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8th ISGT Europe 2019: Bucharest, Romania
- 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT-Europe 2019, Bucharest, Romania, September 29 - October 2, 2019. IEEE 2019, ISBN 978-1-5386-8218-0
- Bismark Singh
, David Pozo
A Guide to Solar Power Forecasting using ARMA Models. 1-4 - Etta Grover-Silva, Elena Magliaro, Johanna le Conte
Electric Load Profile Non-intrusive Analysis to Guide Energy Efficient Behavior for Residential Clients. 1-5 - Margarida Solas, Nuno M. Cepeda, Joaquim L. Viegas:
Convolutional Neural Network for Short-term Wind Power Forecasting. 1-5 - Minal Chougule, Gopal Gajjar, Shreevardhan Soman:
PMU Supervised Secure Backup Protection of Distance Relays. 1-5 - Maizura Mokhtar, Valentin Robu
, David Flynn
, Ciaran Higgins, Jim Whyte, Caroline Loughran, Fiona Fulton:
Predicting the Voltage Distribution for Low Voltage Networks using Deep Learning. 1-5 - Roozbeh Torkzadeh
, Harold R. Chamorro, Rebecca Rye, Mojtaba Eliassi, Lucian Toma
, Francisco Gonzalez-Longatt:
Reactive Power Control of Grid Interactive Battery Energy Storage System for WADC. 1-5 - Robbert Claeys, Thijs Delerue, Jan Desmet:
Assessing the influence of the aggregation level of residential consumers through load duration curves. 1-5 - Babatunde Olukotun, Julius S. Partridge, Richard W. G. Bucknall:
Loss Performance Evaluation of Ferrite-Cored Wireless Power System with Conductive and Magnetic Shields. 1-5 - Dimitrios Tsiarmtros, Dimitrios Stimoniaris, Christoph Orth, Filipe Joel Soares
, Vaia Zacharaki, Christodoulos Spaggakas, Konstantinos Gavros:
Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) grid agents for ancillary services of the smart grid. 1-4 - Gerwin Hoogsteen, Johann L. Hurink, Gerard J. M. Smit:
DEMKit: a Decentralized Energy Management Simulation and Demonstration Toolkit. 1-5 - Remo Waser
, Matthias Berger, Simon Maranda, Jörg Worlitschek
Residential-scale demonstrator for seasonal latent thermal energy storage for heating and cooling application with optimized PV self-consumption. 1-5 - Patrick Tendayi Manditereza, Ramesh C. Bansal:
Development of Voltage-Actuated Protection Relay Prototype. 1-5 - Pol Van Aubel, Erik Poll, Joost Rijneveld:
Non-Repudiation and End-to-End Security for Electric-Vehicle Charging. 1-5 - Mostafa Yazdi, Farhad Yazdi:
A Non-Linear Load Sharing Method by Harmonics Spectrum Allocation to the Inverters. 1-5 - Pol Olivella-Rosell, Francisco Díaz-González, Pau Lloret-Gallego, Sara Barja-Martinez, Sigurd Bjarghov
, Venkatachalam Lakshmanan, Stig Ødegaard Ottesen, Nazir Refa, Frank Geerts, Roberto Villafafila-Robles:
INVADE Flexibility Centralized Algorithm to Manage Electric Vehicles under DSO Requests in Buildings with Limited Information. 1-5 - Thomas Dengiz, Patrick Jochem, Wolf Fichtner
Uncertainty handling control algorithms for demand response with modulating electric heating devices. 1-5 - Hui Ren, Aiwei Zhang, Hongshan Zhao, Xihui Yan, Jinling Lu, Wei Li:
Impact analysis of electric vehicle price mechanism on load demand response of distribution network. 1-5 - Ammar Arshad, Matti Lehtonen:
Probabilistic Assessment of Photovoltaic Hosting Capacity in Finnish LV Networks. 1-5 - Rezoan A. Shuvro, Pankaz Das, Mahshid Rahnamay-Naeini, Francesco Sorrentino, Majeed M. Hayat:
On the Dynamics of Transmission Capacity and Load Loss during Cascading Failures in Power Grids. 1-5 - Simon Ackermann, Andrei Szabo, Simon Paulus, Florian Steinke
Comparison of Two Day-Ahead Offering Strategies for a Flexible CHP Plant in Germany. 1-5 - Michela Moschella, Mauro Tucci, Emanuele Crisostomi, Alessandro Betti:
A Machine Learning Model for Long-Term Power Generation Forecasting at Bidding Zone Level. 1-5 - Anamika Tiwari, Abheejeet Mohapatra
, Soumya Ranjan Sahoo
Artificial Dynamic Theory based Optimal Power Flow. 1-5 - Dominik Hilbrich, S. W. A. Shah, Christian Rehtanz:
Automated Application Oriented Testing using Real Power Network Models for Combined Protection and Control Systems. 1-5 - Martin Strelec, Pavel Hering, Petr Janecek, Daniel Georgiev, Premysl Vorác:
Optimal procurement of ancillary services considering balance and system security criteria. 1-5 - Mirza Nuhic
, Guangya Yang
A Hybrid System Consisting of Synchronous Condenser and Battery - Enhanced Services for Weak Systems. 1-5 - Nelson E. Matute, Santiago P. Torres
, Carlos A. Castro
Transmission Expansion Planning Considering the Impact of Distributed Generation. 1-6 - Jérôme Buire
, Frédéric Colas
, Jean-Yves Dieulot, Léticia De Alvaro, Xavier Guillaud:
Stochastic estimation of PQ powers at the interface between distribution and transport grids. 1-5 - Cristian Monsalve, Stephan Ruhe, Samir Khabourtli, Steffen Nicolai:
NetzKapa: Simulation Tool for Assessing the Integration of Electrical Vehicles in Distribution Grids. 1-5 - Ye-Obong N. Udoakah, Emmanuel Mudaheranwa
, Liana Cipcigan:
Dynamic Modeling of Energy Consumption Pattern of a Typical Nigerian Average Urban and Rural Household for Microgrid PV Design. 1-5 - Martin Coumont, Florian Bennewitz, Jutta Hanson:
Influence of Different Fault Ride-Through Strategies of Converter-Interfaced Distributed Generation on Short-Term Voltage Stability. 1-5 - Christina Hildebrandt Lüthje Jørgensen
, Bahtiyar Can Karatas
, Hjörtur Jóhannsson, Stefan Sommer
Binary Search and Fit Algorithm for Improved Voltage Stability Boundary Monitoring. 1-5 - Mikhail V. Andreev, Vladimir Rudnik
, Aleksey A. Suvorov
, Nikolay Yu. Ruban, Ruslan A. Ufa, Alexander S. Gusev, Igor Razzhivin, Yuly Bay
, Anton Kievets
, Alisher Askarov
Novel Method For Numerical Transformer Differential Protection Setting Up Using Its Detailed Mathematical Model. 1-5 - Vahid Hosseinnezhad, Miadreza Shafie-khah, Pierluigi Siano
, João P. S. Catalão
Optimal Home Energy Management For Electric Flexibility Provision. 1-6 - Behdad Faridpak
, Hamed Farhadi Gharibeh, Meisam Farrokhifar
, David Pozo
Two-Step LP Approach for Optimal Placement and Operation of EV Charging Stations. 1-5 - Igor Berkh, Natalya Lozinova, Olga Suslova, Ruslan A. Ufa, Mikhail V. Andreev, Aleksey A. Suvorov
, Nikolay Yu. Ruban:
Stability Analysis of VSC back-to-back link taking into consideration adjacent AC systems of arbitrary configuration. 1-5 - Amir Safari, Mehrdad Tahmasebi, Jagadeesh Pasupuleti
Smart Buildings Aggregator Bidding Strategy as a Negawatt Demand Response Resources in the Spinning Reserve Electricity Market. 1-4 - Kyriaki E. Antoniadou-Plytaria, David Steen
, Le Anh Tuan, Ola Carlson:
Energy Scheduling Strategies for Grid-connected Microgrids: A Case Study on Chalmers Campus. 1-5 - Thusitha Dayaratne, Carsten Rudolph
, Ariel Liebman, Mahsa Salehi
, Shan He:
High Impact False Data Injection Attack against Real-time Pricing in Smart Grids. 1-5 - Thangavelu Vidyamani, K. Shanti Swarup:
Demand Response Based on Utility Function Maximization Considering Time-of-Use Price. 1-5 - Matin Jamaliyan Daryani, Alireza Esmaeili Karkevandi, Ömer Usta
A Hybrid Approach for Microgrid Protection System Based on Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic. 1-5 - Christian Thommessen, Nicolas Witte, Florian Nigbur, Jürgen Roes, Angelika Heinzel, Othmar M. Verheyen:
Significance of Cogeneration for Germany's Future Energy Supply. 1-5 - Moritz Theißen, Olaf Stursberg
Distributed Model Predictive Control of Wind Farms for Short-Term Grid Support. 1-5 - Daniel A. Contreras
, Krzysztof Rudion
Impact of Grid Topology and Tap Position Changes on the Flexibility Provision from Distribution Grids. 1-5 - L. P. Kalinin, Dmitrii A. Zaitsev
, M. S. Tirsu, I. V. Golub:
The Opportunities for Efficiency Increase of Phase-Shifting Transformers in Power Transmission Operational Modes. 1-5 - Priyanka Gangwar, Sri Niwas Singh, Saikat Chakrabarti
An Analytical Approach for Phase Balancing Considering Customer Load Profile. 1-5 - Iasonas N. Kouveliotis-Lysikatos
, Isidoros Kokos
, Ilias Lamprinos
, Nikos D. Hatziargyriou:
Blockchain-Powered Applications for Smart Transactive Grids. 1-5 - Wen-jun Tang, Xian-Long Lee, Hao Wang
, Hong-Tzer Yang:
Leveraging Socioeconomic Information and Deep Learning for Residential Load Pattern Prediction. 1-5 - Jelena Ponocko
, Jovica V. Milanovic, Aleksandra Krkoleva Mateska
, Petar Krstevski
, Stefan Borozan
Existing Approaches to Wide-scale DSM Deployment to Facilitate Transmission Network Flexibility - Results of the Survey in South-East Europe. 1-5 - B. Lokeshgupta, S. Sivasubramani
Optimal operation of a residential microgrid with demand side management. 1-5 - Bendong Tan, Jun Yang, Ting Zhou, Yi Xiao, Qiangming Zhou:
A Novel Temporal Feature Selection for Time-Adaptive Transient Stability Assessment. 1-5 - Paul Imgart
, Peiyuan Chen:
Evaluation of the System-Aggregated Potentials of Inertial Support Capabilities from Wind Turbines. 1-5 - Ioannis Bouloumpasis, David Steen
, Le Anh Tuan:
Congestion Management using Local Flexibility Markets: Recent Development and Challenges. 1-5 - Aayushya Agarwal, Amritanshu Pandey
, Marko Jereminov, Larry T. Pileggi:
Implicitly Modeling Frequency Control within Power Flow. 1-5 - Bart Homan, Stefano Nebiolo, Gerwin Hoogsteen, Johann L. Hurink
, Gerard J. M. Smit:
Improving the Degree of Autarky of a 16 House Neighbourhood in the Netherlands - A case study. 1-5 - Ahmed El-Sherif, Galal A. Elkobrosy, Yasmine Abouelseoud
, Yahya Helmy:
Optimal Placement and Settings of FACTS Devices for Reactive Power Compensation Using a Firefly Algorithm. 1-5 - M. A. Hasan, Sanjoy Kumar Parida
Modeling and Design of a Synchronous Reference Frame Enhanced Phase Locked Loop. 1-4 - Lara-Sophie Christmann, Claudia Offel, Luisa Rahn, Nikhil Singh, Lucie Géhin, Gai Hang, Asma Safaya, Mahmoud Draz
, Sahin Albayrak
A Framework for Integrating Intelligent Mobile Energy Storage into Energy Distribution Systems. 1-5 - Qiuyi Huang, Yue Cui, Lina Bertling Tjernberg, Pramod Bangalore:
Wind Turbine Health Assessment Framework Based on Power Analysis Using Machine Learning Method. 1-5 - Brinn Hekkelman
, Han La Poutré:
Fairness in Smart Grid Congestion Management. 1-5 - Tung-Lam Nguyen
, Yu Wang
, Quoc Tuan Tran
, Raphaël Caire
, Yvon Besanger:
Agent-based Distributed Finite-time Secondary Control of Energy Storage Systems in Microgrids - Controller Hardware-in-the-Loop Validation. 1-5 - Ponnaganti Pavani
, Birgitte Bak-Jensen, Jayakrishnan R. Pillai:
Maximizing the self-consumption of Solar-PV using Battery Energy Storage System in Samsø-Marina. 1-5 - Pedro P. Vergara
, Tam T. Mai, Andrew Burstein, Phuong H. Nguyen
Feasibility and Performance Assessment of Commercial PV Inverters Operating with Droop Control for Providing Voltage Support Services. 1-5 - Jing Zhong Tee, Kian Hou Tan, Idris Li Hong Lim
, Keliang Zhou, Olimpo Anaya-Lara
Integration of Offshore Wind with O&G Platforms with an Energy Storage System. 1-5 - Johannes Börner
, Simon Scheurich, Florian Steinke
Nonlinear consensus for improved resilience of distributed secondary frequency control. 1-5 - Francisco Díaz-González, Mònica Aragüés-Peñalba
, Francesc Girbau-Llistuella, Marc Llonch-Masachs, Andreas Sumper:
A power sharing algorithm for a hybrid energy storage system based on batteries. 1-5 - Rishabh Ghotge
, Ad van Wijk, Zofia Lukszo:
Challenges for the design of a Vehicle-to-Grid Living Lab. 1-5 - André Luís da Silva Pessoa, Pedro Henrique Aquino Barra
, Mário Oleskovicz
, Fernando Ribeiro Arduini, Paulo Estevão Teixeira Martins:
Different responses of load models when facing short-circuits in a distribution system with intermittent distributed generation. 1-5 - Manoranjan Satapathy, Meher Preetam Korukonda, Amir Hussain, Laxmidhar Behera
A Direct Perturbation based Sensor-free MPPT with DC Bus Voltage Control for a Standalone DC Microgrid. 1-5 - Ionel Balcu, Ionel Ciucanu, Corina Macarie, Bogdan Taranu
, Dana-Alexandra Ciupageanu, Gheorghe Lazaroiu
, Virgil Dumbrava
Decarbonization of Low Power Applications through Methanation Facilities Integration. 1-5 - Elena Sosnina
, Sergey Petritskiy, Sergey Iurtaev, Evgeny Kryukov:
Research of Thyristor Voltage Regulator Effect on the Harmonics in the Distribution Electric Network. 1-5 - Dulip Madurasinghe, Paranietharan Arunagirinathan, Ganesh K. Venayagamoorthy
Online Identification of Power System Network Branch Events. 1-5 - Felipe Silva Oliveira, Lucas Frizera Encarnação
, Renner Sartório Camargo
, Emilio José Bueno Peña:
Model Predictive Control on Back-to-Back Parallel-Series Cascaded H-Bridge Converters. 1-5 - Andrej Trpovski, Thomas Hamacher:
A Comparative Analysis of Transmission System Planning for Overhead and Underground Power Systems using AC and DC Power Flow. 1-5 - Zhongda Chu, Fei Teng
Assessment of Frequency Support from Wind Turbines under Alternative Control Schemes. 1-5 - Maria Teresa Vespucci, Paolo Pisciella, Giacomo Vigano, Diana Moneta
, Marco Rossi, Daniele Stein, Lilia Consiglio:
Centralized Optimal Management of Distribution Resources Considering the Effects of Local Controllers of Generators. 1-5 - Ming Meng, Yahui Su, Yang Luo:
Analysis of Fault Blocking Ability of a MMC Improved Double Half Bridge Sub-module. 1-6 - Prodromos Makris, Dimitrios J. Vergados, Ioannis Mamounakis
, Georgios Tsaousoglou
, Konstantinos Steriotis, Nikolaos Efthymiopoulos, Emmanouel A. Varvarigos
A Novel Research Algorithms and Business Intelligence Tool for Progressive Utility's Portfolio Management in Retail Electricity Markets. 1-5 - Marcel Ludwig, Jan Mehlich, Schaugar Azad, Markus Zdrallek, Christian Thommessen, Nicolas Witte, Nils Loose, Ralf Settertobulte, Uwe Weber:
Development Of Cross-Sectoral Active Network Management Systems Using New Engineering Paradigms. 1-5 - Dana-Alexandra Ciupageanu, Linda Barelli, Gheorghe Lazaroiu
Design of a Fuzzy Logic Controller for a Remote Power Application. 1-5 - Niklas Ebell
, Moritz Gütlein
, Marco Pruckner
Sharing of Energy Among Cooperative Households Using Distributed Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. 1-5 - Mitja Antoncic, Marjan Ilkovski, Bostjan Blazic:
State forecasting in distribution networks. 1-5 - Alessandro Rosini
, Andrea Bonfiglio, Marco Invernizzi, Renato Procopio, Pietro Serra:
Power Management in Islanded Hybrid Diesel-Storage Microgrids. 1-5 - Enock Mulenga
, Math H. J. Bollen, Nicholas Etherden:
The Role of Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainties in a Stochastic Hosting Capacity Approach for Solar PV. 1-5 - Adrian Eisenmann, Tim Streubel, Krzysztof Rudion
Power Quality Prediction by way of Parallel Computing - A New Approach Based on a Long Short-Term Memory Network. 1-5 - Wentao Zhu
, Jovica V. Milanovic, Bojana Mihic:
Assessing the Applicability of Complex Network Theory Models and Importance Measures to Vulnerability Studies of Cyber-physical Systems. 1-6 - Daniel Groß, Heiner Früh
, Pascal Wiest, Daniel A. Contreras
, Krzysztof Rudion
, Linda Rupp, Christian Lakenbrink:
Evaluation of a Three-Phase Distribution System State Estimation for Operational Use in a Real Medium Voltage Grid. 1-5 - Hamed Farhadi Gharibeh, Leyla Mokhtari Khiavi, Meisam Farrokhifar
, David Pozo
Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Electric Vehicles based on Critical Price and Critical Distance. 1-5 - Babak Rooholahi
, Esmaeil Zangeneh Bighash:
A New Transformerless Configuration for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverters. 1-5 - Boda Li
, Shaowei Huang, Kuan Zheng, Shengya Qiao, Heping Peng, Lu Zhu:
An FCL Optimal Configuration Method for Reducing the Risk of Successive Commutation Failure in MI-HVDC Systems. 1-5 - Huang Wei, Zili Yang:
Comprehensive Evaluation of Energy System in Characteristic Towns Based on Matter-element Extension Model. 1-5 - Nand Kishor Meena
, Jin Yang
Optimization Framework for Peer-to-Peer Charging of Electric Vehicles in Multi-area Distribution Networks. 1-5 - C.-H. Bonnard
, Anne Blavette, Salvy Bourguet
, F. Rongère, Thibaut Kovaltchouk, Thomas Soulard:
Towards the optimal use of an existing MRE electrical network from an electrothermal perspective. 1-5 - Brida V. Mbuwir, Fred Spiessens, Geert Deconinck
Benchmarking regression methods for function approximation in reinforcement learning: heat pump control. 1-5 - Ruilin Yang, Dandan Zhang, Zhenbiao Li:
Vibration Analysis Using Variational Mode Decomposition for Mechanical Fault Diagnosis in The Diverter Switch of On-load Tap Changer. 1-5 - Thomas Buechler, Fabian Pagel, Thibault Petitjean, Mahmoud Draz
, Sahin Albayrak
Optimal Energy Supply Scheduling for a Single Household: Integrating Machine Learning for Power Forecasting. 1-5 - Ali Baniasadi, Daryoush Habibi, Waleed Al-Saedi, Mohammad A. S. Masoum:
A Cost-effective Thermal and Electrical Energy Storage Management Strategy for Smart Buildings. 1-5 - Tanguy Levent, Philippe Preux, Erwan Le Pennec, Jordi Badosa, Gonzague Henri, Yvan Bonnassieux
Energy Management for Microgrids: a Reinforcement Learning Approach. 1-5 - Shengye Lu, Sami Repo
, Mikko Salmenperä, Jari Seppälä, Hannu Koivisto
Using IEC CIM standards and SOA Technology for Coordinated Voltage Control Application. 1-5 - Nadezhda Buryanina, Yuriy Korolyuk, Maya Koryakina
, Elena Lesnykh, Konstantin V. Suslov
Algoritm of Current Protection Based on Three Instantaneous-Value Samples. 1-5 - Emi Sugiyama, Marta Marmiroli:
Blockchain-Based Bilateral Energy Transaction Platform. 1-5 - Essam K. Hussain, PR. Thies:
Assessing Energy Transition Scenarios for Islands through Network Reliability and Power Flow Analysis. 1-5 - Nand K. Singh, M. Z. C. Wanik
, Abdullah A. Jabbar, Antonio Sanfilippo:
Enhancing PV hosting Capacity of a Qatar Remote Farm Network using Inverters Ability to Regulate Reactive Power-a Case Study. 1-5 - Yujia Li, Shuanglei Feng, Yunhe Hou:
Assessing Robustness of Risk-Constrained Operating Strategies for Power Systems with Renewables by Contamination-Based Technique. 1-5 - Helton do Nascimento Alves, Newton G. Bretas
, Arturo S. Bretas
, Ben-Hur Matthews:
Smart Grids False Data Injection Identification: a Deep Learning Approach. 1-5 - Martin Seydenschwanz, Kurt Majewski
, Corinna Gottschalk, Rafael Fink:
Linear Approximation of Cyclic Battery Aging Costs for MILP-Based Power Dispatch Optimization. 1-5 - Frank A. Ibarra, Daniel Turizo
, César Orozco-Henao, Javier Guerrero:
Generator Controller Tuning Considering Stochastic Load Variation Using Analysis of Variance and Response Surface Method. 1-5 - Sajjad Asefi
, Mazhar Ali
, Elena N. Gryazina:
Optimal Energy Management for Off-Grid Hybrid System using Hybrid Optimization Technique. 1-5 - Xinya Song, Teng Jiang, Steffen Schlegel, Dirk Westermann:
Investigation of inventive Tuning Algorithm for the realization of Digital Twins of Inverter Model in Inverter-dominated Power Distribution Grid. 1-6 - Monica Dumitrascu
, Gheorghe Kucsicsa
, Ines Grigorescu, Dana Micu
, Irena Mocanu, Alexandra Vrînceanu, Bianca Mitrica, Loredana Havris, Paul Serban, Cristina Dumitrica
Renewable energy, climate change and environmental challenges in Romania. 1-5 - Carlos Fernandes, Ismael Miranda, Helder Leite
, Eduardo Rodrigues:
Fault Analysis in a Microgrid Context: DEMOCRAT Project. 1-5 - Violeta-Maria Ionescu, Anca-Alexandra Sapunaru, Mihai Octavian Popescu, Claudia Laurenta Popescu:
Magnetic Field Constraints in the Passenger Compartment of Electric Vehicles. 1-5 - Andrey Lana, Iurii Demidov, Antti Pinomaa, Dick Carrillo
, Olli Pyrhönen:
Energy Management Methodology for Fusion Grid. 1-5 - Moudud Ahmed, Lasantha Meegahapola
, Arash Vahidnia, Manoj Datta:
Analyzing the Effect of X/R ratio on Dynamic Performance of Microgrids. 1-5 - Bogdan Constantin Neagu
, Mihai Gavrilas, Radu-Dumitru Pentiuc
, Eugen Hopulele
Optimal Placement of Energy Storage Systems in Microgrids Using a PSO based Approach. 1-5