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15. iiWAS 2013: Vienna, Austria
- Edgar R. Weippl, Maria Indrawan-Santiago, Matthias Steinbauer, Gabriele Kotsis, Ismail Khalil:
The 15th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, IIWAS '13, Vienna, Austria, December 2-4, 2013. ACM 2013, ISBN 978-1-4503-2113-6
Keynote Talks
- Erich J. Neuhold:
Interoperability and Semantics - a reoccurring Issue? 1 - Hermann Maurer:
New Technologies: We have seen nothing yet. 2 - Leon S. L. Wang:
Recent Studies in Privacy Preservation. 3 - Jaroslav Pokorný:
NoSQL databases - no panacea for Big Data processing. 4
Social Networks and Analysis
- Mihaela Dînsoreanu
, Rodica Potolea:
A scalable approach for Contradiction Detection driven by Opinion mining. 7 - Shuhei Yamamoto, Tetsuji Satoh:
Two Phase Extraction Method for Multi-label Classification of Real Life Tweets. 16 - Ning He, Osamu Yoshie:
Conversation Analysis Based on Interpersonal Relationship in Consensus Building. 26 - Hao Han, Hidekazu Nakawatase, Keizo Oyama:
Context Oriented Analysis of Interest Reflection of Tweeted Webpages based on Browsing Behavior. 34 - Akiyo Nadamoto, Mai Miyabe, Eiji Aramaki:
Analysis of Microblog Rumors and Correction Texts for Disaster Situations. 44 - Yen-Jen Tai, Hung-Yu Kao:
Automatic Domain-Specific Sentiment Lexicon Generation with Label Propagation. 53 - Yutaro Yamaguchi, Shuhei Yamamoto, Tetsuji Satoh:
Behavior Analysis of Microblog Users Based on Transitions in Posting Activities. 63 - Najeeb Elahi, Randi Karlsen, Einar J. Holsbø:
Personalized Photo Recommendation By Leveraging User Modeling On Social Network. 68 - Eri Kataoka, Toshiyuki Amagasa
, Hiroyuki Kitagawa
A System for Social Reading based on EPUB3. 72 - Hung Dang, Tuan A. Nguyen
, Hien To:
Maximum Complex Task Assignment: Towards Tasks Correlation in Spatial Crowdsourcing. 77 - Andrea Barraza-Urbina, Ricardo Rugeles, Angela Carrillo Ramos
SADINA: Adaptive System for Academic News Dissemination. 82 - Yuta Sakakura, Yuto Yamaguchi, Toshiyuki Amagasa
, Hiroyuki Kitagawa
A Local Method for ObjectRank Estimation. 92 - Yi-Ting Chen, Hung-Yu Kao:
Up or Down? Click-Through Rate Prediction from Social Intention for Search Advertising. 102 - Mudassir Wani, Majed A. AlRubaian, Muhammad Abulaish
A User-Centric Feature Identification and Modeling Approach to Infer Social Ties in OSNs. 107
NoSQL Databases
- Vojtech Kolomicenko, Martin Svoboda
, Irena Holubová
Experimental Comparison of Graph Databases. 115 - Gabriel dos Santos Ferreira, Andre Calil, Ronaldo dos Santos Mello:
On Providing DDL Support for a Relational Layer over a Document NoSQL Database. 125 - Kohei Takahashi, Shinsuke Matsumoto, Sachio Saiki, Masahide Nakamura:
Design and Evaluation of Lifelog Mashup Platform with NoSQL Database. 133
Modeling and Methodology
- Nalinpat Porrawatpreyakorn, Wichian Chutimaskul, Gerald Quirchmayr, Maleerat Sodanil:
A Knowledge Transfer Framework for Supporting the Transition to Agile Development of Web Application in the Thai Telecommunications Industry. 140 - Sakchai Tangprasert, Nalinpat Porrawatpreyakorn, Sucha Smanchat:
A Study of Knowledge Transfer in the Context of Information Systems Integration in Thailand. 149 - Saoussen Cheikhrouhou, Slim Kallel
, Nawal Guermouche, Mohamed Jmaiel:
Toward a Time-centric modeling of Business Processes in BPMN 2.0. 154
Smart Models and Systems
- Binh Thanh Nguyen, Fabian Wagner, Wolfgang Schöpp:
Multi-model Framework for modeling Holistic Climate and Air quality Strategies. 164 - Niina Maarit Novak
, Andreas Mladenow
, Christine Strauss
Avatar-based Innovation Processes - Are Virtual Worlds a breeding ground for Innovations? 174
Web Applications
- Werner Winiwarter:
Mastering Japanese through Augmented Browsing. 179 - Sirikorn Krompho, Sucha Smanchat, Nalinpat Porrawatpreyakorn, Montean Rattanasiriwongwut:
Factors Influencing Hybrid Self-Regulated and Collaborative Learning for End-User Training: A Systematic Literature Review. 189 - Polina Fauska, Natalia Kryvinska
, Christine Strauss
Good & Service Bundles and B2B E-Commerce by Global Narrow-Specialized Companies. 194 - Ferdaous Hdioud, Bouchra Frikh
, Brahim Ouhbi:
Multi-Criteria Recommender Systems based on Multi-Attribute Decision Making. 203 - Devis Bianchini, Valeria De Antonellis, Michele Melchiori
Advanced Web API search patterns adding collective knowledge to public repository facets. 211
Web Services
- Marina Stoshikj, Natalia Kryvinska
, Christine Strauss
Project Management as a Service. 220 - Werner Mach, Benedikt Pittl, Erich Schikuta
A Business Rules Driven Framework for Consumer-Provider Contracting of Web Services. 229 - André Takeshi Endo
, Maicon Bernardino, Elder Macedo Rodrigues, Adenilso da Silva Simão
, Flávio Moreira de Oliveira, Avelino F. Zorzo, Rodrigo S. Saad:
An Industrial Experience on using Models to Test Web Service-Oriented Applications. 240 - Diana Allam, Hervé Grall, Jean-Claude Royer:
The Substitution Principle in an Object-Oriented Framework for Web Services: From Failure to Success. 250 - Aneta Kabzeva, Joachim Götze, Paul Müller:
Capturing and Analyzing Service Network Models. 260 - Asma Adala, Nabil Tabbane, Sami Tabbane:
A Novel Matchmaking Approach for Automated Semantic Web Service Discovery. 265 - Li Li, Zhe Wang, Tao Cai, Wu Chou:
Compose Presence for Composite Web Services by Timed AND-OR Tree. 270 - Abdelmalek Metrouh
, Farid Mokhati:
Social Web Services Discovery: A Community-Based Approach. 275 - Beniamino Di Martino
, Antonio Esposito
Automatic Recognition of Design Patterns from UML-based Software Documentation. 280 - Nírondes A. C. Tavares, Samyr Vale:
A Model Driven Approach for the Development of Semantic RESTful Web Services. 290
Linked Data
- Timofey Ermilov, Sören Auer
Enabling Linked Data access to the Internet of Things. 300 - Josep Maria Brunetti, Sören Auer
, Roberto García
, Jakub Klímek
, Martin Necaský
Formal Linked Data Visualization Model. 309 - Johannes Lorey:
SPARQL Endpoint Metrics for Quality-Aware Linked Data Consumption. 319 - Jörg Unbehauen, Claus Stadler, Sören Auer
Optimizing SPARQL-to-SQL Rewriting. 324 - Alia Bahanshal, Hend S. Al-Khalifa
Toward Recipes for Arabic DBpedia. 331 - Christian Lettner, Mario Pichler, Wilhelm Kirchmayr, Friedrich Kokert, Martin Habringer:
RDFreduce: Customized Aggregations with Provenance for RDF Data based on an Industrial Use Case. 336 - Ayrton Silva, Luiz Carlos Chaves, Damires Souza:
A Domain-based Approach to Publish Data on the Web. 344 - Walter S. A. Schwaiger, Michael Abmayer:
Accounting and Management Information Systems: A Semantic Integration. 346
Applications of Ontology
- Lisa Madlberger, Andreas Thöni, Peter Wetz, Alexander Schatten, A Min Tjoa
Ontology-based Data Integration for Corporate Sustainability Information Systems. 353 - Maleerat Sodanil, Pilapan Phonarin, Nalinpat Porrawatpreyakorn:
An Ontology-Based Query Expansion for an Agricultural Expert Retrieval System. 358 - Tuyen Thi-Thanh Do:
Ontology-based Annotation and Indexing for Vietnamese Text Document. 363 - Virginia Nascimento, Maria João Viamonte, Alda Canito
, Nuno Silva:
Improving Semantic Interoperability with Ontology Alignment Negotiation and Reutilization. 368
Cloud and Grid Systems
- Sucha Smanchat, Suchon Sritawathon, Thavatchai Ngamsantivong:
An Adaptive Grid Workflow Scheduling Based on Bottleneck Detection and Execution Context. 375 - Giuseppina Cretella
, Beniamino Di Martino
Semantic and Matchmaking Technologies for Discovering, Mapping and Aligning Cloud Providers's Services. 380 - Beniamino Di Martino
, Antonio Esposito
Towards a Common Semantic Representation of Design and Cloud Patterns. 385
Health Informatics
- Juha Puustjärvi, Leena Puustjärvi:
Implementing a Data Infrastructure for a Pharmaceutical Community. 390 - Bernd Michelberger, Jörg Wurzer, Armin Reisch, Markus Hipp, Bela Mutschler, Manfred Reichert:
iCare: Intelligent Medical Information Logistics. 396 - Jakub Kozák, Martin Necaský
, Jan Dedek, Jakub Klímek
, Jaroslav Pokorný:
Linked Open Data for Healthcare Professionals. 400
Systems Performance
- Maria Carla Calzarossa
, Luisa Massari
, Daniele Tessera
An extensive study of Web robots traffic. 410 - Hiranya Jayathilaka, Pradeep R. Fernando, Paul Fremantle
, Kasun Indrasiri, Dushan Abeyruwan, Supun Kamburugamuve, Sadeep Jayasumana, Sanjiva Weerawarana, Srinath Perera:
Improved Server Architecture for Highly Efficient Message Mediation. 418
Data Infrastructure
- Sylva Girtelschmid, Matthias Steinbauer, Vikash Kumar, Anna Fensel
, Gabriele Kotsis
Big Data in Large Scale Intelligent Smart City Installations. 428 - Bartholomäus Wloka
, Werner Winiwarter, Gerhard Budin
DASISH: An Initiative for a European Data Humanities Infrastructure. 433 - Tuan-Dat Trinh, Ba-Lam Do
, Peter Wetz, Amin Anjomshoaa
, A Min Tjoa
Linked Widgets: An Approach to Exploit Open Government Data. 438
- Bojan Bozic, Werner Winiwarter:
Ontology Mapping and Reasoning in Semantic Time Series Processing. 443 - Jakub Stárka, Irena Holubová
, Martin Necaský
Strigil: A Framework for Data Extraction in Semi-Structured Web Documents. 453 - Liming Chen
, Chris D. Nugent
, Joseph Rafferty
Ontology-based Activity Recognition Framework and Services. 463 - Alda Canito
, Paulo Maio, Nuno Silva:
Introducing inference-driven OWL ABox enrichment. 470 - Alda Canito
, Paulo Maio, Nuno Silva:
Improved Relaxation-based Ontology Matching Negotiation. 479
- Marek Polák
, Martin Necaský
, Irena Holubová
DaemonX: Design, Adaptation, Evolution, and Management of Native XML (and More Other) Formats. 484 - Sheng Li, Junhu Wang
Spelling Suggestion for XML Keyword Search Based on XSketch Synopsis. 494 - Handoko
, Janusz R. Getta:
An XML Algebra For Online Processing of XML Documents. 503 - Martin Necaský
, Jakub Klímek
, Jakub Malý, Irena Holubová
Methodology for Design and Evolution of XML Schemas using Conceptual Modeling. 508 - Apichaya Auvattanasombat, Yousuke Watanabe, Haruo Yokota
An Evaluation of Similarity Search Methods Blending Structures and Keywords in XML Documents. 518
- Li Li, Wu Chou, Tao Cai, Zhe Wang, Zhihong Qiu:
Mirror Presence: Secure Web Identity Resolution and Call Control for WebRTC. 523 - Stefan Wild, Markus Ast, Martin Gaedke
Towards a Context-Aware WebID Certificate Creation Taking Individual Conditions and Trust Needs into Account. 532 - Ayano Yoshikuni, Chiemi Watanabe:
Account Reachability: A Measure of Privacy Risk for Exposure of a User's Multiple SNS Accounts. 542 - Yeonchan Ahn, Namsoo Kim, Yoo-Sung Kim:
A User-friendly Image-Text Fusion CAPTCHA for Secure Web Services. 550 - Shyue-Liang Wang, Jia-Wei Chen, I-Hsien Ting, Tzung-Pei Hong
Sensitive and Neighborhood Privacy on Shortest Paths in the Cloud. 555 - Mhammed Chraibi, Hamid Harroud, Abdelilah Maach:
Classification of Security Issues and Solutions in Cloud Environments. 560
Data Integration
- Katja Pfeifer, Johannes Meinecke:
Identifying the Truth: Aggregation of Named Entity Extraction Results. 565 - Rizwan Mehmood, Hermann Maurer:
Aspects of Information Integration in a Wiki. 575 - Rizwan Mehmood, Hermann Maurer:
Towards the integration of images on the Web. 580 - Gioele Barabucci, Angelo Di Iorio
, Francesco Poggi
, Fabio Vitali
Integration of legal datasets: from meta-model to implementation. 585
Text Analysis and Its Applications
- Lucia D. Krisnawati, Klaus U. Schulz:
Plagiarism Detection for Indonesian Texts. 595 - Asmaa Benghabrit
, Bouchra Frikh
, Brahim Ouhbi, El Moukhtar Zemmouri
, Hicham Behja
Text Document Clustering with Hybrid Feature Selection. 600 - Thi Thuy Anh Nguyen, Stefan Conrad
A Semantic Similarity Measure between Nouns based on the Structure of Wordnet. 605 - Sheikh Muhammad Sarwar, Md. Anowarul Abedin, A. H. M. Sofi Ullah, Abdullah Al-Mamun:
Personalized Query Expansion for Web Search Using Social Keywords. 610 - Petra Korica-Pehserl, Hermann Maurer:
Metadata Extraction from Books with Facts about Austria. 615 - Tuyen Thi-Thanh Do:
Building a Vietnamese Lexicon Ontology for Syntactic Parsing and Document Annotation. 619
Web Development and Tools
- Boutros R. El-Gamil, Werner Winiwarter:
Accelerating Structured Web Crawling without Losing Data. 624 - Maiko Imoto, Yasuhiko Miyazaki, Tetsuro Tokunaga
, Kiyoshi Tanaka, Shinji Miyahara:
A Framework for supporting the development of Multi-Screen Web Applications. 629 - Najd A. Al-Mouh, Hend S. Al-Khalifa
, AbdulMalik S. Al-Salman:
Proxy Service to Contextualize Web Browsing for the Visually Impaired. 634 - Shusuke Okamoto, Masaru Kamada, Masaki Kohana, Tatsuhiro Yonekura:
Rapid Authoring of Web-based Multiplayer Online Games. 639
Service Oriented Systems
- Dessislava Petrova-Antonova
, Olga Georgieva:
Systematic Approach for QoS Estimation of Web Services. 644 - Felipe Costa, Carlos Fran F. Dantas, Tatiana Sorrentino, Cláudia Ribeiro:
A Semantic Service-Oriented Platform for Integrated and Personalised Access to Sustainable Projects. 649 - Mohamed Anis Zemni, Nejib Ben Hadj-Alouane
, Amel Mammar:
Process Decomposition Based on Semantics and Privacy-Aware Requirements-Driven Approach. 654
Mobile and Remote Systems
- Daniel Granlund, Dan Johansson
, Karl Andersson
, Robert Brännström
A Case Study of Application Development for Mobile and Location-Based Services. 658 - Meng Yu, Jiajun Wang:
The Design and Implementation of a Mobile Massive Open Online Courses Platform. 663 - Masayuki Higashino, Shin Osaki, Shinya Otagaki, Kenichi Takahashi, Takao Kawamura, Kazunori Sugahara:
Debugging Mobile Agent Systems. 667 - Naoko Kosugi, Naoki Kodama, Sachiko Shimizu, Shunsuke Saruwatari, Tsutomu Terada
, Hiroaki Kazui, Koichi Yamashita, Hideyuki Kawashima, Masayuki Hata:
A Prototype System of Remote Music Therapy Using the Latest Communication Technology in Japan. 671
Development Methodology
- Felix Mohr, Hans Kleine Büning:
Semi-Automated Software Composition Through Generated Components. 676 - Franclin S. Foping, Jerry Walsh, Donogh Roche:
Design and Implementation of a Private RESTful API to Leverage the Power of an eCommerce Platform. 681 - Ilyès Boukhari, Ladjel Bellatreche, Selma Khouri:
Efficient, Unified, and Intelligent User Requirement Collection and Analysis in Global Enterprises. 686 - Tahani Hussain:
An Approach to Evaluate the Performance of Web Application Systems. 692
Enterprise Systems
- Karim M. Mahmoud:
A Unified Messaging-Based Architectural Pattern for Building Scalable Enterprise Service Bus. 697 - Markus Aleksy
, Subudhi C. Roshan, Thomas Scholl:
A Lightweight Approach to Flexible Form Generation. 702 - Tahani Hussain, Paulvanna Nayaki Marimuthu, Sami J. Habib:
Co-Simulation for Performance Evaluation of an Enterprise's Web Storage Systems. 706 - Michael Adeyeye
, Antoine Van Gelder, Sunday Olusegun Ojo
Routing Cost and Latency in the VillageTelco Wireless Mesh Network. 710
Intelligent Systems
- Anna Goy, Diego Magro, Matteo Casu, Vittorio Di Tomaso:
How Semantic Knowledge can Enhance the Access to PA Online Services. 714 - Vikash Kumar, Anna Fensel
, Peter Fröhlich:
Context Based Adaptation of Semantic Rules in Smart Buildings. 719 - Harald Wahl, Werner Winiwarter:
Towards a Generic Data Model for the Integrated Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning (iiCALL) Environment. 729

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