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FIE 2016: Eire, PA, USA
- 2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE 2015, Eire, PA, USA, October 12-15, 2016. IEEE Computer Society 2016, ISBN 978-1-5090-1790-4
- Olga Pierrakos, Robin D. Anderson, Elise Barrella:
A developmental and adaptive Problem Based Learning (PBL) model across the curriculum: From theory to practice in integrating and assessing PBL experiences across the James Madison University engineering curriculum. 1-2 - Ece Yaprak, Karen Crosby, Olga Pierrakos, Abby Ilumoka, Yvette Pearson Weatherton, Elliot P. Douglas, James Moore:
National Science Foundation programs that support engineering education research. 1-4 - Shawn Lupoli:
Peer Grading Development Cycle. 1-2 - Olga Pierrakos:
Tips for turning good ideas into competitive National Science Foundation engineering education CAREER proposals: A grant writing workshop. 1-2 - Fong Mak, Ramakrishnan Sundaram:
Integrated Faculty Course Assessment Report (FCAR) model with traditional rubric-based (GR) model to enhance automation of Student Outcomes evaluation. 1-4 - Jennifer L. Groh:
Academic coaching tools for increased retention: Empowering engineering students in their education. 1-2 - Diane H. Parente, Dipo Onipede, Greg P. Dillon:
Business & engineering education: A multiple stakeholder perspective. 1-2 - Ella L. Ingram:
Panel: Changing your department: Examples from Revolutionizing Engineering Departments. 1-2 - Molly Hathaway Goldstein, Camilo Vieira Mejía, Robin S. Adams, Senay Purzer, Mitch Zielinski:
Developing a measure of quality for engineering design artifacts. 1-7 - Heiko Fechtner, Benedikt Schmülling, Karl-Heinz Saes:
An adaptive e-learning platform for the qualification for working on electric vehicles. 1-5 - Doron Faran:
Design of social systems: The case of a unique course. 1-5 - DeLean Tolbert, Reis Lehman, Guannan Liu, Benjamin Sadler, Monica Cardella:
Knowledge transfer: Does more experience yield improved design quality? 1-4 - Steven R. Haynes, David R. Mudgett:
A design studio course in application development: Lessons learned. 1-8 - Edward F. Gehringer, Zhewei Hu, Yang Song:
Five years of extra credit in a studio-based course: An effort to incentivize socially useful behavior. 1-6 - Emily Marasco, Laleh Behjat, Marjan Eggermont, William D. Rosehart, Mohammad Moshirpour, Ronald Hugo:
Using gamification for engagement and learning in electrical and computer engineering classrooms. 1-4 - Eunice P. dos Santos Nunes, Alessandro R. Luz, Eduardo M. Lemos, Cristiano Maciel, Alexandre Martins dos Anjos, Luciana Correia Lima De Faria Borges, Clodoaldo Nunes:
Mobile serious game proposal for environmental awareness of children. 1-8 - Thilak R. Balasubramanian, Trilce Estrada:
Crowdlearning: A framework for collaborative and personalized learning. 1-9 - Maria Julian Mateos, Pedro J. Muñoz Merino, Carlos Delgado Kloos, Davinia Hernández-Leo, Diego Redondo Martínez:
Design and evaluation of a computer based game for education. 1-8 - M. Rosa Estela Carbonell, A. Codina, Jordi Poblet-Puig, P. Pardo, M. A. Puigvi, E. Pujadas, S. Valls, Maria-Dolores Alvarez-del-Castillo, Ester Guaus, Carme Hervada-Sala, J. Macanas, Albert Masip-Alvarez, M. Morillo, Fatiha Nejjari:
Towards the STEM knowledge homogenization of pre-university students in 21st century: MOOC: The Language for Engineering. 1-5 - Afrin Naz, Mingyu Lu, Kenan Hatipoglu, Karen Rambo-Hernandez:
Employing project-based learning to address the Next Generation mathematics standards in high schools. 1-5 - Diogo Guimaraes Carvalho, Walquiria Castelo Branco Lins:
LabDuino: An open source tool for science education. 1-5 - Martin K.-C. Yeh, Abtin Toshtzar, Laura A. Guertin, Yu Yan:
Using spaced repetition and gamification to enhance K-12 student science literacy with on-demand mobile short reads. 1-4 - Daniel W. Knight, Ashley Collier, Michael Hannigan, Katya Hafich:
Broadening and sustaining an Air Quality K-12 curriculum through a Digital Library and undergraduate service learning course. 1-5 - Travis Scheponik, Alan T. Sherman, David DeLatte, Dhananjay S. Phatak, Linda Oliva, Julia Thompson, Geoffrey L. Herman:
How students reason about Cybersecurity concepts. 1-5 - Jinsheng Xu, Xiaohong Yuan, Anna Yu, Jung Hee Kim, Taehee Kim, Jinghua Zhang:
Developing and evaluating a hands-on lab for teaching local area network vulnerabilities. 1-4 - Xiaohong Yuan, Kenneth Williams, D. Scott McCrickard, Charles Hardnett, Litany H. Lineberry, Kelvin S. Bryant, Jinsheng Xu, Albert C. Esterline, Anyi Liu, Selvarajah Mohanarajah, Rachel Rutledge:
Teaching mobile computing and mobile security. 1-6 - Cem Sahin, Danh H. Nguyen, Simon Begashaw, Brandon Katz, James Chacko, Logan Henderson, Jennifer Stanford, Kapil R. Dandekar:
Wireless communications engineering education via Augmented Reality. 1-7 - Sumita Mishra, Trudy Howles, Rajendra K. Raj, Carol J. Romanowski, Jennifer Schneider, Alicia McNett, Daryl J. Dates:
A modular approach to teaching critical infrastructure protection concepts to engineering, technology and computing students. 1-7 - Nozar Tabrizi:
Fostering an Entrepreneurial mindset in "Digital Systems" class through a Producer-Customer model. 1-9 - Kirsten A. Davis, Catherine T. Amelink:
Exploring differences in perceived innovative thinking skills between first year and upperclassmen engineers. 1-7 - Benjamin J. Call, Wade H. Goodridge, Melissa Scheaffer:
Entrepreneurial curriculum in an Engineering Technical Communication course: Looking for impact on creativity and mindset. 1-5 - L. Eric James:
re-Commerce: A new paradigm for Innovation and Sustainability in CSET education. 1-4 - Aileen Huang-Saad, Christina Morton, Julie Libarkin:
Unpacking the impact of engineering entrepreneurship education that leverages the Lean LaunchPad Curriculum. 1-7 - Devayan Bir, Benjamin Ahn:
Applicability of online Mechanics of Materials course for engineering undergraduate students. 1-3 - Patricia Alves Rodrigues, Leônidas de Oliveira Brandão, Anarosa Alves Franco Brandão:
Let us learn together!: Do complementary abilities foster pair collaboration in web-based learning? 1-8 - Brittany Mihalec-Adkins, Nathan M. Hicks, Kerrie Anna Douglas, Heidi A. Diefes-Dux, Peter Bermel, Krishna Madhavan:
Surveying the motivations of groups of learners in highly-technical STEM MOOCs. 1-6 - Waleed Farag, Sanwar Ali:
Can online delivery result in comparable achievement of course outcomes and student success in different computer science courses? 1-7 - Ying Li, Jianwei Niu, Jiong Zhang, Xin Ren:
MOOE: A new online education mode: Virtual simulation experiment MOOE platform for FPGA. 1-8 - Andrew Danowitz:
Leveraging the final project to improve student motivation in introductory digital design courses. 1-5 - Kayla DesPortes, Aditya Anupam, Neeti Pathak, Betsy DiSalvo:
Circuit diagrams vs. physical circuits: The effect of representational forms during assessment. 1-9 - Nicole P. Pitterson, Ruth A. Streveler, Cordelia M. Brown:
Exploring undergraduate engineering students' conceptual learning of complex circuit concepts in an introductory course. 1-8 - Jennifer L. Bonniwell, Susan C. Schneider:
Using the Basys-3 Trainer to support VHDL in Digital Logic Fundamentals course. 1-4 - Geoffrey L. Herman:
Studying how digital logic instructors solve canonical problems. 1-5 - Ariane Nunes Rodrigues, Simone C. dos Santos:
A framework for applying problem-based learning to Computing Education. 1-7 - Tiago Carvalho Vidal, Simone C. dos Santos, Rosângela Saraiva Carvalho:
PBL-Tutor Canvas: A tool based on Backward Design to plan PBL in Computing Education. 1-8 - Bart Johnson, Ron Ulseth:
Development of professional competency through professional identity formation in a PBL curriculum. 1-9 - Felipe Soares de Oliveira, Simone C. dos Santos:
PBLMaestro: A virtual learning environment for the implementation of problem-based learning approach in Computer education. 1-9 - Eri Ota, Proadpran Punyabukkana:
Effects of bilateral problem-based learning program for engineering students: Case of a joint course with Japan and Thailand. 1-9 - Sasha Nikolic, Mark J. W. Lee:
Special session: Exploring learning opportunities in engineering education using 2D, 3D and immersive video augmented online technologies. 1-2 - Rocio C. Chavela Guerra, Karl A. Smith:
I-Corps™ for Learning: Sustaining and scaling STEM education innovations for impact. 1-2 - José Reginaldo Hughes Carvalho, Elaine Harada T. de Oliveira, Irene Andrea V. A. Carvalho:
STEM education program evaluation survey: A report of experience. 1-8 - Carrie J. McClelland, Jessica M. Smith, Nicole M. Smith:
Bringing corporate social responsibility into the petroleum engineering classroom. 1-5 - Elaine Venson, Rejane Maria da Costa Figueiredo, Wander C. M. Pereira da Silva, Luiz C. M. Ribeiro Jr.:
Academy-industry collaboration and the effects of the involvement of undergraduate students in real world activities. 1-8 - Samuel J. Dickerson, Steven P. Jacobs, Adrian Mikhail Garcia, David V. P. Sanchez:
Joint assessment and evaluation of senior design projects by faculty and industry. 1-7 - Gu-Min Jeong, Phuc Huu Truong, Tae-Yang Lee, Jin-Woo Choi, Miran Lee:
Course design for Internet of Things using Lab of Things of Microsoft Research. 1-6 - Elaine H. T. Oliveira, Horacio A. B. Fernandes de Oliveira, José Reginaldo Hughes Carvalho:
Generation of critical mass in education: An initiative to engagement. 1-7 - Kevin Hadley, Laura Beckmann, Kenneth J. Reid:
General strategy for development of teamwork skills. 1-7 - Adrienne Decker, Christopher A. Egert, Andrew M. Phelps:
Splat! er, shmup? A postmortem on a capstone production experience. 1-9 - Peter Jamieson, Lindsay D. Grace:
A framework to help analyze if creating a game to teach a learning objective is worth the work. 1-7 - Opeyemi Dele-Ajayi, Jonathan Sanderson, Rebecca Strachan, Alison Jane Pickard:
Learning mathematics through serious games: An engagement framework. 1-5 - Vadim Shmelev, Maria Karpova, Nikita Kogtikov, Alexey V. Dukhanov:
Students' development of information-seeking skills in a computer-aided quest. 1-4 - Mahnas Jean Mohammadi-Aragh, John E. Ball, Donna Jaison:
Using wavelets to categorize student attention patterns. 1-8 - Fatima Abu Deeb, Kristian Kime, Rebecca Torrey, Timothy J. Hickey:
Measuring and visualizing learning with Markov Models. 1-9 - Nicole P. Pitterson, Shane A. Brown, Keisha Ann Villanueva, Ann Sitomer:
Investigating current approaches to assessing teaching evaluation in engineering departments. 1-7 - Dragutin Petkovic, Marc Sosnick-Pérez, Kazunori Okada, Rainer Todtenhoefer, Shihong Huang, Nidhi Miglani, Arthur Vigil:
Using the random forest classifier to assess and predict student learning of Software Engineering Teamwork. 1-7 - Maria Lydia Fioravanti, Ellen Francine Barbosa:
A systematic mapping on pedagogical patterns. 1-9 - Ying Li:
Teaching programming based on Computational Thinking. 1-7 - Rivanilson S. Rodrigues, Wilkerson de L. Andrade, Lívia M. R. Sampaio Campos:
Can Computational Thinking help me? A quantitative study of its effects on education. 1-8 - Fredrik Heintz, Linda Mannila, Tommy Färnqvist:
A review of models for introducing computational thinking, computer science and computing in K-12 education. 1-9 - Mario Manso Vázquez, Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez, Martín Llamas Nistal:
Tracking and visualizing time management for Self-Regulated Learners. 1-5 - Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez, Martín Llamas Nistal, Fernando A. Mikic-Fonte:
Introducing BeA into Self-Regulated Learning to provide Formative Assessment support. 1-4 - Carlos Nascimento Silla Jr., Andre L. Przybysz, Wellington V. Leal:
Music education meets computer science and engineering education. 1-7 - Carla Poindexter, Debra Reinhart, Bonnie Swan, Victoria McNeil:
The University of Central Florida STEAM program: Where engineering education and Art Meet. 1-7 - Jamie Kennedy, Erica Lee, Adam K. Fontecchio:
STEAM approach by integrating the arts and STEM through origami in K-12. 1-5 - Andreas Spanias, Mahesh K. Banavar, Henry Braun, Photini Spanias, Yongpeng Zhang:
Development of course modules for multidisciplinary STEM education. 1-5 - Pedro Plaza Merino, Elio Sancristobal Ruiz, Germán Carro Fernandez, Manuel Castro Gil:
Robotic Educational Tool to engage students on Engineering. 1-4 - Wajid Hussain, M. F. Addas, Fong Mak:
Quality improvement with automated engineering program evaluations using performance indicators based on Bloom's 3 domains. 1-9 - Björn Þór Jónsson, Marta Kristín Lárusdóttir, Mats Daniels, Alison Clear, Tony Clear, Roger McDermott:
Aligning Quality Assurance at the course unit and educational program levels. 1-9 - William Lasher, Russell L. Warley, Jonathan Meckley:
A framework for a simple and effective assessment and CQI process. 1-5 - Felipe R. Monteiro, Phillipe A. Pereira, Lucas C. Cordeiro, Cicero Ferreira Fernandes Costa Filho, Marly Guimarães Fernandes Costa:
Complementary training programme for electrical and computer engineering students through an industrial-academic collaboration. 1-9 - Hermes E. Calderon, Ramon Vasquez, Diego Fernando Gutierrez Aponte, Maritza Del Valle:
Successful accreditation of the Electrical Engineering Program offered in two campuses at Caribbean University. 1-6 - Jennifer Karlin, Cheryl Allendoerfer, Rebecca Bates, Dan Ewert, Ron Ulseth:
Credentialing in the CSET education change process. 1-5 - José A. Ruipérez-Valiente, Pedro J. Muñoz Merino, Carlos Delgado Kloos:
An analysis of the use of badges in an educational experiment. 1-8 - S. K. Gupta, Joshua Earnest:
Engineering Diploma Curriculum NITTTR-MSBTE Model 2016. 1-5 - Jens Bennedsen, Siegfried Rouvrais:
Finding good friends to learn from and to inspire. 1-8 - Oai Ha, Shane A. Brown:
A factor analysis of Statics Concept Inventory data from practicing civil engineers. 1-4 - Scott C. Streiner, Mary Besterfield-Sacre, Sam Donovan:
Using simulation and structured group work to address statistical misconceptions. 1-7 - Swaroop Joshi, Neelam Soundarajan:
Enabling deep conceptual learning in computing courses through conflict-based collaborative learning. 1-9 - Steven Y. Nozaki, Sheryl A. Sorby, Nancy E. Study, Heidi M. Steinhauer, Mary Sadowski, Ronald Miller:
The development of a concept inventory for engineering graphics. 1-4 - Waterloo Tsutsui, Michael C. Loui:
The impact of supervised homework sessions and SAT-Math scores on academic performance in an advanced undergraduate course. 1-8 - Stephanie Cutler, Thomas Litzinger, Sarah E. Zappe, Michael Alley:
Innovation t-ball: Everybody wins!! 1-2 - John Impagliazzo, Susan Conry, Eric Durant, Joseph L. Hughes, Russ Meier:
Launching curricular guidelines for computer engineering: CE2016. 1-4 - Rebecca Ligrani, Irena Gorski, Sarah C. Ritter, Khanjan Mehta:
PubHub: A web-based compendium to catalyze undergraduate research publication. 1-8 - Brian E. Moyer:
What do first-year engineers and others consider cheating? 1-6 - Andrew C. Scott, Scott Barlowe:
How software works: Computational thinking and ethics before CS1. 1-9 - Daniel W. Knight, Nathan E. Canney, Angela R. Bielefeldt, Christopher Swan:
Macroethics instruction in co-curricular settings: The development and results of a national survey. 1-4 - Megan Kenny Feister, Carla B. Zoltowski, Patrice M. Buzzanell, David Torres:
A communicative approach to exploring the development of ethical team processes over time. 1-4 - Cheryl A. Bodnar, Renee M. Clark, Jesse Davis, Tom Congedo, Daniel Cole:
Student perspectives on application of game-based learning within a graduate-level engineering course. 1-5 - Murilo Rocha Regalado, Eduardo Aranha, Thiago Reis da Silva:
Gamifying an online approach for promoting game development Learning and contest: An experience report. 1-8 - Eunsik Kim, Ling Rothrock, Andris Freivalds:
The effects of Gamification on engineering lab activities. 1-6 - R. B. Kuriakose:
Freshman engineering student perceptions of academic feedback - a case study from Digital Systems 1. 1-6 - Jorge Luis Restrepo Ochoa, Jaime Leonardo Barbosa Perez, Julian Arenas Berrio:
Student acceptance and performance of a virtual platform for training and evaluation of Statics course. 1-6 - Heidi A. Diefes-Dux:
Student reflections on standards-based graded assignments. 1-5 - Adrienne Decker, David Simkins:
Uncovering difficulties in learning for the intermediate programmer. 1-8 - Axel Böttcher, Veronika Thurner, Kathrin Schlierkamp, Daniela Zehetmeier:
Debugging students' debugging process. 1-7 - Parham Aarabi, Narges Norouzi, Jack Wu, Michael Spears:
7 surprising lessons learned from teaching iOS programming to 30, 000+ MOOC students. 1-4 - David Simkins, Adrienne Decker:
Examining the intermediate programmers understanding of the learning process. 1-4 - Yonglei Tao, Jagadeesh Nandigam:
Programming case studies as context for active learning activities in the classroom. 1-4 - Christopher Golubski:
Using inquiry-based learning in engineering statistics courses. 1-3 - Walter M. Stroup, Christopher Golubski:
Implementing schema-based assessment in engineering statistics courses. 1-3 - Maria Emilia Bigotte, Anabela Gomes, Joao Ricardo Branco, Teresa Pessoa:
The influence of educational learning paths in academic success of mathematics in engineering undergraduate. 1-6 - M. Rosa Estela Carbonell, Pedro Díez:
Internet-based tutorial providing mathematical complements for technical Master students: TIMEMathCom. 1-5 - Henry Griffith, Angela Griffith:
A dynamic learning model for accelerated pre-matriculation mathematics programs: A work-in-progress. 1-3 - Maria Karpova, Vadim Shmelev, Alexey V. Dukhanov:
Information resource based on scientific software as a core of interdisciplinary learning resources. 1-5