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Image Processing 2016: San Diego, California, USA
- Martin A. Styner, Elsa D. Angelini:
Medical Imaging 2016: Image Processing, San Diego, California, USA, February 27, 2016. SPIE Proceedings 9784, SPIE 2016, ISBN 978-1-5106-0019-5
Quantitative Image Analysis
- Piet Bladt, Gwendolyn Van Steenkiste, Gabriel Ramos-Llordén, Arnold J. den Dekker, Jan Sijbers:
Multi-voxel algorithm for quantitative bi-exponential MRI T1 estimation. 978402 - Moti Freiman, Yechiel Lamash, Guy Gilboa, Hannes Nickisch, Sven Prevrhal, Holger Schmitt, Mani Vembar, Liran Goshen:
Automatic coronary lumen segmentation with partial volume modeling improves lesions' hemodynamic significance assessment. 978403 - Teodora Chitiboi, Anja Hennemuth, Susanne Schnell, Varun Chowdhary, Amir Honarmand, Michael Markl, Lars Linsen, Horst K. Hahn:
Contour tracking and probabilistic segmentation of tissue phase mapping MRI. 978404 - Ivana Isgum, Bob D. de Vos, Jelmer M. Wolterink, Damini Dey, Daniel S. Berman, Mathieu Rubeaux, Tim Leiner, Piotr J. Slomka:
Automatic detection of cardiovascular risk in CT attenuation correction maps in Rb-82 PET/CTs. 978405 - Mateusz Michalkiewicz, Akshay Pai, Kelvin K. Leung, Stefan Sommer, Sune Darkner, Lauge Sørensen, Jon Sporring, Mads Nielsen:
Combining the boundary shift integral and tensor-based morphometry for brain atrophy estimation. 978406
Keynote and Diffusion MRI
- G. Allan Johnson, Robert J. Anderson, James J. Cook, Christopher Long, Alexandra Badea:
Image-processing pipelines: applications in magnetic resonance histology. 978407 - Juan-Carlos Prieto, Jean Y. Yang, François Budin, Martin Styner:
Autotract: automatic cleaning and tracking of fibers. 978408 - Niklas Kasenburg, Matthew G. Liptrot, Nina Linde Reislev, Ellen Garde, Mads Nielsen, Aasa Feragen:
Supervised hub-detection for brain connectivity. 978409 - Guy Alexandroni, Gali Zimmerman-Moreno, Nir A. Sochen, Hayit Greenspan:
Coresets vs clustering: comparison of methods for redundancy reduction in very large white matter fiber sets. 97840A
Computational Anatomy
- Joohwi Lee, Sun Hyung Kim, Ipek Oguz, Martin Styner:
Enhanced cortical thickness measurements for rodent brains via Lagrangian-based RK4 streamline computation. 97840B - Hamid R. Tizhoosh, Ahmed A. Othman:
Anatomy-aware measurement of segmentation accuracy. 97840C - Ayushi Sinha, Simon Léonard, Austin Reiter, Masaru Ishii, Russell H. Taylor, Gregory D. Hager:
Automatic segmentation and statistical shape modeling of the paranasal sinuses to estimate natural variations. 97840D - Yuankai Huo, Aaron Carass, Susan M. Resnick, Dzung L. Pham, Jerry L. Prince, Bennett A. Landman:
Combining multi-atlas segmentation with brain surface estimation. 97840E - Shunta Hirayama, Yoshito Otake, Toshiyuki Okada, Masatoshi Hori, Noriyuki Tomiyama, Yoshinobu Sato:
Automated segmentation of upper digestive tract from abdominal contrast-enhanced CT data using hierarchical statistical modeling of organ interrelations. 97840F
Segmentation: Brain
- Lotta Maria Ellingsen, Snehashis Roy, Aaron Carass, Ari Blitz, Dzung L. Pham, Jerry L. Prince:
Segmentation and labeling of the ventricular system in normal pressure hydrocephalus using patch-based tissue classification and multi-atlas labeling. 97840G - Brian T. Wang, Stefan Poirier, Ting Guo, Andrew G. Parrent, Terry M. Peters, Ali R. Khan:
Generation and evaluation of an ultra-high-field atlas with applications in DBS planning. 97840H - Yi Gao, Lawrence W. Ver Hoef:
The bumps on the hippocampus. 97840I - Sonia Dahdouh, Catherine Limperopoulos:
Unsupervised fetal cortical surface parcellation. 97840J
Image Enhancement
- Ehsan Shahrian Varnousfaderani, Wolf-Dieter Vogl, Jing Wu, Bianca S. Gerendas, Christian Simader, Georg Langs, Sebastian M. Waldstein, Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth:
Geodesic denoising for optical coherence tomography images. 97840K - Guang Yang, Xujiong Ye, Greg G. Slabaugh, Jennifer Keegan, Raad Mohiaddin, David N. Firmin:
Combined self-learning based single-image super-resolution and dual-tree complex wavelet transform denoising for medical images. 97840L - Davood Karimi, Rabab K. Ward:
Sinogram smoothing and interpolation via alternating projections onto the slope and curvature constraints. 97840M - Davood Karimi, Rabab K. Ward:
A novel structured dictionary for fast processing of 3D medical images, with application to computed tomography restoration and denoising. 97840N
- Zhen Yang, Sayed Mazdak Abulnaga, Aaron Carass, Kalyani Kansal, Bruno M. Jedynak, Chiadi Onyike, Sarah H. Ying, Jerry L. Prince:
Landmark based shape analysis for cerebellar ataxia classification and cerebellar atrophy pattern visualization. 97840P - Joohwi Lee, Ilwoo Lyu, Martin Styner:
Multi-object model-based multi-atlas segmentation for rodent brains using dense discrete correspondences. 97840Q - Florian Bernard, Nikos Vlassis, Peter Gemmar, Andreas Husch, Johan Thunberg, Jorge M. Gonçalves, Frank Hertel:
Fast correspondences for statistical shape models of brain structures. 97840R - Nishant Ravikumar, Ali Gooya, Alejandro F. Frangi, Zeike A. Taylor:
Robust group-wise rigid registration of point sets using t-mixture model. 97840S - Jordi Romera, Hans Martin Kjer, Gemma Piella, Mario Ceresa, Miguel Ángel González Ballester:
Multi-region statistical shape model for cochlear implantation. 97840T - Zhoubing Xu, Rebeccah B. Baucom, Richard G. Abramson, Benjamin K. Poulose, Bennett A. Landman:
Whole abdominal wall segmentation using Augmented Active Shape Models (AASM) with multi-atlas label fusion and level set. 97840U
- Simon Léonard, Austin Reiter, Ayushi Sinha, Masaru Ishii, Russell H. Taylor, Gregory D. Hager:
Image-based navigation for functional endoscopic sinus surgery using structure from motion. 97840V - Di Wen, Katelyn Nye, Bo Zhou, Robert Gilkeson, David L. Wilson:
Coronary calcium visualization using dual energy chest radiography with sliding organ registration. 97840W - Andrew Lang, Aaron Carass, Omar Al-Louzi, Pavan Bhargava, Sharon D. Solomon, Peter A. Calabresi, Jerry L. Prince:
Combined registration and motion correction of longitudinal retinal OCT data. 97840X - Can Zhao, Aaron Carass, Amod Jog, Jerry L. Prince:
Effects of spatial resolution on image registration. 97840Y - Benjamin Berkels, Thomas Martin Deserno, Eva E. Ehrlich, Ulrike B. Fritz, Ekaterina Sirazitdinova, Rosalia Tatano:
Non-rigid contour-to-pixel registration of photographic and quantitative light-induced fluorescence imaging of decalcified teeth. 97840Z
Machine Learning
- Nicolas Brieu, Olivier Pauly, Johannes Zimmermann, Gerd Karl Binnig, Günter Schmidt:
Slide-specific models for segmentation of differently stained digital histopathology whole slide images. 978410 - Sarah K. Madsen, Greg Ver Steeg, Madelaine Daianu, Adam Mezher, Neda Jahanshad, Talia M. Nir, Xue Hua, Boris A. Gutman, Aram Galstyan, Paul M. Thompson:
Relative value of diverse brain MRI and blood-based biomarkers for predicting cognitive decline in the elderly. 978411 - Jayaraman J. Thiagarajan, Karthikeyan Natesan Ramamurthy, Berkay Kanberoglu, David H. Frakes, Kevin Bennett, Andreas Spanias:
Measuring glomerular number from kidney MRI images. 978412 - Mehrdad J. Gangeh, Brandon Fung, Hadi Tadayyon, William T. Tran, Gregory J. Czarnota:
Response monitoring using quantitative ultrasound methods and supervised dictionary learning in locally advanced breast cancer. 978413 - Amit Shah, Sailesh Conjeti, Nassir Navab, Amin Katouzian:
Deeply learnt hashing forests for content based image retrieval in prostate MR images. 978414 - Zhongliu Xie, Asanobu Kitamoto, Masaru Tamura, Toshihiko Shiroishi, Duncan Gillies:
High-throughput mouse phenotyping using non-rigid registration and robust principal component analysis. 978415
Model-based Image Analysis and Image Synthesis
- Andrew J. Plassard, Robert L. Harrigan, Allen T. Newton, Swati D. Rane, Srivatsan Pallavaram, Pierre-François D'Haese, Benoit M. Dawant, Daniel O. Claassen, Bennett A. Landman:
On the fallacy of quantitative segmentation for T1-weighted MRI. 978416 - Daniel Andreasen, Jens M. Edmund, Vasileios Zografos, Bjoern H. Menze, Koen Van Leemput:
Computed tomography synthesis from magnetic resonance images in the pelvis using multiple random forests and auto-context features. 978417 - Austin Reiter, Simon Léonard, Ayushi Sinha, Masaru Ishii, Russell H. Taylor, Gregory D. Hager:
Endoscopic-CT: learning-based photometric reconstruction for endoscopic sinus surgery. 978418 - Stefan Wörz, Philipp Hoegen, Wei Liao, Matthias Müller-Eschner, Hans-Ulrich Kauczor, Hendrik von Tengg-Kobligk, Karl Rohr:
Framework for quantitative evaluation of 3D vessel segmentation approaches using vascular phantoms in conjunction with 3D landmark localization and registration. 978419 - Irina Wächter-Stehle, Tobias Klinder, Jean-Michel Rouet, David Roundhill, Gary Andrews, Angelo Cavallaro, Malid Molloholli, Tess Norris, Raffaele Napolitano, Aris T. Papageorghiou, Cristian Lorenz:
Learning from redundant but inconsistent reference data: anatomical views and measurements for fetal brain screening. 97841A
- Anne L. Martel, Cristina Gallego-Ortiz, YingLi Lu:
Breast segmentation in MRI using Poisson surface reconstruction initialized with random forest edge detection. 97841B - Bhavna Josephine Antony, Andrew Lang, Emily K. Swingle, Omar Al-Louzi, Aaron Carass, Sharon D. Solomon, Peter A. Calabresi, Shiv Saidha, Jerry L. Prince:
Simultaneous segmentation of retinal surfaces and microcystic macular edema in SDOCT volumes. 97841C - Mikael Agn, Ian Law, Per Munck af Rosenschöld, Koen Van Leemput:
A generative model for segmentation of tumor and organs-at-risk for radiation therapy planning of glioblastoma patients. 97841D - Ipek Oguz, Li Zhang, Michael D. Abràmoff, Milan Sonka:
Optimal retinal cyst segmentation from OCT images. 97841E - Fantin Girard, Conrad Kavalec, Sébastien Grenier, Houssem Ben Tahar, Farida Cheriet:
Simultaneous macula detection and optic disc boundary segmentation in retinal fundus images. 97841F - Shikha Chaganti, Katrina Nelson, Kevin Mundy, Yifu Luo, Robert L. Harrigan, Steve Damon, Daniel Fabbri, Louise A. Mawn, Bennett A. Landman:
Structural functional associations of the orbit in thyroid eye disease: Kalman filters to track extraocular rectal muscles. 97841G
- Ke Li, Chuyang Ye, Zhen Yang, Aaron Carass, Sarah H. Ying, Jerry L. Prince:
Quality assurance using outlier detection on an automatic segmentation method for the cerebellar peduncles. 97841H - Michael Götz, Eric Heim, Keno März, Tobias Norajitra, Mohammadreza Hafezi, Nassim Fard, Arianeb Mehrabi, Max Knoll, Christian Weber, Lena Maier-Hein, Klaus H. Maier-Hein:
A learning-based, fully automatic liver tumor segmentation pipeline based on sparsely annotated training data. 97841I - Thomas Blaffert, Cristian Lorenz, Hannes Nickisch, Jochen Peters, Jürgen Weese:
SVM-based failure detection of GHT localizations. 97841J - Dajiang Zhu, Binbin Lin, Joshua Faskowitz, Jieping Ye, Paul M. Thompson:
Embedded sparse representation of fMRI data via group-wise dictionary optimization. 97841K - Bob D. de Vos, Jessica van Setten, Pim A. de Jong, Willem Mali, Matthijs Oudkerk, Max A. Viergever, Ivana Isgum:
Genome-wide association study of coronary and aortic calcification in lung cancer screening CT. 97841L
- Dongqing Zhang, Yuan Liu, Jack H. Noble, Benoit M. Dawant:
Automatic localization of landmark sets in head CT images with regression forests for image registration initialization. 97841M - Gokhan Gunay, Ha Manh Luu, Theo van Walsum, Stefan Klein:
Semi-automated registration of pre- and intra-operative liver CT for image-guided interventions. 97841N - Zhoubing Xu, Sahil A. Panjwani, Christopher P. Lee, Ryan P. Burke, Rebeccah B. Baucom, Benjamin K. Poulose, Richard G. Abramson, Bennett A. Landman:
Evaluation of body-wise and organ-wise registrations for abdominal organs. 97841O - Wu Qiu, Jing Yuan, Aaron Fenster:
3D prostate MR-TRUS non-rigid registration using dual optimization with volume-preserving constraint. 97841P - Daniel Reichard, Sebastian Bodenstedt, Stefan Suwelack, Martin Wagner, Hannes Kenngott, Beat P. Müller-Stich, Rüdiger Dillmann, Stefanie Speidel:
Robust endoscopic pose estimation for intraoperative organ-mosaicking. 97841Q - George W. Hafzalla, Gautam Prasad, Vatche G. Baboyan, Joshua Faskowitz, Neda Jahanshad, Katie L. McMahon, Greig I. de Zubicaray, Margaret J. Wright, Meredith N. Braskie, Paul M. Thompson:
The heritability of the functional connectome is robust to common nonlinear registration methods. 97841R
Poster Session: Classification and Machine Learning
- Idit Diamant, Moran Shalhon, Jacob Goldberger, Hayit Greenspan:
Mutual information criterion for feature selection with application to classification of breast microcalcifications. 97841S - Sutao Song, Yuxia Huang, Zhi-ying Long, Jiacai Zhang, Gongxiang Chen, Shuqing Wang:
Single trial classification for the categories of perceived emotional facial expressions: an event-related fMRI study. 97841T - Eunbi Park, Taeho Kim, Jinah Park:
Template-based automatic extraction of the joint space of foot bones from CT scan. 97841U - Ali Ghayoor, Jane S. Paulsen, Regina E. Y. Kim, Hans J. Johnson:
Tissue classification of large-scale multi-site MR data using fuzzy k-nearest neighbor method. 97841V - Jayasree Chakraborty, Liana Langdon-Embry, Joanna G. Escalon, Peter J. Allen, Maeve A. Lowery, Eileen M. O'Reilly, Richard K. G. Do, Amber L. Simpson:
Texture analysis for survival prediction of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patients with neoadjuvant chemotherapy. 97841W - Erkang Cheng, Ling Zhu, Jie Yang, Azhari, Suhardjo Sitam, Xin Liang, Vasileios Megalooikonomou, Haibin Ling:
Learning-based landmarks detection for osteoporosis analysis. 97841X - Bob D. de Vos, Jelmer M. Wolterink, Pim A. de Jong, Max A. Viergever, Ivana Isgum:
2D image classification for 3D anatomy localization: employing deep convolutional neural networks. 97841Y - Christian Pfitzner, Stefan May, Andreas Nüchter:
Neural network-based visual body weight estimation for drug dosage finding. 97841Z - Cristian Lorenz, Eberhard Hansis, Jürgen Weese, Heike Carolus:
Localization of skeletal and aortic landmarks in trauma CT data based on the Discriminative Generalized Hough Transform. 978420 - Hugo J. Kuijf, Pim Moeskops, Bob D. de Vos, Willem H. Bouvy, Jeroen de Bresser, Geert Jan Biessels, Max A. Viergever, Koen L. Vincken:
Supervised novelty detection in brain tissue classification with an application to white matter hyperintensities. 978421 - Shikha Chaganti, Andrew J. Plassard, Laura Wilson, Miya A. Smith, Mayur B. Patel, Bennett A. Landman:
A Bayesian framework for early risk prediction in traumatic brain injury. 978422 - Cristina Campi, Annalisa Perasso, Mauro Carlo Beltrametti, Michele Piana, Gianmario Sambuceti, Anna Maria Massone:
HT-BONE: a graphical user interface for the identification of bone profiles in CT images via extended Hough transform. 978423 - Ahmad Chaddad, Christian Desrosiers, Matthew Toews:
GBM heterogeneity characterization by radiomic analysis of phenotype anatomical planes. 978424 - Jingyun Guo, Fei Shi, Weifang Zhu, Haoyu Chen, Xinjian Chen:
A framework for classification and segmentation of branch retinal artery occlusion in SD-OCT. 978425 - Bruno R. N. Matheus, Karem D. Marcomini, Homero Schiabel:
Segmentation techniques evaluation based on a single compact breast mass classification scheme. 978426 - Ling Ma, Rongrong Guo, Zhiqiang Tian, Rajesh Venkataraman, Saradwata Sarkar, Xiabi Liu, Funmilayo Tade, David M. Schuster, Baowei Fei:
Combining population and patient-specific characteristics for prostate segmentation on 3D CT images. 978427 - Zhongliu Xie, Duncan Gillies:
Patch forest: a hybrid framework of random forest and patch-based segmentation. 978428 - Giovanni Ometto, Francesco Calivá, Bashir Al-Diri, Toke Bek, Andrew Hunter:
Automated detection of retinal landmarks for the identification of clinically relevant regions in fundus photography. 978429 - Mahsa Paknezhad, Stéphanie Marchesseau, Michael S. Brown:
Automatic basal slice detection for cardiac analysis. 97842A
Poster Session: Segmentation
- Martin G. Wagner, Charles M. Strother, Charles A. Mistretta:
Guidewire path tracking and segmentation in 2D fluoroscopic time series using device paths from previous frames. 97842B - Konstantin Dmitriev, Ievgeniia Gutenko, Saad Nadeem, Arie E. Kaufman:
Pancreas and cyst segmentation. 97842C - Imanol Luengo, Mark Basham, Andrew P. French:
Fast global interactive volume segmentation with regional supervoxel descriptors. 97842D - Varduhi Yeghiazaryan, Irina Voiculescu:
Automated 3D renal segmentation based on image partitioning. 97842E - Xiaofeng Yang, Peter Rossi, Ashesh B. Jani, Hui Mao, Walter J. Curran, Tian Liu:
3D Transrectal Ultrasound (TRUS) prostate segmentation based on optimal feature learning framework. 97842F - Qier Meng, Takayuki Kitasaka, Yukitaka Nimura, Masahiro Oda, Kensaku Mori:
Accurate airway segmentation based on intensity structure analysis and graph-cut. 97842G - André Mastmeyer, Dirk Fortmeier, Heinz Handels:
Random forest classification of large volume structures for visuo-haptic rendering in CT images. 97842H - Ruida Cheng, Holger R. Roth, Le Lu, Shijun Wang, Baris Turkbey, William Gandler, Evan S. McCreedy, Harsh K. Agarwal, Peter L. Choyke, Ronald M. Summers, Matthew J. McAuliffe:
Active appearance model and deep learning for more accurate prostate segmentation on MRI. 97842I - Jason E. Hill, Kevin Matlock, Ranadip Pal, Brian Nutter, Sunanda Mitra:
Automated segmentation of MS lesions in FLAIR, DIR and T2-w MR images via an information theoretic approach. 97842J - Zhiwei Zhai, Marius Staring, Berend C. Stoel:
Lung vessel segmentation in CT images using graph cuts. 97842K - Philipp Lösel, Vincent Heuveline:
Enhancing a diffusion algorithm for 4D image segmentation using local information. 97842L - Chenglong Wang, Mitsuru Kagajo, Yoshihiko Nakamura, Masahiro Oda, Yasushi Yoshino, Tokunori Yamamoto, Kensaku Mori:
Precise renal artery segmentation for estimation of renal vascular dominant regions. 97842M - Eloy Roura, Arnau Oliver, Mariano Cabezas, Sergi Valverde, Deborah Pareto, Joan Carles Vilanova, Lluís Ramió-Torrentà, Alex Rovira, Xavier Lladó:
An SPM12 extension for multiple sclerosis lesion segmentation. 97842N - Yao-Xiu Hu, Prahlad G. Menon:
A neural network approach to lung nodule segmentation. 97842O - Jelena Novosel, Ziyuan Wang, Henk de Jong, Koenraad A. Vermeer, Lucas J. van Vliet:
Loosely coupled level sets for retinal layers and drusen segmentation in subjects with dry age-related macular degeneration. 97842P - Yi Gao, Andrew Wilford, Liang Guo:
Self-correcting multi-atlas segmentation. 97842Q - Andrew J. Plassard, Zhen Yang, Jerry L. Prince, Daniel O. Claassen, Bennett A. Landman:
Improving cerebellar segmentation with statistical fusion. 97842R - Sabine Müller, Joachim Weickert, Norbert M. Graf:
Automatic brain tumor segmentation with a fast Mumford-Shah algorithm. 97842S - Ian B. Dimock, Justin W. L. Wan:
Cellular image segmentation using n-agent cooperative game theory. 97842T - Esmeralda Ruiz Pujadas, Hans Martin Kjer, Sergio Vera, Mario Ceresa, Miguel Ángel González Ballester:
Cochlea segmentation using iterated random walks with shape prior. 97842U - Kai Yu, Xinjian Chen, Fei Shi, Weifang Zhu, Bin Zhang, Dehui Xiang:
A novel 3D graph cut based co-segmentation of lung tumor on PET-CT images with Gaussian mixture models. 97842V - Xueqing Jiang, Dehui Xiang, Bin Zhang, Fei Shi, Xinjian Chen:
Automatic co-segmentation of lung tumor based on random forest in PET-CT images. 97842W - Chunhua Dong, Yen-Wei Chen, Amir Hossein Foruzan, Xian-Hua Han, Tomoko Tateyama, Xing Wu:
A framework for probabilistic atlas-based organ segmentation. 97842X - Robert Korez, Bostjan Likar, Franjo Pernus, Tomaz Vrtovec:
Joint detection and segmentation of vertebral bodies in CT images by sparse representation error minimization. 97842Y
Poster Session: Shape and Model-based Image Analysis
- Shoko Miyauchi, Ken'ichi Morooka, Tokuo Tsuji, Yasushi Miyagi, Takaichi Fukuda, Ryo Kurazume:
A method for mapping tissue volume model onto target volume using volumetric self-organizing deformable model. 97842Z - Saad Nadeem, Arie E. Kaufman:
Shape-based multifeature brain parcellation. 978430 - Liang Liang, Caitlin Martin, Qian Wang, Wei Sun, James S. Duncan:
Estimation of aortic valve leaflets from 3D CT images using local shape dictionaries and linear coding. 978432 - Julia Krüger, Jan Ehrhardt, Heinz Handels:
Multi-level approach for statistical appearance models with probabilistic correspondences. 978433 - John S. H. Baxter, Jing Yuan, Maria Drangova, Terry M. Peters, Jiro Inoue:
Shape complexes in continuous max-flow segmentation. 978434 - Angélica Maria Atehortúa Labrador,