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20th MoDELS 2017: Austin, TX, USA - Satellite Events
- Loli Burgueño, Jonathan Corley, Nelly Bencomo, Peter J. Clarke, Philippe Collet, Michalis Famelis, Sudipto Ghosh, Martin Gogolla, Joel Greenyer, Esther Guerra, Sahar Kokaly, Alfonso Pierantonio, Julia Rubin, Davide Di Ruscio:
Proceedings of MODELS 2017 Satellite Event: Workshops (ModComp, ME, EXE, COMMitMDE, MRT, MULTI, GEMOC, MoDeVVa, MDETools, FlexMDE, MDEbug), Posters, Doctoral Symposium, Educator Symposium, ACM Student Research Competition, and Tools and Demonstrations co-located with ACM/IEEE 20th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2017), Austin, TX, USA, September, 17, 2017. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2019, CEUR-WS.org 2017
ModComp - 4th International Workshop on Interplay of Model-Driven and Component-Based Software Engineering
- Michael Eonsuk Shin, Hassan Gomaa, Don Pathirage:
Model-based Design of Reusable Secure Connectors. 3-9 - Arvid Butting, Robert Heim, Oliver Kautz, Jan Oliver Ringert, Bernhard Rumpe, Andreas Wortmann:
A Classification of Dynamic Reconfiguration in Component and Connector Architecture Description. 10-16 - Mahmoud Hussein, Shuai Li, Ansgar Radermacher:
Model-driven Development of Adaptive IoT Systems. 17-23 - Shahar Maoz, Ferdinand Mehlan, Jan Oliver Ringert, Bernhard Rumpe, Michael von Wenckstern:
OCL Framework to Verify Extra-Functional Properties in Component and Connector Models. 24-30 - Daniel Calegari, Andrea Delgado:
Model-driven Generation of a BPMS Portal Based on Interaction Flow Modeling Language Models. 31-37 - Alexander Perucci, Marco Autili, Massimo Tivoli:
A Multipurpose Framework for Model-based Reuse-oriented Software Integration Synthesis. 38-44
ME - 11th International Workshop on Models and Evolution
- Lars Fritsche, Erhan Leblebici, Anthony Anjorin, Andy Schürr:
A Look-Ahead Strategy for Rule-Based Model Transformations. 45-53 - Md Nour Hossain, Wolfram Kahl, Tom Maibaum:
A Graph Transformation Approach to Introducing Aspects into Software Architectures. 54-63 - Sanaa A. Alwidian, Daniel Amyot:
Metamodels Relaxation for Model Family Support. 64-70 - Lorenzo Bettini, Davide Di Ruscio, Ludovico Iovino, Alfonso Pierantonio:
Edelta: An Approach for Defining and Applying Reusable Metamodel Refactorings. 71-80
EXE - 3rd International Workshop on Executable Modeling
- Dorian Leroy, Manuel Wimmer, Erwan Bousse, Benoît Combemale, Wieland Schwinger:
Create and Play Your Pac-Man Game with the GEMOC Studio. 84-87 - Nisha Desai, Martin Gogolla, Frank Hilken:
Executing Models by Filmstripping: Enhancing Validation by Filmstrip Templates and Transformation Alternatives. 88-94 - Kai Adam, Arvid Butting, Oliver Kautz, Bernhard Rumpe, Andreas Wortmann:
Executing Robot Task Models in Dynamic Environments. 95-101 - Valentin Besnard, Matthias Brun, Philippe Dhaussy, Frédéric Jouault, David Olivier, Ciprian Teodorov:
Towards One Model Interpreter for Both Design and Deployment. 102-108 - Filippo Grazioli, Evgeny Kusmenko, Alexander Roth, Bernhard Rumpe, Michael von Wenckstern:
Simulation Framework for Executing Component and Connector Models of Self-Driving Vehicles. 109-115 - Juri Di Rocco, Davide Di Ruscio, Marcel Heinz, Ludovico Iovino, Ralf Lämmel, Alfonso Pierantonio:
Consistency Recovery in Interactive Modeling. 116-122
COMMitMDE - 2nd International Workshop Collaborative Modelling in MDE
- Mathieu Lavallée, Guillaume Beaulieu, Michalis Famelis:
Supporting Consensus-based Sofware Development: a Vision Paper. 125-134 - Gábor Bergmann, Csaba Debreceni, István Ráth, Dániel Varró:
Towards Efficient Evaluation of Rule-based Permissions for Fine-grained Access Control in Collaborative Modeling. 135-144 - István Dávid, Bart Meyers, Ken Vanherpen, Yentl Van Tendeloo, Kristof Berx, Hans Vangheluwe:
Modeling and Enactment Support for Early Detection of Inconsistencies in Engineering Processes. 145-154 - Omar Alam, Vasco Sousa, Eugene Syriani:
Towards Collaborative Modeling Using a Concern-driven Version Control System. 155-163 - Constantin Masson, Jonathan Corley, Eugene Syriani:
Feature Model for Collaborative Modeling Environments. 164-173
MRT - 12th International Workshop on Models@run.time
- Christopher Landauer:
Active System Integrity Fences. 176-183 - Dhaminda B. Abeywickrama, Eila Ovaska:
Reflexive and Evolutional Digital Service Ecosystems with Models at Runtime. 184-192 - Hassan Gomaa, Emad Albassam:
Run-time Software Architectural Models for Adaptation, Recovery and Evolution. 193-200 - Byron DeVries, Betty H. C. Cheng:
Using Models at Run Time to Detect Incomplete and Inconsistent Requirements. 201-209
MULTI - 4th International Workshop on Multi-Level Modelling
- Gergely Mezei, Dániel Urbán, Zoltán Theisz:
Validated Multi-layer Meta-modeling via Intrinsically Modeled Operations. 213-217 - Björn Benner:
A Multi-level Approach for Model-based User Interface Development. 218-225 - Chris Partridge, Sergio de Cesare, Andrew Mitchell, Frederik Gailly, Mesbah Khan:
Developing an Ontological Sandbox: Investigating Multi-level Modelling's Possible Metaphysical Structures. 226-234 - Damir Nesic, Mattias Nyberg:
Applying Multi-level Modeling to Data Integration in Product Line Engineering. 235-242 - Daniel Töpel, Björn Benner:
Maintenance of Multi-level Models - An Analysis of Elementary Change Operations. 243-250 - Khanh-Hoang Doan, Martin Gogolla:
Extending a UML and OCL Tool for Multi-levels: Applications Towards Model Quality Assessment. 251 - Bernd Neumayr, Christoph G. Schuetz, Christian Horner, Michael Schrefl:
DeepRuby: Extending Ruby with Dual Deep Instantiation. 252-260 - Jens Gulden:
An Example Application of a Multi-level Concrete Syntax Specification with Copy-and-Complete Semantics. 261-268 - Fernando Macías, Adrian Rutle, Volker Stolz:
Multilevel Modelling with MultEcore: A Contribution to the MULTI 2017 Challenge. 269-273 - Colin Atkinson, Thomas Kühne:
On Evaluating Multi-level Modeling. 274-277
GEMOC - 5th Workshop on the Globalization of Modeling Languages
- Tamás Kecskés, Qishen Zhang, Janos Sztipanovits:
Bridging Engineering and Formal Modeling: WebGME and Formula Integration. 280-285 - Stefan Klikovits, Alban Linard, Didier Buchs:
CREST - A Continuous, REactive SysTems DSL. 286-291 - Renan Leroux, Ileana Ober, Marc Pantel, Jean-Michel Bruel:
Modeling Co-simulation: A First Experiment. 292-297
MoDeVVa - 14th Model Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation. Integrating Verification and Validation in MDE
- Raquel Araújo de Oliveira, Juergen Dingel:
Supporting Model Refinement with Equivalence Checking in the Context of Model-driven Engineering with UML-RT. 307-314 - Stefan Klikovits, Joachim Denil, Alexandre Muzy, Rick Salay:
Modeling Frames. 315-320 - Kateryna Yurchenko, Moritz Behr, Heiko Klare, Max E. Kramer, Ralf H. Reussner:
Architecture-driven Reduction of Specification Overhead for Verifying Confidentiality in Component-based Software Systems. 321-323 - Antonio Vallecillo, Martin Gogolla:
Adding Random Operations to OCL. 324-328 - Kaushik Madala, Hyunsook Do, Daniel Aceituna:
Hierarchical Model Exploration for Exposing Off-nominal Behaviors. 329-335
MDETools - Model-Driven Engineering Tools
- Francis Bordeleau, Grischa Liebel, Alexander Raschke, Gerald Stieglbauer, Matthias Tichy:
Challenges and Research Directions for Successfully Applying MBE Tools in Practice. 338-343 - Mohammed Al-Refai, Andrew Jacobson, Sudipto Ghosh, James M. Bieman, Betty H. C. Cheng:
ReMoDD Eclipse Plug-in: Collaborative Modeling Using a Model Repository. 344-348 - Thomas Degueule, Tanja Mayerhofer, Andreas Wortmann:
Engineering a ROVER Language in GEMOC STUDIO & MONTICORE: A Comparison of Language Reuse Support. 349-354 - Joel Greenyer, Daniel Gritzner, Jianwei Shi, Eric Wete:
A Scenario-based MDE Process for Developing Reactive Systems: A Cleaning Robot Example. 355-359 - Saheed Popoola, Jeffrey C. Carver, Jeff Gray:
Modeling as a Service: A Survey of Existing Tools. 360-367 - Tim Bolender, Bernhard Rumpe, Andreas Wortmann:
Investigating the Effects of Integrating Handcrafted Code in Model-Driven Engineering. 368-375 - Yosser El Ahmar, Xavier Le Pallec, Sébastien Gérard, Truong Ho-Quang:
Visual Variables in UML: a First Empirical Assessment. 376-384
FlexMDE - 3rd Flexible MDE Workshop
- Kevin Lano, Howard P. Haughton, Sobhan Yassipour Tehrani, Hessa Alfraihi:
Agile Model-driven Engineering of Financial Applications. 388-392 - Yentl Van Tendeloo, Hans Vangheluwe:
Explicitly Modelling the Type/Instance Relation. 393-398 - Hessa Alfraihi, Kevin Lano:
Practical Aspects of the Integration of Agile Development and Model-driven Development: An Exploratory Study. 399-404 - Levi Lúcio, Saad bin Abid, Salman Rahman, Vincent Aravantinos, Ralf Kuestner, Eduard Harwardt:
Process-Aware Model-driven Development Environments. 405-411 - Hessa Alfraihi, Kevin Lano:
A Process for Integrating Agile Software Development and Model-driven Development. 412-417 - Nicolas Hili, Jean-Sébastien Sottet:
The Conformance Relation Challenge: Building Flexible Modelling Frameworks. 418-423 - Joachim Denil, Rick Salay, Chris Paredis, Hans Vangheluwe:
Towards Agile Model-based Systems Engineering. 424-429 - Alfa Yohannis, Dimitris S. Kolovos, Fiona Polack:
Turning Models Inside Out. 430-434 - Marco Brambilla, Romina Eramo, Alfonso Pierantonio, Gianni Rosa, Eric Umuhoza:
Enhancing Flexibility in User Interaction Modeling by Adding Design Uncertainty to IFML. 435-440
MDEbug - 1st International Workshop on Debugging in Model-Driven Engineering
- Simon Van Mierlo, Erwan Bousse, Hans Vangheluwe, Manuel Wimmer, Clark Verbrugge, Martin Gogolla, Matthias Tichy, Arnaud Blouin:
Report on the 1st International Workshop on Debugging in Model-Driven Engineering (MDEbug'17). 441-446 - Andrei Chis, Tudor Gîrba:
Moldable Debugging. 447-448 - Maris Jukss, Clark Verbrugge, Hans Vangheluwe:
Transformations Debugging Transformations. 449-454 - Matthias Tichy, Luis Beaucamp, Stefan Kögel:
Towards Debugging the Matching of Henshin Model Transformations Rules. 455-456 - Erwan Bousse, Tanja Mayerhofer, Manuel Wimmer:
Domain-level Debugging for Compiled DSLs with the GEMOC Studio. 457-459 - Simon Van Mierlo, Hans Vangheluwe:
Debugging Non-determinism: a Petrinets Modelling, Analysis, and Debugging Tool. 460-462
- Yogesh D. Barve, Himanshu Neema, Aniruddha S. Gokhale, Janos Sztipanovits:
Model-driven Automated Deployment of Large-scale CPS Co-simulations in the Cloud. 463-464 - Yong-Yang Cheng, Shuai Zhao, Bo Cheng, Junliang Chen:
A Resource Oriented Modeling Approach for the Internet of Things: A Business Process Perspective. 465-467 - Lechanceux Luhunu, Eugene Syriani:
Survey on Template-based Code Generation. 468-471 - Josh G. M. Mengerink, Jeroen Noten, Ramon R. H. Schiffelers, Mark G. J. van den Brand, Alexander Serebrenik:
A Case of Industrial vs. Open-source OCL: Not So Different After All. 472-474 - Sara Pérez-Soler, Juan de Lara:
JAVACHECK: A Domain Specific Language for the Static Analysis of Java Code. 475-478
Doctoral Symposium
- Anirban Bhattacharjee:
MDE-based Automated Provisioning and Management of Cloud Applications. 480-483 - David Oudart:
Model Driven Design of IT Systems for Smart Grids. 484-486 - José Bocanegra:
Towards a Model-driven Approach for Context-aware Software. 487-491 - Sanaa A. Alwidian:
Modeling Language Evolution for Model Family Support. 492-495 - Xin Zhao:
Feature-oriented Modeling for Collaborative Virtual Environment Construction. 496-499 - Yogesh D. Barve:
Towards Model Driven Verifiable Deployment of Distributed Simulations in Cloud. 500-502 - Danielle Gaither:
Verification of Non-functional Requirements Using Formal Semantics. 503-506 - Mohammed Al-Refai:
Improving Model-based Regression Test Selection. 507-510 - Alexey Tazin:
UML Class Diagram Composition Using Software Requirements Specifications. 511-515
13th Educator Symposium at MODELS
- Martin Gogolla:
On Understanding Teaching Modeling in Computer Science as an Ecosystem. 516-520 - Lukas Alperowitz, Jan Ole Johanssen, Dora Dzvonyar, Bernd Bruegge:
Modeling in Agile Project Courses. 521-524 - Matthew Stephan:
Challenges in Teaching Modeling in Agile Software Engineering Courses. 525-528 - Ian M. O'Neill:
In Praise of Use Cases. 529-532 - Loli Burgueño, Antonio Vallecillo, Martin Gogolla:
Teaching Model Views with UML and OCL. 533-538 - Nicolás Bonet, Kelly Garcés, Rubby Casallas, María Elsa Correal, Ran Wei:
Influence of Programming Style in Transformation Bad Smells: Mining of ETL Repositories. 539-542 - Hassan Gomaa:
Teaching Software Modeling and Design. 543-546
ACM Student Research Competition
- Csaba Debreceni:
Advanced Techniques and Tools for Secure Collaborative Modeling. 549-554 - Mohammed Al-Refai:
MaRTS: A Model-Based Regression Test Selection Approach. 555-560
Tools and Demonstrations
- Sara Pérez-Soler, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara:
Assisted Modelling Over Social Networks with SOCIO. 561-565 - Levi Lúcio, Salman Rahman, Saad bin Abid, Alistair Mavin:
EARS-CTRL: Generating Controllers for Dummies. 566-570 - Shinpei Ogata, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yoshitaka Aoki, Kazuki Kobayashi, Yuko Fukushima:
A Tool to Edit and Verify IoT System Architecture Model. 571-575 - Tony Clark, Vinay Kulkarni, Souvik Barat, Balbir Barn:
Generating Filmstrip Models from Actor-Based Systems. 576-582 - Fáber D. Giraldo, Mónica M. Villegas, Juan E. Medina:
Extending Osate 2 for Custom Simulation of Virtual Devices. 583-587

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