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40th ICIS 2019: Munich, Germany
- Helmut Krcmar, Jane Fedorowicz, Wai Fong Boh, Jan Marco Leimeister, Sunil Wattal:
Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2019, Munich, Germany, December 15-18, 2019. Association for Information Systems 2019, ISBN 978-0-9966831-9-7
Analytics and Data Science
- Haifang Yang, Mingzheng Wang, Xiangpei Hu, Xiaobai Li:
A Decision Tree Approach for Assessing and Mitigating Background and Identity Disclosure Risks. - Xiaoping Liu, Xiaobai Li:
Acquiring Heterogeneous Customer Data for Business Analytics. - Schahin Tofangchi, André Hanelt, Siyuan Li:
Advancing Recommendations on Two-Sided Platforms: A Machine Learning Approach to Context-Aware Profiling. - Johannes Haupt, Daniel Jacob, Robin Marco Gubela, Stefan Lessmann:
Affordable Uplift: Supervised Randomization in Controlled Experiments. - Sapumal Ahangama, Danny Chiang Choon Poo:
Application of Deep User Activity Transfer Models for Cross Domain User Matching. - Sören Merting, Martin Bichler, Aykut Uzunoglu:
Assigning Course Schedules: About Preference Elicitation, Fairness, and Truthfulness. - Lin Qiu, Vaibhav Rajan, Bernard C. Y. Tan:
Battling Alzheimer's Disease through Early Detection: A Deep Multimodal Learning Approach. - Ziqing Yuan, Hailiang Chen:
Can Mobile App Usage Help Predict Firm-Level Stock Returns? - Álvaro Valencia-Parra, Ángel Jesús Varela-Vaca, María Teresa Gómez-López, Paolo Ceravolo:
CHAMALEON: Framework to improve Data Wrangling with Complex Data. - Carlos Fernandez, Foster J. Provost, Xintian Han:
Counterfactual Explanations for Data-Driven Decisions. - Suparna Ghanvatkar, Vaibhav Rajan:
Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for Mortality Prediction in Intensive Care using Clinical Time Series at Multiple Resolutions. - Kai Yang, Raymond Y. K. Lau:
Detecting Senior Executives' Personalities for Predicting Corporate Behaviors: An Attention-based Deep Learning Approach. - Alper Beser, Richard Lackes, Markus Siepermann:
Different Prices for Different Customers - Optimising Individualised Prices in Online Stores by Artificial Intelligence. - Jiaheng Xie, Zhu Zhang, Xiao Liu, Daniel Zeng:
Discovering Barriers to Opioid Addiction Treatment from Social Media: A Similarity Network-Based Deep Learning Approach. - Wenping Zhang, Hui Yuan, Wei Xu, Raymond Y. K. Lau:
Hospital Reliability Evaluation in Chinese Context: A Study from the Decision Theory Perspective. - Kunpeng Zhang, Xueming Luo:
Leveraging Deep-learning and Field Experiment Response Heterogeneity to Enhance Customer Targeting Effectiveness. - Yang Gu, Gondy Leroy:
Mechanisms for Automatic Training Data Labeling for Machine Learning. - Uday Kulkarni, Amit Deokar, Haya Ajjan:
Mining Online Reviews to Uncover Consumer Brand Engagement. - Sherry Fowler, Antonis C. Stylianou, Dongsong Zhang, Shannon Reid, Reza Mousavi:
Predicting Violent Crime with Gang Social Media Postings. - Buomsoo (Raymond) Kim, Karthik Srinivasan, Sudha Ram:
Robust Local Explanations for Healthcare Predictive Analytics: An Application to Fragility Fracture Risk Modeling. - Stefan Fischer, Welf H. Weiger, Maik Hammerschmidt:
Same Same but Different? The Predictive Power of Association Types in Brand Buzz for Investor Returns. - Qiping Wang, Raymond Y. K. Lau:
The Impact of Investors' Surprise Emotion on Post-M&A Performance: A Social Media Analytics Approach. - Bernhard Lutz, Nicolas Pröllochs, Dirk Neumann:
The Longer the Better? The Interplay Between Review Length and Line of Argumentation in Online Consumer Reviews. - Christian Haas:
The Price of Fairness - A Framework to Explore Trade-Offs in Algorithmic Fairness. - Tian Lu, Yingjie Zhang, Beibei Li:
The Value of Alternative Data in Credit Risk Prediction: Evidence from a Large Field Experiment. - Patrick Zschech, Jonas Bernien, Kai Heinrich:
Towards a Taxonomic Benchmarking Framework for Predictive Maintenance: The Case of NASA's Turbofan Degradation. - Yidong Chai, Weifeng Li:
Towards Deep Learning Interpretability: A Topic Modeling Approach. - Jiaxu Peng:
Transfer Learning in Dynamic Business Environments: An Application in Earnings Forecast for Public Firms. - Heverton Roberto de Oliveira Cesar de Moraes, Otávio P. Sanchez, Susan A. Brown, Bin Zhang:
Trust and Distrust in Big Data Recommendation Agents. - Aaron Schecter, Noshir Contractor:
Uncovering Latent Archetypes from Digital Trace Sequences: An Analytical Method and Empirical Example.
Business Models and Digital Transformation
- Cristina A. Mihale-Wilson, Jan Zibuschka, Michael Kubach
Consumer-Based Ranking for Strategic Selection of IoT Business Models. - Dinh Khoi Nguyen, Thijs L. J. Broekhuizen, John Qi Dong, Peter C. Verhoef:
Digital readiness: construct development and empirical validation. - Christina Soh, Adrian Yeow, Qiwei Goh, Rina Hansen:
Digital Transformation: Of Paradoxical Tensions and Managerial Responses. - Silvana Hinsen, Jan Jöhnk, Nils Urbach:
Disentangling the Concept and Role of Continuous Change for IS Research - A Systematic Literature Review. - Dirk Schiereck, Martin Sternal:
Do Digital Giants Create Value by Mergers and Acquisitions? - Darshana Sedera, Sachithra Lokuge:
Do we put all eggs in one basket? A polynomial regression study of digital technology configuration strategies. - Yinan Yu, Jui Ramaprasad:
Engagement on Digital Platforms: A Theoretical Perspective. - David Egbert, Stefanie Paluch:
If the App Fits - Business Mobile Application Assimilation and Value Creation in SMEs. - Yunkun Zhao, Liwen Hou:
Online Advertising in Online-to-Offline Retailing Environments: The Moderating Effects of Salesforce and Product Lines. - Tobias M. Lohse, Jan Kemper:
Online Customer Reviews as Driver of Customer Loyalty. - Sreevathsan Sridhar, Subodha Kumar:
Optimal Advertising Strategy Across Multiple Channel For Film Distributions. - Zhiling Guo, Dan Ma:
Optimal Design and Ownership Structures of Innovative Retail Payment Systems. - Rania Afiouni:
Organizational Learning in the Rise of Machine Learning. - Dijo Tito Alexander, Kalle Lyytinen:
Organizing Around Big Data: Organizational Analytic Capabilities for Improved Performance. - Jonas Wanner, Adrian Hofmann, Marcus Fischer, Florian Imgrund, Christian Janiesch, Jerome Geyer-Klingeberg:
Process Selection in RPA Projects - Towards a Quantifiable Method of Decision Making. - Katherine Hoffmann Pham, Panos Ipeirotis, Arun Sundararajan:
Ridesharing and the Use of Public Transportation. - Zherui Yang, Aaron Cheng, Ting Li:
Still Targeting Younger Customers? A Field Experiment on Digital Communication Channel Migration. - Jing Tian, Xia Zhao, Ling Xue:
Technological Compatibility between Platforms and Multi-homing of Third-Party Developers. - Friedrich Holotiuk, Daniel Beimborn:
Temporal Ambidexterity: How Digital Innovation Labs Connect Exploration and Exploitation for Digital Innovation. - Sarah Hönigsberg, Barbara Dinter:
Toward a Method to Foster the Digital Transformation in SME Networks. - Nila Zhang, Siew Kien Sia:
Understanding the Legitimacy Challenges for Sharing Economy Disruptors: A Topic Modeling Approach. - Qianran Jin, Animesh Animesh, Alain Pinsonneault:
When Popularity Meets Position.
Crowds, Social Media and Digital Collaborations
- Dan Ding, Prasanta Bhattacharya, Tuan Quang Phan:
A Tale of Two Networks: Characterizing the Interplay between Online and Offline Communication Networks. - Dharshani Tharanga Chandraskeara, Darshana Sedera:
#Activism versus Real Activism: Manifestations of Digital Social Influence in Social Networks. - Sijia Ma, Fei Wan, Fei Ren:
Agglomeration among competitors: Evidence of heterogeneous peer entry effect in sharing economy. - Qianran Jin, Animesh Animesh, Alain Pinsonneault:
Decision Making Under Conflicting Information. - Tianshu Sun, Siva Viswanathan, Nina Huang, Elena Zheleva:
Designing Promotion Incentive to Embrace Social Sharing: Evidence from Field and Lab Experiments. - Lisa Wimbauer, Patrick Figge, Carolin Haeussler:
Distant Search, but Local Implementation? Using the Crowd's Evaluation to Overcome Organizational Limitations in the Selection of Crowdsourced Ideas. - Feng Mai, Zihan Chen, Aron Lindberg:
Does Sleep Deprivation Cause Online Incivility? Evidence from a Natural Experiment. - Sangmi Kim, Lionel Peter Robert:
Emotional Carrying Capacity in Virtual Teams: Developing a Capability to Constructively Share a Range of Emotions. - Suparna Dhar, Indranil Bose:
Empirical Study of Social Capital Factors Formed through Digital Social Networking. - Roman Tilly, Robert Wintermeyer, Oliver Posegga:
Establishing Information Quality Guidelines in Social Information Systems: Comparison and Discussion of Two Approaches. - Janina Seutter, Jürgen Neumann:
Head over Feels? Differences in Online Rating Behavior for Utilitarian and Hedonic Service Aspects. - Kayla Guangrui Li, Sunil Mithas, Zhixing Zhang, Kar Yan Tam:
How does Algorithmic Filtering Influence Attention Inequality on Social Media? - Xueping Yang, Hua (Jonathan) Ye, Xinwei Wang:
How Does Social Media Improve Work Efficiency? Insights from the Theory of Communication Visibility. - Hissu Hyvärinen, Roman Beck:
How Emotions Unfold in Online Discussions After a Terror Attack. - Christian Meske, Iris A. Junglas, Johannes Schneider, Roope Jaakonmäki:
How Social is Your Social Network? Toward A Measurement Model. - Yimiao Zhang, Kim Huat Goh:
Impact of Online Reviews on Consumer Post-purchase Attitude Change and Transaction Failure. - Florian Kiesel, Thomas Pöppe, Sascha Kolaric, Dirk Schiereck:
Information or noise: How Twitter facilitates stock market information aggregation. - Hannes-Vincent Krause, Amina Wagner, Hanna Krasnova, Fenne große Deters, Annika Baumann, Peter Buxmann:
Keeping Up with the Joneses: Instagram Use and its Influence on Conspicuous Consumption. - Corey Brian Jackson, Carsten S. Østerlund, Mahboobeh Harandi, Dhruv Kharwar, Kevin Crowston:
Linguistic Changes in Online Citizen Science: A Structurational Perspective. - Qian Tang, Tingting Song, Liangfei Qiu, Ashish Agarwal:
Online Content Consumption: Social Endorsements, Observational Learning and Word-of-Mouth. - Marcel Rhyn, Ivo Blohm:
Patterns of Data-Driven Decision-Making: How Decision-Makers Leverage Crowdsourced Data. - Xiaohui Liu, Yijing Li, Fei Liu, Zhao Cai, Eric T. K. Lim:
Reinventing the Wheel: Explaining Question Duplication in Question Answering Communities. - Jie Tang, Ka Chung Ng:
Reposts Influencing the Effectiveness of Social Reporting System: An Empirical Study from Sina Weibo. - Ibtissam Zaza, Iris A. Junglas, Deborah J. Armstrong:
Studying the Artifacts of Q&A Platforms: The Central Role of the Crowd. - Indika Dissanayake, Sridhar P. Nerur, Jie Zhang:
Team Formation and Performance in Online Crowdsourcing Competitions: The Role of Homophily and Diversity in Solver Characteristics. - Cheuk Hang Au, Yuan Sun:
The Development of P2P Lending Platforms: Strategies and Implications. - Moritz Schulz, Ivo Blohm:
The Effectiveness of Governance Mechanisms in Crowdfunding. - Lev Poretski, Lior Zalmanson, Ofer Arazy:
The Effects of Co-Creation and Word-of-Mouth on Content Consumption - Findings from the Video Game Industry. - Attila Marton, Hamid R. Ekbia:
The Political Gig-Economy: Platformed Work and Labour. - Jing Tang, Jagdip Singh, Kalle Lyytinen:
The Power of Negative Reviews on a Freemium Platform: An Event Study of Pay-for-Negative Regulation. - Amin Sabzehzar, Gordon Burtch, Yili Hong, Raghu T. Santanam:
The Role of Religion in Online Prosocial Lending. - Jan-Philipp Ahrens, Andrew Jay Isaak, Baris Istipliler, Dennis M. Steininger:
The Star Citizen Phenomenon & the "Ultimate Dream Management" Technique in Crowdfunding. - Dawei Chen, Xuanqi Liu, Isam Faik:
Trust Building on Charitable Crowdfunding Platforms_The Case of Qfund. - Florence Klement, Timm Teubner:
Trust isn't blind: Exploring Visual Investor Cues in Equity Crowdfunding. - Yasser Rahrovani, Shamel Addas:
Understanding the Process of IS Switching in the Social Media Context. - Boying Li, Alain Yee-Loong Chong:
What Influences the Dissemination of Online Rumor Messages: Message Features and Topic-congruence. - Yuejun Wang, Xunhua Guo, Guoqing Chen:
Will You "Dashang"? Effects of Social Signals in Online Pay-What-You-Want.
Cyber-security, Privacy and Ethics of IS
- Jia Wei, Sebastian Walter Schuetz:
A Social Network Analysis Perspective on Users' Vulnerability to Socially Engineered Phishing Attacks. - Jaehyeon Ju, Youngsok Bang, Dong-Joo Lee, Jae-Hyeon Ahn:
Benefit Ambiguity and Asymmetric Herding in Privacy Decisions: A Field Experiment in a Mobile Application System. - Stefanie Sohn:
Can Conversational User Interfaces Be Harmful? The Undesirable Effects on Privacy Concern. - Tianjian Zhang, Taha Havakhor, David Biros:
Does Cybersecurity Slow Down Digitization? A Quasi-experiment of Security Breach Notification Laws. - Leting Zhang, Min-Seok Pang:
Does Sharing Make My Data More Insecure? An Empirical Study on Health Information Exchange and Data Breaches. - Sepideh Ebrahimi, Khaled Hassanein:
Empowering Users to Detect Data Analytics Discriminatory Recommendations. - Kathrin Figl, Samuel Kießling, Christiane Rank, Svitlana Vakulenko:
Fake News Flags, Cognitive Dissonance, and the Believability of Social Media Posts. - Meghanath M. Y., Beibei Li, Ying Natasha Zhang Foutz:
Geo-Targeting, Privacy, and the Rise of Consumer Location Trajectories. - Tripti Singh, Allen C. Johnston:
How Much is Too Much: Employee Monitoring, Surveillance, and Strain. - Dana Naous, Vaibhav Kulkarni, Christine Legner, Benoît Garbinato:
Information Disclosure in Location-based Services: An Extended Privacy Calculus Model. - David Harborth, Sebastian Pape:
Investigating Privacy Concerns Related to Mobile Augmented Reality Applications. - Andrew J. Harrison, Binny M. Samuel, Zhe Shan, Michael Cook, Tianhai Zu, Diksha Dawani:
Learning to See the Hook: Comparing Phishing Training Approaches. - Christian Michael Olt, Jin Gerlach, Rabea Sonnenschein, Peter Buxmann:
On the Benefits of Senior Executives' Information Security Awareness. - Lennart Jaeger, Gabriela Mallmann:
Security-Related Cynicism: A Double-Edged Sword? - Hüseyin Tanriverdi, Yaman Roumani, Joseph Nwankpa:
Structural Complexity and Data Breach Risk. - Ning Yang, Allen C. Johnston:
The Application of Operant Conditioning Theory in Employees' IS Security Behavioral Management. - He Li, Sungjin Yoo, William J. Kettinger:
The Changing Tides of Investments and Strategies and Their Impacts on Security Breaches. - Kayla Guangrui Li, Kai Lung Hui:
The Impact of Anonymity on Piracy - Evidence from China. - Nora Wessels, Jin Gerlach, Amina Wagner:
To Sell or not to Sell - Antecedents of Individuals' Willingness-to-Sell Personal Information on Data-Selling Platforms. - Emmanuel Ayaburi, Francis Kofi Andoh-Baidoo:
Understanding Phishing Susceptibility: An Integrated Model of Cue-utilization and Habits. - Agnieszka Onuchowska, Donald J. Berndt:
Using Agent-Based Modelling to Address Malicious Behavior on Social Media. - Jing Liu, Jun Zhang, Jingzhi Zhang:
Validating a Control-Based Model of Information Security Policy Compliance - A Meta-Analysis.
Design Science Research
- Benjamin Sturm, Ali Sunyaev:
A Good Beginning Makes a Good Ending: Incipient Sources of Knowledge in Design Science Research. - Inegbedion Usunobun, Emmanuel Anti, Fumin Hu, Levi Habila, Rakibul Sayed, Yixin Zhang, Tuure Tuunanen:
Cultural Values' Influences on Users' Preferences for Gamification Techniques. - Jasper Feine, Stefan Morana, Alexander Maedche:
Designing a Chatbot Social Cue Configuration System. - Raphael David Schilling, Stephan Aier, Robert Winter:
Designing an Artifact for Informal Control in Enterprise Architecture Management. - Daojun Sun, Wenchi Ying, Xinyan Zhang, Lang Feng:
Developing a Blockchain-based Loyalty Programs System to Hybridize Business and Charity: An Action Design Research. - Netta Iivari:
Discursive Struggles within Cross-Disciplinary Design. - Hazbi Avdiji, Robert Winter:
Knowledge Gaps in Design Science Research. - Andy Tao Li, De Liu, Sean Xin Xu:
Re-engaging underachievers: toward a participation internalization approach to gamified online learning design. - Christian Engel, Niklas Leicht, Philipp Ebel:
The Imprint of Design Science in Information Systems Research: An Empirical Analysis of the AIS Senior Scholars' Basket.
Digital Government and Smart Cities
- Xiaotong Sun, Qili Wang:
An Internet of Things Solution for Intelligence Security Management. - Stan Karanasios, Vanessa A. Cooper, Peter A. J. Hayes, Anouck Adrot:
"An iron hand in a velvet glove'': the embodiment of the platform logic in the emergency sector. - Rehan Syed, Wasana Bandara:
Controlling Corruption in Developing Country Public Sector: A Process Ecosystems Perspective. - Prakrit Silal, Ashutosh Jha, Debashis Saha:
From E-Government to Good Governance: The mediating role of Government E-Participation. - Fabian Burmeister, Paul Drews, Ingrid Schirmer:
Leveraging Architectural Thinking for Large-Scale E-Government Projects. - Priya Seetharaman, Jocelyn Cranefield, Surajit Chakravarty:
Making Indian Cities Smart: Framing Incongruencies and Reconciliation. - Nina-Birte Schirrmacher, Jan Ondrus, Felix T. C. Tan, Yvonne Ai-Chi Loh, David Roi Hardoon:
Overcoming Status Quo Bias: Nudging in a Government-Led Digital Transformation Initiative. - Philip Tin Yun Lee, Alvin Ying Lu, Feiyu E, Michael Chau:
Predicting success of online petitions from the perspective of agenda setting. - Akemi T. Chatfield, Christopher G. Reddick, Dirk Baldwin, Brian Donnellan, H. Michael Chung:
Rethinking Public Value Co-Creation in Smart City Ecosystems: A Meta-Analysis of Smart City Case Studies. - Hendrik Scholta, Ida Lindgren:
The Long and Winding Road of Digital Public Services - One Next Step: Proactivity.