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13. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2017: St.Gallen, Switzerland
- Jan Marco Leimeister, Walter Brenner:
Towards Thought Leadership in Digital Transformation: 13. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, WI 2017, St.Gallen, Switzerland, February 12-15, 2017. 2017
Track 1 - Digitalization in the Industry
- Loina Prifti, Marlene Knigge, Harald Kienegger, Helmut Krcmar:
A Competency Model for "Industrie 4.0" Employees. - Thomas Schäffer, Dirk Stelzer:
Assessing Tools for Coordinating Quality of Master Data in Inter-organizational Product Information Sharing. - Christian Janiesch, Valentin Nentwich:
Autonomie im Internet der Dinge: Anforderungen an die Gestaltung autonomer Agenten in Cyber-physischen Systemen. - Nadine Rückeshäuser:
Do We Really Want Blockchain-Based Accounting? Decentralized Consensus as Enabler of Management Override of Internal Controls. - Sonja Dreyer, Daniel Olivotti, Benedikt Lebek, Michael H. Breitner:
Towards a Smart Services Enabling Information Architecture for Installed Base Management in Manufacturing.
Track 2 - Service Systems and Hybrid Value Creation
- Philipp Haas, Ivo Blohm:
Blueprinting Crowdfunding - Designing a Crowdfunding Service Configuration Framework. - Christina Niemöller, Dirk Metzger, Oliver Thomas:
Design and Evaluation of a Smart-Glasses-based Service Support System. - Martin Semmann, Christian Grotherr:
How to Empower Users for Co-Creation - Conceptualizing an Engagement Platform for Benefits Realization. - Sascha Bosse, Hendrik Müller, Klaus Turowski:
Integrated Optimization of IT Service Performance and Availability Using Performability Prediction Models. - Daniel Beverungen, Hedda Lüttenberg, Verena Wolf:
Recombinant Service System Engineering. - Florian Müller:
Service Modularization in an Evolving Context: A Comparison between the Old and the New World of Automotive Engineering Services in Germany. - Andreas Zolnowski, Jürgen Anke, Jan Gudat:
Towards a Cost-Benefit-Analysis of Data-Driven Business Models. - Robin Knote, Matthias Söllner:
Towards Design Excellence for Context-Aware Services - The Case of Mobile Navigation Apps.
Track 3 - Enterprise Architecture Management and Business Process Management
- Julian Dörndorfer, Christian Seel:
A Meta Model Based Extension of BPMN 2.0 for Mobile Context Sensitive Business Processes and Applications. - Andreas Hermann, Hendrik Scholta, Sebastian Bräuer, Jörg Becker:
Collaborative Business Process Management - A Literature-based Analysis of Methods for Supporting Model Understandability. - Carl Corea, Patrick Delfmann:
Detecting Compliance with Business Rules in Ontology-Based Process Modeling. - Florian Imgrund, Mathäus Malorny, Christian Janiesch:
Eine Literaturanalyse zur Integration von Business Rules und Business Process Management. - Sybren de Kinderen, Monika Kaczmarek-Heß:
Enterprise Modeling Support for SOA Migration. - Thomas Falk:
Evaluation of a Pattern-Based Approach for Business Process Improvement. - Benjamin Wehner, Thomas Falk, Susanne Leist, Christian Ritter:
Measuring National Culture by Analyzing Business Processes: A Case Study in Germany and India. - Sebastian Schlauderer, Martin Robel, Thomas Friedrich:
Systematische Identifikation von Fachkomponenten mit SOM. - Jeannette Stark, Richard Braun, Werner Esswein:
Systemizing Colour for Conceptual Modeling. - Felix Timm, Kurt Sandkuhl, Michael Fellmann:
Towards A Method for Developing Reference Enterprise Architectures. - Jana-Rebecca Rehse, Peter Fettke:
Towards Situational Reference Model Mining - Main Idea, Procedure Model & Case Study.
Track 4 - Digital Work
- Caroline Ernestine Oehlhorn, Sven Laumer, Christian Maier:
About Well-considered Decisions, Favorable Alternatives and Sudden Ideas: A Qualitative Research to Identify Beliefs that Influence Women to Study Information Systems in Germany. - Diana Renner, Sven Laumer:
Development and Test of a Semi-structured Explorative Survey Methodology to Analyze Appropriate Learning Methods for Technology-related Training across the Phases of Technology Use. - Christina Niemöller, Benedikt Zobel, Lisa Berkemeier, Dirk Metzger, Sebastian Werning, Thomas Adelmeyer, Ingmar Ickerott, Oliver Thomas:
Sind Smart Glasses die Zukunft der Digitalisierung von Arbeitsprozessen? Explorative Fallstudien zukünftiger Einsatzszenarien in der Logistik. - David Durward, Ivo Blohm:
The Rise of Crowd Aggregators - How Individual Workers Restructure Their Own Crowd. - Thomas Wagenknecht, Jan Crommelinck, Timm Teubner, Christof Weinhardt:
When Life Gives You Lemons: How rating scales affect user activity and frustration in collaborative evaluation processes.
Track 5 - IT Management and IT Strategy
- Patrick Afflerbach, Simon Kratzer, Maximilian Röglinger, Simon Stelzl:
Analyzing the Trade-Off between Traditional and Agile Software Development - A Cost/Risk Perspective. - Stefan Pfosser:
Bewertung und Planung von IT-Investitionen unter Berücksichtigung finanzieller Beschränkungen. - Martin Haase, Jan Jöhnk, Stefan Lipowsky, Nils Urbach:
Der Einfluss des Agilitätsgrads auf den Erfolg von Softwareentwicklungsprojekten unter Berücksichtigung der Unternehmenskultur. - Phillip Haake, Silvia Schacht, Benjamin Müller, Alexander Maedche:
Enterprise System Renewal - The Divergence Between Perception and Reality. - Raphael David Schilling, Mohammad Kazem Haki, Stephan Aier:
Introducing Archetype Theory to Information Systems Research: A Literature Review and Call for Future Research. - Volker Nissen, Alexander von Rennenkampff:
Measuring the Agility of the IT Application Systems Landscape. - Michael Adelmeyer, Marc Walterbusch, Peter Biermanski, Kai Seifert, Frank Teuteberg:
Rebound Effects in Cloud Computing: Towards a Conceptual Framework. - Anna Neumeier, Thomas Wolf, Severin Oesterle:
The Manifold Fruits of Digitalization - Determining the Literal Value Behind. - Dominik Dellermann, Christopher Jud, Fabian Reck:
Understanding Platform Loyalty in the Cloud: A Configurational View on ISV's Costs and Benefits. - Andy Weeger, Annkatrin Ott-Schwenk:
What Teams Need to Be Clear about - an Activity Theoretical Perspective on Shared Understanding in Health IS Implementation. - Jan-David Liebe, Oliver Thomas, Franziska Jahn, Christian Kücherer, Moritz Esdar, Jan-Patrick Weiß, Jens Hüsers, Ursula Hübner:
Zwischen Schattendasein, Governance und Entrepreneurship - Eine empirische Bestandsaufnahme zum Professionalisierungsgrad des IT-Managements in deutschen Krankenhäusern.
Track 6 - Interactions and Interfaces
- Andreas Hoegen, Dennis M. Steininger, Daniel Veit:
An Interdisciplinary Review of Investor Decision-Making in Crowdfunding. - Tobias Mirsch, Christiane Lehrer, Reinhard Jung:
Digital Nudging: Altering User Behavior in Digital Environments. - Dirk Metzger, Christina Niemöller, Benjamin Wingert, Tobias Schultze, Matthias Bues, Oliver Thomas:
How Machines are Serviced - Design of a Virtual Reality-based Training System for Technical Customer Services. - Dennis Hummel, Silvia Schacht, Alexander Maedche:
Multi-Channel Choice in Retail Banking Services: Exploring the Role of Service Characteristics. - Christian Reuter, Katja Pätsch, Elena Maria Runft:
Terrorbekämpfung mithilfe sozialer Medien - ein explorativer Einblick am Beispiel von Twitter. - Moritz von Hoffen, Friedrich Chasin, Martin Matzner, Florian Plenter, Jan Hendrik Betzing:
Testing Technical Feasibility in CPS Development Projects.
Track 7 - Learning and Knowledge Management
- Johannes Putzke, Hideaki Takeda:
Explizite Neutralität in Wählernetzwerken - Eine Analyse der Requests for Adminship (RfAs) in Wikipedia. - David Nienaber:
From Doves, Magpies and Urban Sparrows: The External Strategic Forces Driving Knowledge Protection Approaches in German SMEs. - Florian Johannsen:
Functional Interdependencies between Quality Techniques reverting to Meta Models. - Janine Hacker, Freimut Bodendorf, Pascal Lorenz:
Helper, Sharer or Seeker? - A Concept to Determine Knowledge Worker Roles in Enterprise Social Networks. - Andreas Sonntag, Peter Fettke, Peter Loos:
Inductive Reference Modelling Based on Simulated Social Collaboration. - Andreas Engelmann, Peter Heinrich, Gerhard Schwabe:
Mobiles Lernen für Industrie 4.0: Probleme, Ziele, Lernarrangements. - Isabella Seeber:
The Role of Information Elaboration for Co-Construction of Meaning during Idea Convergence: A Causal Mediation Analysis. - Roman Rietsche, Katja Lehmann, Philipp Haas, Matthias Söllner:
The Twofold Value of IT-Based Peer Assessment in Management Information Systems Education. - Christian Karl Grund, Maria Tulis:
Using Elected Elements in Large-Scale Information Systems Lectures. - Sarah Oeste-Reiß, Eva A. C. Bittner, Matthias Söllner:
Yes You Can - Empowering Lecturers to Simulate Collaboration among Learners in the Disciplines of Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Regardless of Class Size.
Track 8 - Information Privacy and Information Security
- Dominikus Kleindienst, Niclas Nüske, Daniel Rau, Fabian Schmied:
Beyond Mere Compliance - Delighting Customers by Implementing Data Privacy Measures? - Michael Lang, Manuel Wiesche, Helmut Krcmar:
Conceptualization of Relational Assurance Mechanisms - A Literature Review on Relational Assurance Mechanisms, Their Antecedents and Effects. - Christoph Buck, Florian Stadler, Kristin Suckau, Torsten Eymann:
Privacy as a Part of the Preference Structure of Users App Buying Decision. - Claus-Georg Nolte, Jonas Schwarz, Christian Zimmermann:
Social Network Services: Competition and Privacy. - Clemens Sauerwein, Christian Sillaber, Andrea Mussmann, Ruth Breu:
Threat Intelligence Sharing Platforms: An Exploratory Study of Software Vendors and Research Perspectives. - Andreas Josef Rieb, Marko A. Hofmann, Alexander Laux, Steffi Rudel, Ulrike Lechner:
Wie IT-Security Matchplays als Awarenessmaßnahme die IT-Sicherheit verbessern können.
Track 9 - Business Innovations and Business Models
- Dominik Bilgeri, Felix Wortmann:
Barriers to IoT Business Model Innovation. - Nicola Terrenghi, Johannes S. Schwarz, Christine Legner, Uli Eisert:
Business Model Management: Current Practices, Required Activities and IT Support. - Friedrich Holotiuk, Daniel Beimborn:
Critical Success Factors of Digital Business Strategy. - Andreas Kiesow, Oliver Thomas:
Entwurf eines cloud-basierten Geschäftsmodells für die kontinuierliche Prüfung. - Stefan Kleinschmidt, Christoph Peters:
Fostering Business Model Extensions for ICT-Enabled Human-Centered Service Systems. - Denis Vuckovac, Pascal Fritzen, Klaus Ludwig Fuchs, Alexander Ilic:
From Shopping Aids to Fully Autonomous Mobile Self-checkouts - A Field Study in Retail. - Thomas Wagenknecht, Jan Crommelinck, Timm Teubner, Christof Weinhardt:
Ideate. Collaborate. Repeat. A Research Agenda for Idea Generation, Collaboration and Evaluation in Open Innovation. - Benedikt Simmert, Philipp Ebel, Eva Alice Christiane Bittner, Christoph Peters:
Systematic and Continuous Business Model Development: Design of a Repeatable Process Using the Collaboration Engineering Approach. - Markus Böhm, Jörg Weking, Frank Fortunat, Simon Müller, Isabell M. Welpe, Helmut Krcmar:
The Business Model DNA: Towards an Approach for Predicting Business Model Success. - Friedrich Holotiuk, Francesco Pisani, Jürgen Moormann:
The Impact of Blockchain Technology on Business Models in the Payments Industry.
Track 10 - User-Centered Information Systems
- Jens Fölting, Stephan Daurer, Martin Spann:
Consumer Preferences for Product Information and Price Comparison Apps. - Raphael Rissler, Mario Nadj, Marc T. P. Adam:
Flow in Information Systems Research: Review, Integrative Theoretical Framework, and Future Directions. - Julia Troll, Ivo Blohm:
How Does the Crowdsourcing Experience Impact Participants' Engagement? An Empirical Illustration. - Stefan Morana, Julia Kroenung, Alexander Maedche:
"I did use it!" - Assessing subjective vs objective cognitive artifact usage. - Kenny R. Lienhard, Christine Legner:
Principles in the Design of Mobile Medical Apps: Guidance for Those who Care.
Track 11 - Research Methods and Philosophy of Science
- Alexander Keller:
How to Gauge the Relevance of Codes in Qualitative Data Analysis? - A Technique Based on Information Retrieval. - Thomas Friedrich, Sebastian Schlauderer, Julian Weidinger, Maximilian Raab:
On the Research Paradigms and Research Methods Employed in the BISE Journal - A Ten-Year Update.
Track 12 - Data Science & Business Analytics
- Marcel Rhyn, Ivo Blohm:
A Machine Learning Approach for Classifying Textual Data in Crowdsourcing. - Jens Passlick, Benedikt Lebek, Michael H. Breitner:
A Self-Service Supporting Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics Architecture. - Dominikus Kleindienst, Daniela Waldmann:
Dead or Alive? A Formal Decision Model for Deciding on Customer Recovery Investments. - Christoph Gleue, Dennis Eilers, Hans-Jörg von Mettenheim, Michael H. Breitner:
Decision Support for the Automotive Industry: Forecasting Residual Values using Artificial Neural Networks. - Christopher Kohl, Dalia Mostafa, Markus Böhm, Helmut Krcmar:
Disruption of Individual Mobility Ahead? A Longitudinal Study of Risk and Benefit Perceptions of Self-Driving Cars on Twitter. - Marc Egger, Gloria Volkmann, Detlef Schoder:
Erhebung und Diagnostik von Markenassoziationsnetzwerken auf Grundlage nutzergenerierter Inhalte. - Matthias Hauser, Sebastian A. Günther, Christoph M. Flath, Frédéric Thiesse:
Leveraging RFID Data Analytics for the Design of an Automated Checkout System. - Darius Schlangenotto, Dennis Kundisch:
Over-Paid Search: When Bricks-and-Mortar Retailers Should Not Use Paid Search. - Mariya A. Sodenkamp, Ilya Kozlovskiy, Konstantin Hopf, Thorsten Staake:
Smart Meter Data Analytics for Enhanced Energy Efficiency in the Residential Sector. - Mateusz Dolata, Falk Uebernickel, Gerhard Schwabe:
The power of words: Towards a methodology for progress monitoring in design thinking projects. - Christian Dremel, Sven Overhage, Sebastian Schlauderer, Jochen Wulf:
Towards a Capability Model for Big Data Analytics. - Christof Naumzik, Stefan Feuerriegel, Dirk Neumann:
Understanding Consumer Behavior in Electronic Commerce with Image Sentiment.
Track 13 - Prototype & Experiment
- Christian Karl Grund, Michael Schelkle, Max Hurm:
Architecture and Evaluation Design of a Prototypical Serious Game for Business Information Visualization. - Matthias Hauser, Matthias Griebel, Jannis Hanke, Frédéric Thiesse:
Empowering Smarter Fitting Rooms with RFID Data Analytics. - Peter Tinschert, Filipe Barata, Tobias Kowatsch:
Enhancing Asthma Control through IT: Design, Implementation and Planned Evaluation of the Mobile Asthma Companion. - André Dahlinger, Felix Wortmann, Verena Tiefenbeck, Benjamin Ryder, Bernhard Gahr:
Feldexperiment zur Wirksamkeit von konkretem vs. abstraktem Eco-Driving Feedback. - Dennis M. Riehle, Steffen Höhenberger, Rainer Cording, Patrick Delfmann:
Live Query - Visualized Process Analysis. - Sissy-Josefina Ernst, Andreas Janson, Matthias Söllner:
Mobiles Lernen für China - eine iterative Prototypenentwicklung. - Jan Hendrik Betzing, Moritz von Hoffen, Florian Plenter, Friedrich Chasin, Martin Matzner, Jörg Becker:
One Plug at a Time - Designing a Peer-to-Peer Sharing Service for Charging Electric Vehicles. - Manuel Zapp, Peter Fettke, Peter Loos:
Towards a Software Prototype Supporting Automatic Recognition of Sketched Business Process Models.
Track 14 - Thought Leadership in Digital Transformation - From Insight to Impact
- Volker Nissen, Henry Seifert:
Ermittlung des Virtualisierungspotenzials von Beratungsleistungen im Consulting. - Sebastian Dürr, Heinz-Theo Wagner, Tim Weitzel, Daniel Beimborn:
Navigating Digital Innovation - The Complementary Effect of Organizational and Knowledge Recombination. - Stefan Stieglitz, Milad Mirbabaie, Lara Schwenner, Julian Marx, Janina Lehr, Felix Brünker:
Sensemaking and Communication Roles in Social Media Crisis Communication. - Simon Jonas Alfano, Nicolas Pröllochs, Joscha Märkle-Huss, Stefan Feuerriegel, Dirk Neumann:
Setting the Right Tone: How Data Science Enables Investor Communication to Choose the Right Language. - Nihal Islam, Peter Buxmann, Nicole Eling:
Why should Incumbent Firms jump on the Start-up Bandwagon in the Digital Era? - A Qualitative Study. - Dominik Gutt, Darius Schlangenotto, Dennis Kundisch:
You can't buy my rating! On the pivotal effect of an unconditional gift on rating behavior.
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