation and Remote Control, Volume 80
Volume 80, Number 1, January 2019
- Victor N. Timin, Arkadiy Yu. Kustov, Alexander P. Kurdyukov, D. A. Goldin, Yuri A. Vershinin:
Suboptimal Anisotropic Filtering for Linear Discrete Nonstationary Systems with Uncentered External Disturbance. 1-15 - Andrey A. Galyaev, Pavel V. Lysenko:
Energy-Optimal Control of Harmonic Oscillator. 16-29 - Valentin M. Azanov, Yuri S. Kan:
On Optimal Retention of the Trajectory of Discrete Stochastic System in Tube. 30-42 - Sergey V. Ivanov, Andrey I. Kibzun, Nenad Mladenovic:
Variable Neighborhood Search for a Two-Stage Stochastic Programming Problem with a Quantile Criterion. 43-52 - Agassi Z. Melikov, Mammed O. Shahmaliyev:
Queueing System M/M/1/∞ with Perishable Inventory and Repeated Customers. 53-65 - Ivan S. Polyanskii, N. S. Arkhipov, Sergey Yu. Misyurin:
On Solving the Optimal Control Problem. 66-80 - Denis V. Uzhegov, A. A. Anan'ev, P. V. Lomovitskii, A. N. Khlyupin:
A New Algorithm for Solving a Special Matching Problem with a General Form Value Function under Constraints. 81-92 - Vladimir N. Burkov, Larisa V. Rossikhina, A. P. Vyunov, L. V. Rogovaya:
The Optimal Distribution Problem for Teams of Specialists. 93-101 - Vladimir N. Krutikov, Natalia S. Samoilenko, Vladimir V. Meshechkin:
On the Properties of the Method of Minimization for Convex Functions with Relaxation on the Distance to Extremum. 102-111 - Alexey L. Myachin:
Pattern Analysis in Parallel Coordinates Based on Pairwise Comparison of Parameters. 112-123 - V. I. Merkulov, A. S. Plyashechnik:
A Method to Bypass Dangerous Zones in the Horizontal Plane. 124-137 - Andrey V. Makarenko:
Metrization of the T-Alphabet: Measuring the Distance between Multidimensional Real Discrete Sequences. 138-149 - Konstantin S. Amelin, Boris R. Andrievsky, Stanislav I. Tomashevich, Alexander L. Fradkov:
Data Exchange with Adaptive Coding between Quadrotors in a Formation. 150-163 - Abdulla A. Azamov, Atamurat Sh. Kuchkarov, Azamat G. Holboyev:
The Pursuit-Evasion Game on the 1-Skeleton Graph of a Regular Polyhedron. II. 164-170 - Anatolii F. Kleimenov:
Aggressive Behavior in a Non-Antagonistic Positional Differential Game. 171-179 - E. S. Tselishchev, A. V. Kotlova, I. S. Kudryashov, I. M. Chikunov:
Improving CAD Application Efficiency in the Design of Control Schemes for Self-Use Mechanisms. 180-188 - Vladimir V. Tyutikov, Evgenii V. Krasilnikyants, Artem A. Varkov:
Robot Manipulator Control System with Dynamic Moment Compensation. 189-199
Volume 80, Number 2, February 2019
- Igor B. Furtat, Pavel A. Gushchin:
A Control Algorithm for an Object with Delayed Input Signal Based on Subpredictors of the Controlled Variable and Disturbance. 201-216 - Alexey N. Zhirabok, Alexey E. Shumsky:
Nonparametric Method for Diagnosis of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems. 217-233 - Mikhail V. Khlebnikov:
Optimization of Bilinear Control Systems Subjected to Exogenous Disturbances. I. Analysis. 234-249 - Ekaterina S. Palamarchuk:
On the Optimal Control Problem for a Linear Stochastic System with an Unstable State Matrix Unbounded at Infinity. 250-261 - Valentin N. Bukov, Andrey M. Bronnikov:
Testing the Configurations of Redundant Integrated Equipment Complexes. 262-277 - P. V. Krasheninnikov, O. G. Melent'ev, Denis Kleyko, Alexey Shapin:
Parameter Estimation for the Resulting Logical Channel Formed by Minimizing Channel Switching. 278-285 - Sergey M. Lavlinskii, Artem A. Panin, Aleksandr V. Plyasunov:
The Stackelberg Model in Territorial Planning. 286-296 - Omid Gholami, Yuri N. Sotskov, Frank Werner, A. S. Zatsiupo:
Heuristic Algorithms to Maximize Revenue and the Number of Jobs Processed on Parallel Machines. 297-316 - Alexander S. Kolokolov, I. A. Lyubinskii:
Measuring the Pitch of a Speech Signal Using the Autocorrelation Function. 317-323 - Ilya A. Hodashinsky, Konstantin S. Sarin:
Feature Selection for Classification through Population Random Search with Memory. 324-333 - Andrei V. Panteleev, Valentin N. Panovskiy:
Development of Metaheuristic Interval Minimization Methods for Optimal Program Control Design. 334-347 - Valery Zorkaltsev:
Entering into the Domain of Feasible Solutions Using Interior Point Method. 348-361 - Victoria L. Kreps:
Bidding Models and Repeated Games with Incomplete Information: A Survey. 362-379 - N. S. Kyuregyan, D. A. Golentsov, V. S. Flanden:
The Features of Signal Recording and Data Processing in the Diagnosis of Spark Plugs Discharge Parameters in Gas-Turbine Engines (GTE). 380-384 - D. V. Tselischev, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Tselischev, S. Yu. Konstantinov:
Automated Rig for Diagnostics and Testing of Hydraulic Equipment. 385-391
Volume 80, Number 3, March 2019
- D. N. Ibragimov:
On the Optimal Speed Problem for the Class of Linear Autonomous Infinite-Dimensional Discrete-Time Systems with Bounded Control and Degenerate Operator. 393-412 - Efim N. Rosenwasser, Bernhard P. Lampe, Wolfgang Drewelow, Torsten Jeinsch:
Standardizability and H 2-Optimization of Sampled-Data Systems with Multiple Delays. 413-428 - A. A. Kosov, M. V. Kozlov:
On Asymptotic Stability of Homogeneous Singular Systems with Switching. 429-436 - Valentin N. Tkhai:
Periodic Model Containing Coupled Subsystems with Different Types of Oscillations. 437-446 - V. V. Zenkov:
Evaluation of the Posterior Probability of a Class with a Series of Anderson Discriminant Functions. 447-458 - S. L. Semakov, I. S. Semakov:
The Probability of First Reaching a Desired Level by a Random Process on a Given Interval. 459-473 - Konstantin V. Semenikhin:
Two-Sided Probability Bound for a Symmetric Unimodal Random Variable. 474-489 - V. I. Merkulov, A. S. Plyashechnik:
Simplified Target Assignment Problem for Group Engagement of Aircraft. 490-501 - Yu. A. Dubnov:
Entropy-Based Estimation in Classification Problems. 502-512 - Vladimir M. Khametov, Elena A. Shelemekh:
Upper and Lower Bounds of Optimal Stopping for a Random Sequence: The Case of Finite Horizon. 513-530 - Victor A. Boichenko:
Anisotropy-Based Analysis for the Case of Nonzero Initial Condition. 531-542 - Liudmila Yu. Zhilyakova:
Resource Network with Limited Capacity of Attractor Vertices. 543-555 - V. D. Matveenko, Alexey V. Korolev:
Typology of Networks and Equilibria in a Network Game with Production and Knowledge Externalities. 556-575 - S. M. Bazhenov, S. A. Vakhonina, N. V. Tarasov, A. Yu. Matrokhin:
Information and Control System for Automated Weaving Process Monitoring. 576-583 - Georgi M. Martinov, Petr A. Nikishechkin, Anton S. Grigoriev, N. Yu. Chervonnova:
Organizing Interaction of Basic Components in the CNC System AxiOMA Control for Integrating New Technologies and Solutions. 584-591
Volume 80, Number 4, April 2019
- Victor S. Kozyakin, Nikolaj A. Kuznetsov, Pavel Yu. Chebotarev:
Consensus in Asynchronous Multiagent Systems. I. Asynchronous Consensus Models. 593-623 - B. G. Grebenshchikov:
On Stabilization of Some Delayed Systems. 624-633 - Valentin M. Azanov, Yuri S. Kan:
Refined Estimation of the Bellman Function for Stochastic Optimal Control Problems with Probabilistic Performance Criterion. 634-647 - Aleksey I. Peschansky:
Stationary Characteristics of an Unreliable Multi-Server Queueing System with Losses and Time Redundancy. 648-665 - V. B. Goryainov, Elena R. Goryainova:
Comparative Analysis of Robust and Classical Methods for Estimating the Parameters of a Threshold Autoregression Equation. 666-675 - Valentin N. Bukov, Andrey M. Bronnikov, A. M. Ageev, Ilya F. Gamayunov:
Integration of an Equipment Complex with a Selected Configuration. 676-692 - Evgeniya A. Vorontsova, Alexander V. Gasnikov, Eduard A. Gorbunov:
Accelerated Directional Search with Non-Euclidean Prox-Structure. 693-707 - Alexey Y. Golubin, V. N. Gridin:
Optimal Insurance Strategy in the Individual Risk Model under a Stochastic Constraint on the Value of the Final Capital. 708-717 - Sergey N. Medvedev, Olga A. Medvedeva:
An Adaptive Algorithm for Solving the Axial Three-Index Assignment Problem. 718-732 - Andrey A. Galyaev, Pavel V. Lysenko:
Minimal-Time Control Problem under Elastic and Viscoelastic Body-Surface Interactions. 733-743 - Sergey S. Postnov:
Optimal Control Problems for Certain Linear Fractional-Order Systems Given by Equations with Hilfer Derivative. 744-760 - E. A. Postnova:
Optimal Motion Control of the System Modeled by Double Integrator of Fractional Order. 761-772 - L. B. Rapoport:
Application of the Method of Semidefinite Relaxation for Determining the Orientation of a Solid Body in Space. 773-780 - Sergey K. Somov:
Creation of Information-Technological Reserve in Distributed Data Processing Systems. 781-790
Volume 80, Number 5, May 2019
- Victor S. Kozyakin, Nikolaj A. Kuznetsov, Pavel Yu. Chebotarev:
Consensus in Asynchronous Multiagent Systems. II. Method of Joint Spectral Radius. 791-812 - I. A. Zorin, Elena N. Gryazina:
An Overview of Semidefinite Relaxations for Optimal Power Flow Problem. 813-833 - M. V. Morozov:
On Small Perturbations of a Periodic Homogeneous Differential Inclusion with an Asymptotically Stable Set. 834-839 - Alexander V. Pesterev:
Estimation of the Attraction Domain for an Affine System with Constrained Vector Control Closed by the Linearizing Feedback. 840-855 - Vladimir I. Vorotnikov, Yu. G. Martyshenko:
On the Partial Stability in Probability of Nonlinear Stochastic Systems. 856-866 - Dmitriy Feliksovich Kuznetsov:
On Numerical Modeling of the Multidimentional Dynamic Systems under Random Perturbations with the 2.5 Order of Strong Convergence. 867-881 - B. A. Suleimanov, N. I. Guseinova:
Analyzing the State of Oil Field Development Based on the Fisher and Shannon Information Measures. 882-896 - Alexander N. Karkishchenko, Viacheslav Kh. Pshikhopov:
On Finding the Complexity of an Environment for the Operation of a Mobile Object on a Plane. 897-912 - Evgeny N. Khobotov, M. A. Ermolova:
Aggregation in Job-Shop Scheduling Problems on Facilities with Conveyor Assembly of Finished Products. 913-926 - Yana I. Kvinto, Mikhail V. Khlebnikov:
Upper Bounds on Large Deviations in Linear Systems in the Presence of Uncertainty. 927-935 - Victor S. Podlazov:
Conflict-Free Self-Routing for a Three-Dimensional Complete Multiring. 936-945 - Liudmila Yu. Zhilyakova, Nikolaj A. Kuznetsov, V. G. Matiukhin, A. B. Shabunin, A. K. Takmazian:
Locomotive Assignment Graph Model for Freight Traffic on Linear Section of Railway. The Problem of Finding a Maximal Independent Schedule Coverage. 946-963 - A. V. Chernov:
On Some Approaches to Find Nash Equilibrium in Concave Games. 964-988
Volume 80, Number 6, June 2019
- Victor S. Kozyakin, Nikolaj A. Kuznetsov, Pavel Yu. Chebotarev:
Consensus in Asynchronous Multiagent Systems. III. Constructive Stability and Stabilizability. 989-1015 - S. E. Kuptsova, N. A. Stepenko, S. Yu. Kuptsov:
Sufficient Conditions for the Existence of Asymptotic Quiescent Position for One Class of Differential-Difference Systems. 1016-1025 - A. V. Chernov:
On Application of Gaussian Functions for Numerical Solution of Optimal Control Problems. 1026-1040 - Sergey V. Ivanov, Andrey I. Kibzun:
General Properties of Two-Stage Stochastic Programming Problems with Probabilistic Criteria. 1041-1057 - Alexey V. Lebedev:
The Nontransitivity Problem for Three Continuous Random Variables. 1058-1068 - Mikhail A. Matalytski, D. Ya. Kopats:
Calculating Expected Incomes in Open Markov Networks with Requests of Different Classes and Different Peculiarities. 1069-1081 - Dmitry V. Efanov, Valery V. Sapozhnikov, Vladimir V. Sapozhnikov:
Sum Codes with Fixed Values of Multiplicities for Detectable Unidirectional and Asymmetrical Errors for Technical Diagnostics of Discrete Systems. 1082-1097 - Sergey A. Vavilov, Sergei K. Kuznetsov:
A Stochastic Control Model for the Average Price of Manufacturer Sales on Commodity Exchanges. 1098-1108 - Mikhail A. Gorelov, F. I. Ereshko:
Awareness and Control Decentralization. 1109-1122 - Sergey K. Somov:
The Problem of the Optimal Placing of the Information-Technological Reserve in Distributed Data Processing Systems. 1123-1133 - Gennady G. Stetsyura:
Network Information-Computing Support of Automatic Mobile Objects Interaction. 1134-1147 - Valeri A. Vasil'ev:
An Analog of the Bondareva-Shapley Theorem I. The Non-Emptiness of the Core of a Fuzzy Game. 1148-1163 - Alexander A. Vasin, A. G. Divtsova:
A Game-Theoretic Model of Agreement on Limitation of Transboundary Air Pollution. 1164-1176 - Andrei A. Krygin:
Planned Maintenance Graphs for Collocated Heat Supply Network Sections: Optimization with Practical Specifics. 1177-1183
Volume 80, Number 7, July 2019
- Aleksandr S. Andreev, N. O. Sedova:
The Method of Lyapunov-Razumikhin Functions in Stability Analysis of Systems with Delay. 1185-1229 - Alexey V. Bosov, Gregory B. Miller:
Conditionally Minimax Nonlinear Filter and Unscented Kalman Filter: Empirical Analysis and Comparison. 1230-1251 - Mikhail M. Khrustalev, Evgeny E. Onegin:
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Optimal Stabilization of Quasi-Linear Stochastic Systems. 1252-1264 - Mikhail A. Gorelov:
Risk Management in Hierarchical Games with Random Factors. 1265-1278 - Igor V. Shcherban, Nikolay E. Kirilenko, S. O. Krasnikov:
A Search Method for Unknown High-Frequency Oscillators in Noisy Signals Based on the Continuous Wavelet Transform. 1279-1287 - Anatoly V. Panyukov:
On the Existence of an Integer Solution to the Relaxed Weber Problem for a Tree Network. 1288-1293 - Vladislav V. Podinovski, M. A. Potapov:
Analysis of the Sensitivity of Solutions of Multi-Criteria Problems Based on Parametric Partial Preference Relations. 1294-1303 - Khazail N. Rzaev:
Mathematical Models of Modified Crypto-Code Means of Information Protection Based on Coding Theory Schemes. 1304-1316 - G. S. Veresnikov, Nikolay A. Egorov, Elena L. Kulida, Valentin G. Lebedev:
Methods for Solving of the Aircraft Landing Problem. I. Exact Solution Methods. 1317-1334 - G. I. Beliavsky, N. V. Danilova, Guennady A. Ougolnitsky:
Evolutionary Methods for Solving Dynamic Resource Allocation Problems. 1335-1346 - Z. Feng, T. Liu, Vladimir V. Mazalov, Jie Zheng:
Pricing of Platforms in Two-Sided Markets with Heterogeneous Agents and Limited Market Size. 1347-1357 - Viacheslav A. Shirokikh, E. A. Lezhnina:
Coalition-Formation Problem for Cooperative Inventory Routing Game. 1358-1367 - V. E. Vershinin, F. I. Polkovnikov:
Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Bluff Body's Shape on Flow Characteristics in Vortex Flowmeters. 1368-1373
Volume 80, Number 8, August 2019
- Vladimir A. Kamenetskiy:
Switched Systems, Lur'e Systems, Absolute Stability, Aizerman Problem. 1375-1389 - Mikhail V. Khlebnikov:
Optimization of Bilinear Control Systems Subjected to Exogenous Disturbances. II. Design. 1390-1402 - Andrei A. Boiarov, Oleg N. Granichin:
Stochastic Approximation Algorithm with Randomization at the Input for Unsupervised Parameters Estimation of Gaussian Mixture Model with Sparse Parameters. 1403-1418 - G. I. Belyavskii, N. V. Danilova, I. A. Zemlyakova:
Optimal Control Problems with Disorder. 1419-1427 - B. P. Podkopaev, A. S. Yakshin:
Detecting Errors in Nodes of Technical Systems with Static Nonlinearities. 1428-1436 - Ya. G. Sapunkov, Yu. N. Chelnokov:
Optimal Rotation of the Orbit Plane of a Variable Mass Spacecraft in the Central Gravitational Field by Means of Orthogonal Thrust. 1437-1454 - Pavel I. Safonov:
Dual Forecasting Algorithm for Technological Structural Matrices in Dynamic Input-Output Models. 1455-1470 - Alexander N. Karkishchenko:
Estimating Scene Complexity by One and Two Local Observations. 1471-1486 - Evgeniya A. Vorontsova, Alexander V. Gasnikov, Eduard A. Gorbunov, Pavel E. Dvurechenskii:
Accelerated Gradient-Free Optimization Methods with a Non-Euclidean Proximal Operator. 1487-1501 - G. S. Veresnikov, Nikolay A. Egorov, Elena L. Kulida, Valentin G. Lebedev:
Methods for Solving of the Aircraft Landing Problem. II. Approximate Solution Methods. 1502-1518 - Liudmila Yu. Zhilyakova:
Resource Allocation Among Attractor Vertices in Asymmetric Regular Resource Networks. 1519-1540 - Vladimir M. Bure, K. Yu. Staroverova:
Applying Cooperative Games with Coalition Structure for Data Clustering. 1541-1551 - A. O. Ryzhikov, A. S. Firsov, Evgeny N. Khobotov:
Planning and Scheduling Works in Concrete Products Plants. 1552-1560
Volume 80, Number 9, September 2019
- Julia P. Emelianova, Pavel V. Pakshin:
Iterative Learning Control Design Based on State Observer. 1561-1573 - Vsevolod M. Kuntsevich:
Bounded Perturbations of Nonlinear Discrete Systems: Estimation of Impact and Minimization. 1574-1590 - Lennart Ljung:
On Convexification of System Identification Criteria. 1591-1606 - Alexander V. Nazin, Arkadi S. Nemirovsky, Alexandre B. Tsybakov, Anatoli B. Juditsky:
Algorithms of Robust Stochastic Optimization Based on Mirror Descent Method. 1607-1627 - Alexander S. Poznyak:
Robust Identification under Correlated and Non-Gaussian Noises: WMLLM Procedure. 1628-1644 - Boris T. Polyak, Georgi V. Smirnov:
Transient Response in Matrix Discrete-Time Linear Systems. 1645-1652