13th SNPD 2012: Kyoto, Japan

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Artificial Intelligence

Audio and Video Technology

Collaborative Computing

Communication Systems and Networks

Component-Based Software Engineering

Data Mining and Machine Learning

Database System Management

Embedded Systems

Image, Speech, and Signal Processing

Internet Technology and Applications

Mobile/Wireless/Ad-Hoc Networks

Natural Language Processing

Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms

Operating Systems

Parallel and Distributed Computing

Software Specification and Architecture

Software Testing

Human Symbiotic Systems

Technology Acceptance and Online Behavior

The Art of Humanities Computing

Multi-agent Technology, Platforms, and Systems

Experiences of Software Engineering

Intelligent Software: Theory and Application

Multimedia and Kansei Engineering

Software Estimation

Innovative Switch Architectures for Future Networks

Future Internet Architectures and Experimental Facilities

Applications of Parallel and Distributed Processing

Data Mining for Info-communication Service and Its Diffusion