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7th PP 1995: San Francisco, California, USA
- David H. Bailey, Petter E. Bjørstad, John R. Gilbert, Michael Mascagni, Robert S. Schreiber, Horst D. Simon, Virginia Torczon, Layne T. Watson:
Proceedings of the Seventh SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, PP 1995, San Francisco, California, USA, February 15-17, 1995. SIAM 1995, ISBN 0-89871-344-7
Image, Signal, and Information Processing
- Mahn-ling Woo:
Parallel Discrete Wavelet Transform on the Paragon MIMD Machine. PP 1995: 3-8 - Andreas Uhl:
Vector and Parallel Wavelet Transforms for the Analysis of Time-Varying Signals. PP 1995: 9-14 - David A. Carlson, Craig K. Frock, Thomas A. Pauls, Daniel V. Pryor:
Cross Ambiguity Functions on the MasPar MP-2. PP 1995: 15-20 - Avijit Purkayastha, Jaime Seguel:
Efficient Algorithms for Some Specific FFTs on a Massively Parallel Computer. PP 1995: 21-26 - Richard B. Pelz:
A Parallel, Compact FFT for Real Symmetric Sequences. PP 1995: 27-32 - Peter A. Yoon, Jesse L. Barlow:
Modifying the Singular Value Decompositions on the Connection Machine. PP 1995: 33-38 - Michael W. Berry, Susan T. Dumais, Gavin W. O'Brien:
The Computationel Complexity of Alternative Updating Approaches for an SVD-Encoded Indexing Scheme. PP 1995: 39-44 - S. K. Patch:
Opportunities for Parallel Solutions in Diffuse Tomography. PP 1995: 45-49 - H. T. Nguyen, R. Srinivasan:
Distributed Maximum-Intensity Projection (Partitioned-MIP) Algorithm for Visualizing Medical Data. PP 1995: 50-55 - Stefano Foresti, Larry Zeng:
Parallel Methods for the Reconstruction of SPECT Images. PP 1995: 56-61 - Christian Trefftz, Philip K. McKinley, Tien-Yien Li, Zhonggang Zeng:
A Parallel Algorithm for the Singular Value Problem in Bidiagonal Matrices. PP 1995: 62-67 - Blaise Chamaret, Hocine Cherifi, Stéphane Ubéda:
Parallel Filter Estimation Maximisation Algorithm for Segmentation on a Lan of Workstation. PP 1995: 68-69 - Hong Q. Ding, Robert D. Ferraro, Donald B. Gennery:
A Portable 3D FFT Package for Distributed-Memory Parallel Architectures. PP 1995: 70-71
Optimization and Control
- Richard H. Byrd, Elizabeth Eskow, André van der Hoek, Robert B. Schnabel, Klaas P. B. Oldenkamp:
A Parallel Global Optimization Method for Solving Molecular Cluster and Polymer Conformation Problems. PP 1995: 72-77 - Liam Murphy, Javier Contreras, Felix F. Wu:
A Decomposition-Coordination Approach for Large-Scale Optimization. PP 1995: 78-83 - Yuzhen Ge, Layne T. Watson, Emmanuel G. Collins Jr.:
Distributed Homotopy Algorithms for H2 / Hinfinity Controller Synthesis. PP 1995: 84-89 - Jean-David Benamou:
A Massively Parallel Algorithm for the Optimal Control of Systems Governed by Elliptic P.D.E.'s. PP 1995: 90-95 - Susan Burgee, Anthony A. Giunta, Robert Narducci, Layne T. Watson, Bernard Grossman, Raphael T. Haftka:
A Coarse Grained Variable-Complexity Approach to MDO for HSCT Design. PP 1995: 96-101 - Raino A. E. Mäkinen, Jari Toivanen:
Parallel Solution of Optimal Shape Design Problem Governed by Helmholtz/Potential Flow Equations. PP 1995: 102-103 - Rosemary A. Renaut, Hans D. Mittelmann:
Parallel Multisplittings for Optimisation. PP 1995: 104-105 - Jie Hu, Tadao Nakamura, Lei Li:
The Convergence of Asynchronous Monotone Newton Iterations on Distributed Computer. PP 1995: 106-107 - Jianjun Xu, Houghui Wan:
A Class of Asynchronous Block Methods for Nonlinear Systems of Equations. PP 1995: 108-109 - George Karypis, Anshul Gupta, Vipin Kumar:
A Highly Parallel Interior Point Algorithm. PP 1995: 110-112
Computational Physics
Fluid Dynamics
- John Brown, Per Christian Hansen, P. Kaae, C. Keable, Wojciech Owczarz, Jerzy Wasniewski, Zahari Zlatev:
Comparison of Parallel Computers Using Air Pollution Models. PP 1995: 113-118 - John B. Drake, Ian T. Foster, John Michalakes, Patrick H. Worley:
Parallel Algorithms for Semi-Lagrangian Transport in Global Atmospheric Circulation Models. PP 1995: 119-124 - Steven W. Hammond, Richard D. Loft, John M. Dennis, Richard K. Sato:
A Data Parallel Implementation of the NCAR Community Climate Model (CCM2). PP 1995: 125-130 - Steven F. Ashby, Robert D. Falgout, Steven G. Smith, A. F. B. Tompson:
The Parallel Performance of a Groundwater Flow Code on the Cray T3D. PP 1995: 131-136 - Laurent Anné, Philippe Klein:
Aliasing Techniques: Efficient Boundary Condition Processing for 3D Acoustic Wave Propagation on the CM-5. PP 1995: 137-142 - A. K. Stagg, D. D. Cline, Graham F. Carey:
Implementing a Parabolized Navier-Stokes Flow Solver on the Cray T3D. PP 1995: 143-148 - Rajat P. Garg, Joel H. Ferziger, Stephen G. Monismith:
Implementation of Spectral-Finite Difference Method for Simulation of Stratified Turbulent Flows on Distributed Memory Multiprocessors. PP 1995: 149-154 - Danesh K. Tafti:
High-Order Finite Difference Formulations for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations on the CM-5. PP 1995: 155-160 - Mark L. Sawley, Jon K. Tegnér, Peter V. Corbett:
Parallel Multi-Block Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics. PP 1995: 161-166 - John Z. Lou:
A Parallel Incompressible Navier-Stokes Solver with Multigrid Iterations. PP 1995: 167-168 - Patrick G. Mullins, Patrick D. Krolak:
A Discrete Simulation of 2-D Fluid Flow on TERASYS. PP 1995: 169-170 - Rupert Ford, David F. Snelling, A. Dickinson:
Dynamic Memory Control in a Parallel Implementation of an Operational Weather Forecast Model. PP 1995: 171-172 - Jean-Marie Beckers, François Schmitz:
The Junction: A Tool to Parallelise Ocean Models by a Domain Decomposition, to Connect Different Kind of Models and to Impose Open Sea Boundary Conditions. PP 1995: 173-174 - Edward J. Barragy, Graham F. Carey:
Parallel Element-by-Element Performance for the Navier-Stokes Computations. PP 1995: 175-176 - Rémi Choquet:
A Class of Preconditioners for the Navier-Stokes Equations. PP 1995: 177-178 - Daniel C. Chan:
A Parallel Least-Squares Finite Element Method for Subsonic and Supersonic Flows. PP 1995: 179-180
Cellular Automata
- Norman Margolus:
Ultimate Computers. PP 1995: 181-186 - Susan N. Coppersmith, P. B. Littlewood, P. Sibani:
Cellular Automata and Complex Dynamics of Driven Elastic Media. PP 1995: 187-192 - Z. George Mou, Sevan G. Ficici:
A Scalable Divide-and-Conquer Parallel Algorithm for Finite State Automata and Its Applications. PP 1995: 193-194 - Tommaso Toffoli:
Fine-Grained Models and Massively-Parallel Architectures: The Case for Programmable Matter. PP 1995: 195-200
Electrical, Structural, and Materials Engineering
- Venkatesh P. Gopinath, Timothy A. Grotjohn, Yung-Kang Chu, Diane T. Rover:
Three-Dimensional Simulations of Plasmas Using MPPs. PP 1995: 201-206 - Charles D. Norton, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Viktor K. Decyk:
Parallel Object Oriented Implementation of a 2D Bounded Electrostatic Plasma PIC Simulation. PP 1995: 207-212 - Noël M. Nachtigal, William A. Shelton, G. Malcolm Stocks, Donald M. C. Nicholson, Yang Wang:
Integrating the QMR Method with First Principles Material Science Application Code. PP 1995: 213-218 - Eric J. Bylaska, Scott R. Kohn, Scott B. Baden, Alan Edelman, Ryoichi Kawai, M. Elizabeth G. Ong, John H. Weare:
Scalable Parallel Numerical Methods and Software Tools for Material Design. PP 1995: 219-224 - Kimmo Forsman, William Gropp, Lauri Kettunen, David Levine:
Computational Electromagnetics and Parallel Dense Matrix Computations. PP 1995: 225-230 - Gang Cheng, Kenneth A. Hawick, Gerald Mortensen, Geoffrey C. Fox:
Distributed Computational Electromagnetics Systems. PP 1995: 231-236 - Chwan-Hwa John Wu, Fongray Frank Young, Nian-Feng Tzeng:
Shorten Turnaround Time for Two-Dimensional Plasma Processing Simulations via Vectorization and Parallelization Techniques. PP 1995: 237-238 - Bruce P. Herndon, Narayan R. Aluru, Arthur Raefsky, Ronald J. G. Goossens, Kincho H. Law, Robert W. Dutton:
A Methodology for Parallelizing PDE Solvers: Application to Semiconductor Device Simulation. PP 1995: 239-240 - Hsin-Chu Chen:
Combining SAS with FSM for Plate-bending Problems. PP 1995: 241-242 - R. Oldfield, Bart D. Semeraro, J. Van Dyke:
Parallel Acoustic Wave Propagation and Generation of a Seismic Dataset. PP 1995: 243-244
Mathematical Applications
- David H. Bailey, Jonathan M. Borwein, Roland Girgensohn:
Finding New Mathematical Identities with Supercomputers. PP 1995: 245-248 - David V. Chudnovsky, Gregory V. Chudnovsky:
Parallel Computations and Complex Analytic Approximations: From Diophantine Approximations to Quantum Mechanics. PP 1995: 249-254 - Oscar Moreno, Pei Pei, John G. Ramirez:
A Parallel Algorithm for the Enumeration of Costas Sequences. PP 1995: 255-260 - Malgorzata A. Napierala, Ian Gladwell:
Reducing Ranking Effects in Parallel Adaptive Quadrature. PP 1995: 261-266 - Frederick C. Harris Jr.:
Parallel Computation of Steiner Minimal Trees. PP 1995: 267-272 - Ricolindo Cariño, Ian Robinson, Elise de Doncker:
Adaptive Integration of Singular Functions Over a Triangularized Region on a Distributed System. PP 1995: 273-278 - Steven A. Cuccaro, Michael Mascagni, Daniel V. Pryor:
Techniques for Testing the Quality of Parallel Pseudorandom Number Generators. PP 1995: 279-284 - Jiu Ding, Yimin Liu:
Parallel Computation of Invariant Measures. PP 1995: 285-286 - J. L. Rawson, Rajendra S. Katti:
The Iterative Solution of Lyapunov Equations. PP 1995: 287-288 - Zahira S. Khan, Eugene Kwatny:
Performance of a Distributed Pipelined Multijoin Algorithm in a Distributed Heterogeneous Supercomputing Environment. PP 1995: 289-290 - Przemyslaw Stpiczynski, Marcin Paprzycki:
Parallel Algorithms for Finding Trigonometric Sums. PP 1995: 291-292
N-Body Simulation
- John A. Board Jr., Ziyad S. Hakura, William D. Elliott, William T. Rankin:
Scalable Variants of Multipole-based Algorithms for Molecular Dynamics Applications. PP 1995: 295-300 - G. S. Winckelmans, John K. Salmon, Michael S. Warren, A. Leonard:
The Fast Solution of Three-Dimensional Fluid Dynamical N-Body Problems Using Parallel Tree Codes: Vortex Element Method and Boundary Element Method. PP 1995: 301-306 - George Lake, Neal Katz, Thomas Quinn, Joachim Stadel:
Cosmological N-Body Simulation. PP 1995: 307-312 - Chris Holt, Jaswinder Pal Singh:
Hierarchical N-Body Methods on Shared Address Space Multiprocessors. PP 1995: 313-318 - Michael S. Warren, John K. Salmon:
A Parallel, Portable and Versatile Treecode. PP 1995: 319-324 - Mark A. Stalzer:
Parallelizing the Fast Multipole Method for the Helmholtz Equation. PP 1995: 325-330 - E. Christopher Lewis, Calvin Lin, Lawrence Snyder, George Turkiyyah:
A Portable Parallel N-Body Solver. PP 1995: 331-336 - Gavin J. Pringle:
Comparison of an O(N) and an O(N log N) N-Body Solver. PP 1995: 337-342 - Junichiro Makino, Makoto Taiji, Toshikazu Ebisuzaki, Daiichiro Sugimoto:
GRAPE-4: A Special-Purpose Computer for Gravitational N-Body Problems. PP 1995: 343-348 - Silvia M. Figueira, Scott B. Baden:
Performance Analysis of Parallel Strategies for Localized N-Body Solvers. PP 1995: 349-354 - Ananth Grama, Vipin Kumar, Ahmed H. Sameh:
N-Body Simulations Using Message Passsing Parallel Computers. PP 1995: 355-360
Partial Differential Equations
- Thomas Kioustelidis, Heinz Herold:
BPX on Convex's MPP: An Astrophysical Application. PP 1995: 361-366 - Linda Stals:
Adaptive Multigrid in Parallel. PP 1995: 367-372 - Josep Lluís Larriba-Pey, Michael Mascagni, Angel Jorba, Juan J. Navarro:
An Analysis of the Parallel Computation of Arbitrarily Branched Cable Neuron Models. PP 1995: 373-378 - Amir Averbuch, Moshe Israeli, Lev Vozovoi:
Parallel Implementation of Non-Linear Evolution Problems Using Parabolic Domain Decomposition. PP 1995: 379-384 - Wai-Shing Luk, Omar Wing:
The Use of Inexact ODE Solver in Waveform Relaxation Methods on a Massively Parallel Computer. PP 1995: 385-390 - José M. Cela, Jesús Labarta, Andrés Pérez, Juan J. Navarro:
Performance on Distributed Memory Multicomputers of Domain Decomposition Solvers. PP 1995: 391-392 - M. B. Davis, Graham F. Carey:
Parallel Element-by-Element Spectral Multilevel Techniques for Finite Elements. PP 1995: 393-394 - Giovanna Gazzaniga, Giovanni Sacchi:
Parallel Implementation of Domain Decomposition Methods for the Solution of Elliptic Boundary-Value Problems. PP 1995: 395-396 - Jason C. H. Wang, Han Lung, Yasunori Katsumata, Takahiro Ishigai:
Using Domain Decomposition in the Multigrid NAS Parallel Benchmark on the Fujitsu VPP500. PP 1995: 397-398 - Coert Olmsted, David Covey, Antonius Otto:
Boundary Conditions and Domain Decomposition for a Three Dimensional Finite Difference Time Domain Code on a Cray T3D. PP 1995: 399-400 - John C. Strikwerda:
Convergence Results for Parallel Linear Computations. PP 1995: 401-402 - Seongjai Kim:
Parallel Computing Via Multidomain Techniques for 3-Dimensional Elliptic Problems. PP 1995: 403-404 - Mauricio Kischinhevsky:
A Direct Domain Decomposition Procedure for Elliptic Problems. PP 1995: 405-406
Sparse Linear Systems
- Edward Rothberg, Robert Schreiber:
Efficient Parallel Sparse Cholesky Factorization. PP 1995: 407-412 - Tariq Rashid, Timothy A. Davis:
An Approach for Parallelizing any General Unsymmetric Sparse Matrix Algorithm. PP 1995: 413-417 - Chunguang Sun:
Parallel Multifrontal Solution of Sparse Linear Least Squares Problems on Distributed-Memory Multiprocessors. PP 1995: 418-423 - Suraj C. Kothari, Simanta Mitra:
A Scalable 2-D Parallel Sparse Solver. PP 1995: 424-429 - Ramesh C. Agarwal, Fred G. Gustavson, Mahesh V. Joshi, Mohammad Zubair:
A Scalable Parallel Block Algorithm for Band Cholesky Factorization. PP 1995: 430-435 - Aleksandar I. Zecevic, Dragoslav D. Siljak:
A Balanced Decomposition Algorithm for Parallel Solutions of Very Large Sparse Systems. PP 1995: 436-441 - Anshul Gupta, Vipin Kumar:
Optimally Scalable Parallel Sparse Cholesky Factorization. PP 1995: 442-447 - Josep Lluís Larriba-Pey, Angel Jorba, Juan J. Navarro:
A Generalized Criterion for the Early Termination of R-Cyclic Reduction and Divide and Conquer for Recurrences. PP 1995: 448-453 - Achim Basermann:
Parallel Sparse Matrix Computations in Iterative Solvers on Distributed Memory Machines. PP 1995: 454-459 - Mario Arioli, Anthony Drummond, Iain S. Duff, Daniel Ruiz:
A Parallel Scheduler for Block Iterative Solvers in Heterogeneous Computing Environments. PP 1995: 460-465 - Marcus J. Grote, Thomas Huckle:
Effective Parallel Preconditioning with Sparse Approximate Inverses. PP 1995: 466-471 - Elise de Doncker, Ajay Gupta:
Coarse Grain Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Solver for Large Sparse Systems. PP 1995: 472-477 - E. Piault, F. Willien, François-Xavier Roux:
Parallel Solvers for Reservoir Simulation on MIMD Computers. PP 1995: 478-483 - Sivan Toledo:
Preconditioning with a Decoupled Rowwise Ordering on the CM-5. PP 1995: 484-489 - Pedro C. Diniz, Tao Yang:
Efficient Parallelization of Relaxation Iterative Methods for Solving Banded Linear Systems on Multiprocessors. PP 1995: 490-491 - Hong Q. Ding, Robert D. Ferraro:
A General Purpose Sparse Matrix Parallel Solvers Package. PP 1995: 492-493 - Tong J. Lee, Vassilis L. Syrmos:
High Performance Numerical Solutions for Sparse Generalized Systems. PP 1995: 494-495 - Arno Liegmann, Wolfgang Fichtner:
Solving Large Sparse Linear Systems in a Distributed Computing Environment. PP 1995: 496-497 - Weizhong Dai:
A Parallel Algorithm for Direct Solution of Large Scale Five-Diagonal Linear Systems. PP 1995: 498-499 - T. Basaruddin:
Implementation of Parallel ADI and Hopscotch Methods on KSR1. PP 1995: 500-501 - Emilio Fuentes, Paul J. Turinsky:
Core-Wide Parallel Implementation of the IC and CCCP Methods. PP 1995: 502-503 - Pierre Charrier, L. Facq, Jean Roman:
Block Data Distribution for Parallel Nested Dissection. PP 1995: 504-505 - Peter Arbenz, Walter Gander:
Direct Methods for Banded Linear Systems on Massively Parallel Processor Computers. PP 1995: 506-507 - Jarek Nieplocha, Tsun-Zee Mai:
Performance Improvement of Asynchronous Iterations by Non-Uniform Load Distribution. PP 1995: 508-509 - David L. Littlefield:
Multi-block LU Decomposition Algorithms for Dense and Banded Matrices. PP 1995: 510-511 - Da-Wei Chang:
A New Multisplitting Asynchronous Iterative Method for Linear System. PP 1995: 512-513 - Z. George Mou:
A Divide-and-Conquer Parallel Algorithm for Banded Linear Systems. PP 1995: 514-515
- Christian H. Bischof, Steven Huss-Lederman, Xiaobai Sun, Anna Tsao, Thomas Turnbull:
Parallel Studies of the Invariant Subspace Decomposition Approach for Banded Symmetric Matrices. PP 1995: 516-521 - Christian H. Bischof, Xiaobai Sun:
On the Design of a Tridiagonalization Routine for Banded Matrices. PP 1995: 522-527 - James Demmel, Ken Stanley:
The Performance of Finding Eigenvalues and Eigenvaectors of Dense Symmetric Matrices on Distributed Memory Computers. PP 1995: 528-533 - Chuck Baldwin, Roland W. Freund, Efstratios Gallopoulos:
A Parallel Iterative Method for Exponential Propagation. PP 1995: 534-539 - Liwei Wu, Eleanor Chu:
New Distributed-Memory Parallel Algorithms for Solving Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problems. PP 1995: 540-545 - Greg Henry:
A Parallel Unsymmetric Inverse Iteration Solver. PP 1995: 546-551 - Scott R. Kohn, Scott B. Baden:
The Parallelization of an Adaptive Multigrid Eigenvalue Solver with LPARX. PP 1995: 552-557 - Kuiyuan Li, Xiaozhuo Yang, Zhonggang Zeng:
A Parallel Algorithm for Banded Eigenvalue Problems. PP 1995: 558-563 - Beresford N. Parlett, K. Vince Fernando:
Singular Vectors via Differential qd. PP 1995: 564-568 - Richard J. Enbody, T. Y. Li, Xiaozhuo Yang:
A Parallel Algorithm for the Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problems. PP 1995: 569-570 - Ilan Bar-On, Victor Ryaboy:
A New Fast Algorithm for the Diagonalization of Complex Symmetric Matrices, with Applications to Quantum Dynamics. PP 1995: 571-572
Mesh Partitioning and Load Balancing
- Bongki Moon, Gopal Patnaik, Robert Bennett, David Fyfe, Alan Sussman, Craig Douglas, Joel H. Saltz, K. Kailasanath:
Runtime Support Dynamic Load Balancing Strategies for Structured Adaptive Applications. PP 1995: 575-580 - Tao Yang, Pedro C. Diniz, Apostolos Gerasoulis, Vivek Sarkar:
Scheduling Iterative Task Computation on Message-Passing Architectures. PP 1995: 581-586 - William F. Mitchell:
Refinement Tree Based Partitioning for Adaptive Grids. PP 1995: 587-592 - Karen D. Devine, Joseph E. Flaherty:
Dynamic Load Balancing for Parallel Finite Element Methods with Adaptive h-and p-Refinement. PP 1995: 595-598 - Eddy Pramono, Horst D. Simon, Andrew Sohn:
Dynamic Load Balancing for Finite Element Calculations on Parallel Computers. PP 1995: 599-604 - Yuefan Deng, R. Alan McCoy, Robert B. Marr, Ronald F. Peierls:
An Unconventional Method for Load Balancing. PP 1995: 605-610 - Denis Vanderstraeten, R. Keunings, Charbel Farhat:
Beyond Conventional Mesh Partitioning Algorithms and the Minimum Edge Cut Criterion: Impact on Realistic Realistic Applications. PP 1995: 611-614 - Pedro C. Diniz, Steve Plimpton, Bruce Hendrickson, Robert W. Leland:
Parallel Algorithms for Dynamically Partitioning Unstructured Grids. PP 1995: 615-620 - Rafael Van Driessche, Dirk Roose:
A Grapg Contraction Algorithm for the Fast Calculation of the Fiedler Vector of a Graph. PP 1995: 621-626 - Stephen T. Barnard, Horst D. Simon:
A Parallel Implementation of Multilevel Recursive Spectral Besection for Application to Adaptive Unstructured Meshes. PP 1995: 627-632 - Hong Q. Ding, Robert D. Ferraro:
Slices: A Scalable Partitioner for Finite Element Meshes. PP 1995: 633-634 - Alexander Y. Tetelbaum:
Estimation of the Graph Partitioning for a Hierarchical System. PP 1995: 635-636 - Ali Dasdan, Cevdet Aykanat:
Efficient Multiple-Way Graph Partitioning Algorithms. PP 1995: 637-638