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WCSP 2010: Suzhou, China
- International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing, WCSP 2010, Suzhou, China, 21-23 October, 2010. IEEE 2010, ISBN 978-1-4244-7556-8
- Qinghai Gao:
Neighbor selection and progress rate in multi-channel MIMO wireless networks: The two antenna case. 1-6 - Lei Li, Baoyu Zheng:
A time-sharing resource allocation method in heterogeneous cognitive OFDM network. 1-5 - Shun-Fang Yang, Jung-Shyr Wu:
A spectrum sharing method based on fuzzy logic in IEEE 802.22 WRAN. 1-5 - Jianping Zheng, Baoming Bai, Ying Li, Jingmei Liu:
Modified truthiness propagation algorithm for lossy source compression based on LDGM codes. 1-3 - Quan Liu, Jun Gao, Lesheng Chen:
Optimization of energy detection based cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks. 1-5 - Fan Ye, Fan Zhang, Jubo Zhu:
ISAR super-resolution imaging based on sparse representation. 1-6 - Rui Chen, Jiandong Li, Wei Liu:
Lattice-reduction-aided robust detection for MIMO systems with channel estimation error. 1-5 - Yingquan Zou, Chunguo Li, Luxi Yang:
Distributed precoding for multicell MIMO networks. 1-4 - Wen-Tao Zhang, Liang-Feng Ye, Hong-yu Zhao, Shun-Lian Chai:
Design of waveguide E-plane hybrid metal insert filters for millimeter-wave application. 1-4 - Jinbao Zhang, Zaichen Zhang, Xiaoyan Wang, Zhenhui Tan, Qiang Guo:
A simulated method of modeling wireless channel based on CDL. 1-4 - Ali Ghayoor, Saeed Ghorbani, Ali Asghar Beheshti Shirazi:
Sub-pixel image registration based on physical forces. 1-5 - Xu Li, Yanli Deng, Venkat Narasimhan, Amiya Nayak
, Ivan Stojmenovic:
Localized address autoconfiguration in wireless ad hoc networks. 1-6 - Chuan Peng, Chunlan Lu, Yingsong Zhang:
A UHF wide bandwidth Omni-directional wire antenna based on Genetic-Algorithms. 1-3 - Chen Hui, Zheng Bao:
Performance analysis of self-calibration algorithm for concentric-UCA. 1-5 - Ke Xu, Behnam Shahrrava, Jianwei Wan:
A unified framework for SNR mismatch in turbo algorithms. 1-4 - Jiandong Li, Chungang Yang:
A Markovian game-theoretical power control approach in cognitive radio networks: A multi-agent learning perspective. 1-5 - Lin-Chuan Tsai, Wen-Cheng Lai:
Design and implementation of microwave amplifiers with matching transformers. 1-4 - Lin-Chuan Tsai, Wen-Cheng Lai:
Wideband band-pass filters with spurious band suppression. 1-4 - Zhonghui Mei, Xiaofei Li, Zhen Yang, Lenan Wu:
PDA+LDPC iterative detector for cooperative CDMA networks. 1-4 - Rongdao Yu, Tao Wu:
Joint network coding and channel coding for cooperative relay communication system. 1-4 - Haifen Yang, Guangjun Li, Zhiyong Guo, Yong Xiong:
On the tradeoff performance of severely fading channels. 1-3 - Jiancai Liu, Feng Chen, Jiakai Xu:
The study of routing strategies in vehicular ad-hoc networks. 1-5 - Zhongliang Deng, Yanpei Yu, Weiguo Guan, Litao He:
NLOS error mitigation based on modified Kaiman filter for mobile location in cellular networks. 1-5 - Youssef Dandach, Pierre Siohan:
Pulse-shaped offset QAM in discrete-time. 1-5 - Qianya Wang, Hongwen Yang:
Optimal antenna layout under uniformly scattering environments. 1-5 - Chuanhua Wen, Lei Tang, Xiaoyuan Yang, Hongyun Hu:
Study on bandwidth of Optical filter in beacon sub-system of Satellite Optical Communications. 1-4 - Xueyun He, Rongfang Song:
Pilot pattern optimization for compressed sensing based sparse channel estimation in OFDM systems. 1-5 - Wu Yin, Pei Xiao, Colin Cowan, Liujun Hu:
Grubbs and Wright algorithms for WiMAX and LTE systems. 1-5 - Pei Xiao, Ciaran Toal, Dwayne Burns, Vincent F. Fusco, Colin Cowan:
Transmit and receive filter design for OFDM based WLAN systems. 1-4 - Yong Xu, Fei Zhao, Yuanliang Wu, Rui Min, Zheng Sun, Lu Tang:
Single chip design of closed-loop class D audio power amplifier. 1-5 - Xin Xu, Kai Tang, Yan Shi, Jianghua Li, Sixiang Yang:
Performance analysis of dynamic bandwidth allocation scheme based on QoS in satellite networks. 1-6 - Vaitheki Yoganathan, Tom J. Moir:
Speech enhancement using microphone array neural switched Griffiths-Jim beamformer. 1-5 - Hui Li, Yue-hong Shen, Kun Xu:
Low-complexity two-stage detection for long intersymbol interference channel. 1-5 - Jiacheng Hong, Ning Liu, Ping Yi, Futai Zou, Qiang Zhai:
Securing Wireless Mesh Network with Mobile Firewall. 1-6 - Xiangning Fan, Yutao Sun, Yangyang Feng:
An efficient CMOS DC offset cancellation circuit for PGA of low IF wireless receivers. 1-5 - Sheng Lei, Qingyun Tu, Dacheng Yang, Jianya Chen:
Probabilistic tree pruning for fixed-complexity sphere decoder in MIMO systems. 1-6 - Ke Xu, Jianwei Wan, Zhan Xu:
Robust turbo decoding over Rayleigh fading channels. 1-3 - Teng Li, Fucheng Guo
, Wenli Jiang:
A novel emitter localization method using an interferometer on a spin-stabilized satellite. 1-5 - Valeri Y. Kontorovich, Fernando Ramos-Alarcón, Oscar Filio-Rodriguez, Sergey Primak:
Cyclostationary spectrum sensing for Cognitive Radio and multiantenna systems. 1-6 - Zhigang Jin, Wei Deng, Ningxiao Yan, Bing Li:
A study of Multi-Priority Opportunistic Directional Routing for VANET. 1-4 - Lv Ding, Rui Liu, Bin Jiang, Xiqi Gao:
Limited feedback unitary precoding using improved Euclidean distance metrics for spatial multiplexing systems. 1-6 - Zhili Zhang, Hongwen Yang, Liyun Dai:
A new relay assisted Hybrid ARQ scheme. 1-4 - Nan Li, Naiping Cheng, Yueming Cai, Xiaotie Xu:
Performance analysis of a cooperative MAC based on opportunistic relaying for ad hoc networks. 1-6 - Dewei Yang, Chaoxing Yan, Hua Wang, Jingming Kuang, Nan Wu:
Extension to Gardner timing error detector for QPSK signals. 1-5 - Weidong Guo, Ju Liu, Lina Zheng, Yuxi Liu, Guowei Zhang:
Performance analysis of a selection cooperation scheme in multi-source multi-relay networks. 1-6 - Lili Zhang, Xiwei Zhang, Jie Yang, Guihai Chen
Practical node deployment for unique localization in large scale wireless sensor networks. 1-6 - Woosuk Cha, Jongsoo Jeong
, Jaeseok Kim, Sukdea Yu:
An adaptive link management for Vehicular Ad hoc networks. 1-4 - Dewei Yang, Chaoxing Yan, Hua Wang, Jingming Kuang, Haiqin Zhang, Nan Wu:
Performance evaluation of different detectors for frame synchronization in DVB-S2 system. 1-5 - Hongxuan Liu, Xiantao Cheng, Zhixun Zhou, Gang Wu
Block diagonalization eigenvalue based beamforming precoding design for downlink capacity improvement in multiuser MIMO channel. 1-5 - Hairong Wang, Yongming Huang, Luxi Yang, Yinggang Du, Meng Zhao:
A cooperative transmission design combining network coding and superposition coding. 1-5 - Zenghui Hu, Feng He, Jubo Zhu:
Blind source separation-based 2-D angle estimation with uniform circular array. 1-4 - Jianpeng Wang, Zheng Liu, Wenli Jiang:
Fast DOA estimation with temporal-spatial 2-dimension resolving. 1-6 - Kun Yang, Terje Røste, Fritz Bekkadal, Torbjörn Ekman:
Channel characterization including path loss and Doppler effects with sea reflections for mobile radio propagation over sea at 2 GHz. 1-6 - Tomoyuki Kitada, Jun Ozawa, Jun Cheng, Yoichiro Watanabe:
DoA estimation based on 2D-ESPRIT algorithm with multiple subarrays in hexagonal array. 1-6 - Yohei Ozaki, Jun Ozawa, Eddy Taillefer, Jun Cheng, Yoichiro Watanabe:
A simple DoA estimator using adjacent pattern power ratio with switched beam antenna. 1-6 - Muhammad Aamir Saleem Choudhry, Muhammad Zubair
, Ijaz Mansoor Qureshi:
MUD for WCDMA using modified PSO algorithm. 1-4 - I. Jantarayat, Monthippa Uthansakul, Peerapong Uthansakul:
Tradeoffs between handover performance and coverage range of relay stations in multihop cellular networks. 1-5 - Yi-Yong Zhu, Xiao Li, Jian-zhong Chen, Yong-Gang Zhu:
The family of affine projection algorithm with dynamic selection of input vectors. 1-6 - Shahriar Shirvani Moghaddam
, Hamid Nooralizadeh:
Frequency selective Rician fading MIMO channel and channel Rice factor estimation. 1-6 - Ghassan M. Kraidy, Pierluigi Salvo Rossi:
Full-diversity iterative MMSE receivers with space-time precoders over block-fading MIMO channels. 1-5 - Hung-Yan Gu, Sung-Feng Tsai:
A discrete-cepstrum based spectral-envelope estimation scheme with improvements. 1-5 - Bin Zhou, Xiongwei Zhang, Xia Zou:
An improved wavelet-based speech enhancement method using adaptive block thresholding. 1-5 - Weijuan Xia, Lidong Zhu, Xingzhong Xiong:
Fractional lower order statistics based generalized constant modulus algorithm for blind multi-user detection in DS/CDMA systems. 1-6 - Rong Chai, Ya-Lai Zhao, Qianbin Chen
, Tao Dong, Wei-Guang Zhou:
Group mobility in 6LoWPAN-based WSN. 1-5 - Fei Xiong, Xiangchuan Gao:
Distributed generalized layered space time codes and antenna selection algorithms in correlated fading channels. 1-5 - Li-Min Meng, Yi-Fan Wu, Jing-Yu Hua, Zhi-Jiang Xu:
Research on routing model for MANET based on quantum search algorithm. 1-6 - Lizhong Han, Bingyang Wu:
DCT-based channel estimation for wireless OFDM systems with the hexagonal pilot pattern. 1-5 - Zhongxia Pan, Gang Wu
, Shu Fang, Dengsheng Lin:
Practical soft-SIC detection for MIMO SC-FDMA system with co-channel interference. 1-5 - Fangming Zhao, Juan Hang, Di He:
Channel borrowing based channel allocation scheme and performance analysis for wireless overlay networks. 1-6 - Da Chen, Daiming Qu, Tao Jiang:
Novel prototype filter design for FBMC based cognitive radio systems through direct optimization of filter coefficients. 1-6 - Yingquan Zou, Rui Zhao, Luxi Yang:
Performance analysis of multi-cell systems with cochannel interferences and multiuser diversity. 1-6 - Clifford De Raffaele
, Carl James Debono
Modeling of the electromagnetic interference map generated by 3G systems inside small aircraft. 1-5 - Su Xiao:
A hybrid prior based general sparse image deconvolution algorithm. 1-4 - Rui Liu, Xiao Li, Lv Ding, Xiqi Gao:
Low complexity turbo equalization for LTE uplink with transmitter IQ imbalance. 1-6 - Heng Luo, D. I. Laurenson:
Link-duration-oriented route lifetime computation for AODV in MANET. 1-4 - Alexandru Mihnea Moucha, Viktor Cerný:
Interference in anisotropic antenna topology controlled ad-hoc and sensor networks. 1-6 - Zhiwen Liu, Hang Zhang, Shaofan Sun, Desheng Zhu:
Analysis and improvement of eigenvalue spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks. 1-5 - Danhua Liu, Dahua Gao
, Guangming Shi:
Compressive sensing-based multiple description image coding for wireless channel. 1-5 - Quan Liu, Jun Gao, Yunwei Guo, Siyang Liu:
Robustness improvement against noise uncertainty by cooperative spectrum sensing. 1-6 - Heng Liu, Yan Chen:
A moving scope aware routing approach for opportunistic networks. 1-5 - Fabrizio Abrate, Andrea Vesco
, Riccardo Scopigno:
Improvement of WiFi physical model and effects on network simulations. 1-6 - Jun Zhang, Bin Jiang, Shi Jin, Xiqi Gao:
Multi-base station cooperation downlink statistical eigenmode transmission. 1-6 - Feng Shi, Dengpeng Hu, Eryang Zhang, Chen Wang:
Robust DFT-based channel estimation for burst OFDM systems. 1-4 - Wen-lu Yin, Jian Dong, Lin Chen, Liang-Feng Ye, Huiying Qi, Junjie Mao:
Systematic construction and performance comparison for higher order hierarchical tetrahedral vector elements. 1-4 - Qing Ding, Xi Li, Ming Jiang, Xuehai Zhou:
Reputation-based trust model in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. 1-6 - Lin Zheng
, Mei Wang, Jiming Lin:
TOA estimation using phase-locked loop in non-coherent IR-UWB systems. 1-5 - Huanqin Gao, Rongfang Song, Junxi Zhao:
Compression of CQI feedback with compressive sensing in adaptive OFDM systems. 1-4 - Jing Zhang, Yanan Ding, Jinlong Hu, Di Pang, Jinglin Shi:
Capacity optimization with stream control for MIMO Mesh networks. 1-5 - Xi Shao:
A non-parametric estimation approach for spectrum entropy computation in music-fingerprinting system. 1-4 - Hui Xiao, Jun Yuan:
On exploring SVDSPM algorithm for more accurate DOA estimation of low altitude target. 1-4 - Xinying Diao, Shu Zhang:
A novel adaptive cooperative diversity scheme. 1-4 - Li Qiang, Yang Yang, Fang Shu, Wu Gang
SLNR precoding based on QBC with limited feedback in downlink CoMP system. 1-5 - Julien Dubois, Moïse Djoko-Kouam, Alexandre Skrzypczak:
Comparison of adaptive algorithms performance for power amplifiers linearization in a DVB-T context. 1-6 - Li Zeng, Liang Chen, Qiang Xiao:
Pitch period estimation base on voiced degree weighted sub-frame octave region dynamic programming. 1-5 - Lei Sun, Ji-hua Lu, Yu Han, Heng Liu:
Precise BER performance of BPSK in two-wave with diffuse power fading channel and cochannel interference. 1-5 - J. W. P. Ng:
Self-aware wireless sensor network: A joint localisation and orientation approach. 1-6 - Jing-Wen Yang, Jin-Long Wang, Yi-Tao Xu, Xu Ma, Xing-Hao Pang:
The FPSO-DML algorithm for 1-DOA estimation of wideband signals. 1-4 - Dongfeng Yu, Wenqiang Zhang, Zhiling Lu, Yong Xiao, Lingzhi Zhao, Xia Zou:
A code-matched interleaver design based on the parity-check weight low-bound of component codes for turbo codes. 1-6 - Lisheng Fan, Xianfu Lei, Feifei Gao:
Closed-form BER analysis of MIMO systems with impulsive noise using bi-parameter Cauchy-Gaussian mixture approximation. 1-5 - Xiang Zou, Zifa Zhong, Min Zhang, Ying-Chun Shi:
Robust adaptive beamforming with steering vector errors decomposition. 1-5 - Su Xiao:
Bayesian color image denoising via a joint model and space projection. 1-4 - Xu Xin, Tang Kai, Shi Yan, Fang Hua:
Increasing the coding opportunity of random access protocol based on network coding in wireless relay networks. 1-5 - Xiu-Ning Zhang, Zhen-Hui Tan:
A new spectrum allocation algorithm for IMT-Advanced system over rayleigh-fading channels. 1-6 - Yu Bai, Yingsong Li
, Shang Feng, Xiaodong Yang:
Bandwidth enhancement of a CPW-fed monopole antenna for 2.4GHz/UWB applications with sub-band rejection filter. 1-4 - Shuxia Guo, Bo Yang, Ning Liu:
Unknown noise estimation with DPM model and its application. 1-4 - Jirí Trdlicka, Zdenek Hanzálek
Distributed algorithm for energy optimal multi-commodity network flow routing in sensor networks. 1-6 - Jun Zeng, Xiangning Fan, Bin Bin, Weiwei Zhu:
An improved low phase noise and low power consumption VCO for WSN applications. 1-5 - Jian Dang, Zaichen Zhang, Xiaoyan Wang:
Two-level multicarrier UWB: A case study. 1-5 - Xin-bo Qu, Zhao-xiang He, Zheng Wan, Min Li:
Performance analysis of the pairwise error probability of space-time coding over correlated Rayleigh-fading channels. 1-4 - Guowei Zhang, Ju Liu, Lei Chen, Weidong Guo:
Efficient energy detector for spectrum sensing in complex Gaussian noise. 1-4 - Xiaobo Tan, Hang Zhang, Yanming Sheng, Wei Lu:
Blind modulation recognition of PSK signals based on constellation reconstruction. 1-6 - Fanglin Gu, Hang Zhang, Ning Li, Wei Lu:
Blind separation of multiple sequences from a single linear mixture using finite alphabet. 1-5 - Lei Wang, Yueming Cai, Weiwei Yang:
Impact of channel estimation errors in amplify-and-forward cooperative transmission. 1-5 - Chao Dong, Panlong Yang, Hai Wang, Guihai Chen
, Chen Qian:
On the throughput issue when IEEE 802.11 meets with WANETs. 1-5 - Xiangchuan Gao, Xiong Fei, Song Lei:
A successive iterative optimization precoding method for downlink multi-user MIMO system. 1-5 - Wen-Cheng Lai, Lin-Chuan Tsai:
Approach of linear phase differentiators and integrators. 1-4 - Hua Li, Hongbo Xu, Jing Jin, Shouyin Liu:
An optimal adaptive transmitting and waiting durations based on detected energy values in cognitive radio networks. 1-6 - Ming Jiang, Chen Wang, Yuan Zhang, Chunming Zhao:
An improved variable length coding scheme using structured LDPC codes. 1-5 - Tuanfeng Wu, Youyun Xu, Lin Gui, Wenfeng Ma:
The iterative demodulation and decoding algorithm for convolutional coded GMSK signals over mobile satellite channel. 1-4 - Yuzhen Huang, Yunpeng Cheng, Yuming Zhang,