6th IFIP Congress 1974: Stockholm, Sweden

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showing all ?? records

Computer Hardware amd Architecture

Computer Hardware and Software

Computer Networks I

Computer Hardware I

Computer Design I

Theory of Computer Design

Hardware for Computer Graphics

Computer Design II

Fault Diagnosis

Computer Hardware II

Hardware Trends and Future Outlook

Computer Networks II

Switching Problems


Software Reliability

Software Design

Programming Systems

Measurements, Performance and Models of Computer Systems

Software System Implementation

Improving Memory Utilization

System Performance and Optimization

Software Problems in Computer Networks

Current Topics in Programming

General Problems of Programming

Scheduling and Allocation

Data Representation

Compiler Techniques

Programming Methodlogy I

Procedures and Block Structures

Programming Methodology II

File Structure and Accesing

Mathematical Aspects of Information Processing

Differential Equations

Formal Models of Parallel Computation

Numerical Analysis and Symbol Manipulation

Algorithms and Graph Theory

Combinatorial Algorithms

Matrix Computation

Software Packages for Numerical Computation

Nonlinear Programming

Logic and Data Bases

Models of Natural Language Text

Numerical Methods

Theory of Computation

Approximation Methods

Storage Mapping Algorithms

Automata Theory

Numerical Analysis

Computational Complexity

Technological and Scientific Applications

Pattern Recognition

Computer Graphics