17th ISCRAM 2020: Blacksburg, VA, USA

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Postponed until May 2021 due the COVID-19 pandemic; papers published in 2020

AI Systems for Crisis and Risks

Analytical Modeling and Simulation

Command & Control Studies

Cross-Border Resilience

Data and Resilience: Opportunities and Challenges

Enhancing Resilient Response in Inter-Organizational Contexts: Learning from experience

Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues

Geospatial Technologies and Geographic Information Science for Crisis Management (GIS)

Planning, Foresight and Risk Analysis

Practitioner-centered Logistics and Supply Chain Management in Crisis Response

Resilience in Critical Infrastructures

Social Media for Disaster Response and Resilie

Technologies for First Responders

Usability and Universal Design of ICT for Emergency Management

Using Artificial Intelligence to exploit Satellite Data in Risk and Crisis Management

Visions for Future Crisis Management

Open Track