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ICRA 2006: Orlando, Florida, USA
- Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2006, May 15-19, 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA. IEEE 2006
Nonlinear Control of Robotic Systems
- Omar A. A. Orqueda, Rafael Fierro:
A Vision-based Nonlinear Decentralized Controller for Unmanned Vehicles. 1-6 - Khoi B. Ngo, Robert E. Mahony:
Bounded Torque Control for Robot Manipulators Subject to Joint Velocity Constraints. 7-12 - Javier Moreno-Valenzuela:
A New Velocity Field Controller for Robot Arms. 13-18 - Javier Moreno-Valenzuela:
Tracking Control of On-line Time-scaled Trajectories for Robot Manipulators under Constrained Torques. 19-24 - Ryo Kikuuwe, Hideo Fujimoto:
Proxy-based Sliding Mode Control for Accurate and Safe Position Control. 25-30 - Justin R. Garretson, William T. Becker, Steven Dubowsky:
The Design of a Friction Compensation Control Architecture for a Heavy Lift Precision Manipulator in Contact with the Environment. 31-36
- Jason M. O'Kane:
Global Localization using Odometry. 37-42 - Agostino Martinelli, Davide Scaramuzza, Roland Siegwart:
Automatic Self-calibration of a Vision System during Robot Motion. 43-48 - Patrick Beeson, Aniket Murarka, Benjamin Kuipers:
Adapting Proposal Distributions for Accurate, Efficient Mobile Robot Localization. 49-55 - Alex Brooks, Alexei Makarenko, Ben Upcroft:
Gaussian Process Models for Sensor-centric Robot Localisation. 56-61 - Jan Hoffmann, Michael Spranger, Daniel Göhring, Matthias Jüngel, Hans-Dieter Burkhard:
Further Studies on the Use of Negative Information in Mobile Robot Localization. 62-67 - Kanji Tanaka, Eiji Kondo:
Incremental RANSAC for Online Relocation in Large Dynamic Environments. 68-75
Humanoid Design
- Yu Ogura, Hiroyuki Aikawa, Kazushi Shimomura, Hideki Kondo, Akitoshi Morishima, Hun-ok Lim, Atsuo Takanishi:
Development of a New Humanoid Robot WABIAN-2. 76-81 - Ikuo Mizuuchi, Tomoaki Yoshikai, Yoshinao Sodeyama, Yuto Nakanishi, Akihiko Miyadera, Taichi Yamamoto, Tuomas Niemelä, Marika Hayashi, Junichi Urata, Yuta Namiki, Tamaki Nishino, Masayuki Inaba:
Development of Musculoskeletal Humanoid Kotaro. 82-87 - Sebastian Lohmeier, Thomas Buschmann, Heinz Ulbrich, Friedrich Pfeiffer:
Modular Joint Design for Performance Enhanced Humanoid Robot LOLA. 88-93 - Ricardo Beira, Manuel Lopes, Miguel Praça, José Santos-Victor, Alexandre Bernardino, Giorgio Metta, Francesco Becchi, Roque J. Saltarén:
Design of the Robot-cub (iCub) Head. 94-100 - Kotaro Fukui, Kazufumi Nishikawa, Shunsuke Ikeo, Masaaki Honda, Atsuo Takanishi:
Development of a Human-like Sensory Feedback Mechanism for an Anthropomorphic Talking Robot. 101-106 - Maria-Cruz Villa-Uriol, Alba Perez Gracia, Falko Kuester:
Humanoid Synthesis using Clifford Algebra. 107-112
Motion Planning
- Yueshi Shen, Knut Hüper, Fatima Silva Leite:
Smooth Interpolation of Orientation by Rolling and Wrapping for Robot Motion Planning. 113-118 - David L. Page, Andreas F. Koschan, Mongi A. Abidi, James L. Overholt:
Ridge-valley Path Planning for 3D Terrains. 119-124 - Nuzhet Atay, O. Burçhan Bayazit:
A Motion Planning Processor on Reconfigurable Hardware. 125-132 - Guanfeng Liu, Jeffrey C. Trinkle, Nir Shvalb:
Motion Planning for a Class of Planar Closed-chain Manipulators. 133-138 - Stephen R. Lindemann, Steven M. LaValle:
Multiresolution Approach for Motion Planning under Differential Constraints. 139-144 - Jade Yang, Elisha Sacks:
RRT Path Planner with 3DOF Local Planner. 145-149
Computer Vision Systems
- Kolja Kühnlenz, Mathias Bachmayer, Martin Buss:
A Multi-focal High-performance Vision System. 150-155 - Christopher Rasmussen:
A Hybrid Vision + Ladar Rural Road Follower. 156-161 - Stephen Nuske, Jonathan M. Roberts, Gordon F. Wyeth:
Extending the Dynamic Range of Robotic Vision. 162-167 - Yumi Iwashita, Ryo Kurazume, Tsutomu Hasegawa, Kenji Hara:
Robust Motion Capture System against Target Occlusion using Fast Level Set Method. 168-174 - Marc Freese, Surya P. N. Singh, Edwardo F. Fukushima, Shigeo Hirose:
Bias-tolerant Terrain following Method for a Field Deployed Manipulator. 175-180 - Noriatsu Furukawa, Akio Namiki, Taku Senoo, Masatoshi Ishikawa:
Dynamic Regrasping using a High-speed Multifingered Hand and a High-speed vision System. 181-187
MultiRobot Systems
- Jim Pugh, Alcherio Martinoli:
Relative Localization and Communication Module for Small-scale Multi-robot Systems. 188-193 - Teppei Nakano, Shinya Fujie, Tetsunori Kobayashi:
MONEA: Message-oriented Networked-robot Architecture. 194-199 - Gal A. Kaminka, Yehuda Elmaliach:
Experiments with an Ecological Interface for Monitoring Tightly-coordinated Robot Teams. 200-205 - Berkant Akin, Aydan M. Erkmen, Ismet Erkmen:
A Behavior based Layered, Hybrid, Control Architecture for Robot/Sensor Networks. 206-211 - Mathias Broxvall, Marco Gritti, Alessandro Saffiotti, BeomSu Seo, Young-Jo Cho:
PEIS Ecology: Integrating Robots into Smart Environments. 212-218 - Jake Toh, Salah Sukkarieh:
A Bayesian Formulation for the Prioritized Search of Moving Objects. 219-224
Surgical Robots I
- Henry C. Lin, Keith Mills, Peter Kazanzides, Gregory D. Hager, Panadda Marayong, Allison M. Okamura, Ray Karam:
Portability and Applicability of Virtual Fixtures across Medical and Manufacturing Tasks. 225-230 - Ankur Kapoor, Ming Li, Russell H. Taylor:
Constrained Control for Surgical Assistant Robots. 231-236 - Ozkan Bebek, Murat Cenk Cavusoglu:
Predictive Control Algorithms using Biological Signals for Active Relative Motion Canceling in Robotic Assisted Heart Surgery. 237-244 - Victor F. Muñoz-Martínez, Isabel García-Morales, Carlos Jesús Pérez-del-Pulgar, Jesús M. Gómez de Gabriel, Juan Jesús Fernández Lozano, Alfonso García-Cerezo, Carlos Vara-Thorbeck, Robert Lopez Toscano:
Control Movement Scheme based on Manipulability Concept for a Surgical Robotic Assistant. 245-250 - Benjamin Maurin, Bernard Bayle, Jacques Gangloff, Philippe Zanne, Michel de Mathelin, Olivier Piccin:
A Robotized Positioning Platform guided by Computed Tomography: Practical Issues and Evaluation. 251-256 - Jumpei Arata, Hiroki Takahashi, Phongsaen Pitakwatchara, Shin'ichi Warisawa, Kozo Konishi, Kazuo Tanoue, Satoshi Ieiri, Shuji Shimizu, Naoki Nakashima, Koji Okamura, Young Soo Kim, Sungmin Kim, Joon-Soo Hahm, Makoto Hashizume, Mamoru Mitsuishi:
A Remote Surgery Experiment between Japan-Korea using the Minimally Invasive Surgical System. 257-262
MicroRobotics I
- Afshin Tafazzoli, Chytra Pawashe, Metin Sitti:
Force-controlled Microcontact Printing using Microassembled Particle Templates. 263-268 - Yu Sun, Keekyoung Kim, Richard M. Voyles, Bradley J. Nelson:
Calibration of Multi-axis MEMS Force Sensors using the Shape from Motion Method. 269-274 - Yasser H. Anis, James K. Mills, William L. Cleghorn:
Visual Measurement of MEMS Microassembly Forces using Template Matching. 275-280 - Nikolai Dechev, Lu Ren, William Liu, William L. Cleghorn, James K. Mills:
Development of a 6 Degree of Freedom Robotic Micromanipulator for Use in 3D MEMS Microassembly. 281-288 - Aaron M. Hoover, Srinath Avadhanula, Richard E. Groff, Ronald S. Fearing:
A Rapidly Prototyped 2-axis Positioning Stage for Microassembly using Large Displacement Compliant Mechanisms. 289-295 - Ranjana Sahai, Srinath Avadhanula, Richard E. Groff, Erik Steltz, Robert J. Wood, Ronald S. Fearing:
Towards a 3g Crawling Robot through the Integration of Microrobot Technologies. 296-302
Agile Automation I
- Martin Fürst, Christian Wögerer, Gernot Kronreif, Igor Holländer, Harald Penz:
Intelligent High-speed, High-variant Automation of Universal Coin Sorting for Charity Organizations. 303-308 - Suei Jen Chen, Heinz Wörn, Uwe E. Zimmermann, Rainer Bischoff:
Gentle Robotic Handling - Adaptation of Gripperorientation to Minimize Undesired Shear Forces. 309-314 - Quan Shi, Ning Xi, Weihua Sheng, Yifan Chen:
Development of Dynamic Inspection Methods for Dimensional Measurement of Automotive Body Parts. 315-320 - Seno Darmawan Panjaitan, Georg Frey:
Designing Generic/reusable Functionality based Controllers for Distributed Control using UML. 321-326 - Alois Zoitl, Rene Smodic, Christoph Sünder, Gunnar Grabmair:
Enhanced Real-time Execution of Modular Control Software based on IEC 61499. 327-332 - Christof Eberst, Helmut Nöhmayer, Gerald Umgeher, Motoki Takagi:
Towards Programming Robots by Gestures, Test-case: Programming Bore Inspection for Small Lotsizes. 333-338
Education I
- Niko Sünderhauf, Thomas Krause, Peter Protzel:
Bringing Robotics closer to Students - a Threefold Approach. 339-344 - Jean-François Lalonde, Christopher P. Bartley, Illah R. Nourbakhsh:
Mobile Robot Programming in Education. 345-350 - Jean-Michel Aubin, Marius Bulota, Mathieu Gauthier, Jérôme Marchand, Patrick-André Savard, Vincent Simard-Bilodeau, Jean-Luc Ratté-Boulianne, François Michaud:
ARMUS, an ARM Robotic Processing System for Educational Purposes. 351-356 - Matthew Isaacs, Monica Anderson, Samuel Ashworth, James Blackburn-Lynch, Bridgette Bynum, Janice L. Pearce, Christopher Pemberton:
Breaking up is hard to do - Dispersion: from Design to Implementation. 357-362 - Kelly R. Cannon, Monica Anderson, Nate Bird, Katherine A. Panciera, Harini Veeraraghavan, Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos, Maria L. Gini:
No Fear: University of Minnesota Robotics Day Camp Introduces Local Youth to Hands-on Technologies. 363-368 - Steven V. Shamlian, Katherine Killfoile, Ryan A. Kellogg, Felix Duvallet:
Fun with Robots: a Student-taught Undergraduate Robotics Course. 369-374
Control of Mechatronic Systems
- Renbin Zhou, William R. Hamel:
Control of a Prototype Transmission-based Robot Servoactuator using Real Time Application Interface. 375-380 - Kazuyuki Ito, Yoshitaka Fukumori:
Autonomous Control of a Snake-like Robot utilizing Passive Mechanism. 381-386 - Joono Cheong, Seungjin Lee, Jung Kim:
Motion Duplication Control for Distributed Dynamic Systems by Natural Damping. 387-392 - Jason Nikitczuk, Abhimanyu Das, Harsh Vyas, Brian Weinberg, Constantinos Mavroidis:
Adaptive Torque Control of Electro-rheological Fluid Brakes used in Active Knee Rehabilitation Devices. 393-399 - Motoyasu Tanaka, Fumitoshi Matsuno:
Cooperative control of two Snake Robots. 400-405 - Chih-Fu Chang, Li-Chen Fu:
A Hybrid System Design of a Mobile Manipulator. 406-411
SLAM: Robustness and Consistency
- Shoudong Huang, Gamini Dissanayake:
Convergence Analysis for Extended Kalman Filter based SLAM. 412-417 - Diego Rodríguez-Losada, Fernando Matía, Agustín Jiménez, Ramón Galán:
Consistency Improvement for SLAM - EKF for Indoor Environments. 418-423 - Tim Bailey, Juan I. Nieto, Eduardo Mario Nebot:
Consistency of the FastSLAM Algorithm. 424-429 - Ruben Martinez-Cantin, José A. Castellanos:
Bounding Uncertainty in EKF-SLAM: the Robocentric Local Approach. 430-435 - Michael E. West, Vassilis L. Syrmos:
Robust Stochastic Mapping towards the SLAM Problem. 436-441 - Giorgio Grisetti, Gian Diego Tipaldi, Cyrill Stachniss, Wolfram Burgard, Daniele Nardi:
Speeding-up Rao-blackwellized SLAM. 442-447
Humanoid Architecture and Framework
- Evan M. Drumwright, Victor Ng-Thow-Hing:
The Task Matrix: an Extensible Framework for Creating Versatile Humanoid Robots. 448-455 - Dong To Nguyen, Doik Kim, Bum-Jae You, Sang-Rok Oh:
NBHA - a Distributed Network-based Humanoid Software Architecture. 456-461 - Fabien Gravot, Atsushi Haneda, Kei Okada, Masayuki Inaba:
Cooking for Humanoid Robot, a Task that needs Symbolic and Geometric Reasonings. 462-467 - Yusuke Ota, Toru Kuga, Kan Yoneda:
Deformation Compensation for Continuous Force Control of a Wall Climbing Quadruped with Reduced-DOF. 468-474 - Yoon-Kwon Hwang, Kook Jin Choi, Dae Sun Hong:
Self-learning Control of Cooperative Motion for a Humanoid Robot. 475-480 - Kouki Hayashi, Yoshitaka Onishi, Kazuko Itoh, Hiroyasu Miwa, Atsuo Takanishi:
Development and Evaluation of Face Robot to Express Various Face Shape. 481-486
Mobile Robot Motion Planning
- F. Boyer, Florent Lamiraux:
Trajectory Deformation applied to Kinodynamic Motion Planning for a Realistic Car Model. 487-492 - B. Long, Brice Rebsamen, Etienne Burdet, Chee Leong Teo:
Development of an Elastic Path Controller. 493-498 - Zack J. Butler:
Corridor Planning for Natural Agents. 499-504 - Yongguo Mei, Yung-Hsiang Lu, C. S. George Lee, Y. Charlie Hu:
Energy-efficient Mobile Robot Exploration. 505-511 - Tomás Martínez-Marín:
On-line Optimal Motion Planning for Nonholonomic Mobile Robots. 512-517 - Dongshin Kim, Jie Sun, Sang Min Oh, James M. Rehg, Aaron F. Bobick:
Traversability Classification using Unsupervised on-line Visual Learning for Outdoor Robot Navigation. 518-525
Omnidirectional Vision
- Selim Benhimane, Ezio Malis:
A New Approach to Vision-based Robot Control with Omni-directional Cameras. 526-531 - Christopher Mei, Patrick Rives:
Calibration between a Central Catadioptric Camera and a Laser Range Finder for Robotic Applications. 532-537 - Gian Luca Mariottini, Domenico Prattichizzo, Giuseppe Oriolo:
Image-based Visual Servoing for Nonholonomic Mobile Robots with Central Catadioptric Camera. 538-544 - Carlos López-Franco, Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano:
Omnidirectional Vision for Visual Landmark Identification using p2-Invariants. 545-550 - Carlos Sagüés, A. C. Murillo, José Jesús Guerrero, Toon Goedemé, Tinne Tuytelaars, Luc Van Gool:
Localization with Omnidirectional Images using the Radial Trifocal Tensor. 551-556 - Marin Kobilarov, Gaurav S. Sukhatme, Jeff Hyams, Parag H. Batavia:
People Tracking and Following with Mobile Robot using an Omnidirectional Camera and a Laser. 557-562
Robotic Formations
- Ilya Levner, Alex Kovarsky, Hong Zhang:
Heuristic Search for Coordinating Robot Agents in Adversarial Domains. 563-569 - Edward Gil Jones, Brett Browning, M. Bernardine Dias, Brenna D. Argall, Manuela M. Veloso, Anthony Stentz:
Dynamically formed Heterogeneous Robot Teams Performing Tightly-coordinated Tasks. 570-575 - Cheng-Heng Fua, Shuzhi Sam Ge, Khiang Wee Lim:
Task Allocation for Multi-robot Teams with Self-organizing Agents. 576-581 - Gal A. Kaminka, Ruti Glick:
Towards Robust Multi-robot Formations. 582-588 - Yinan Zhang, Richard T. Vaughan:
Ganging up: Team-based Aggression Expands the Population/Performance Envelope in a Multi-robot System. 589-594 - Maurizio Porfiri, D. Gray Roberson, Daniel J. Stilwell:
Environmental Tracking and Formation Control of a Platoon of Autonomous Vehicles Subject to Limited Communication. 595-600
Surgical Robots II
- Ulisse Bertocchi, Luca Ascari, Cesare Stefanini, Cecilia Laschi, Paolo Dario:
Sensory Feedback Exploitation for Robot-assisted Exploration of the Spinal Cord. 601-606 - Jagadeesan Jayender, Rajnikant V. Patel, Suwas Nikumb:
Robot-assisted Catheter Insertion using Hybrid Impedance Control. 607-612 - Jeffrey A. Stoll, Paul M. Novotny, Robert D. Howe, Pierre E. Dupont:
Real-time 3D Ultrasound-based Servoing of a Surgical Instrument. 613-618 - James T. Hing, Ari D. Brooks, Jaydev P. Desai:
Reality-based Needle Insertion Simulation for Haptic Feedback in Prostate Brachytherapy. 619-624 - Shinsuke Ikeda, Fumihito Arai, Toshio Fukuda, Makoto Negoro, Keiko Irie, Ikuo Takahashi:
Patient-specific Neurovascular Simulator for Evaluating the Performance of Medical Robots and Instruments. 625-630 - Jeffrey Hsu, Shahram Payandeh:
Toward Tool Gesture and Motion Recognition on a Novel Minimally Invasive Surgery Robotic System. 631-636
MicroRobotics II
- David J. Cappelleri, Jonathan Fink, Barry Munkundakrisnam, Vijay Kumar, Jeffrey C. Trinkle:
Designing Open-loop Plans for Planar Micro-manipulation. 637-642 - Vasso Reppa, Anthony Tzes:
Application of Set Membership Identification for Fault Detection of MEMS. 643-648 - Panagiotis Vartholomeos, Evangelos Papadopoulos:
Analysis, Design and Control of a Planar Micro-robot Driven by two Centripetal-force Actuators. 649-654 - Zhijiang Guo, John E. McInroy, Farhad Jafari:
Realization of Micromanipulating Gough-Stewart Platforms with Desired Dynamics. 655-660 - Tetsuyou Watanabe, Zhongwei Jiang:
Mechanism of Micro Manipulation using Oscillation. 661-668 - Micky Rakotondrabe, Yassine Haddab, Philippe Lutz:
Design, Development and Experiments of a High Stroke-precision 2DoF (Linear-angular) Microsystem. 669-674
Agile Automation II
- Mikko Sallinen, Tapio Heikkilä, Matti Sirviö:
Planning of Sensory Feedback in Industrial Robot Workcells. 675-680 - Ivan M. Delamer, Jose L. Martinez Lastra, Oscar Perez:
An Evolutionary Algorithm for Optimization of XML Publish/Subscribe Middleware in Electronics Production. 681-688 - Michael J. Wynblatt, Peter Krueger, Zack K. Edmondson, Holger Grzonka:
TOMTAC: Translating Object Motion to Actuator Control. 689-694 - Raymond K. Cheung, Allen W. Lee, Daniel Y. Mo:
Flow Diversion Approaches for Shipment Routing in Automatic Shipment Handling Systems. 695-700 - Binayak Roy, H. Harry Asada:
Dynamics and Control of a Gravity-assisted Underactuated Robot Arm for Assembly Operations inside an Aircraft Wing-box. 701-706 - Anna Petrovskaya, Oussama Khatib, Sebastian Thrun, Andrew Y. Ng:
Bayesian Estimation for Autonomous Object Manipulation based on Tactile Sensors. 707-714
Education II
- Seung Han Kim, Jae Wook Jeon:
Educating C Language using LEGO Mindstorms Robotic Invention System 2.0. 715-720 - Stefano Galvan, Debora Botturi, Andrea Castellani, Paolo Fiorini:
Innovative Robotics Teaching using LEGO Sets. 721-726 - Aimée Vargas Estrada, Jyh-Ming Lien, Nancy M. Amato:
VIZMO++: a Visualization, Authoring, and Educational Tool for Motion Planning. 727-732