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IGARSS 2009: Cape Town, South Africa - Volume 2
- IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2009, July 12-17, 2009, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, Proceedings. IEEE 2009, ISBN 978-1-4244-3395-7
Alos and other ESA Third Party Missions - Applications for Africa I
- Rupert Müller, Mathias Schneider, Pullur Variem Rhadadevi, Peter Reinartz, Friedhelm Schwonke:
Stereo Evaluation of ALOS PRISM and IKONOS in Yemen. 1-4 - Francesco Holecz, Massimo Barbieri, Alessio Cantone, Paolo Pasquali, Stefano Monaco:
Synergetic Use of Multi-temporal ALOS PALSAR and ENVISAT ASAR Data for Topographic/land Cover Mapping and Monitoring at National Scale in Africa. 5-8 - Eric Pottier, Laurent Ferro-Famil:
Exploitation of ALOS-PALSAR SAR Full-polarimetry Data to the Mapping of an African Region. 9-12 - Jean-Paul Deroin, Damien Dhont, Majed Jabbour, Jean Chorowicz, Bénédicte Fruneau:
Geological Mapping in the Zone of Chotts, Tunisia, using ALOS Sensors. 13-16
Terrasar-X: Scientific Results I
- Steffen Suchandt, Hartmut Runge, Alexander Kotenkov, Helko Breit, Ulrich Steinbrecher:
Extraction of Traffic Flows and Surface Current Information using Terrasar-X Along-track Interferometry Data. 17-21 - Roland Romeiser, Steffen Suchandt, Hartmut Runge, Ulrich Steinbrecher:
Analysis of First Terrasar-X along-track InSAR-derived Surface Current Fields. 22-24 - Steffen Knospe, Wolfgang Busch:
Monitoring a Tunneling in an Urbanized Area with Terrasar-X Interferometry - Surface Deformation Measurements and Atmospheric Error Treatment. 25-28 - Stephane Mermoz, Sophie Allain, Monique Bernier, Eric Pottier:
Investigation of Radarsat-2 and Terrasar-X Data for River Ice Classification. 29-32 - Sébastien Garrigues, Stéphane May, Nicolas N. Baghdadi, Isabelle Champion, Jean-Luc Froger, Thierry Rabaute, Philippe Durand, Nadine Pourthié:
Multi-thematic Exploitation of TerraSAR-X Images in the Context of the Kalideos Reference Dataseis. 33-36
Bistatic SAR
- Sergi Duque, Paco López-Dekker
, Jordi J. Mallorquí
, Adib Y. Nashashibi, Amit M. Patel:
Experimental Results with Bistatic SAR Tomography. 37-40 - Ying Yu, Xiaoqing Wang, Minhui Zhu, Jinsong Chong:
Study on Bistatic SAR Ocean Wave Imaging Mechanism. 41-44 - Xiaolan Qiu, Donghui Hu, Chibiao Ding:
A New Calculation Method of NuSAR for Translational Variant Bistatic SAR. 45-48 - Jie Zhen, Zhenhua Zhang, Shunjun Wu:
A GPS Signal based Numeric Range Migration Algorithm of Space-surface Bistatic SAR. 49-52 - Zhenhua Zhang, Mengdao Xing, Lianghai Li, Jie Zhen, Zheng Bao:
Chirp Scaling Algorithm for Parallel Bistatic SAR Data Processing. 53-56
Student Paper Contest I
- Veraldo Liesenberg
, Hans-Dieter Viktor Boehm, Richard Gloaguen
The Contribution of CHRIS/PROBA Data for Tropical Peat Swamp Landscape Discrimination Purposes. 57-60 - Claudio Persello
, Lorenzo Bruzzone
A Novel Approach to the Selection of Spatially Invariant Features for Classification of Hyperspectral Images. 61-64 - Devis Tuia
, Giona Matasci, Gustavo Camps-Valls
, Mikhail F. Kanevski
Learning the Relevant Image Features with Multiple Kernels. 65-68
Hyperspectral Imagers: Calibration, Modeling & Compensation I
- Daniel Korwan, Robert Lucke, Norman McGlothlin, Steven Butcher, Daniel Wood, Jeffrey H. Bowles, Michael Corson, William A. Snyder, Curtiss O. Davis, Davidson Chen:
Laboratory Characterization of the Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HICO). 69-72 - Donatella Guzzi, Alessandro Barducci, Paolo Marcoionni, Ivan Pippi:
An Atmospheric Correction Iterative Method for High Spectral Resolution Aerospace Imaging Spectrometers. 73-76 - John T. Woodward
, Steven W. Brown, Allan W. Smith, Keith R. Lykke:
Hyperspectral Imager Characterization and Calibration. 77-80 - Francesco Dell'Endice:
Calibration Algorithms for an Imaging Spectrometer. 81-84
Rough Surface Scattering Techniques
- Nicolas Pinel
, Christophe Bourlier:
Unpolarized Infrared Emissivity of Oil Films on Sea Surfaces. 85-88 - Yisok Oh, Ji-Hwan Hwang
Hybrid of the Method of Moments/ Monte Carlo Technique and a Surface Scattering Model for Estimating the Radar Backscatters of Harvested Farm Fields. 89-92 - Bin Liu, Yang Du:
A Fast Numerical Method for Scattering from Dielectric Rough Surfaces. 93-96 - Ding Liang, Peng Xu, Kun-Shan Chen, Zhiqian Gui, Leung Tsang:
Bistatic Reflection and Transmission of Electromagnetic Scattering by Rough Surfaces with Large Heights and Slopes. 97-100 - Yisok Oh, Soon-Gu Kwon:
Development of a Simple Scattering Model for Vegetation Canopies and Examination of its Validity with Scatterometer Measurements of Green-onion Fields. 101-104
Sensors and Algorithms for Landmine Detection
- Mu-Hsin Wei, Waymond R. Scott, James H. McClellan:
Estimation and Application of Discrete Spectrum of Relaxations for Electromagnetic Induction Responses. 105-108 - Michael McFadden, Waymond R. Scott:
Numerical Modeling of a Spiral-antenna GPR System. 109-112 - Nasser M. Nasrabadi:
Wiener Prediction-based Change Detection for Locating Mines in Multilook SAR Imagery. 113-116 - Andrea Bulletti, Samuela Valentini, Giovanni Borgioli, Lorenzo Capineri
, Marco Calzolai, Marina Mazzoni:
A Study of Acoustic Methods for Compliant Landmines Detection by using the Surface Acceleration Parameter. 117-120 - Leonardo Lizzi
, Federico Viani, Paolo Rocca
, Giacomo Oliveri
, Manuel Benedetti, Andrea Massa
Three-dimensional Real-time Localization of Subsurface Objects - from Theory to Experimental Validation. 121-124
Target and Object Detection
- Yakoub Bazi
, Farid Melgani, Hamed D. Al-Sharari:
An Automatic Method for Counting Olive Trees in Very High Spatial Remote Sensing Images. 125-128 - Julien Michel, Cyrille Valladeau, Jordi Inglada
Focus Pre-processing Chain for Object Detection in High Resolution Remote Sensing Images. 129-132 - Murat Dundar:
Target Detection with Spatio-spectral Data via Concordance Learning. 133-135 - Andrea Garzelli
, Luca Capobianco, Filippo Nencini:
On the Effects of Pan-sharpening to Target Detection. 136-139 - Hamdi Jenzri, Riadh Abdelfattah
Contribution of the Inter-channel Polarimetric Coherence for Soil Classification. 140-143
Active/Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Snow I
- Helmut Rott, Markus Heidinger, Thomas Nagler, Donald W. Cline, Simon Yueh:
Retrieval of Snow Parameters from Ku-band and X-band Radar Backscatter Measurements. 144-147 - Xiaolan Xu, Ding Liang, Konstantinos Andreadis, Leung Tsang, Edward G. Josberger:
Comparison with CLPX II Airborne Data using DMRT Model. 148-151 - Jinyang Du, Jiancheng Shi:
Estimation of Snow Water Equivelant using a Parameterized Snow Model. 152-155 - Martti Hallikainen, Juha Lemmetyinen
, Pauli Sievinen:
Experimental and Modeling Studies of Microwave Remote Sensing of Seasonal Snow. 156-157
Frequency Allocation for Remote Sensing and RFI Mitigation for Microwave Radiometry
- Ninoslav Majurec, James Park, Noppasin Niamsuwan, Mark Frankford, Joel T. Johnson:
Airborne L-band RFI Observations in the smapvex08 Campaign with the L-band Interference Suppressing Radiometer. 158-161 - Sidharth Misra, Christopher Ruf:
Inversion Algorithm for Estimating Radio Frequency Interference Characteristics based on Kurtosis Measurements. 162-165 - Baris Guner, Joel T. Johnson, Ninoslav Majurec:
Performance Analysis of a Cross-frequency Detector of Pulsed Sinusoidal RFI in Microwave Radiometry. 166-169
GNSS Remote Sensing of Atmosphere, Ocean and Land I
- Alejandro Egido
, Matthieu Delas, Miquel Garcia, Marco Caparrini:
Non-space Applications of GNSS-R: From Research to Operational Services. Examples of Water and Land Monitoring Systems. 170-173 - Salvatore D'Addio, Manuel Martín-Neira:
Advanced Paris Altimeter based on Delay Compensation of Doppler Waveforms. 174-177 - Valery U. Zavorotny
, Dennis M. Akos, Edward J. Walsh:
Comparing Wind Speed Retrievals from GPS Reflectometry with SFMR Surface Wind Speeds in Huricane Ike (2008). 178-181 - Maria Paola Clarizia, Maurizio di Bisceglie, Carmela Galdi, Christine Gommenginger, Meric Srokosz:
Simulation of GNSS-R Returns for Delay-DOPPLER Analysis of the Ocean Surface. 182-185
Remote Sensing for a Better Understanding of Savanna Processes and Dynamics I
- Alecia Kirton
, Robert Scholes
, Michel M. Verstraete
, Sally Archibald
, Kathleen Mennell
, Gregory Asner
Detailed Structural Characterisation of the Savanna Flux Site at Skukuza, South Africa. 186-189 - Moses Azong Cho
, Pravesh Debba
, Renaud Mathieu
, Bongani Majeke, Jan van Aardt:
Spectral Variability within Species and its Effects on Savanna Tree Species Discrimination. 190-193 - Renaud Mathieu
, Konrad J. Wessels, Gregory Asner
, David E. Knapp, Jan van Aardt, Moses Azong Cho
, Barend Erasmus
, Izak Smit:
Tree Cover, Tree Height and Bare Soil Cover Differences along a Land Use Degradation Gradient in Semi-arid Savannas, South Africa. 194-197 - Jolene T. Fisher
, Barend Erasmus
, Edward Witkowski
, Jan van Aardt, Gregory Asner
, Ty Kennedy-Bowdoin, David E. Knapp, Ruth Emerson, James Jacobson, Renaud Mathieu
, Konrad J. Wessels:
Three-dimensional Woody Vegetation Structure across Different Land-use Types and -land-use Intensities in a Semi-arid Savanna. 198-201
ALOS and other ESA Third Party Missions - Applications for Africa II
- Luis Alonso
, Luis Gómez-Chova
, José F. Moreno, Luis Guanter, Carsten Brockmann, Norman Fomferra, Ralf Quast, Peter Regner:
CHRIS/Proba Toolbox for Hyperspectral and Multiangular Data Exploitations. 202-205 - Gemma F. Cassells, Iain H. Woodhouse, Edward T. A. Mitchard
, Mavuto Tembo:
The Use of ALOS PALSAR for Supporting Sustainable Forest Use in Southern Africa: A Case Study in Malawi. 206-209 - Christelle Wauthier
, Anneleen Oyen, Petar Marinkovic, Valérie Cayol
, José Fernández, Pablo J. González, Ramon F. Hanssen
, François Kervyn, Nicolas d'Oreye
, Manoochehr Shirzaei, Thomas R. Walter
L-band and C-band InSAR Studies of African Volcanic Areas. 210-213 - Jeanine Engelbrecht:
Synthetic Aperture Radar Data Employed for Soil Moisture Estimation in the Piketberg Region, South Africa. 214-217
TERRASAR-X: Scientific Results II
- Olivier Harant, Renaud Fallourd, Lionel Bombrun
, Michel Gay, Emmanuel Trouvé, Gabriel Vasile
, Jean-Marie Nicolas:
Preliminary Terrasar-X Observations for Temperate Glaciers on the Chamonix Mont Blanc Test Site. 218-221 - Thomas Busche, Irena Hajnsek, Konstantinos Papathanassiou, Thomas Krumpen, Lasse Rabenstein, Jens Hoelemann
, Christian Haas
, Sascha Willmes:
Comparison of Helicopter-borne Thin Sea Ice Thickness Profiles with Polarimetric Signatures of Dual-pol Terrasar-X Data. 222-225 - Kenneth C. Jezek, Dana Floricioiu, Katy Farness, Nestor Yague-Martinez, Michael Eineder:
TerraSAR-X Observations of the Recovery Glacier System, Antarctica. 226-229 - Ken Whitehead, Brian J. Moorman, Pablo Wainstein:
Determination of Variations in Glacier Surface Movements through High Resolution Interferometry; Bylot Island, Canada. 230-233
Bistatic SAR: Instruments, Experiments and Applications
- Daniel Henke, Arnold Barmettler, Erich Meier:
Bistatic Experiment with the UWB-CARABAS Sensor - First Results and Prospects of Future Applications. 234-237 - Ingo Walterscheid
, Thomas Espeter, Christoph H. Gierull, Jens Klare, Andreas R. Brenner, Joachim H. G. Ender:
Results and Analysis of Hybrid Bistatic SAR Experiments with Spaceborne, Airborne and Stationary Sensors. 238-241 - Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Pau Prats
, Stefan Valentin Baumgartner, Gerhard Krieger
, Anton Nottensteiner, Ralf Horn, Irena Hajnsek, Alberto Moreira
New Processing Approach and Results for Bistatic TerraSAR-X/F-SAR Spaceborne-airborne Experiments. 242-245 - Sergi Duque, Paco López-Dekker
, Jordi J. Mallorquí
, Juan Carlos Merlano
Repeat-pass Interferometry using a Fixed-receiver and ERS-2/ENVISAT as Transmitters of Opportunity. 246-249
Student Paper Contest II
- Adel Elsherbini, Kamal Sarabandi:
Topography of Sand Covered Bedrock using Two-frequency Airborne Interferometric SAR Measurements. 250-253 - Yong-Sheng Zhou, Wen Hong, Fang Cao:
Investigation on the Applications of Decorrelation Analysis in Polarimetric SAR Interferometry. 254-257 - Fikadu T. Dagefu, Kamal Sarabandi:
High Resolution Subsurface Imaging of Deep Targets based on Distributed Sensor Networks. 258-261
Hyperspectral Imagers: Calibration, Modeling & Compensation II
- Alexander Berk, Gail P. Anderson, Prabhat Acharya, Brett Gossage:
Recent Developments in the MODTRAN® Atmospheric Model and Implications for Hyperspectral Compensation. 262-265 - Pedro Latorre-Carmona, José F. Moreno, Filiberto Pla
, Crystal Schaaf
Affine Compensation of Illumination in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images. 266-269 - Gerald W. Felde, Gail P. Anderson, Thomas W. Cooley, Robert W. McMullen:
Atmospheric Compensation for Imaging Spectrometer Systems with Changing Imaging Geometry. 270-273
Volume Scattering
- Magdalena D. Anguelova
, Peter W. Gaiser, Victor Raizer:
Foam Emissivity Models for Microwave Observations of Oceans From Space. 274-277 - Rachid Rahmoune, Andrea Della Vecchia, Paolo Ferrazzoli, Leila Guerriero, Fernando Martín-Porqueras:
Refinements and Tests of a Microwave Emission Model for Forests. 278-281 - Ferdinando Nunziata
, Attilio Gambardella, Maurizio Migliaccio
A Unified Polarimetric Approach for SAR Sea Oil Slick Observation. 282-285
The Use of Ocean Colour Data at Regional Scales: Methodological Considerations and Applications
- Milton Kampel
, Shubha Sathyendranath, Salvador A. Gaeta:
Satellite Estimates of Phytoplankton Primary Production at Santos Bight, Southwestern-south Atlantic: Comparison of Algorithms. 286-289
Hyperspectral Image Classification and Feature Extraction
- Goo Jun
, Joydeep Ghosh:
Spatially Adaptive Classification of Hyperspectral Data with Gaussian Processes. 290-293 - Lena Chang, Ching-Min Cheng, Yang-Lang Chang:
An Efficient Hierarchical Hyperspectral Image Classification using Binary Quaternion-moment-preserving Thresholding Technique. 294-297 - Pravesh Debba
Abundance Estimation of Spectrally Similar Minerals. 298-301 - Abdelhamid Daamouche
, Farid Melgani, Latifa Hamami:
Optimizing Wavelets for Hyperspectral Image Classification. 302-305 - Ryuei Nishii, Tomohiko Ozaki, Yoko Sawamura:
Semi-supervised Contextual Classification and Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data based on Mixture Distributions. 306-309
Active/Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Snow II
- Lingmei Jiang
, Saibun Tjuatja, Jiancheng Shi, Jinyang Du:
Modeling of Emission from Snow-covered Ground for Passive Microwave Remote Sensing. 310-313 - Tianjie Zhao, Lixin Zhang, Lingmei Jiang
, Jiancheng Shi, Shaojie Zhao, Jinmei Pan
, Linna Chai
, Yongpan Zhang:
A Combined Microwave Emission Model for Cold Land. 314-317 - Jarkko Koskinen
, Jouni Pulliainen
, Kari Luojus
Monitoring of Snow Cover Properties during the Spring Melting Period in Forested Areas. 318-321
GNSS Remote Sensing of Atmosphere, Ocean and Land II
- Manuel Martín-Neira, Salvatore D'Addio, Christopher Buck, Nicolas Floury, Roberto Prieto-Cerdeira:
The PARIS in-orbit Demonstrator. 322-325 - Chris Rizos
, Samsung Lim
, Tajul Musa, Shahrum Ses, Amir Sharifuddin, Kefei Zhang:
Atmospheric Remote Sensing using GNSS in the Australasian Region: From Temperate Climates to the Tropics. 326-329
Remote Sensing for a Better Understanding of Savanna Processes and Dynamics II
- Garth Stephenson, Adriaan Van Niekerk
A Cost-effective, Rule-based Technique to Improve Forestry Inventory on a National Scale. 330-333 - Jiaying Wu, Jan van Aardt, Gregory Asner
, Renaud Mathieu
, Ty Kennedy-Bowdoin, David E. Knapp, Konrad J. Wessels, Barend Erasmus
, Izak Smit:
Connecting the Dots between Laser Waveforms and Herbaceous Biomass for Assessment of Land Degradation using Small-footprint Waveform LiDAR Data. 334-337 - Michel M. Verstraete
, Linda A. Hunt, Robert Scholes
Using MISR Full Spatial Resolution Level 1B2 Data to Characterize the Savannah Environment around the Skukuza CSIR Research Site. 338-341
Geological Applications I
- Qulin Tan, JiaoJiao Gao, Xiaofang Li:
Application of SAR Remote Sensing Data to Lithological Mapping: A Case Study in Railway Geological Survey. 342-344 - Ning Tu, Wen-kai Lu:
Inverse Q Filtering to Enhance Seismic Resolution. 345-348 - Yun Shao, Shiang Wang, Wei Tian, Huaze Gong, Fengli Zhang:
Fast Extracting and Change Detection of Dammed Lakes using Highresolution SAR Images: A Case Study of Tangjiashan Dammed Lake. 349-352 - Alexandra Kaessner, Richard Gloaguen
Neotectonic Information from Drainage Basin Geometry in the Tajik Depression. 353-356 - Yu Chen, Qizhong Lin, Huadong Guo, Yongmin Wei, Qinjun Wang:
A Suitable Solution for Extraction of Alteration Anomalies from the Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study of the Baogutu Porphyry Copper Deposit Intrusion, Xinjiang, China using Aster Data. 357-360 - Yu Jie-qing, Wu Li-xin:
Spatial Subdivision and Coding of a Global three-dimensional Grid: Spheoid Degenerated-Octree Grid. 361-364 - Daqing Ge, Yan Wang, Ling Zhang, Xiaofang Guo:
Using permanent Scatterer InSAR to Detect Land Subsidence and Ground Fissures: A Case Study in Xi'an City. 365-368 - Syed Amer Mahmood, Faisal Shahzad, Richard Gloaguen
Remote Sensing Analysis of Quaternary Deformation using River Networks in Hindukush Region. 369-372
Geological Applications II
- Qiming Qin, Baishou Li, Xia Ye, Hongbo Jiang, Rongbo Cui, Wei Tian:
A Study on Recognition Characterization of Passive Super Low Frequency Electromagnetic Exploring Curves of Goaf. 373-375 - Rongbo Cui, Qiming Qin, Baishou Li, Qingpei Wang:
Design and Development of Passive Super Low Frequency Electromagnetic Data Processing Software. 376-379 - Richard Gloaguen
, Mathias Leidig, Christoff Andermann:
Remote Sensing Erosion Estimation. 378-383 - Ji Wang, Wen-Kai Lu:
A Method of Correction for Marine Seismic Acquisition. 384-387 - Che De-fu, Xiu Chun-hua, Yin Zuo-ru:
Research on Method for 3D Urban Geological Modeling. 388-391 - Yong You, Jinfeng Liu, Xingzhang Chen, Huali Pan:
A Convenient Designation for the Optimal Hydraulic Cross-section of "Rectangle-V" shaped Drainage Canal of Viscous Debris Flow. 392-395 - Lin Zhu, Huili Gong
, Xiaojuan Li, Yaoming Su, Lingling Jing:
Research on Driving Factors of Land Subsidence with Remote Sensing Technology. 396-399
Geological Applications III
- Byeong-pyo Jeong, Masafumi Hosokawa, Shisaku Zama, Osamu Takizawa:
Estimation of Seismic Intensity due to the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake. 400-403 - Yang Tu, Qi Li, Runda Liu:
A Geospatial Information Portal for Emergency Management of Natural Disasters. 404-407 - Xingzhang Chen, Yong You, Peng Cui
, Jinfeng Liu:
Characteristics and Risk Analysis of Qinglin Debris Flow induced by "5.12" Wenchuan Earthquake in Beichuan County, Sichuan, China. 408-411 - Shanjun Liu, Lihua Cui, Lixin Wu, Zhi Wang:
Analysis on the Water Vapor Anomaly before Wenchuan Earthquake based on MODIS Data. 412-415 - Christelle Wauthier
, Valérie Cayol, François Kervyn, Nicolas d'Oreye
The January 2002 Eruption of Nyiragongo Volcano (DRC) captured by InSAR. 416-419 - Masafumi Hosokawa, Byeong-pyo Jeong, Osamu Takizawa:
Earthquake Intensity Estimation and Damage Detection using Remote Sensing Data for Global Rescue Operations. 420-423
Lidar Sensing
- Sivakumar Venkataraman
, Melaku Tesfaye
, Joel Botai
, Dineo Moema, Ameeth Sharma, Christoph Bollig, C. J. D. Hannes Rautenbach:
CSIR-NLC Mobile LIDAR for Atmosphere Remote Sensing. 424-427 - Wenjian Ni, Guoqing Sun, Zhifeng Guo, Yong Pang
Characterization of Soil Surface Roughness from Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data. 428-431 - Shalei Song, Pingxiang Li, Wei Gong, Liangpei Zhang, Bo Zhu, Lilei Lv, Daoxi Zhang:
Spectral Ratio Lidar for Objects Detection. 432-435 - Zhi Wang, Lixin Wu:
Automated Extraction of Building Geometric Features from Raw LiDAR Data. 436-439 - Gérard Berginc, Michel Jouffroy:
Simulation of 3D Laser Systems. 440-443
Hyperspectral and Optical Sensing
- Yuanfeng Wu
, Bing Zhang, Junsheng Li, Hao Zhang, Qian Shen, Di Wu:
A First Approach to Automatic Monitoring Prodedure of Case II Water Quality from HJ-1 Satellite Images. 444-447 - Xiuhong Sun, William Chen:
A Dual-Swath BuckEye EO Imaging System and its Applications for Emergency Response to Natural Disasters. 448-451 - Sagi Faran, Itay Eshet, Nissim Yehezkel, Jonathan Molcho:
Estimation of the MTF of a Satellite Imaging-system from Celestial Scenes. 452-455 - Fumihiro Sakuma, Shuji Kawakami, Akihiko Kuze:
Size-of-source Effect and Distance Effect Estimation of Three Transfer Radiometers for Preflight Cross-calibration Experiment. 456-459