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21st ICSE 1999: Los Angeles, CA, USA
- Barry W. Boehm, David Garlan, Jeff Kramer:
Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE' 99, Los Angeles, CA, USA, May 16-22, 1999. ACM 1999, ISBN 1-58113-074-0
Architectures: Composition Techniques
- Eric M. Dashofy, Nenad Medvidovic, Richard N. Taylor:
Using Off-the-Shelf Middleware to Implement Connectors in Distributed Software Architectures. 3-12 - Elisabetta Di Nitto, David S. Rosenblum:
Exploiting ADLs to Specify Architectural Styles Induced by Middleware Infrastructures. 13-22 - David J. Kasik, Conrad E. Kimball, Jimmie L. Felt, Kenneth B. Frazier:
A Flexible Approach to Alliances of Complex Applications. 23-32
Architectures: Development Techniques
- Jean-Marc DeBaud, Klaus Schmid:
A Systematic Approach to Derive the Scope of Software Product Lines. 34-43 - Nenad Medvidovic, David S. Rosenblum, Richard N. Taylor:
A Language and Environment for Architecture-Based Software Development and Evolution. 44-53 - Rick Kazman, Mario Barbacci, Mark Klein, S. Jeromy Carrière, Steven G. Woods:
Experience with Performing Architecture Tradeoff Analysis. 54-63
Widescale Computing
- Mark Woodman, Robert Griffiths, Malcolm Macgregor, Simon Holland
, Hugh Robinson:
Exploiting Smalltalk Modules in a Customizable Programming Environment. 65-74 - Gregory D. Abowd:
Software Engineering Issues for Ibiquitous Computing. 75-84 - James D. Herbsleb
, Rebecca E. Grinter:
Splitting the Organization and Integrating the Code: Conway's Law Revisited. 85-95
Program Composition
- Robert DeLine:
Avoiding Packaging Mismatch with Flexible Packaging. 97-106 - Peri L. Tarr, Harold Ossher, William H. Harrison, Stanley M. Sutton Jr.:
N Degrees of Separation: Multi-Dimensional Separation of Concerns. 107-119 - Robert J. Walker, Elisa L. A. Baniassad, Gail C. Murphy:
An Initial Assessment of Aspect-Oriented Programming. 120-130
Model Checking
- Zhe Dang, Richard A. Kemmerer:
Using the ASTRAL Model Checker to Analyze Mobile IP. 132-142 - William Chan, Richard J. Anderson, Paul Beame, David H. Jones, David Notkin, William E. Warner:
Decoupling Synchronization from Local Control for Efficient Symbolic Model Checking of Statecharts. 142-151 - David S. Keyes, Laura K. Dillon, Moon-Jung Chung:
Analysis of a Scheduler for a CAD Framework. 152-161
Distributed Systems
- Ophir Holder, Israel Ben-Shaul, Hovav Gazit:
Dynamic Layout of Distributed Applications in FarGo. 163-173 - Richard S. Hall, Dennis Heimbigner, Alexander L. Wolf:
A Cooperative Approach to Support Software Deployment Using the Software Dock. 174-183 - Kevin J. Sullivan, John C. Knight, Xing Du, Steve Geist:
Information Survivability Control Systems. 184-192
- Daniel Jackson, Allison Waingold:
Lightweight Extraction of Object Models from Bytecode. 194-202 - Jonathan E. Cook, Jeffrey A. Dage:
Highly Reliable Upgrading of Components. 203-212 - Michael D. Ernst, Jake Cockrell, William G. Griswold, David Notkin:
Dynamically Discovering Likely Program Invariants to Support Program Evolution. 213-224
Reverse Engineering
- Rudolf K. Keller, Reinhard Schauer, Sébastien Robitaille, Patrick Pagé:
Pattern-Based Reverse-Engineering of Design Components. 226-235 - Katsuhisa Maruyama, Kenichi Shima:
Automatic Method Refactoring Using Weighted Dependence Graphs. 236-245 - Arie van Deursen, Tobias Kuipers:
Identifying Objects Using Cluster and Concept Analysis. 246-255
- Atif M. Memon, Martha E. Pollack, Mary Lou Soffa:
Using a Goal-Driven Approach to Generate Test Cases for GUIs. 257-266 - Lydie du Bousquet, Farid Ouabdesselam, Jean-Luc Richier, Nicolas Zuanon:
Lutess: A Specification-Driven Testing Environment for Synchronous Software. 267-276 - Christina Pavlopoulou, Michal Young:
Residual Test Coverage Monitoring. 277-284 - Siddhartha R. Dalal, Ashish Jain, Nachimuthu Karunanithi, J. M. Leaton, Christopher M. Lott, Gardner C. Patton, Bruce M. Horowitz:
Model-Based Testing in Practice. 285-294
Metrics: Cost Estimation
- Daniil Yakimovich, James M. Bieman, Victor R. Basili:
Software Architecture Classification for Estimating the Cost of COTS Integration. 296-302 - Lionel C. Briand, Khaled El Emam, Isabella Wieczorek:
Explaining the Cost of European Space and Military Projects. 303-312 - Lionel C. Briand, Khaled El Emam, Dagmar Surmann, Isabella Wieczorek, Katrina Maxwell:
An Assessment and Comparison of Common Software Cost Estimation Modeling Techniques. 313-322
Metrics: Tools & Design
- David L. Atkins, Thomas Ball, Todd L. Graves, Audris Mockus
Using Version Control Data to Evaluate the Impact of Software Tools. 324-333 - Saïda Benlarbi, Walcélio L. Melo:
Polymorphism Measures for Early Risk Prediction. 334-344 - Lionel C. Briand, Jürgen Wüst, Stefan V. Ikonomovski, Hakim Lounis:
Investigating Quality Factors in Object-Oriented Designs: An Industrial Case Study. 345-354
Agents, Mobility & Interoperability
- Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga, Shinichi Honiden:
Agent System Development Method Based on Agent Patterns. 356-367 - Gian Pietro Picco, Amy L. Murphy, Gruia-Catalin Roman:
LIME: Linda Meets Mobility. 368-377 - Alexander Borgida, Premkumar T. Devanbu:
Adding more "DL" to IDL: Towards More Knowledgeable Component Inter-Operability. 378-387
Specification & Verification
- Gerald C. Gannod, Betty H. C. Cheng:
A Specification Matching Based Approach to Reverse Engineering. 389-398 - Gleb Naumovich, George S. Avrunin, Lori A. Clarke:
Data Flow Analysis for Checking Properties of Concurrent Java Programs. 399-410 - Matthew B. Dwyer
, George S. Avrunin, James C. Corbett:
Patterns in Property Specifications for Finite-State Verification. 411-420
Program Analysis
- Akira Nishimatsu, Minoru Jihira, Shinji Kusumoto, Katsuro Inoue:
Call-Mark Slicing: An Efficient and Economical Way of Reducing Slice. 422-431 - Saurabh Sinha, Mary Jean Harrold, Gregg Rothermel:
System-Dependence-Graph-Based Slicing of Programs with Arbitrary Interprocedural Control Flow. 432-441 - Jyh-Shiarn Yur, Barbara G. Ryder, William Landi:
An Incremental Flow- and Context-Sensitive Pointer Aliasing Analysis. 442-451
Reuse & Browsing
- Mike Mannion
, Hermann Kaindl, Joe Wheadon:
Reusing Single System Requirements from Application Family Requirements. 453-462 - Amir Michail, David Notkin:
Assessing Software Libraries by Browsing Similar Classes, Functions and Relationships. 463-472 - Premkumar T. Devanbu, Yih-Farn Chen, Emden R. Gansner, Hausi A. Müller, Johannes Martin:
CHIME: Customizable Hyperlink Insertion and Maintenance Engine for Software Engineering Environments. 473-482
Inspection, Debugging & Prototyping
- Alastair Reid, John Peterson, Gregory D. Hager, Paul Hudak:
Prototyping Real-Time Vision Systems: An Experiment in DSL Design. 484-493 - Oliver Laitenberger, Colin Atkinson
Generalizing Perspective-Based Inspection to Handle Object-Oriented Development Artifacts. 494-503 - Mireille Ducassé:
Coca: An automated Debugger for C. 504-513
Case Studies
- PerOlof Bengtsson, Jan Bosch:
Haemo Dialysis Software Architecture Design Experiences. 516-525 - Giulio Fregonese, Alessandro Zorer, Giovanni Cortese:
Architectural Framework Modeling in Telecommunication Domain. 526-534 - David R. Barstow:
Baseball Seasons and Dog Years. 535-542
Case Studies
- Jan Bosch:
Product-Line Architectures in Industry: A Case Study. 544-554 - Ivan T. Bowman, Richard C. Holt, Neil V. Brewster:
Linux as a Case Study: Its Extracted Software Architecture. 555-563 - Neil Roodyn, Wolfgang Emmerich:
An Architectural Style for Multiple Real-Time Data Feeds. 564-572 - Kenneth M. Anderson:
Supporting Industrial Hyperwebs: Lessons in Scalability. 573-582
Best Paper
- Dewayne E. Perry:
Software Evolution and "light" Semantics (Extended Abstract). 587-590
- Nancy R. Mead:
Panel: Issues in Software Engineering for Survivable Systems. 592-593 - David Notkin, Gregory J. Kirsch, Yannis Skulikaris:
Panel: Intellectual Property Issues in Software. 594-595
State of the Art Report
- Gerard J. Holzmann, Margaret H. Smith:
A Practical Method for Verifying Event-Driven Software. 597-607
Invited Industry Presentations
- Roger G. Fordham:
Software Process Maturity: Is Level five Enough? 611 - Ted J. Biggerstaff:
Reuse Technologies and Their Niches. 613-614 - Martin L. Griss
Architecting for Large-Scale Systematic Component Reuse. 615-616 - David M. MacKenzie:
Designing Safe Software for Medical Devices. 618 - Peter Hantos:
A Systems Engineering View of Requirements Management for Software-Intensive Systems. 620-621 - Eberhardt Rechtin:
The Extension of Systems Architecting to the Architecting of Organizations. 622 - Charles Leinbach:
Successfully Deliver Internet Applications Using Rapid Software Techniques. 624-625 - Dorothy McKinney:
Impact of Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Software on the Interface Between Systems and Software Engineering. 627-628
Formal Research Demonstrations
- Norman Rajala, Djenana Campara, Nikolai Mansurov:
Insight: Reverse Engineer Case Tool. 630-633 - Jeff Magee:
Behavioral Analysis of Software Architectures Using LTSA. 634-637 - Mark Woodman, Robert Griffiths, Malcolm Macgregor, Simon Holland:
OU LearningWorks: A Customized Programming Environment for Smalltalk Modules. 638-641 - Frank Maurer, Giancarlo Succi
, Harald Holz, Boris Kötting, Sigrid Goldmann, Barbara Dellen:
Software Process Support over the Internet. 642-645 - Ellis Horowitz, Joo H. Lee, June Sup Lee:
WinWin: A System for Negotiating Requirements. 646-649 - Scott Malabarba, Premkumar T. Devanbu, Aaron Stearns:
MoHCA-Java: A Tool for C++ to Java Conversion Support. 650-653 - Philip M. Johnson:
Leap: A "Personal Information Environment" for Software Engineers. 654-657 - Israel Ben-Shaul, Hovav Gazit, Yoad Gidron, Ophir Holder, Boris Lavva:
FarGo: A System for Mobile Component-Based Application Development. 658-659 - Arturo I. Concepcion, Sunny Lin, Scott J. Simon:
The RMT (Recursive Multi-Threaded) Tool: A Computer Aided Software Engineering Tool for Monitoring and Predicting Software Development Progress. 660-663
- Wolfgang Emmerich, Neil Roodyn:
Distributed Objects. 665-666 - Joyce Statz:
Practical Software Measurement. 667-668 - A. Winsor Brown:
Personal Software Engineering Project Management Process. 669-670 - Mark A. Ardis, David A. Cuka:
Defining Families - Commonality Analysis. 671-672 - Steve M. Easterbrook
Verification and Validation of Requirements for Mission Critical Systems. 673-674 - Jack C. Wileden, Alan Kaplan:
Software Interoperability: Principles and Practice. 675-676 - Richard E. Fairley:
Managing by the Numbers: A Tutorial on Quantitative Measurement and Control of software Projects. 677-678 - Jyrki Kontio:
Risk Management in Software Development: A Technology Overview and the Riskit Method. 679-680 - Michel Ezran, Maurizio Morisio, Colin Tully:
Failure and Success Factors in Reuse Programs: A Synthesis of Industrial Experiences. 681-682 - Wilhelm Schäfer, Albert Zündorf:
Round-Trip Engineering with Design Patterns, UML, Java and C++. 683-684 - Grady H. Campbell Jr.:
Adaptable Components. 685-686 - Harold Ossher, Peri L. Tarr:
Using Subject-Oriented Programming to Overcome Common Problems in Object-Oriented Software Development/Evolution. 687-688 - Jarrett Rosenberg:
Tutorial: A Quick Introduction to Software Reliability Modeling. 689 - Robert T. Monroe:
Modeling and Analyzing software Architectures. 690-691
- San Murugesan, Yogesh Deshpande:
ICSE'99 Workshop on Web Engineering. 693-694 - Václav Rajlich:
Software Change and Evolution (SCE'99). 695 - Frank Maurer:
ICSE 99 Workshop on Software Engineering over the Internet. 696-697 - Andreas Ulrich, Peter Zimmerer:
International Workshop on Testing Distributed Component-Based Systems. 698 - Kevin J. Sullivan, David Notkin, Alfonso Fuggetta, John M. Favaro
First Workshop on Economics-Driven Software Engineering Research. 699-700 - Marcelo Sant'Anna, Julio César Sampaio do Prado Leite, Ira D. Baxter, David S. Wile, Ted J. Biggerstaff, Don S. Batory, Premkumar T. Devanbu, Elizabeth Burd:
International Workshop on Software Transformation Systems (STS'99). 701-702 - Peter R. Croll, Hesham El-Rewini:
The International Symposium on Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems PDSE'99. 703-704 - Wolfgang Emmerich, Volker Gruhn:
Engineering Distributed Objects (EDO 99) Workshop Summary. 705-706 - Jonathan Gray, Louise Scott, Anna Liu, Jennifer Harvey:
The First International Symposium on Constructing Software Engineering Tools (CoSET'99). 707-708 - Rachel Harrison:
Summary: Empirical Studies of Software Development and Evolution. 709 - Victor R. Basili, Tom DeMarco, Ali Mili:
Science and Engineering for Software Development: A Recognition of Harlan D. Mills' Legacy. 710-711 - Alan W. Brown, Kurt C. Wallnau:
International Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering. 714 - Víctor A. Braberman:
Automatic Verification of Real-Time Designs. 716-717 - Michael D. Ernst:
Research Summary for Dynamic Detection of Program Invariants. 718-719 - Anita Jacob:
Development of Object Oriented Frameworks for Spatio-Temporal Information systems. 720-721 - Alex Kotov:
The Internet as a Medium for Software Engineering Experiments. 722-723 - Cecilia Mascolo:
Specification, Analysis, and Prototyping of Mobile Systems. 724-725 - Carleton A. Moore:
Project LEAP: Personal Process Improvement for the Differently Disciplined. 726-727 - Amy L. Murphy:
Algorithm Development in the Mobile Environment. 728-729 - Peyman Oreizy:
A Flexible Approach to Decentralized Software Evolution. 730-731 - André van der Hoek:
Configurable Software Architecture in Support of Configuration Management and Software Deployment. 732-733 - Robert J. Walker:
Contextual Programming (Doctoral Symposium - Extended Abstract). 734-735 - Pu-Lin Yeh, Jin-Cherng Lin:
Toward Precise Measurements Using Software Normalization. 736-737

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